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-W. W. Knox, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn,

T. KINDERSLEY'S COURT. E. LLOYD, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn,

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at Law.

Barristers at Law.

Barristers at Law.

Barristers at Law.

JOSEPH HOWARD, Esq, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law.

C. W. LOVESY, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law. GEORGE FRANCIS, Esq., of Gray's Inn, Barrister at Law.

H. RUTHERFORD, Esq., of the Middle Temple, and

E. BULLOCK, Esq., of the Inner Temple,


at Law.

W. BRANDT, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law.

J. G. MIDDLETON, D.C.L., Doctors' Commons,


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W.E. BROWNING, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law.

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(J. G. MIDDLETON, D.C.L., Doctors' Commons,



W. E. BROWNING, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law.


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Adam's Trusts, re (Will-Gift over),


Addinell's case. - Leeds Banking Co.
(Contributory-Executors), 965
Adelphi Hotel Co., re (Contributory—
Allotment), 498

Agra and Masterman's Bank (Limited)

t. Hoffmann (Banker and customer
-Non-payment of cheques), 335
Agricultural Cattle Insurance Co., re.-

Belhaven's case (Contributory-Com-
promise-Cancellation), 572
Agricultural Cattle Insurance Co., re.
-Stanhope's case (Contributory-
Lapse of time), 872

Agriculturist Cattle Insurance Co., re.

-Spackman's case (Winding up-

Contributory-Compromise), 207

Alexander r. North-eastern Railway

Co. (Libel-Inaccurate statement),

Allday v. Great Western Railway Co.

(Railway carriers — Unreasonable

condition), 12

Alton v. Midland Railway Co. (Injury
to servant-Railway-Common car-
rier), 672

Anderson v. Stamp (Writ of ne exeat),

Andrew v. Macklin (Composition deed
-Release of joint debtor), 409
Anonymous. Parr (Interrogatories
before declaration), 388

Anthony v. Cowper (Absconding de-

fendant-Pro confesso), 73

Argent. Argent (Administration-

Widow), 864

Asher and Wife v. Whitelock (Waste
land-Devisable interest), 925
Attorney-General v. Gell (Succession
duty), 566

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Backhouse v. Hall (Guarantee-Change
of partners), 562

Bahia, The (Bill of lading-Duty to

carry on or tranship), 90

(Witness-Costs), 1008

Bailey v. Birchall (Solicitor and client

-Costs), 57

— v. Edwards (Principal and surety

-Giving time), 134

Baker, App., Locke, Resp. (Registration
in borough-Disqualification), 65

v. Lane (Interrogatories-Ten-
dency to criminate), 117
Bank of Gibraltar and Malta (Limited),
re (Winding up), 916
Banks v. Gibson (Partnership-Disso-
lution Right to use partnership


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style), 680

Bannister v. Bigges (Injunction -

Nuisance-Rifle range), 276

Barber v. Whiteley (Fences-Ancient
inclosure-Copyhold), 822

Barker, App., Davis, Resp. (Right of
shooting-Evidence), 651

v. M'Andrew (Charterparty-

Voyage), 637

Bell v. Wilson (Vendor and purchaser
Mines and minerals-Freestone), 437
Bellew v. Bellew (Administration pen-
dente lite), 588

Berdoe v. Dawson (Parent and child—

Undue influence), 254

Bermondsey, Vestry of, v. Brown (Right
of way-Presumption from user-
Parish-Parties), 1031

Best v. Stonehewer (Will-Construc-

tion-Descendants), 315

Betts v. De Vitre (Patent-Damages
-Jurisdiction-- Costs), 9

v. De Vitre (Patent-Infringe-
ment-Costs), 217

v. Neilson (Patent-Foreigner-

Transport), 679

Bevan, in Goods of (Administration to
a seaman), 982

Biddle v. Bond (Principal and agent—

Jus tertii), 425

Bignold v. Cobbold (Practice-Seques-
tration-Costs), 152

Bilbee v. London, Brighton, and South-
coast Railway Co. (Negligence-Evi-
dence), 745

Bills v. Smith (Fraudulent preference),


v. Piele (Trustee Relief Act-Binder, Clerk, v. Peacock, Clerk of the

Costs), 436

v. Venables (Vendor and pur-

chaser-Costs of infant heir), 480

Barnes v. Grant (Church rate-Libel-
Amendment-Practice), 395
Barrow v. Griffith (Charge of debts-
Mortgage-Priority), 6

v. Newman (Charge of debts—
Mortgage-Priority), ib.
Barrs v. Fewkes (Construction-Exe-
cutor-Gift or trust), 669
Barselman v. Langlands (Deed of com-
position-Ca. sa.), 45

Bayley v. Williams (Undue influence-

Threat of criminal prosecution), 236
Baylis, in Goods of (Executor according
to tenor), 1028

Beadel v. Pitt (Lease-Specific per-

formance), 152

Beardmore v. Gregory (Practice

Amendment-Husband and wife-

Misjoinder), 363

Beeden v. Major (Stock-Purchase in

name of stranger-Trustee-Inten-

tion-Acts of person in loco parentis),


Barry's Representatives (Winding up
-Contributory-Costs), 76
Blackett v. Bates (Specific performance
-Award-Delay), 500

Blades v. Higgs (Feræ naturæ-Game

-Trespasser), 701

Blakeley v. Abeles (Affidavit-Prac-

tice), 325

Bloxam v. Chichester (Practice
Printed answer), 48

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Boaler v. Mayor (Merger of simple con-
tract in specialty), 565
Boldero v. East India Co. (Bengal Civil
Service Fund-Refund), 493

Bolitho v. Hillyar (Will-Vested inte-

rest-Married woman), 556

Boosey v. Wood (Libel-Accord and

satisfaction), 181

Booth v. Taylor (Procedure in injunc-

tion), 981

Borries v. Hutchinson (Sale-Non-de-
livery-Damages), 267

Bostock v. Floyer (Trustee-Loss by Cary, App., Local Board of Health of
fraud of solicitor), 962

v. Jardine (Broker-Lump con-

tract), 586

Boulnois v. Mann (Composition deed-

Unreasonableness), 1006
Bourne v. Fosbrooke (Trover-Goods-
Gift by wife), 202

Bovill v. Goodier (Patent-Particulars
of objections), 900
Bowes v. Hope Mutual Life Insurance
& Honesty Guarantee Society (Wind-
ing up-Judgment debt impeached),

Bradley v. Onstler (Damages-Con-

tract-Market price), 22

Brandon v. Brandon (Railway com-

pany-Jurisdiction-Costs), 30

Brighton Club and Norfolk Hotel Co.
(Limited), re (Winding up-Dis-
puted account), 436
British and Foreign Cork Co. (Limited),
re.-Leifchild's case (Winding up—
Fully-paid shares), 941
British and Foreign Gas Generating Ap-
paratus Co. (Limited), re (Winding
up-Concurrent petitions · Costs),

Broadhurst v. Benham (Compositio

deed Non-assenting creditor), 20
Bromley, ex p., re Redfearn (Bank-
ruptcy-Practice-Appeal), 611
Brown, App., Evans, Resp. (Turnpike
road-Repairs of, from parish rates
Retrospective order of justices),



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Cameron v. Charing-cross Railway Co.
(Obstruction of access to a street-
Compensation for loss of trade), 282

Camille v. Donato (Practice-Motion

-Costs), 26

Campbell v. Attorney-General (Exami-
nation de bene esse), 922

v. Loader (Estoppel), 286

Caplin, re (Will-Power of appoint-

ment-Next of kin), 383

Carn v. Lambert (Right of common

appurtenant), 163

Carr v. Montefiore (Marine insurance
-Payment into court), 265


v. Royal Exchange Insurance
Corporation (Marine insurance
Payment into court), ib.

Carroll v. Graham (Demurrer-Fraud

of power), 1012

Chandler v. Doulton (Excessive distress

-Damage), 286

Chapman's Trusts, re (Legacy duty-

Appointment), 708

Chapman, P. O. v. Cottrell (Writ of
summons-Jurisdiction), 530

Chavasse, ex p., re Grazebrook (Neutral

-Belligerent-Illegal contract), 400

Chester v. Metropolitan Railway Co.
(Practice-Costs), 214

Chesterfield, Midland, and Silkstone

Co. (Limited) v. Hawkins (Action-

Inter partes-Bankruptcy), 468

Chetwynd v. Chetwynd (Custody of
children-Permanent alimony), 958
Chinnock v. Ely, Marchioness of (Spe-
cific performance), 32

v. Ely, Marchioness of (Ven-
dor and purchaser-Specific per-
formance), 329

City of Dublin Packet Co. v. Thompson
(Steam ship-Tonnage), 829

Clapham v. Atkinson (Composition deed

-Cessio bonorum), 217

Clark v. Clark (Specific and residuary
devise-Debts), 820
Clarke v. Clark (Injunction-Light and
air), 914

v. Green (Husband aud wife-
Reversionary interest), 851
Clements v. Clifford (Dismissal of bill
-Costs), ib.

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v. Welles (Covenant -Under-

lease), 991

Cobb, Clerk, v. Peacock, Clerk of Barns-

ley Burial Board (Incumbent's fees
in districts of parish), 428

Cochrane v. Willis (Agreement-Mis-

take of fact), 870

Codrington v. Codrington and Ander-
son (New trial-Costs), 287
Colby v. Gadsden (Specific performance
-Waiver), 760

Collier v. M'Bean (Estate tail-Shel-

ley's case), 592

Collins v. Lamport (Mortgage of ship
-Contracts of mortgagor), 1
Combe v. Hughes (Thellusson Act-
Absolute prior gift), 194

v Hughes (Will - Accumula-

tions), 380

Comber's Settlement, re (Power of
appointment Residuary bequest),


Comley, App., Carpenter, Resp. (Turn-
pike Act-Tolls-Stage carriage),

Consols Insurance Association, re.-

Benham's case (Winding up-Con-

tributory-Transfer), 381

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Clerk, v. Peacock, Clerk of the

Barnsley Burial Board (Parish di-

vided into districts Incumbent's

fees), 428

Dean v. Handley (Will-Gift over),

Debtor, a, ex p. (Bankruptcy-Evi-

dence), 69

De Comas, App., Prost and Köhler,

Resps. (Principal and agent-Fac-

tor), 417

Defries v. Creed (Contempt-Receiver
-Sheriff-Costs), 360

D'Huart v. Harkness (Power-Execu
tion by "will"—Foreign will), 633

De Jivas, ex p. (Articled clerk—Ill

ness), 13


Dick v. Munder (Practice-Security Featherstonhaugh v. Lee Moor Porce- | Garrett v. Banstead and Epsom Downs
for costs), 819

Dilley r. Matthews (Will-Illegitimate

East of England Banking Co., re, ex p.

Bugg (Shares in name of trustee or

nominee), 616

Ecclesiastical Commissioners of England,

ez p. (Practice-Payment out of

court-Costs), 461

Edwards, ex p., re Pytherch (Bank-

ruptcy-Debt incurred before certi-

ficate), 896

and Mann v. Hatton (Church rate

-Practice), 471

Edmonds v. Lewer (Testamentary pa-

per-Improper custody- Rehear-

ing), 911

Eglinton, Lord, Trustees of, v. Commis-
sioners of Inland Revenue (Stamp-
Scotch livery of seisin), 676

Eicholtz v. Bannister (Sale of goods-

Warranty), 15

Eld t. Perry and Ward (Appeal-Fa-
culty), 228

Elwes v. Barnard (Deceased trustee-

Bill against surviving trustees-Lia-
bility of trustee, though not charged),

Ellis v. Ellis and Smith (Condonation)


English, re (Lands Clauses Consolida-
tion Act-Costs—Adverse litigation),


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-, re (Practice-Solicitor-Taxa-

tion), 615

Fowler v. English and Scottish Marine

Insurance Co. (Limited) (Ship-Em-

bargo-Total loss), 411

Fox's Will, re (Will-Time for ascer-
Francome v. Francome (Practice-In-
taining class), 735
junction ·Affidavits sworn before


bill filed), 123

Fray v. Drew (Administratrix—Insol-
vent debtor-Redemption), 130

v. Drew (Practice-Rehearing-
Freeman v. Gainsford (County fran-
Caveat), 612
chise-Equitable interest), 116

v. Tottenham and Hampstead

Junction Railway Co. (Right of way

—Injunction), 107

-- v. Tottenham and Hampstead Rail-

way Co. (Practice-Injunction-Is-

sue), 254

Frewer v. Local Board of Health of
Frith v. Cartland (Trust money-Ear-
Hastings (Purchase of land), 670
Fry and Greata, Apps., Treasure, Resp.
mark-Bankruptcy), 238
(Church rate Co-churchwarden),


Fusilier, The (Salvage-Lives of pas-
sengers), 289

v. Clayton (Patent — Infringe-
ment-License), 462

Graham, ex p. (Practice-Order dis-
pensing with concurrence of husband
in deeds), 468

v. Wickham (Administration suit
Grant v. Grant (Husband and wife-
-Costs of another suit), 168

Gratwick, re (Power of appointment),

Gifts by husband to wife), 787


Great Western Deep Coal Co. (Limited)
v. Goold (Mine-Forest of Dean Act),

Great Western Railway Co., Apps., Bai-
lie, Resp. (Weights and measures),

Green v. Attenborough (Bill of sale—


Registration), 141

Greenfield v. Edwards (Mortgagor and
v. Gascoyne (Will-Accumulation
-Thellusson Act), 145
mortgagee-Injunction), 55

v. Edwards (Fraud-Solicitor-
Recitals-Surety), 419

Greetham v. Colton (Charge of debts-

Gregory's Settlement, re (Will-Latent

Power of sale), 848

Grindley v. Booth (Injunction under

ambiguity), 634

Common-law Procedure Act, 1854-

Costs), 745


App., Matthews, Resp.

(Place of public entertainment-

License), 636

Gurrin v. Kopera (Bankruptcy Act,

1861, sect. 192), 491

Hacker v. Mid Kent Railway Co. and
South-eastern Railway Co. (Transfer
of property from one railway com-
pany to another), 634
Hackney Charities, re (Order—Appeal),

Hadley v. London Bank of Scotland

(Vendor and purchaser-Injunction

-Contract), 554

Hayley v. Taylor (Nuisance-Ware-

house), 979

Hall v. Johnson (Negligence-Fellow-

servant-Mine), 180

v. Waterhouse (Married woman—

Separate use), 361

Halliday, ex p., re Hall (Bankruptcy-
Proof-Breach of contract), 817
Hampson, in Goods of (Administration
during absence of executor), 911

Hanmer v. Chance (Manor - Copy-

holder-Custom to dig sand), 397

Harding v. Harding and Lance; the
Queen's Proctor intervening (Inter-
vention of Queen's proctor), 814
Hardwick v. Wright (Practice-Affi-
davit of documents), 297

Harrison v. Taylor (Trade-mark-In-

junction), 408

Harrop v. Wilson (Dower-Apportion-
ment-Reinvestment), 102
Harter, App., Salford, Overseers of the
Township of, Resps. (Poor rate

Disused mill-Rateability of), 1036
Hartley v. Mare (Deed of inspectorship
-Process without leave), 625

Hastilow v. Stobie (Testamentary suit

-Pleading-Contents of will not

known and approved by deceased—

Demurrer), 1039

Hastings Union, Guardians of, Apps.,

St. James, Clerkenwell, Guardians of,

Resps. (Settlement-Renting a tene-

ment), 977

Havelock's Trusts, re (Supplemental

order), 906

Hay, in Goods of (Administration-In-
fant child-Guardian), 936
Hayden v. Kirkpatrick (Mortgage
Merger-Priority), 836

Haytor Granite Co., ex p. (Winding up
-Claim on a 66 contingency"), 899

Heard v. Holman (Ship-Collision-

Damage-Meaning of), 544

Heelis, App., Blain, Resp. (County fran-
chise Rent-charge-Possession), 18
Hepburn v. Lesdan (Injunction-Juris-
diction-Nuisance), 254

v. Lordan (Nuisance-Jurisdic-
tion-Injunction), 132

Helen, The (Wages-Breach of block-

ade), 1025

Hempstead v. Phoenix Gas-light and

Coal Co. Hempstead v. Same.

