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must see that the other states, in self-defence, | the state. No act of violent opposition to the must oppose at all hazards.

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laws has yet been committed, but such a state of things is hourly apprehended, and it is the intent of this instrument to proclaim, not only that the duty imposed on me by the constitution, "to take care that the laws be faithfully executed," shall be performed to the extent of the powers already vested in me by law, or of such others as the wisdom of Congress shall devise and intrust to me for that purpose; but to warn the citizens of South Carolina, who have been deluded into an opposition to the laws, of the danger they will incur by obedieuce to the illegal and disorganizing ordinance of the convention-to exhort those who have refused to support it to persevere in their determination to uphold the consitution and laws of their country-and to point out to all the perilous situation into which the good people of that state have been led, and that the course they are urged to pursue is one of ruin and disgrace to the very state whose rights they affect to support.


These are the alternatives that are presented by the convention. A repeal of all the acts for raising the revenue, leaving the Go- | vernment without the means of support; or an acquiescence in the dissolution of our Union | by the secession of one of its members. When the first was proposed, it was known that it could not be listened to for a moment. It was known, if force was applied to oppose the execution of the laws, that it must be repelled by force that Congress could not, without involving itself in disgrace and the country in ruin, accede to the proposition; and yet, if this is not done in a given day, or if any attempt is made to execute the laws, the state is, by the ordinance, declared to be out of the Union. The majority of a convention assembled for the purpose have dictated these terms, or rather this rejection of all terms, in the name of the people of South Carolina. It is true that the governor of the state speaks of the submission of their grievances to a con- Fellow-citizens of my native state! vention of all the states, which, he says, they me not only admonish you, as the first magissincerely and anxiously seek and desire." trate of our common country, not to incur the Yet this obvious and constitutional mode of penalty of its laws; but use the influence that obtaining the sense of the other states on the a father would over his children whom he saw construction of the federal compact, and rushing to certain ruin. In that paternal amending it, if necessary, has never been language-with that paternal feeling let me attempted by those who have urged the state tell you, my countrymen, that you are deluded on to this destructive measure. The state by men who are either deluded themselves, or might have proposed to call for a general wish to deceive you. Mark under what preconvention to the other states; and Congress, tences you have been led on to the brink of if a sufficient number of them concurred, must insurrection and treason, on which you stand! have called it. But the first magistrate of First, a diminution of the value of your staple South Carolina, when he expressed a hope commodity, lowered by over production in that, on a review by Congress and the func-other quarters, and the consequent diminution tionaries of the general Government of the in the value of your lands, were the sole effect merits of the controversy," such a convention of the tariff-laws. The effects of those laws will be accorded to them, must have known are confessedly injurious; but the evil was that neither Congress nor any functionary of greatly exaggerated by the unfounded theory the general Government has authority to call you were taught to believe-that its burdens such a convention, unless it be demanded by were in proportion to your exports, not to your two-thirds of the states. This suggestion, consumption of imported articles. Your pride then, is another instance of the reckless in- was roused by the assertion, that a submission attention to the provisions of the constitution to those laws was a state of vassalage, and with which this crisis has been madly hurried that resistance to them was equal, in patriolic on; or of the attempt to persuade the people merit, to the opposition our fathers offered to that a constitutional remedy had been sought the oppressive laws of Great Britain. You and refused. If the legislature of South were told that this opposition might be peaceCarolina" anxiously desire a general con-ably-might be constitutionally made; that vention to consider their complaints, why have you might enjoy all the advantages of the they not made application for it in the way the Union, and bear noue of its burdens. constitution points out? The assertion that Eloquent appeals to your passions, to your they earnestly seek "it, is completely nega-state pride, to your native courage, to your tived by the omission. seuse of real injury, were used to prepare you This, then, is the position in which we for the period when the mask which concealed stand. A small majority of the citizens of one the hideous features of DISUNION should be state in the Union have elected delegates to a taken off. It fell, and you were made to look state convention; that convention has ordain-with complacency on objects which, not long ed, that all the revenue laws of the United since, you would have regarded with horror. States must he repealed, or that they are no Look back at the arts which have brought longer a member of the Union. The governor you to this state-look forward to the conseof that state has recommended to the legisla-quences to which it must inevitably lead! ture the raising of an army to carry the seces-Look back to what was first told you as an sion into effect, and that he may be empower-inducement to enter into this dangerous ed to give clearances to vessels in the name of course. The great political truth was re

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peated to you, that you had the revolutionary uniting in one bond of common interest and right of resisting all laws that were palpably general protection so many different states, unconstitutional and intolerably oppressive: giving to all their inhabitants the proud title it was added that the right to nullify a law of AMERICAN CITIZENS, protecting their comrested on the same principle, but that it was a merce, securing their literature and their arts, peaceable remedy! This character which facilitating their inter-communication, dewas given to it made you receive, with too fending their frontiers, and making their much confidence, the assertions that were name respected in the remotest parts of the made of the unconstitutionality of the law, earth! Consider the extent of its territory, and its oppressive effects. Mark, my fellow-its increasing and happy population! Its adcitizens, that, by the admission of your leaders, vance in arts, which render life agreeable, the unconstitutionality must be palpable, or it and the sciences, which elevate the mind! See will not justify either resistance or nullifica- education spreading the lights of religion, hution! What is the meaning of the word pal-manity, and general information into every pable, in the sense in which it is here used? cottage in the wide extent of our territories That which is apparent to everyone; that which and states! Behold it as the asylum where no man of ordinary intellect will fail to per- the wretched and the oppressed find a refuge ceive. Is the unconstitutionality of these and support! Look on this picture of happilaws of that description? Let those among ness and honour, aud say,- We, too, are citiyour leaders who orce approved and advocated zens of America. Carolina is one of these the principle of protective duties, answer the proud states: her arms have defended; her question; and let them choose whether they best blood has cemented this happy Union! will be considered as incapable, then, of per- And theu add, i' you can, without horror and ceiving that which must have been apparent remorse, this happy Union we will dissolve; to every man of common understanding, or this picture of peace and prosperity we will as imposing upon your confidence, and en-deface; this free intercourse we will interdeavouring to mislead you now. In either rupt; these fertile fields we will deluge with case, they are unsafe guides in the perilous blood; the protection of that glorious flag we path they urge you to tread. Ponder well on renounce; the very names of Americans we this circumstance, and you will know how to discard And for what, mistaken men! appreciate the exaggerated language they for what do you throw away these inestimable address to you. They are not champions of blessings; for what would you exchange your liberty, emulating the fame of our revolu- share in the advantages and honour of the tionary fathers; nor are you an oppressed Union? For the dream of a separate indepeople, contending, as they repeat to you, pendence-a dream interrupted by bloody against worse than colonial vassalage. You conflicts with your neighbours, and a vile are free members of a flourishing and happy dependence on a foreign power. If your Union. There is no settled design to oppress leaders could succeed in establishing a sepayou. You have indeed felt the unequal opera- ration, what would be your situation? tion of laws which may have been unwisely, you united at home? are you free from the not unconstitutionally, passed; but that in-apprehension of civil discord, with all its fearequality must necessarily be removed. At the ful consequences? Do our neighbouring revery moment when you were madly urged on publics, every day suffering some new revoto the unfortunate course you have begun, a lution, or contending with some new insurchange in public opinion had commenced. rection-do they excite your envy? But the The nearly approaching payment of the pub- dictates of a high duty oblige me solemnly to lic debt, and the consequent necessity of a announce that you cannot succeed. diminution of duties, had already produced a considerable reduction, and that too on some articles of general consumption in your state. The importance of this change was understood, and you were authoritatively told, that no further alleviation of your burdens was to be expected, at the very time when the condition of the country imperiously demanded such a modification of the duties as should reduce them to a just and equitable scale. But, as if apprehensive of the effect of this change in allaying your discontents, you were precipitated into the fearful state in which you now find yourselves.

I have urged you to look back to the means that were used to hurry you on to the position you have now assumed, and forward to the consequences it will produce. Something more is necessary. Contemplate the condition of that country of which you still form an important part! Consider its government,


The laws of the United States must be executed-I have no discretionary power on the subject-my duty is emphatically pronounced in the constitution. Those who told you that you might peaceably prevent their execution, deceived you-they could not have been deceived themselves. They know that a forcible opposition could alone prevent the execution of the laws, and they know that such opposition must be repelled. Their object is disunion; but be not deceived by names; disunion, by armed force, is treason. Are you really ready to incur its guilt? If you are, on the heads of the instigators of the act be the dreadful consequences-on their heads be the dishonour, but on yours may fall the punishment-on your unhappy state will inevitably fall all the evils of the conflict you force upon the government of your country. It cannot accede to the mad project of disunion of which you would be the first victims-its first

magistrate cannot, if he would, avoid the per- | arrest, if possible, by moderate but firm mea formance of his duty-the consequence must sures, the necessity of a recourse to force; he fearful for you, distressing to your fellow- and, if it be the will of heaven that the recur citizens here, and to the friends of good gorence of its primeval curse on man for the vernment throughout the world. Its enemies shedding of a brother's blood should fall upon have beheld our prosperity with a vexatiou our land, that it be not called down by any they could not conceal-it was a standing re-offensive act on the part of the United States, futation of their slavish doctrines, and they Fellow-citizens!-The momentous case is will point to our discord with the triumph of before you. On your undivided support malignant joy. It is yet in your power to dis- your government depends the decision of the appoint them. There is yet time to show that great question it involves, whether your sacred the descendants of the Pinckneys, the Sump- Union will be preserved, and the blessing it ters, the Rutlidges; and of the thousand other secures to us as one people shall be per names which adorn the pages of your revolu- petuated. No one can doubt that the upationary history, will not abandon that Union, nimity with which that decision will be ex to support which so many of them fought, and pressed, will be such as to inspire new confi bled, and die. I adjure you as you honour dence in republican institutions, and that the their memory-as you love the cause of prudence, the wisdom, and the courage which freedom, to which they dedicated their lives-it will bring to their defence, will transmit as you prize the peace of your country, the them unimpaired and invigorated to our lives of its best citizens, and your own fair children. fame-to retrace your steps. Snatch from the archives of your state the disorganizing edict of its convention; bid its members to re-assemble and promulgate the decided expressions of your will to remain in the path which alone can conduct you to safety, prosperity, and honour; tell them that, compared to disunion, all other evils are light, because that brings with it an accumulation of all; declare that you will never take the field unless the star-spangled banner of your country shall float over you; that you will not be stigmatized when dead, and dishonoured and In testimony whereof, I have caused the scorned while you live, as the authors of the seal of the United States to be hereunto first attack on the constitution of your coun-affixed, having signed the same with my hand.

try! Its destroyers you cannot be. You may disturb its peace; you may interrupt the course of its prosperity; you may cloud its reputation for stability; but its tranquility will be restored, its prosperity will return, and the stain upon its national character will be transferred, aud remain an eternal blot on the memory of those who caused the disorder.

May the Great Ruler of nations grant that the signal blessings with which he has fa voured ours, may not, by the madness of party or personal ambition, be disregarded or lost; and may his wise providence bring those who have produced this crisis, to see the folly, be fore they feel the misery of civil strife; and inspire a returning veneration for the Union, which, if we may dare to penetrate his designs, he has chosen as the only means of attaining the high destinies to which we may reasonably aspire.

Done at the City of Washington this 10.
day of December, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-two, and of the independence of
the United States the fifty-seventh.

By the President.
EDW. LIVINGSTON, Secretary of State.


(From the True Sun of the 19. Jan.) CRIMINAL INFORMATION. EX-PARTE COBBETT, ESQ.

