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sonally acquainted. He on that night constitutional way of going to work. stated, that personal visits had been Here we are on a rock of adamant; made to a number of families, within here we speak to the nation in clear twenty miles of his residence, contain- and intelligible language. The exing fifty thousand persons; that these penders of our money will find, that persons were employed in the manu- they are not to carry on the concern as facture of silks, of woollen, and of cot- they hitherto have done. ton; and he on that occasion had stated that, so far as regarded those employed in the manufacture of cotton, he could, of his own knowledge, declare that they were in the main correct, and substantially true.

Dr. BALDWIN said that his constituents would not permit him to vote for any supply of money to the Government to aid them in the establishment of martial law in Ireland. He must, therefore, vote for the amendment.

An hon. Member stated that within a circle of ten miles round Manchester the labouring population were as comfortable as ever they had been. (Hear). An hon. Member on the opposition side of the House declared that he had never seen so much distress in his life amongst the labouring classes as within the last two years. The people in his neighbourhood were working on the lowest possible wages. sugar would be a great relief to the lower classes.



Monday, 4. March.

Sir J. WROTTESLEY bore witness to the great feeling which pervaded all parts of this country on the subject of clerical residence. He hoped that that House would take the matter into its speedy consideration, and compel the incumbents to reside in their several benefices. (Hear, hear). The subject of complaint was not a new one; and the renedy lay in the repeal of an odious and impolitic act passed about thirty years ago. By this act the laws of Henry VIII. requiring, upon pain of certain penalties, the residence of clergymen in The tax off their several incumbencies, were abrogated; and that the power of enforc ing that residence was placed in the hands of the bishops, who, he hoped used it well; but who, he would add, it could not be expected would be entirely divested of those kind feelings for friends and partialities for relations which might some how or other interfere with its operation. (Hear). He would not detain the House longer. He would only repeat the substanee of his observations, that those who paid the clergy-the parishioners, should have at the least, in common justice, the power of enforcing their residence among them. (Hear).

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Mr. HUME hoped the hon. Member would not persist with his amendment. On the bringing up of the report he would have a better opportunity, in a fuller house, of discussing the question. Mr. RUTHVEN persisted in his amendment, and the gallery was cleared for a division, when there appeared

For the amendment






Against it Majority The resolution was then agreed to. The remaining resolutions were also agreed to, and the House having resumed, the report was ordered to be brought up on Thursday.

The people of England are greatly indebted to Mr. RUTHVEN (Mr. O'Connell's colleague for Dublin), for his conduct upon this occasion. This is the

Mr. COBBETT: I have not been inat tentive to the operation of this act alluded to by the hon. Baronet, nor have I been heedless of his observations. But I will take the credit to myself to say, that I anticipated him long since; for when that act was passed, I said that in a few years it would destroy the church of England. (Hear, hear). This

the public. Indeed, if I wanted a good jobber to go to fairs or markets for me-to buy sheep or to become a pig-poker, I would employ a parson in preference to any other, and I would back him against the world. (Laughter, and hear). From a review of all these circumstances, I have come to the conclusion that the church of England may, without injury to its stability, be made to maintain itself, and not be dependent upon others. (Hear.) I have seen a church of England in America so supported and I have known its pastors to receive from their several congregations seldom less than 400l. a-year. Is it likely that they would be worse paid in England, if similarly circumstanced? And I know from my own knowledge that these clergymen are much more respected than their brethren in this country. I will also add, that I think the church will never be pure, and consequently never beloved, till the whole system of tithing and clerical extortion is done away with for ever. (Hear, hear).

