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first (or thence derived) Habren or Aber (p), which in Rritish, as appears by the names Abergevenni, Abertewi, Aberbodni, signifying the fall of the river Gevenni, Tewi, Rhodni, is as much as a river's mouth in English (q), and fits itself specially, in that most of the Yorkshire rivers here cast themselves into one confluence for the ocean. Thus perhaps was Severn first Hafren, and not from the maid there drowned, as you have before; but for that, this no place.

with the enemy for leaving the Roman territory; the price was agreed four hundred pound of gold (2); unjust weights were offered by the Gauls, which Sulpitius disliking, so far were those insolent conquerors from mitigation of their oppressing purpose, that (as for them all) Brennus, to the first unjustice of the balance, added the poise of his sword also; whence, upon a murmuring complaint among the Romans, crying Væ victis (a), came that to be as proverb applied to the conquered.

Against the Delphian power yet shak'd his' ireful sword.

To Stamford in this isle seem'd Athens to transfer. Look to the third song for more of Bladud and his baths. Some testimony is (7), that he went to Athens, brought thence with him four philosoLike liberty as others, takes the author in afphers, and instituted by them a university at firm ng that Brennus, which was general to the Stamford, in Lincolnshire; but, of any persuad-Gauls in taking Rome, to be the same which overing credit I find none. Only of later time, that profession of learning was there, authority is frequent. For when through discording parts among the scholars (reigning Edward III.) a division in Oxford was into the northern and southern faction, the northern (before under Henry III. also was the like to Northampton) made secession to this Stamford, and there profess'd, until upon humble suit by Robert of Stratford, chancellor of Oxford, the king by edict (s), and his own presence probibited them; whence, afterward, also w... that oath taken by Oxford graduates, that they should not profess at Stamford. White, of Basingstoke, otherwise guesses at the cause of this difference, making it the Pelagian heresy, and of more ancient tinie, but erroneously. Unto this refer that supposed prophecy of Merlin:

Doctrinæ studium quod nunc viget ad vada
Boum (1),

Ante finem secli celebrabitur ad vada Saxi (u). Which you shall have englished in that solemnized marriage of Thames and Medway, by a most admired Muse of our nation (x), thus with advantage :

And after him the fatal Welland went

That, if old saws prove true (which God forbid) Shall drown all Holland (y) with his excrement, And shall see Stamford, though now homely hid, Then shine in learning more than ever did Cambridge or Oxford, England's goodly beams. Nor can you apply this, but to much younger time than Bladud's reign.

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As he those four proud streets began.
Of them you shall have better declaration to the
sixteenth song.

There balancing his sword against her baser gold.
In that story, of Brennus and his Gauls taking
Rome, is affirmed, that by senatory authority, P.
Sulpitius (as a tribune) was committee to transact

(p) Abus dictum isthoc æstuarium Ptolemæo.
(9) Girald. Itinerar. cap. 2. & 4.

(r) Merlin. apud Hard. cap. 25. ex iisdem & Balæus.

(s) Jo. Cai. antiq. Cant. 2. Br. Tuin. lib. 3. apolog. Oxon. §. 115. & seqq. (t) Oxenford. (") Staneford.

(x) Spens. Faery Q. lib. 4. Cant. 11. Stanz. 25. (y) The maritime part of Lincolnshire, where, Wel.and a river.

came Greece, and assaulted the oracle. But the truth of story stands thus: Rome was afflicted by one Brennus about the year three hundred and sixty (b), after the building, when the Gauls had such a Cadineian victory of it, that fortune converted by martial opportunity, they were at last by Camillus so put to the sword, that a repo ter of the slaughter was not left, as Livy and Plu tarch (not impugned by Polybius, as Polydore hath mistaken (c)) tell us. About cx years after, were tripartite excursions of the Gauls; of an army under Cerethrius into Thrace; of the like under Belgius or Bolgius into Macedon and Illyricum; of another under Brennus and Acichorius into Pannonia. What success Belgius had with Ptolemy, surnamed Kipuvas (d), is discovered in the same authors (e), which relate to us Brennus his wasting of Greece, with his violent, but somewhat voluntary, death; but part of the army, either divided by mutiny, or left, after Apollo's revenge, betook them to habitation in Thrace, about the now Constantinople, where first under their king Comontorius (as Polybius, but Livy saith under Lutatius and Lomnorius, which name perhaps you might correct by Polybius) they ruled their neighbouring states with imposition of tribute, and at last growing too populous, sent (as it seems) those colonies into Asia, which in Gallogræcia (f), left sufficient steps of their ancient names. My compared classic authors will justify as much (g); nor scarce find I material opposition among them in any particulars; only Trogus epitomized b Justin, is therein, by confusion of time and actions, somewhat abused; which hath caused that

(~) Liv. dec. lib. 5. Plutarch. in Camillo.

(a)" Wo to the conquered," v. verò Stephan. Forcatulum lib. 2. de Gall. Philosoph. qui hæc inter examinandum fœdè, ast cum aliis, in historiâ ipsâ lapsus est.

(b) Halicarnass. ¿gx. a. Liv. 5.

(c) V. Jo. Pris. defens. hist. Brit. qui nimiùm hic errore involutus. (d)" Thunderbolt." (f) Strab. lib. ß.

(c) Pausanias in Phocic.

(g) Polyb. . B. d. & A. & Liv. dec. 1. lib. 5, dec. 4. lib. 8. Strab. d. Pausan. Phocic. 1. Appiau. Illyric. Justin. lib. 24. & 25. Plutarch. Camillo. Cæterùm plerisque Delphis injectà à Phœbo grandine peremptis, qui fuerunt reliquos in Ægyptum conductos sub stipendiis Ptolemæi Philadelphi meruisse ait vetus Scholiastes Græc. ad hymn. Callimach. in Delum.

errour of those which take historical liberty (poeti- | Belin the great (which is supposed Heli; father

to Lud and Cassibelin) as you see to the fourth song; and here might you compare that of Hel in the Punic tongue (m), signifying Phœbus, and turned into Belus: but I will not therewith trouble you. Howsoever, by this I am persuaded (whensoever the time were of our Belinus) that Bolgius

cal is allowable) to affirm Brennus, which sacked Rome, and him, that died at Delphos, the same, Examination of time makes it apparently false; nor indeed doth the British chronology endure our Brennus to be either of them, as Polydore and Buchanan have observed. But want of the British name moves nothing against it; seeing the peo-in Pausanias, and Belgius in Justin, were mistook ple of this western part were all, until a good time after those wars, styled by the name of Gauls or Celts; and those which would have ransacked the oracle, are said by Callimachus to have


ἀφ Εσπέρου ἐσχατόωντος (1), Which as well fits us as Gaul. And thus much also observe, that those names of Brennus and Belinus, being of great note, both in signification and personal eminency; and, likely enough, there being many of the same name in Gaul and Britain, in several ages such identity made confusion in story. For the first in this relation appears what variety was of it; as also Urenhin and Brennin, in the British, are but significant words for king; and peradventure almost as ordinary a name among these westerns, as Pharaoh and Ptolemy in Egypt, Agag among the Amalekites, Arsaces, Nicomedes, Alevada, Sophi, Cæsar, Oiscing, among the Parthians, Bithynians, Thessalians, Persians, Romans, and our Kentish kings, which the course of history shows you. For the other, you may see it usual in names of their old kings, as Cassi-belin in Cæsar, Cuno-belin and Cym-belin in Tacitus and Dio, and perhaps Cambaules in Pausanias, and Belin (whose steps scem to be in Abellius, a Gaulish, and Bela-tucadre, a British (1) god) was the name among them of a worshipped idol, as appears in Ausonius; aad the same with Apollo, which also by a most ancient British coin, stamped with Apollo, playing on his harp, circumscribed with Cuno-belin, is showed to have been expressly among the Britons, Although I know, according to their use, it might be added to Cuno (which was the first part of many of their regal names, as you see in Cuneglas, Cyngetorix, Congolitan, and others) to make a significant word, as if you should say, the yellow king; for belin in British is yellow. But seeing the very name of their Apollo so well fitted with that colour, which to Apollo is commonly attributed (4), (and observe that their names had usually some note of colour in them, by reason of their custom of painting themselves) I suppose they

took it as a fortunate concurrence to bear an honoured deity in their title, as we see in the names of Merodach, and Evil-merodach, among the Babylonian kings, from Merodach, one of their false gods (/); and like examples may be found among the old emperors. Observe also that in British genealogies, they ascend always to

(h) "From the utmost west,"

(i) Vet. Inscript, in Cumbria, & apud Jos. Scalig. ad Auson. 1, 1. cap. 9. & V. Rhodigin. lib. 17. cap. 28. Plura de Belino, sive Beleno, i. Apolline Gallico Pet. Pithæus advers, subsec. lib. 1. cap. iii. qui Belenam παρὰ τὸ Ἑκηβόλος Phoebi epitheton autumat. vid. notas Camd. ad Numismata, & Nos ad Cant. IX. (1) Ξανθος ̓Απόλλων.

(1) Jerem. cap. 50.

for Belinus, as perhaps also Prausus in Strabo (☛ supplying oftentimes the room of $) generated of Brennus corrupted(»). In the story I dare follow none of the modern erroneously transcribing relators or seeming correctors, but have, as I might, took it from the best self-fountains, and only upon them, for trial, I put myself.

-whence Cymbrica it took.

That northern promontory now Jutland, part of the Danish kingdom, is called in geographers Cymbrica Chersonesus, from name of the people inhabiting it. And those which will the Cymbrians, Cambrians, or Cumrians from Camber, may with good reason of consequence imagine, that the name of this Chersonese is thence also, as the author here, by liberty of his Muse. But if, with Goropius, Camden, and other their followers, you come nearer truth, and derive them from Gomer (o), son to Japhet, who, with his posterity, shall you set, as it were, the accent upon Cherhad the north-western part of the world; then sonese, giving the more significant note of the country; the name of Cymbrians, Cimmerians, Cambrians, and Cumrians, all as one in substance, being very comprehensive in these climates (p) ; and perhaps, because this promontory lay out se far, under near Sixty degrees' latitude (almost at the utmost of Ptolemy's geography) and so had the first winter days no longer than between five and six hours, therein somewhat (and more than other neighbouring parts of that people, having no particular name) agreeing with Homer's attribute of darkness to the Cimmerians (4), it had more specially this title.

To wise Molmutius' laws her Martian first did frame.

Particulars of Molmutius' laws, of church. liberty, freedom of ways, husbandry, and divers others are in the British story, affirming also that queen Martia made a book of laws, translated afterward, and titled by king Alfred Moncenlage. Indeed it appears that there were three sorts of laws (), in the Saxon heptarchy, Mopan-lage; Dan-lage percFaxen-lage, i. e. the Mercian, Danish, and West-Saxon law; all which three had their several territories, and were in divers things compiled into one volume by Cnut (s), and

(m) Cæl. Rhod. Antiq. Lect. 1. cap. 6.

(n) Eustath. ad Dionys. gy. uti Aurea, ἀντι τοῦ ̓Αμβραξ, & Νήσοι Πρετων καὶ ἀντὶ τοῦ Beiravunai.

(0) Transmutation of G. into C. was, anciently, often, and easy, as Lipsius shows, lib. de pronunciat. ling, Latin, cap. 13,

(p) Plutarch. in Mario, & Herod. lib. d.
(4) Odyss. a. Περὶ καὶ νεφέλη κεκαλυμμένοι
(r) Look to the eleventh song.

(s) Gervas. Tilburiensis de Scaccario.

examined in that Norman constitution of their than to Pallas) have divers had their titles: as new common-wealth. But as the Danish and Artemisium in Italy, and Eubœa, and that BuWest-Saxon had their name from particular peo-bastis in Egypt, so called from the same word, signifying in Egyptian, both a cat and Diana. Those armed stakes in Thames

ple; so it seems, had the Mercian from that kingdom of Mercland, limited with the Lancashire river Mersey toward Northumberland, and joining to Wales, having either from the river that name, or else from the word Manc(t), because it bounded upon most of the other kingdoms; as you may see to the eleventh song.

in whose eternal name, Great Loudon still shall live

King Lud's re-edifying Troynovant (first built by Brute) and thence leaving the name of Caer Lud, afterward turned (as they say) into London, is not unknown, scarce to any that hath but looked on Ludgate's inner frontispiece; and in old rhymes thus I have it exprest (u):

Walls he lete make al aboute, and yates up and doune (x),

And after Lud, that was his name, he clupede it

Lud's town.

The herte yate of the toun that yut stont there,
and is,

He let it clupie Ludgate after is own name iwis.
He let him tho he was ded bury at thulk yate,
Therevore yut after him me clupeth it Ludgate.
The toun me clupeth that is wide couth,
And now me clupeth it London, that is lighter in

the mouth.

He means that which now we call Cowaystakes, by Otelands, where only the Thames being without boat passible, the Britons fixed both on the bank of their side, and in the water sharp stakes (a), to prevent the Romans coming over, but in vain, as the stories tell you.

And more than Cæsar got, three emperors could not win.

Understand not that they were resisted by the Britons, but that the three successors of Julius, i. e. Augustus, Tiberius, and Caligula, never so much as with force attempted the isle, although the last after king Cunobelin's son Adminius his traitorous revolting to him, in a seeming martial vehemency made all arm to the British voyage (b), but suddenly on the German shore, (where he then was) like himself, turned the design to a jest, and commanded the army to gather cockles.

Came with his body nak'd, his hair down to his waist.

In this Caradoc (being the same which at large you have in Tacitus and Dio, under name of Caratacus and Cataraeus, and is by some Scottish historians drawn much too far northward) the author expresses the ancient form of a Briton's habit. Yet I think not that they were all naked, but, as is affirmed of the Gauls (c), down only to the navel; so that on the discovered part might be seen (to the terror of their enemies) those pictures of beasts, with which they painted themselves (d. It is justifiable by Cæsar, that they used to shave all except their head and upper lip, and wore very long hair; but in their old coins I see no such thing warranted: and in later times (e), about four hundred years since, it is especially attributed to them that they always cut their heads close for avoiding Absalon's misfortune.

And new Troy it het ere, and now it is so ago, That London it is now ieluped and worth ever mo. Judicious reformers of fabulous report I know have more serious derivations of the name: and seeing conjecture is free, I could imagine it might be called at first Lhan Dien, i. e. the temple of Diana, as Lhan-Dewi, Lhan Stephan, Lhan Padern Dauwr, Lan Dair; i. e. Saint Dewy's, Saint Stephen's, Saint Patern the Great, Saint Mary; and Verulam is by H. Lhuid, derived from Der-lhan, i. e. the church upon the river Ver, with divers more such places in Wales: and so afterward by strangers turned into Londinium, and the like. For, that Diana and her brother Apollo (under name of Belin) were two great deities among the Britons, what is read next before, Caesar's testi- Old historians and geographers call this Camamony of the Gauls; and that she had her temple lodunum, which some have absurdly thought to there where Paul's is, relation in Camden discloses be Camelot (f), in the Scotish sheriffdom of Stirto you. Now, that the antique course was to ling, others have sought it elsewhere: but the title their cities oftentimes by the name of their English light of antiquity (Camden) hath surely power adored in them, is plain by Beth-el among found it at this Maldon, in Essex, where was a the Hebrews, Heliopolis (which in boly writ (y) is Romish colony, as also at Gloucester, Chester, called a) in Egypt, and the same in York, and perhaps at Colchester (g), which proves Greece, Phænicia, elsewhere; and by Athens, expressly (against vulgar allowance) that there named from Minerva. But especially from this was a time when in the chiefest parts of this supposed deity of Diana (whom in substance Ho-southern Britany the Roman laws were used, as mer no less gives the epithet of 'Eguriwrodis (2), | every one that knows the meaning of a colony

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The colony long kept at Maldon.

(which had all their rights and institutions de

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duced with it) must confess. This was destroyed upon discontentment taken by the Icens and Trinobants (now Norfolk, Suffolk, Middlesex, and Essex men) for intolerable wrongs done to the wife and posterity of Prasutagus, king of the Icens, by the Romans (h), which the king (as others in like form) thought but vainly, to have prevented by instituting Nero, then emperor, his heir. The signs which the author speaks of, were a strange, and, as it were, voluntary falling | down of the goddess Victory's statue, erected by the Romans here; women, as distracted, singing their overthrow; the ocean looking bloody; uncouth howlings in their assemblies, and such like. Petilius Cerealis, lieutenant of the ninth legion, coming to aid, lost all his footinen, and betook himself with the rest to his fortified tents. But for this read the history.

By poison end her days.

So Tacitus; but Dio, that she died of sickness. Her name is written diversly Voadicia, Boodicia, Bunduica, and Boudicea: she was wife to Prasutagus, of whom last before.

A greater foe to us in our own bowels bred. Every story, of the declining British state, will tell you what miseries were endured by the hostile irruptions of Scots and Picts into the southern part. For the passage here of them, know, that the Scottish stories, which begin their continued monarchic government at Ferguze, affirm the Picts (i) (from the Scythian territories) to have arrived in the now Jutland, and thence passed into Scotland, some two hundred and fifty years after the Scots' first entering Britain, which was, by account, about eighty years before our Saviour's birth, and thence continued these a state by themselves, until king Kenneth, about eight hundred and forty years after Christ, utterly supplanted them. Others, as Bede and his followers,

Arviragus of ours first taking to protect. His marriage with (I know not what) Genissa, daughter to Claudius, the habitude of friendship betwixt Rome and him, after composition with Vespasian then, under the emperor, employed in the British war, the common story relates. This is Armitagus, which Juvenal speaks of (/). Polydore refers him to Nero's time, others rightly to Domitian, because indeed the poet then flourished (m). That fabulous Hector Boetius, makes him the same with Phasviragus, as he calls him, in Tacitus; he means Prasutagus, having misread Tacitus his copy.

This happiness we have, Christ crucify'd to know.
Near an hundred eighty years after Christ (the
chronology of Bede herein is plainly false, and
observe what I told you of that kind to the fourth
song) this Lucius, upon request to pope Eleuthe-
rius, received, at the hands of Fugatius and Da-
mianus (n), holy baptism; yet so, that by Joseph
of Arimathea (of whom to the third song) sreds
of true religion were here before sown: by some
I find it without warrant (0), affirmed that he con-
verted Arviragus,

And gave him then a shilde of silver white,
A cross endlong and overthwart full perfect,
These arms were used through all Britain
For a common sign each man to know his nation
From enemies, which now we call certain,
S. George's arms-

But thus much collect, that, although until well suspect, rather deny, for want of better Lucius we had not a christian king (for you may authority, this of Arviragus) yet (unless you be lieve the tradition of Gundafer, king of Indy, converted by Saint Thomas (p), or Abagar, king is supposed, by our Saviour's own hand, kept as a of Edessa (9), to whom those letters written, as precious relic in Constantinople until the emperour Isaacius Angelus (7), as my authors say,

make them elder in the isle than the Scots, and fetch them out of Ireland; the British story (that first christian king in the world, and clearly in were sent) it is apparent that this island had the all may be discords) says, they entered Albania Europe, so that you cite not Tiberias his private under conduct of one Roderic, their king, (for so you must read in Monmouth (4), and not Lon-of (s) Tertullian) even in whose time also Gildas seeming christianity (which is observed out dric, as the print in that and much other mis affirms, Britain was comforted with wholesome takes) and were valiantly opposed by Marius, beams of religious light. Not much different from then king of Britons, Roderic slain, and Caithness this age was Donald, first christian king of the given them for habitation. This Marius is placed Scots; so that if priority of time swayed it, and with Vespasian, and the gross differences of time make all suspicious; so that you may as well given by the popes) that name of most christian not custom (derived from a communicable attribute believe none of them, as any one. Rather adhere to learned Camden, making the Picts very genuine This Lucius, by help of those two christian aids, should better fit our sovereigns than the French. Britons, distinguished only by accidental name, is said to have, in room of three arch-flamens and as in him you may see more largely. twenty-eight flamens (through whose doctrine, polluting sacrifices and idolatry reigned here instead of true service), instituted three arch

(h) Agellius, 1. 16. cap. 13. Tacit. an. 14. Dio. lib.

(i) Pictorum in Britannia (potius Pictorum, ita n. legitur) primus meminit Romanorum Panegyristes ille inter alios, qui Constantinum encomiis adloquitur, & si placet adeas Humfred. Lhuid. Brev. Brit. & Buchanan. lib. 2. rer. Scotic. aut Camdeni Scotos & Pictos. Rob. Glocestrensi dicuntur Picars.

(k) Galfridus Monumeth. correctus, & ibidem. vice Maesmarius lege Vestmaria.

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bishoprics at London, York, and Caer-leon upon Uske, and twenty-eight bishoprics; of them, all beyond Humber subject to York; all the now Wales to Caer-leon; to London, the now England with Cornwal. And so also was the custom in other countries, even grounded upon Saint Peter's own command, to make substitution of archbishops or patriarchs to arch-famiens, and bishops to flamens, if you believe a pope's assertion (7). For York, there is now a metropolitan see; Caerleon had so until the change spoken of to the fifth song. And London, the cathedral church being at St. Peter's, in Cornhill, until translation of the pall to Canterbury by Augustine (u), sent hither by Gregory the first, under king Ethelbert, according to a prophecy of Merlin, that christianity should fail, and then revive when the see of Lon-they scarce, as it seeus, knew of, calling us Indon did adorn Canterbury, as, after coming of the Saxons, it did. This moved that ambitious Gilbert of Foliotb, bishop of London, to challenge the primacy of England; for which he is bitterly taxed by a great clerk of the same time (r). If I add to the British glory that this Lucius was cause of like conversion in Bavaria and Rbetia, I should out of my bounds. The learned Mark Velser, and others, have enough remembered it.

Constantius' worthy wife.

That is Helen, wife to Constantius, or Constans Chlorus the emperor, and mother to Constantine the Great, daughter to Coil, king of Britain, where Constantine was by her brought forth. Do not object Nicephorus Callistus, that erroneously affirms him born in Drepanum, of Bithynia, or Jul. Firmicus (y), that says at Tarsus, upon which testimony (not uncorrupted) a great critic (*) hath violently offered to deprive us both of him and his mother, affirming her a Bithynian; nor take advantage of Cedrenus, that will have Daria his birth soil. But our histories, and, with them, the Latin ecclesiastic relation (in passages of her inveution of the cross and such like) allowed also by cardinal Baronius, make her t. us a British woman. And for great Constantine's birth in this land, you shall have authority; against which I wonder how Lipsius durst expose his conceit. In an old panegyrist speaking to Constantine: Liberavit ille (he means his father) Britannias servitute, tu etiam nobiles illic Oriendo fecisti; and another, O fortunata & nunc omnibus beatior terris Britannia, que Constantinum Cæsarem prima vidisti? These might persuade, that Firmicus were corrupted, seeing they lived when they might know as much of this as he. Nicephorus and Cedrenus are of much later time, and deserve no undoubted credit. But in certain oriental admonitions of state (a) (newly published by Joln Meursius, professor of Greek story at Leien) the emperor

() V. Kenulph. in Epist. ad Leonem PP. apud G. Malmesb. lib. 1. de reg. & 1. de Pontific. vide Basingstoch. hist. 9. not. il.

(u) Stow's Survey of London, p. 479. (r) Joann. Carnotens. in Epistol. 272. (y) Mathes. 1. 1. cap. 4.

(3) Lips. de Ron. magnitud. lib. 4. cap. 11. nimium laps.

(a) Constant. Porphyrog. de administ. imperio, C. 29. Jo. Levinum ad Panegyric. 5, haut mul

tùm hic moramur.

Constantine Porphyrogennetės advises his son Romanus, that he should not take him a wife of alien blood, because all people dissonant from the government and manners of the empire by a law of Constantine, established in saint Sophy s church, were prohibited the height of that glory, excepting only the Franks, allowing them this honour, örı xai αυτός την γένεσιν ἀπὸ τῶν τοιούτων ἔσχε μερσον (β), which might make you imagine him born in Gaul; let it not move you, but observe that this Porphyrogennetes lived about seven hundred years since, when it was (and among the Turks still is) ordinary with these Greeks to call all (c) (especially the western) Europeans, by the name of Franks, as they did themselves Romans. Why then might not we be comprehended, whose name, as English, clius (d); and indeed the indefinite form of speech, in the author I cite, shows as if he meant some remote place by the Franks, admitting he had intended only but what we now call French. If you can believe one of our countrymen (e) that lived about Henry II. he was born in London: others think he was born at York: of that I determine not. Of this felen, her religion, finding the cross, good deeds in walling London and Colchester (which in honour of her, they say, bears a cross between four crowns, and for the invention she is yet celebrated in holy-rood day in May) and of this Constantine her son, a mighty and religious emperor (although I know him taxt for no small faults by ecclesiastical writers) that in this air received his first light and life, our Britons vaunt not unjustly: as in that spoken to king Arthur.

Now it worth iended that Sibile the sage sede


That there shold of Brutain thre men be ybore
That shold winne the aumpyr of Rome; of tweye
ydo it is,
[thred.le y wis.
As of Bely () and Constantine, and thou art the

Against the Arian sect at Arles having run.

In the second council at Arles, in Provence, held under Constantine and Silvester, is subscribed the name of Restitutus, bishop of London, the like respectively in other councils spoken of by the author. It is not unfit to note here, that in the later time the use hath been (when and where Rome's supremacy was acknowledged) to send always to general councils, out of every christian state, some bishops, abhots, and priors: and I find it atfirmed by the clergy under Henry II. (g) that, to a general council, only four bishops are to be sent out of England. So, by reason of this course added to state-allowance afterward at home, were those canons received into our law: as of

bigamy in the council of Lions, interpreted by parliament under Edward L. Of pluralities in the

(b) "Because he was born in their parts." (c) Histor. Orientales passim. & Themata Constantini, cum supra citato libro.

() Nicet. Choniot. 2. Isaac. Angel. §. ult. Izvo

(e) G. Steph. de Londino. Basingstoch. Hist 6. not. 10.

(f) Belinus.

(g) Roger. Hoved, f. 332,

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