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"to pass over his claims, and give it to Dr." Mr. Stanley are absolutely pledged against "Craigie, who has shown his gratitude for the ballot, and against church plunder. "the preference, by going early yesterday"Now we are as little iu the dark with res"morning and giving a plumper for Mr."pect to the views of Lord Durham, Lord "Blair! We happen to know the fact, from "John Russell, Lord Althorp, and Mr. Pou"being in the booth in George square at the "lett Thomson. They are pledged to support "moment when Dr. C. was manifesting the" the ballot upon certain conditions, and they "delicacy of his political feelings by the act "are absolutely committed to the support of "in question! After this, who will deny the" any scheme of church plunder that may be "impartiality of the present Ministers ?"

We could tell many a strange story of the singular felicity of oblivion which has been displayed towards deserving individuals of the northern part of the island, but it would do no good.



"produced. As to the Lords Goderich and "Palmerston, Mr. Charles Grant, and the "other omnibus Statesmen, nobody, we sup" pose, ever dreamed of asking them what "they mean to do, as everybody knows that "they will do that thing, whatever it is, that It is always an alarming symptom when a "promises to keep them in place.-Here, man is praised by his enemies. We are far then, is a complete and apparently irreconfrom entertaining a suspicion for one moment "cileable division between all the effective that his Lordship ever had any other than the members of the cabinet-between all who very best ends in view. But it is not enough "have any opinion of their own; a schism that a man's ends be good, he should go a "not upon any question of mere speculation straight road towards them. The praise just or trifling import, but a schism upon two now bestowed on his Lordship will soon, we "questions of pressing practical interest, and know, be followed by bitter invectives, when" of the very greatest magnitude. What is to it is found that his Lordship does not mean to "be done with these questions? they will be desert the cause of the people. That he cannot brought forward early in the session, and and will not we are as certain as we are of our "how will the Ministers deal with them? existence. In fact, what on earth could be a "divided Cabinet,' says the Times, no doubt, substitute to his Lordship for the hold which" as on the Catholic question, will solve the he has on the affections of the nation. Were" difficulty.' The precedent is auspicious, we he saturated with wealth and splendour, these "must allow, but, unluckily, Lord Brougham could not satisfy him. He could not live a cannot avail himself of it; he has said too year without public approbation. He must "much of divided Cabinets, of black keys live and move in the public regard and public "and white keys,' ever to sit in one without sympathy. We have no doubts-never had "infamy. Well, then, one of the parties any-[Something is omitted here.] We attri-"must back out.' We suspect, however, that bute all that has happened to an infirmity of "Lord Brougham is not likely to be the disposition which renders him dissatisfied" party." with less than the golden opinions of all sorts of men-a sort of voracity of fame.

His Lordship will assuredly disappoint the Tories; and then their fire will be opened against him, of which something like a threat is held out in the following passage, from an article in the Standard of yesterday, in auswer to another article in the Times:

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This is all very curious; very amusing; but of no real interest to the people, if the House of Commons be composed of any but very treacherous and despicable men. Nevertheless one cannot help observing on the way that the thing is "Fortunately, however, it so happens that working. Both factions see clearly, we need not appeal to any private informa- that, in spite of all their efforts in the "tion for proof of the existence of a division elections, they must unite against that "in the Cabinet, and of a division, too, which "must either rend it asunder, or spare it at body of men which will be found in the "the cost of utterly ruining the one section or House devoted to the interests of the "the other.-Lord Brougham and Mr. Stan-people; or that (and mark this) such "ley (we like to associate them, for they are, "we believe, the only two honourable men of

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changes must take place as will produce cheap Government, and cheap Government, this cheap Government is really and truly a breaking up of both the factions, and of so large a part of the aris

"the Cabinet, as they are unquestiouably the "only two able mea)-Lord Brougham and "Mr. Stanley have made no secret of their "views either on the question of the ballot or on the question of the church plunder. The "noble Lord has distinctly and very empha-tocracy that it must be quite terrific for "tically called the first a contrivance to them to think of. But, for the factions "make a man's whole life a lie;' and the to unite, is no easy matter. They will "other, a robbery of the tenth joint tenant not unite, they cannot unite, without getby his nine co-tenants.' Mr. Stanley, though ting rid of Lord GREY: the court, the "less sententiously, has avowed the same "views as eloquently and as explicitly. We high and indignant aristocracy, the "know, therefore, that Lord Brougham and church, are all afraid of him. Besides,

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it is he that has been the doer of the centuries. If he take the contrary deed; and he, on his part, cannot be at course; if he treat the complaints of the head of such union without covering the people with contumely or with himself with everlasting infamy. He neglect, he will soon find that his has done that for which he will never enemies will profit from the unpopube forgiven by the other faction, and by all that description of beings who prey upon the people. He cannot be at the head of such a union. Therefore the factions are looking out for a man to be at the head of it who yet shall have popularity; and they think that they have such a man in BROUGHAM, and a good back for him in STANLEY. Whatever

larity and hatred which will soon attach themselves to him; and that, as his renown might have been the greatest of which man can form an idea, so his disgrace will be great in proportion.



is nearly about the centre of Scotland. These APPLES were all grown in the orchard of Mr. HAMILTON of DALZELL and, though they have been at Glasgow, at sea, and lying in London unpacked (all put together) ever since the first of November, I think they could now chal

else they may think of the coming House of Commons, they know well IN fulfilment of my promise to my that there will be men in it to propose a London readers, I have now placed in cheap Government, which is a phrase my shop, at Bolt-Court, an ASSORTthat must become the distinctive appel-MENT OF APPLES which were grown lation of the part of the House here al-on the beautiful banks of the CLYDE, Juded to. Both factions will detest the which, the reader will please to observe, cheap-government men; and yet, without a union, they will not be able to oppose them for a day; and hence the desire for a union; and hence the plain overtures of the Tories to place BROUGHAM, backed by STANLEY, at the head of this union; and, I think it very likely, and I most as-lenge Covent-garden! I shall let these suredly wish it, that Lord GREY may see his danger soon enough; and may resolve, at once, and adhere to the resolution, to place himself at the head of the cheap-government men, and lay his foes prostrate at his feet. Thirty years ago I began to tell him, and I have been telling it him ever since, that, with the people at his back, he would be everything, and that, without them at his back, he would be nothing. The just and reasonable demands of the people will soon be made known to him let him listen patiently to those demands let him only tell the people that they shall have a patient hearing; let him convince them, that he is ready to do every thing that can be done for them consistent with the extent of his power, and with the preservation of the ancient constitution of the country; let him convince the people of this, and they will be patient; and let him and the Parliament be just, and the people patient, and his name will become the greatest that the world has heard of for


apples remain in my shop for eight or ten days, or more: and I have also placed there a DUNLOP-CHEESE, Dunlop being a village in AYRSHIRE, famous for the making of cheese; and, I have no scruple to say, that this cheese, which is about half-a-hundred weight, is, pound for pound, equal in quality to any cheese from Cheshire, Gloucestershire, or Wiltshire. There is nothing like seeing things with our own eyes: I cannot bring up Scotland itself, and exhibit it at Bolt-court, but I can exhibit these indubitable proofs of the goodness and productiveness of the soil of that country; and, of the virtue and sense of its people I have, in my Tour, put upon record proofs enough.

As I have, in different numbers of the Register, inserted the greater part of this TOUR; I now insert the following: the Title, Dedication, and Preface, to the Volume, which will t be published on Thursday next, the 10. instant. And thus I shall, as far as I am able, have done justice to a

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The publication of this Tour has been put off longer than I could have wished. I intended to put it to the press immediately on my return from Scotland to London, which return took place on the 23. November; but, upon my arrival in London, I found, that the Parliament would be dissolved in a week or ten days from that time; that

