Abbildungen der Seite

about one hundred, the largest attendance being one hundred and thirty-five, and the smallest seventy-six. There are in the school three doctrinal


37. The hour for public worship having come, the Rev. C. L. Carriere led the worship, and preached from Luke xii. 32: "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." The Association adjourned until the afternoon.

Saturday, 3 o'clock, p.m.

38. The Association met, and proceeded to consider the,subject of missions. The President made brief mention of the lectures which he had delivered in Missouri, Illinois, and West Tennessee. Dr. Fitzer, Mr. Reiche, and Dr. Peabody referred to the work done in Boonville, Jefferson City, and other places in the central part of this State.

39. The Report of the Council was presented and read, and its recommendations considered.

The report set forth that since the removal of the Rev. R. L. Tafel from St. Louis to Europe, where he is employed by the General Convention in bringing out the MSS. of Swedenborg, there are in the diocese only two ministers, viz., Mr. Stuart, employed in the pastorate of the First Parish in St. Louis, and Mr. Carriere, in the pastorate of the German Church. And it was recommended that the brethren who are employed acceptably as the leaders of the worship ought to be recognized in this use, and that they ought to receive more fully the sympathy and co-operation of their brethren. The Council recommended that Gustave Reiche, of Warrenton, who was a Lutheran minister before receiving the new doctrines, and who has an accomplished ministerial education, and was licensed to preach by the Rev. Thomas Worcester in 1858, be introduced into the ministry by ordination; and that Charles Wieser, Adams Peabody, and Jos. W. Bilbie, be licensed to teach and to preach.

40. The consideration of the Council's report brought out a friendly and animated discussion on the subject of the ways and means of propagating the Heavenly Doctrines, in which Messrs. Carriere, Peabody, Fitzer, Reiche, Prince, McDougall, Stuart, Child, Kauffman, and Morgens, took part. The views set forth in the report were favorably received, and its recommendations adopted; and it was agreed that the ordination of Mr. Reiche should take place on Sunday, and that Messrs. Wieser, Peabody, and Bilbie should be licensed.

41. The report of the Treasurer, G. W. Simpkins, was submitted, showing that he had received contributions and donations in cash during the year, of $183; that he had paid for printing Journal, $87.27; sundry expenses, such as advertising, printing circulars, postage, etc., $20.20; the Rev. A. O. Brickman, for missionary labor, $50; same for printing Journal in German, $50; leaving a balance due the Treasurer of $24.47.

42. Messrs. Patterson, Peabody, and Wolpers, were made a Committee to receive contributions, donations, and subscriptions of money for the uses of the Association. After canvassing the house, the Committee reported cash

collected, in connection with the amounts remitted in the letters to the Association, $99.

43. The appointment of delegates to the General Convention, the management of the Book Depository, the arrangement of missionary work, and the publication of the Journal, were referred to the Executive Board.

44. The Association proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the following were chosen: The Rev. J. P. Stuart, President; the Rev. C. L. Carriere, Secretary; Gustave Morgens, Treasurer. Additional members of the Executive Board: W. Chauvenet, G. B. Stone, Geo. W. Simpkins, R. S. Canby, Adams Peabody, C. R. Anderson, C. W. Spalding, C. S. Kauffman, B. G. Child, Chas. McDougall, Chas. Patterson, J. H. Barnard, and Gustave Reiche.

Adjourned until to-morrow.

Sunday morning, May 16.

45. On Sunday morning there was divine worship and preaching in both of the churches in the city. At the German church the Rev. Gustave Reiche preached in German, on John xiv. 23: "If a man love me he will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him." The Rev. C. L. Carriere led the worship, and baptized one adult and three children. At the New Church Hall, corner of 6th and St. Charles Streets, the Rev. J. P. Stuart preached from Rev. xxi. 3. "Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them their God." In the afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the members of the Association met at the New Church Hall, for the administration of the sacraments. Mr. Stuart led the worship, and baptized two children and two adults, and confirmed three.

46. Under the auspices of the Missouri Association, Mr. Stuart then gave license to preach to Adams Peabody, Charles Wieser, and Joseph W. Bilbie; and introduced into the ministry, by ordination, Gustave Reiche.

47. Assisted by Messrs. Reiche and Carriere, Mr. Stuart then administered the Holy Supper to about seventy communicants. At 8 o'clock in the evening, Mr. Carriere preached in the German church, corner of 14th and Howard Streets, from Luke xii. 32: "But tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high."

48. The Association then adjourned to meet in St. Louis on the last Friday in May, 1870.


J. P. STUART, President.



49. The third Annual Convention of the Missouri Association was held at the New Church Hall, corner of Sixth and St. Charles Streets, St. Louis, beginning Friday, May 13th, at 3 o'clock, P. M., and continuing over the Sabbath. The meeting was opened with reading the Word, and prayer, by the Rev. J. P. Stuart.

50. The roll of members was made up as follows: MINISTERS: J. P. Stuart, C. L. Carriere, Gustave Reiche, R. L. Tafel.

DELEGATES: First Parish in St. Louis - Messrs. J. H. Barnard, B. G. Child, A. B. Keith, O. W. Nordwall, G. D. Nourse, R. Rushton, G. W. Simpkins, T. B. Walmbsley, H. G. Whitney.

The German Church in St. Louis - Messrs. Chas. Beck, A. E. Uffman, F. Caspari, J. E. Popp, H. Detzel, G. Morgens, Wm. Morgens, Wm. Schleman, F. W. Schleman, Wm. Dickhöner, H. W. Beldsmeyer, Chr. Klages, Phil. Klein, H. Prange, B. Wolpers, H. Wellhoner, Wm. Wolpers.

First Parish in Jefferson City - Messrs. Adams Peabody, John E. Bowers. Members from Other Places W. S. Swanton, St. Joseph; C. W. Spalding, Kirkwood: Mrs. Susan B. Youst, Hannibal; Mrs. N. B. Tolman, Verden, Ill.

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Visitors Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Gwynne, Milwaukie, and J. J. Lehnen, Port Elgin, C. W.

51. Letters in answer to the circular sent out were received and read. These letters, full as they were with the spirit of love and devotion to the cause of the New Church, served to bring into rapport the minds of those so widely separated.

52. A communication from the brethren in Jefferson City, asking for the ordination of Adams Peabody into the ministry, was received, and referred to the Council.

53. The Association adjourned until evening, when a social meeting was held, which seemed to be pleasant and useful.

Adjourned until to-morrow morning.

Saturday morning, May 14.

54. At 10 o'clock Saturay morning the Association met, and was opened with reading the Word, and prayer, by the Rev. C. L. Carriere.

55. Reports were submitted from the Executive Board, the Council, the Treasurer, the Book Depository, the First Parish in Jefferson City, the First Parish in St. Louis, the German Church in St. Louis, the church in

Boonville, the Rev. J. P. Stuart, the Rev. C. L. Carriere, and the Rev. Gustave Reiche.

56. The Treasurer's report showed the Association free of debt, and a balance in hand of $134.41.

57. The Council having recommended the ordination of Adams Peabody, the licensing of John E. Bowers, of Jefferson City, and Carl Muller, of Boonville, and renewing the license of Charles Wieser and Joseph W. Bilbie, the recommendations were concurred in by the Association, and the ordination and licensing were ordered.

58. The hour for divine worship having come, Mr. Bowers conducted the worship, and preached from John xiv. 15. The Association took a recess for collation.

59. The collation was among the best we have ever enjoyed in the conventions of the New Church, and was elegantly served in the hall recently refitted by the brethren in St. Louis for the social use of the church. About one hundred sat down to this feast.

60. At the appointed hour in the afternoon the Association met, and went into the consideration of the missionary work. Dr. Peabody offered the following resolutions, which were adopted:

Resolved, That the time has come when it is the duty of the New Church to make every possible orderly effort to disseminate the verities of the New Jerusalem, and that this Association ought now to take measures to inaugurate a thorough system of missionary work, using therein both the duly inaugurated ministry and such lay efforts as can be made available and efficient; and that this work ought to be done to the extent that opportunity is afforded and the means provided.

Resolved, That wherever missionary work is done, collections in aid of the work ought to be made, and contributions solicited; and that the societies and parishes of the diocese are requested to make monthly offerings in behalf of this work as heretofore recommended, on the first Sunday of the month.

61. Remarks were made pending the consideration of these resolutions by Messrs. Peabody, Keith, Stuart, Lehnen, Spaulding, and Bowers. Messrs. Peabody and Wolpers were made a committee to take up collections, and to solicit contributions for the uses of the Association.

62. The Association went into the election of officers, and the following were chosen : The Rev. J. P. Stuart, President; Rev. C. L. Carriere, Secretary; Gustave Morgens, Treasurer. Additional Members of the Executive Board: C. R. Anderson, J. H. Barnard, R. S. Canby, B. G. Child, C. S. Kauffman, A. B. Keith, G. D. Nourse, Charles Patterson, G. W. Simpkins, C. W. Spaulding, W. S. Swanton, and T. B. Walmbsley.

63. The appointment of delegates to the General Convention, the publication of the Journal, the management of the Book Depository, and the arrangement of the missionary work, were referred to the Executive Board

64. The next annual meeting of the Association was appointed for the last Friday in May, 1871, at the New Church Hall in St. Louis. The Association then adjourned until the hour of the services appointed for to


Sunday morning, May 15.

65. Sunday morning, at half-past 9 o'clock, divine worship was held at the German church, corner of 14th and Howard streets, and the Rev. C. L. Carriere preached from Mark xi. 12-14. At 11 o'clock, at the New Church Hall, corner of Sixth and St. Charles Streets, Dr. Peabody conducted the worship, and preached from John i. 1: "In the beginning was the Word." At the conclusion of the service, the Rev. J. P. Stuart baptized and confirmed Mrs. Susan B. Youst, of Hannibal, and ordained Dr. Adams Peabody. In the afternoon, at 3 o'clock, Mr. Stuart, assisted by Messrs.. