Abbildungen der Seite

Sweden, remark on the deposition of
the King of, 430.
TAYLOR, Miss, remark on the un-
necessary severity of her cross exa-
mination at the Bar of the House of
Commons, 318 her evidence, and
that of Dowler, proved to be ad-
missible, 323

The Council of Hogs; a descriptive
poem, remark on the merit of. 191.



Family Picture; or, Domestic
Isucation, a poetical Epistle, re-
Ta'ks on, 61-The Author's object
considered, 62 quotation from
the Poem, 63-the Author's refu-
tition of the opinion of Dr. Beattie,
on education, 68-his description
of a female boarding-school, 69-
just observations of the Author on
the peruicious effects of novel read-
ing, among girls, aud on the licen-
tiousness of female authors, 72-
on the indecency of the modern
female ress 73-on the propriety
of ladies becoming managers of
Sunday Schools, 75.

The Spanish Post Guide, as trans-
lated for Mr. Semple's Journey in
Spain, 83-errors therein pointed
but, ibid.

The Lady's Toilette, remarks on the
immorality of a publication so
called, 308.

Thicknesse, Mrs. quotation from her
school for Fashion, 74.
Tighe, Mr. observations on his poem
called the plants, 40-design and
division of the work, ibid.-fine
apostrophe of, 42-stanzas highly
creditable to the Author's mind,
43-poetical delineation of the pro-
gress of British Navigation, 44
other interesting extracts, 46, 47—
concluding observations on the
poem, 49.

Torey, Marquis de, some account of

the life of, 175-important decla-
ration of, 177.

VACCINATION, wretched charac-
ter of the enemies of, described,
Vaumale, Baron de, letter of, in an-
swer to the critical observations in
the Monthly Review, on his work
on Fortification, 94.
Venereal Infection, observations on the
existence, nature, and communica-
tion of, in pregnant women, &c.


WAPOLE, Lord, memoirs of, 171–
history of his political life, 172.
248-interesting anecdote related
by him, 250-able description of
his character, 257.

Warburton, Bishop, observations on
his correspondence with Bishop
Hurd, 1-respective characters of
those prelates described, 2-quota-
tion of a passage on Pope's Imita-
tions of Horace, 3-observation of
Warburton, on the character of
Hume, 4 singular anecdote related
by him, 5-excellent reflections of,
on the subject of religion, 6—just
remarks of, on tragedy and comedy,
7-remarks on different characters
described by him, ibid. —letter
quoted containing a fine trait of
filial piety, 9-dangerous instance
of error in an opinion of Warbur
ton, ibid.-interesting remarks of,
on ecclesiastical law, 10-his enu-
meration of the various writers on
the civil wars, with remarks on
their respective merits, 11-his
description of the character of Dr.
Stukeley, and Antiquarian Litera-
ture, 12-favourable remarks on
the merits of this correspondence,

Welsh, humorous and interesting
detail of their laws, 240-custom
of deriving certain family names
from bodily deformities amongst,
considered, 384.

Whigs, singular trait in their charac
ter, 256.

White, H. R. observations on the

remains of, and an account of his
life, by Mr. Southey, 352-remark
on the great interest which the
work possesses, 353-description
of his character, ibid.-observa-
tions on his letters, with extracts
from some of them, 354-his poe-
try considered, 355-lines peculi-
arly awful and interesting, ibid.—
further extracts, 356-warm recom
mendation of the work to the peru-
sal of young students, ibid.
Worcester-House, described, 263.
Wooden Houses, probable cause of their
being preferred to those of stone or
brick, 22.

Wool, observations on the influence
of soil and climate on, 156-on the
great utility of greasing and cotting
it, 158-directions for the applica

[blocks in formation]




For remarkable Passages, see the General Index.

ANDRE on Geology, 454.

An expostulatory Letter to Dr. Mose-
ley, 77.

Antiquarian Cabinet, Vol. IV. 404.
Arcanum of National Defence, 268.
Aurora and Maria, 309.
BAKEWELL, on Wool, 156,
Barrow's Life of Lord Macartney,
(continued) 24. 138.
Bishop Warburton's Letters to Bishop
Hurd, 1.

Blacket's Times, an Ode, 79.
CANCELLIERI, on Bells, 463.
Candolle's Memoirs of the National
Institute, 469.

ENGLISH Bards and Scotch Review-
ers, 301.

FISGROVE'S Midas, 411.

Foote, on the Venereal Infection of
Children, 400.

GILCHRIST'S Grammar of Hindoos-
tanee, 189.

Gilchrist's, Bishop Corbet's Poems,


Goodacre's Essay on Education, 411.
Good's Pantalogia, parts I and II. 377.
Grant's Institutes of Latin Grammar,

HAMOND'S Divine and Moral Pre-
cepts, 411.

Chambers's Introduction to Arith- Herbert's Londina Illustrata, 262.

metic, 81.

Charge against the Duke of York,


Chatfield's Historical Review of Hin-
doostan, 337.
Charter-Schools, Irish, 502.
Classical Selections in Verse, 307.
Clutterbuck's Inquiry into the Nature
of Fever, 49. 130. 283.
Cockle's Elegiac Tribute to General
Moore, 181.

Colonel Macdonald's Reply to the
Critical Reviewers, 441.

Copy of the Evidence taken before
the House of Commons, on the
Conduct of the Commander in

Chief, 309.
Correspondence; &c. 112. 224. 336.

Council of Hogs, 191.

Cox's Memoirs of Lord Walpole, 171.


DEACON, on Carriage Wheels and
Roads, 413.

Dede's English Botanists' Companion,


Defence of Outposts, 412.

Herdman's Letter on Public Dispen-
saries, 399.

Historic Gallery, Vol. III. 402.
Hodgkin's Calligraphia Græca, 413.
Hope, on Consumption, 401.
Horsley's Sermon on the Consecrating
of the Right Rev. Dr. Gleig, 30.
Hunter's Men and Manners, 83.
JACKSONS's Address to Time, 80.
Infidelity of the Critical Review, 309,
Jones's Brecknockshire, 225. 383.
Irish Papist's Reverence for an Oath,
according to the holy Bishop,
Milner, 439.
KENNEY'S Burniad, 407.
LAMB'S Adventures of Ulysses, 80.
Laureat's Ode, and Newman's Verses,
110. 223.

Letter to Mr. Roscoe, containing
Strictures on his "Considerations,
&c." 81.

Lever's Key to Rigging and Seaman-
ship, 192.

Literary Intelligence, 224. 443.
MALCOLM'S Anecdote of London
Fashions, during the 18th century,
(concluded) 13.

De Stael Holstein's Corinna, or Italy, Marshal de Tessis Memoirs, (conclu-

Detector's Third Letter on the Ter-

giversations of the Critical Review,


Dietetic Medical Dispensary, 511.
Dr. McGregor's Letter to the Com-
missioners of Military Inquiry, 78.
Dr. Milner's Tour in Ireland, and the
Irish Saints, 445.

ded) 459.

Middiman's Picturesque Views and
Antiquities, 162.

Milburne's Retreat of the English
Army in Spain, 392.

Monthly Review, and Baron de Vau
male, on Fortification, 94.

[blocks in formation]

Poyer's History of Barbadoes, 113. Practical Norfolk Farmer, 187. Professional Characteristics, &c. 83. Public Education, 500.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

QUID Nunc ? Selections from Cow- Theologus, on, Methodists, and Uni

[blocks in formation]

tarian, Deists, 444.

The Family Picture; or, Domestic Education, 61.

The Dissenter's True Friend, Letter IV. 216.

The Lady's Toilette, 308.

The Conspiracy; a Drama, 331.
The 8th and 9th Vols. of the Edin-
burgh Review on Edgeworth, Opie,,
Trimmer, Lancaster, &c. 414.
Tighe's Plants, a Poem, 40..
Tran-actions of the Horticultural
Society, 294, 357.

Transactions of the Society of Nancy, 479.

VASSEUR'S French Students' Vade Mecum, 410.


Printed by GEORGE SIDNEY, Northumberland Street, Strand, London.

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