Fellow-citizens of the United States! The threat of unhallowed disunion-the names of those, once respected, by whom it is utteredthe array of military force to support it-denote the approach of a crisis in our affairs on which the continuance of our unexampled prosperity, or political existence, and perhaps that of all free governments may depend. The conjuncture demanded a free, a full, and ex- Mr. COBBETT, jun, on behalf of his father, plicit enunciation, not only of my intentions William Cobbett, Esq., M.P. for Oldham, ap but of my principles of action; and as the plied to the Court for a rule nisi, for a crimi claim was asserted of a right by a state to nal information against Edward Baynes, sen annul the laws of the Union, and even to se- and also Edward Baynes, jun., proprietors and cede from it at pleasure, a frank exposition of publishers, of a newspaper called the Leeds. my opinions in relation to the origin and Mercury. The libel appeared in that paper form of our government, and the construction of the 12. of January, and was headed" Cob I give to the instrument by which it was bett's Qualifications." It was couched in the created, seemed to be proper. Having the shape of two questions. First, whether an fullest confidence in the justness of the legal uncertificated bankrupt could take his seat in and constitutional opinion of my duties which Parliament; and the second related to the has been expressed, rely with equal confi- lending Mr. Cobbett an estate, in order to dence on your undivided support in my de- give him a colourable qualification; termination to execute the laws--to preserve answer to the queries was required from legal the Union by all constitutional means-to friends.

and an

Lord Chief Justice-There was some allu- or by crook, from being settled in any sion to a statement which had appeared in the place, except one of its prisons, for any Globe newspaper. Mr. Cobbett-There was: but he was not considerable length of time. instructed that any statement on the subject had appeared in the Globe.

Mr. Cobbett and his attorney made affidavits denying the truth of the charges in the libel, and Mr. Cobbett for himself stated that in July, 1820, he had through misfortune been made bankrupt, but that he had surrendered, and in all respects complied with the legal obligations imposed on persons in that situation, and had obtained his certificate, and that the charges of being au uncertificated bankrupt, and about his requiring an estate were false. He did not know that he need read the whole of the affidavit; but Mr. Cobbett, in conclusion, swore to his belief that the libel was published from malicious motives, and also to his belief as to the proprietorship of the paper.-Rule granted.


Since, however, it, in a lucky hour, had the wisdom to pass PEEL'S BILL, it has been rather less rummaging; though it certainly meant well towards me in the year 1831. I have, however, been suffered to remain long enough at KENSINGTON to bring the seeds of a good many plants to what I deem perfection, and others nearly to that state; and Í have taken a little farm in Surrey, partly for the purpose of raising garden seeds upon a greater scale than I was able to do it at KENSINGTON; this year I have raised a considerable quantity of seeds, which I now offer for sale in the following manner, and on the following


It does not suit me to keep a seedI, some time ago, notified my inten-shop, and to retail seeds by the small tion of selling garden seeds this winter; quantity; but to make up packages, and I am now prepared to do it. Those each sufficient for a garden for the year, who have read my writings on AGRI-and to sell that package for a fixed sum CULTURE and GARDENING, and particu- of money. When I was driven to Long larly my ENGLISH GARDENER," Island by SIDMOUTH'S dungeon bill, will have perceived that I set forth, and when the Hampshire parsons and with much pains, the vast importance SIDMOUTH and CASTLEREAGH chuckled of being extremely careful with regard at the thought of my being gone to to the seeds which one sows: and, as mope away my life in melancholy, in to which matter, there are two things the United States; and when the fato be attended to; first, the genuineness mous traveller, Mr. FEARON, brought of the seeds; and next, as to their home word, that I was whiling away my soundness. The former is the more life in a dilapidated country house, the important point of the two; for it is a paths to which were over-run with great deal better to have no plants at thistles and brambles; when Mr. FEAall, than to have things come up, and, RON, that accurate observer, exclaimed, at the end of a month or two, to find in the language of his brother SoLothat you have got a parcel of stuff, not MON," Lo! it was all grown over with at all resembling that which you thought "thorns, and nettles covered the face you were about to have. Those who "thereof, and the post and rail fence have read my Gardening Book, chap. 4, "thereof was broken down;" when will want very little more to convince Mr. FEARON, in the fulness of his comthem of the importance of this matter. passion, was thus exclaiming, I, though I have always taken great delight in he found me in a pair of Yankee having perfect plants of every descrip- trousers not worth a groat, was pretion; but, to get into the way of raising paring to sell seeds in a house good and true garden seeds, requires at NEW YORK, for which I gave fourthat you be settled upon some sufficient teen hundred dollars a year. In short, space of ground for several successive I imported a great quantity of seeds years; and it has been my lot to live from London, which I sold principally under a Government, which, if you take in the following manner:

the liberty to differ from it in opinion,

has taken care to prevent you, by hook

I had little boxes made, into each of which I put a sufficiency of each sort of

seeds for a gentleman's garden for the they are all very pretty; and, even these year. The large seeds were in paper flower seeds alone, if purchased at a bags, and the smaller seeds in papers. seedsman's, would come, and ought to In the box along with the seeds, I put come, to pretty nearly one half of the a printed paper containing a list of the money which I charge for the whole. names of the several seeds, and against Of some of the sorts of seeds the pureach name the number, from numbers chaser will think the quantity small; one to the end then, there were cor- and, of these the cauliflower is one; responding numbers marked upon the but, it must be a thundering garden that bags and the parcels. So that, to know requires more than three hundred caulithe sort of seed, the purchaser had no-flower plants; and, if carefully sowed, thing to do but to look at the numbers on the parcels and then to look at the list. Many of these boxes of seeds went as far as LowER CANADA to the north, and into the FLORIDAS, to NEW ORLEANS, and even to the West India islands, to the south; and the net proceeds were amongst the means of enabling me to prance about the country; amongst the means of enabling me to lead a pleasant life; of enabling me to stretch my long arm across the Atlantic, and to keep up the thumping upon Cor-then they will not have half so much to ruption, which I did to some tune. pay as if they had to purchase the seeds of a seedsman.

I intend to dispose of my seeds in the same manner now, except that I shall use coarse linen bags instead of boxes. The several parcels of seeds will be put up either in paper bags or paper parcels; and a printed list with the names and numbers will be prepared; and, then, the parcels and the list will be put into the linen bag, and sewed up, and will be ready to be sent away to any person who may want it.

agreeably to the directions in my Gardening Book, the seed which I put up is more than sufficient for any gentleman's garden; and I will pledge myself for the Soundness of every individual seed. In the small bag, the quantity is in proportion to the price. Authors always want people to read their books; or, to purchase them at least. The reader will not, therefore, be surprised, that I most earnestly exhort all those who buy my seeds, to buy my book, too, and even

I have only one fear upon this occasion, and that is, that gentlemen's gardeners, who are in the habit of dealing with seedsmen, and who are apt to adhere too literally to that text of Scripture, which says that "he who soweth abundantly shall reap abundantly;" but, begging their pardon, this does not mean covering the ground with the seeds, which, though it may produce A bag for a considerable garden; a abundant reaping to the seedsman, is garden of the better part of an acre, far from having that tendency with reperhaps, will be sold for twenty-five gard to the crop. Thick sowing is, shillings; and for a smaller garden, indeed, injurious in three ways: first, for twelve shillings and sixpence. These it is a waste of seed and of money, of seeds, if bought at the shop of a seeds- which it is actually a flinging away of man, would come to more than three both second, it makes work in the times the money; and so they ought: thinning out of the plants: third, the for the seedsman has his expensive plants will never be so fine if they shop to keep; has his books to come up thick. Therefore, in my keep; has his credit to give, and has Gardening Book, chapter 4, beginning his seeds to purchase with his ready money. While, therefore, I have a right to proceed in my manner, he does nothing wrong. By the lists, which I publish below, the reader will perceive that, to the garden seeds I have added the seeds of several annual flowers. They are not of very rare kinds; but

at paragraph 85, I take very great pains to give instructions for thin sowing; and, if every one who cultivates a garden could see the regularity, the cleanness, and the beauty, of my seed beds, never should we again see a parcel of seeds flung promiscuously over the ground. It is probable, that three hun

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