TO THE PEOPLE OF THE BOROUGH OF OLDHAM IN LANCASHIRE. MY FRIENDS, I beg you to receive this little book, the first that I have published since you did me the honour to choose me one of your representatives in the House of Commons; I beg you to accept of it, as a mark of the I must be compelled to go back to sincerity of my gratitude towards you, Lancashire at that time; and I found as a mark of my admiration of your so much business upon my hands, sense and of your public virtue; and, during the short space between my remoreover, I beg you to accept of it, as turn to London and the day of the discontaining a record of the patriotic solution of Parliament, that it would be sentiments of the people of Scotland, impossible for me to find time even for and of the approbation which they, be- the writing of this short preface, and for forehand, gave to that choice which attending to the sheets of the work as you have made. The old and sound they went through the press. maxim, with all oppressors, is, "Di- With regard to THE MATTER convide and oppress ; and, the oppres-tained in this little book, it consists, as sions which this kingdom (formerly the reader is already apprised, of a rethree kingdoms) has so long had to cord of my observations, made during endure, have, in a great measure, arisen the Tour described in the title-page; from the means which have been found and also a record of transactions, rather to act upon that crafty and malignant of a political nature, in which I myself maxim. These means have been af- was a principal actor. I have inserted forded by the prejudices; by the innu- the divers parts, according to the date. merable falsehoods (many of which have of the place and time, at which, and become proverbs), which have been when, they were first written. In giving sedulously propagated and perpetuated an account of the reception which I by those who found their own interest met with on my Tour, I have thought, in the oppressing of us. To be power- that justice to myself as well as to my ful and free; to be able to beat down friends required, that I should preserve all oppressors beneath our feet, cordial the several addresses presented to me, union amongst us all is the only thing without leaving out even the names wanted; but, to secure that happy union, which were signed to them. There we must first know one another well; and, can be no doubt that every one who that you may well know our brethren signed any one of these addresses will of Scotland; that you may well know be pleased to see his name thus rewhat they and their country are; that corded, more especially as he thus put the latter is by no means that which we down his name before the event which have hitherto thought it to be; and has lately taken place at OLDHAM. that they themselves are worthy of our

In some few instances I have made

small alterations, of a verbal nature, and have been of some importance that here and there I have enlarged my ob- these erroneous notions should be corservations and statements of facts; but, rected; but, in me, whose writings, I generally speaking, I have not found it might fairly presume, extended to necessary to make alterations or addi-every part of the civilized world, it tions in the part which was already became of very great importance; and written. I have made what I deem a it became my bounden duty to do that very interesting addition relative to justice, which I have endeavoured to the resources of the Highlands of Scot do in the following pages; and to land, and their comparative value with make, by a true statement of facts, desome parts of England; and this ad-rived from ocular proof, that atonement dition seemed to me to be necessary, in order to give my readers something like correct notions with regard to that part of the kingdom which has always been so greatly undervalued, not only by Englishmen, but by all the rest of the" was such a country! What monstrous world.

for past errors, which I have in these pages endeavoured to make.

From how many pairs of lips have I heard the exclamation: "Good God! "who would have thought that Scotland

"lies we have been told about that The MOTIVES to the making of this " country and people!" And, which publication, are, to communicate to has pleased me exceedingly, not one everybody, as far as I am able, correct man have I met with to whom the disnotions relative to Scotland; its soil; covery does not seem to have given deits products; its state, as to the well-light. If I had before wanted a motive being or ill-being of the people; but, to give further extension to my account above all things, it is my desire, to of Scotland, these exclamations would assist in doing justice to the character, have been motives sufficient for, they political as well as moral, public as well would have proved, that bare justice deas private, national as well as social, of manded that, which, by this publication, our brethren in that very much mis- I am now endeavouring to do. represented part of the kingdom. This Were it possible, that either this is a duty particularly incumbent upon statement of motives, or that any part me; for, though I never have carried of the work itself, could be, by even the my notions of the sterility and worth- most perverse of human beings, lessness of Scotland, and of the nig- ascribed to any desire on my part to gardly character of its inhabitants, to curry favour with the SCOTCH, or to the extent which many others have; any selfish desire whatsoever, were this though I have, in reprobating the con- only possible, I am afraid, that I should duct of the "booing" pro-consular not have had the courage to make this feelosofers, always made them an ex-statement; but, as this is completely ception to the people of Scotland; impossible, I make it as being the just though I have always done this, still, I could not prevent myself from imbibing, in some degree, the prejudices, which a long train of causes, beginning to operate nearly a thousand years ago, have implanted in minds of Englishmen; though I had intimately known, for many years, such great numbers of Scotchmen, for whom I had the greatest regards, still the prejudices, the false notions, lay lurking in my mind; and in spite of my desire always to do justice towards everybody, the injustice would slip out, even without my perceiving it. In any other man it would