(Consolidation of actions), 626

Henniker v. Chafy (Costs of trustees'
appearance), 919

Hepburn v. Lordan, 636

Hernulewicz v. Jay (Deed of inspector-
ship-Unreasonable conditions), 581
Heywood v. Heywood (Descent-Mar-
riage settlement), 633
Hill v. Hill (Will—Specific legacies),806
v. South Staffordshire Railway Co.
(Accounts-Jurisdiction — Assent),



Holgate v. Jennings (Will-Substitu-
tionary gift), 5

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Holywell, Rector of, ex p. (Costs of re-
investment Purchase not com-
pleted), 579

Hood v. Oglander (Specific performance
-Precatory trust), 498
Hooper's Trust, re (Marriage settle-
ment-After-acquired property), 479
Hosken v. Sincock (Mortgagor- Re-
demption-Tender-Costs), 477
Hossack, App., Gray, Resp. (Pilots),

Houblon, in Goods of (Will-Codicil
referring to a previous will-Falsa
descriptio), 549

Hughes v. Palmer (Composition deed),

Hughes v. Spittle (Practice - Cross-

examination), 151

Hull v. Falconer (Administration-Cre-
ditor), ib.

Hunt v. Harris (Owner-Lessee for
years-Sub-lessee), 485

v. Manière (Bailee of spurious

goods-Injunction-Damages), 28

v. Manière (Bailee of spurious

goods-Jurisdiction Injunction),


[ocr errors]

Ibbotson v. Peat (Tort committed in
self-defence), 394

Industrial and Provident Societies, Act,
1862, and Companies Act, 1862, re,
and re Sheffield and Hallamshire An-
cient Order of Foresters Co-operative
and Industrial Society (Limited), ex
p. Fountain (Unlimited company
afterwards becoming limited-Con-
tributory), 553

Insole, Trusts of the Will of, re (Mort-
gage reversion-Judicial separation),

Inventors' Association (Limited), re
(Voluntary winding up-Creditor),

Ireland v. Trembath (Will-Devise for

class), 479

Irwin v. Sir George Grey (Error-Jury
process), 860

Isle of Wight Ferry Co., re (Judgment

-Execution creditor-Sale), 279

Ivimey v. Stocker (Easement-Water-


--Prescription-Title of tin-

bounders), 775

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Keddle, ex p. (Articled clerk-Incom-
plete service), 503


Kemp v. Halliday (Marine insurance

Constructive total loss), 852

Kempson, ex p., re Barker (Bank-
ruptcy-Broker's contract), 165

— v. Boyle (Bought and sold notes),

Kennard, re (Practice-Land Transfer

Act), 27

Kennedy v. Edwards (Practice-Mo-
tion to dismiss), 153

Kenyon, App., Hart, Resp. (Game-
Trespass in pursuit of), 602

Kershaw v. Ogden (Statute of Frauds

-Acceptance), 642

Kettering Union, Board of Guardians of,

Apps., Northampton General Lunatic

Asylum, Committee and Directors of,

Resp. (Pauper lunatic), 999

Keyes v. Elkins (Composition deed), 111

Kimberley, ex p., re Kimberley (Bank-

rupt- Renewed protection - Inter-

mediate arrest), 571

King re.-Gilbert v. Lee (Executor―

Costs), 899

ex p., re King (Bankruptcy-

Trust deed-Trustee), 4

v. Walker (Marine insurance-

Abandonment-Notice), 43
Kirkwood v. Thompson (Mortgage ·
Power of sale), 385
Kisch v. Venezuela Railway Co. (Pro-
Fraud - Misrepresenta-

tion), 646

Kitson v. Drury (Criminal suit-Un-
consecrated building-Costs), 272
Knight v. Knight (Cruelty), 568


v. Knight (Mortgage by husband
and wife-Divorce), 617
Knowling, ex p. (County police-Dis-
trict), 443

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