act was brought in by Sir William Scott, any worldly calling. Since they have the then member for the University of taken to trafficking, they have sunk Oxford; and the intention of intro- very much indeed in the estimation of ducing it to the House was to quash a number of actions then pending against the clergy in various parts of England and Wales, for non-residence, under the 23. of Henry VIII. I shall have a motion shortly before this House calling for the return of the exact number of actions so quashed by this law; which, I will add, was in my opinion the most unjust one ever passed in this world. (Hear). I am a friend of the established church; that I am so, indeed, I need not say myself, for very fortunately I have the certificate of the Bishop of Salisbury to that effect. (Laughter). In 1813 the worthy Bishop published a pamphlet, in which he said there was not a layman in England who was a friend to the established church; but in the second edition of that pamphlet he begged my pardon, and added, in a note, that I was the only lay friend of the establishment in the country. (Laughter, and hear). After this, I am sure I need not profess my regard for the established church, while I have the certificate of a bishop to do so for me. (A laugh). This act, alluded to by the hon. Baronet, it was which also repealed the 13. of Elizabeth, whereby the clergy of the established church were prevented from renting farms in their several benefices, and also from trafficking. (Laughter). It was passed, I believe, when the hon. Baronet was himself in the House.

Sir J. WROTTESLEY, we understood to say across the table, did not at that time perceive the effects which have since resulted from it.

Mr. COBBETT: He did not perceive the effects of it, he says; very likely. The bishops did not perceive the effects of it either, or if they did they did not choose to reveal their perception; and those effects have been that out of 10,000 benefices in this kingdom, there are only 4,000 resident incumbents at this moment. (Hear). Another evil effect of this act was the degradation it entailed on the clergy, by taking away the restraints laid on their pursuit of

Mr. METHUEN said that he believed the inhabitants of Wales placed the greatest confidence in his Majesty's Ministers in looking for those changes that were necessary in the established church.

Mr. ESTCOURT complained of the manner in which the hon. Member had treated this subject. He had completely given the go-bye to the statements of the petition, and had introduced another subject not at all before the House. The hon. Member would have it believed, that although there were 10,000 livings in England, there were only 4,000 resident clergymen. (Cries of No, no). It was true, that in repeating that statement, the hon. Member had said 4,000 incumbents. Now, he (Mr. Estcourt) was not prepared to make any specific statement to the House at this moment in contradiction to that; but he appealed to every gentleman present, whether his knowledge of the number of parishes in the country without resi


dent clergymen, would at all bear out any body but the representative of the that representation? Could any hon. body of the clergy of England. (LaughMember believe that there was a majo- ter). He took upon himself to contrarity of parishes without a resident cler-dict facts; for I stated facts. (Hear). gyman. The statement was too prepos-I stated, that out of 10,000 and odd terous to be credited for a moment. He livings in the church of England, in (Mr. E.) knew nany parishes in which England and Wales, there were only there had been no fit residence for a 4,000 and odd, I could not speak to a clergyman, but in which provision had fraction, resident incumbents. I stated been made for the reception and com- yesterday, that on about 10,000 benefices fort of one, and this was going on in England and Wales, there were only everywhere at the present moment. something like 4,000 resident incumThe hon. Member had said that the bents. Here are the returns laid before bench of bishops had given such a the House; and if there would have construction to the act of Parliament as been apology for my ignorance with had promoted non-residence. That he respect to them, there is none for (Mr. E.) denied. On the contrary, they that of the honourable Baronet, who wished to promote residence; and were was a Member of this House, when doing every thing in their power to ef- they were ordered. What do these returns fect it. In conclusion, the hon. Mem-state? They state that in 1827, the first ber said, that if the hon. Member for year at which they begin, there were Oldham would put his proposition in 10,533 benefices-not parishes, but besuch a shape as to enable himself, or nefices, which very frequently consist of those more competent to do so, to fair- more than one parish; and that out of ly grapple with it, he was satisfied that these 10,533, there were only 4,413 reit would be found to be altogether un-sident incumbents in their incumbenfounded. (Hear, hear.) The hon. Mem-cies. For the year 1828 we have no reber was fond of indulging in a strain turn; but for 1829, out of the same which went to tarnish the character of a worthy and exemplary body of men.

Wednesday, 6. March.

Mr. VIGORS presented a petition from the parish of Kilderry, in Carlow, against tithes, and bore testimony to the respectability of the signatures attached to it.

Mr. BLACKNEY said, he had known in his own parish the poor man's pig, and the poor woman's pot, taken away for tithes, and he was satisfied that nothing could relieve Ireland-no measure which his Majesty's Ministers might propose, would satisfy the people until they had a total abolition of tithes. (Hear).

number of benefices, we have 4,516 residents. In the diocese of Winchester there were (The hon. Member's statement escaped us here). In Lincoln, there were 1,753 benefices, and only 503 residents; and in the diocese of Norwich 1,076, and only 360 residents. There is the return, the hon. Member may look at it if he pleases. I observed on a former occasion, also, that there were in England and Wales upwards of 200 parishes having no church; I now find, by these returns, that there are 254, and not a church among them all, nor a solitary place where worship can be celebrated, and where, consequently, the inhabitants cannot observe the Mr. COBBETT here rose and said: In Lord's day, though the prayers of all expressing my hearty concurrence in the petitions presented to the House to the prayer of this petition, I'must, if that effect should be acceded to. (Hear, the House will allow me, notice a sort hear). And yet in every one of these of calling to account which I had to parishes, so circumstanced, I cannot experience recently from the hon. find that the incumbents relinquished a Member for the University of Oxford, single penny of their tithes; on the in a tone and manner which, indeed, contrary, they have always exacted was not unbecoming in that hon. Mem-them, even with increased rigour to the ber, but which it would have been in last farthing. I stated, on that occa

sion, too, that there were about 1,500 total number of resident clergymen were parsonage-houses, which, despite of the about 8,000. But there were many of positive laws to the contrary, were neg- the clergy who, by their exemplary lected and left to go to ruin by the in- conduct, attracted the notice of their curnbent. I now, however, find that I diocesan, and were promoted to stalls, misstated, for this return shows me or received preferment of a similar nathat there are 1729 benefices where the ture. Clergymen who filled such ap parsonage-houses have been suffered to pointments were compelled to be resigo to decay; where the clergy set all dent for a length of time in the imme→ the laws at defiance, and not only not diate neighbourhood of such appoint reside on the benefices themselves, but ments; and it was no uncommon thing prevent the possibility, by this means, for those very persons to place on their of others residing there after them. parishes a resident curate, doing only a portion of the duty themselves. But those persons, employing such resident curates, were returned as non-resident, which he would take leave to state was not the fact.

Mr. ESTCOURT did not mean to dispute the accuracy of the statements made by the hon. Member for Oldham, but he apprehended that he had not put them in a light that was altogether fair. If he understood the hon. Member correctly, he had stated there were only 4,500 resident incumbents out of 10,000 benefices. Now he (Mr. E.) supposed that these so called resident incumbents were incumbents residing in parsonage houses. He apprehended, however, that there was another column in the returns giving the number of incumbents resident in the several parishes, though not resident in the parsonage-houses.

Mr. COBBETT-No, no.





"Now, son of man, wilt thou judge the "bloody city? Then say thou, Thus saith the "Lord God: The city sheddeth blood in the Mr. ESCOURT said, he was not aware" midst of it: therefore have I made it a rethen of the returns to which the hon. "proach to all the heathen, and a mocking Member had referred. The last re"to all countries. Those that be near thee, "and those that be far from thee, shall mock turns that he (Mr. Estcourt) had seen "thee, which art infamous. In thee have were those of 1816; and from those it" they dealt by oppression with the stranger, appeared that the number of benefices" and have vexed the fatherless and the widow. was 10,300. Now, towards this num"Behold, the princes of Israel, every one ber there were 3,798 resident in the "were in thee to their power to shed blood. "In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood: parsonage-houses, and 1,990 in addi- thou hast taken usury and increase, and tion, resident in the parishes; thus" hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by making a total of 5,700. Besides these "extortion: behold therefore, I have smitten there were 1,900 curates who resided my hand at thy dishonest gain, and at thy and did duty; thus making up the thee; and I will scatter thee among the "blood, which has been in the midst of number 7,700. In addition to this, he "heathen, and disperse thee in the countries; found that there were 277 presentations "and thou shalt take thine inheritance in to new livings in the course of that year. chap. xxii. ver. 2 to 15. "thyself in the sight of the nation."-EZEKIEL, Of course, these were put down in the returns as non-residents, because the elder clergyman had not resided, as it was obvious he could not throughout the year. If these then were deducted, and they evidently should be, for the clergyman last presented succeeded in his residence the clergyman whom he followed; the


Of all the days set apart by CHRISTIANS, to be observed with special marks of solemnity, this has ever been distinguished from the rest as meriting more than ordinary proofs of their gra titude towards God; this being the an niversary of that day on which the blas

time, a scourge to every country that has had the weakness and the wicked. ness to encourage any thing approaching towards fellowship with this scattered and wandering and greedy race.

phemous inhabitants of the "bloody city" put the Author of Christianity to the most cruel of deaths. On this day, therefore we are called upon to show this gratitude, not so much by the putting on of mourning, by the desisting The offence of OUR SAVIOUR was, not from wordly occupations, or by any his proclaiming himself the King of the other outward signs of woe, as by re- Jews, as was falsely alleged, but his flecting, and communicating to each going into the TEMPLE, and overturning other our reflection, on the transactions the tables of the money-changers, sayof the day; on their effects with regarding, "It is written, My house shall be a to ourselves; on the obligations which" house of prayer, but you have made those effects impose upon us; and on "it a den of thieves." This was his real the awful consequences of our disre-offence, in the eyes of this people, garding those obligations. whom God had, by the prophets, de

As to the transactions of the day, they nounced, on account of their crafty and consisted of a savage murder, commit- merciless extortions and oppressions. ted after long premeditation; effected" Thou hast taken usury and increase, by hypocrisy and bribery and perjury;" and hast greedily gained of thy neighaccompanied with scorn and mockery" bours by extortion." (Ezekiel, chap. of the innocent sufferer; and proceeding xxii. v. 12.) This was his offence in from motives the basest and blackest the eyes of the Jews, who when they that ever disgraced the hearts of even that reprobate people whom God, by the mouths of the prophets, has appropriately denominated "filth, and dross, and scum," and whom he has doomed, as in the words of my text, to be "dispersed in the countries," and to have no inheritance except in their own bodies, on which also he has set his mark of reprobation, making them "a mocking to all countries."

The life of JESUS CHRIST had been one of unmixed goodness; of spotless innocence; of bright example. He went about healing the sick, comforting the afflicted, preaching patience, forgiveness of injuries, disinterestedness, charity, peace on earth, and good will amongst men; but, above all things, an abstaining from extortion, an abstaining from oppression of the poor, the father less, and the widow. But, alas! this was the very thing which gave offence to a people who were living in all the filthiness of" usury and increase ;" and who, though themselves the slaves of a Roman despot, who had absolute power over their purses, seem to have had no passion other than that for accumulating money; a passion which has come down, unimpaired, to their descendants, who, while they have been “a mocking to all countries," have been, at the same

heard him (Luke, chap. vi. ver. 35) give the precept," Lend, hoping for nothing thereby ;" that is, for no gain on the loan; when they heard him preach doctrine like this, they instantly began to conspire against his life. For what of fence could they take at his calling himself their king, even if he had done that? Their country was conquered; they were the slaves of a deputy despot from Rome; they had no notions of allegiance, of independence, of civil or political rights; they were, as the prophets had so clearly foretold they would be, " trampled on by the heathen," and were "the captives of the ungodly." They were a mass of contented slaves of those who worshipped JUPITER and MARS. They cared nothing about who was their king, who gave them laws, or to whom they paid tribute, so that they were but permitted to carry on their nefarious practices of usury and and extortion; and it is truly surprising how closely this character has adhered to them to the present day, there not being one single instance on record in which they have not, when the occasion offered, been the unwilling instruments of op pressors and tyrants, if those oppressors and tyrants gave free scope to their extortions.

Therefore, the offence committed

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