due of the people of Scotland, for whose well-being, whose honour, whose prosperity, whose lasting peace and happiness, I have as great a regard as I have for the well-being, prosperity, and happiness of those who inhabit the spot where I myself was born. .

WM. COBBETT. London, 28, Dec. 1832.



tlemen, possessing more wealth, and ten thousand times more commercial and THE following letter from me to the moral character, than the whole of the Editor of the True Sun," has, I be- voters for THOMSON put together. It lieve, appeared in that paper. The in- is not within the compass of probability significance of Mr. POULETT THOMSON, that I myself shall ever again have any his feebleness and childishness, as a personal interest in the decision of an Minister, or as a servant of the King election at Manchester; and it was purely rather; his silly stuff about emigration the point of honour that made me proan 1 population and free trade; all these ceed so far as I did in the late contest, would make him wholly unworthy of I am not sorry for having done it, hownotice in this conspicuous manner; but, ever; for the part which I took served seeing that he is brought forward, in to drag out the PRIGS into the glare the manner which he has been, and of full day; and it brought produced to the public as a specimen of acquainted, more intimately than the men who are objects of respect and I should otherwise have been, with confidence with the enlightened part of the real character of the several the people, the exposition contained in classes of persons in that town; and the following letter becomes necessary. I should not do my duty if I did not This is particularly due to the people of most explicitly declare, that, in every Manchester, nearly fourteen hundred class I saw, with the exception of the of the electors of which voted for me. partisans of THOMSON, nothing that was It is due in a more particular manner not fair and honourable, and indicative to the supporters of Mr. LovD and Mr. of real public spirit, as well as of good HOPE, who, not less than my support-private character. The town feels the ers, hold the choice of this placeman in deep disgrace of having returned this horror. placeman, the PRIGS who carried on the After my letter to the Editor of the intrigue will never again dare to show "True Sun," I shall insert another let-their faces before the public; as I said ter addressed to Mr. THOMSON himself, before, they have stung their town; but, by a most respectable elector of Man-like other reptiles, the very act of stingchester, a rich man, what is called a ing destroys them for ever. Tory, perhaps; but, at any rate, a man


Bolt-court, 1. January, 1833.

who does not like to see his town dis-TO THE EDITOR OF THE TRUE SUN. graced by the election of this placeman of childish endowments, and of princiHOPING and believing, that we are, ples so shuffling. With these expositions before them, my readers will do after living for so many years under the justice to the town of Manchester, where mortification of seeing ourselves subject everybody has behaved well, the little to all the evils arising from a mercenary 'faction of PRIGS excepted. It is most and corrupt daily press, now destined to insolent, or it is most brutally ignorant, behold, in your paper, that freedom and in Dr. BLACK to tell his readers that the spirit and absence of corrupt influence whole of the intelligence of Manchester which ought to be the characteristics of was on the side of THOMSON! Where, the press, I beg leave to trouble you then, were the nearly three thousand with some remarks on an article, in the electors (leaving my nearly 1,400 out Morning Chronicle of this day, relative of the question), where were the nearly to the election of Mr. POULETT THOM3,000 electors who voted for Mr. LOYD SON, as one of the members for MANand Mr. HOPE? Have they no intelli- CHESTER, and relative to what passed at gence? Had they no respectability? a DINNER, given to that gentleman in Why, I do verily believe, that in point of fortune; in point of real wealth; there might have been taken two hundred of voters from either of these gen

that town, since the election. I am aware of the greatness of the trespass which I am proposing to commit on your valuable columns, by requesting

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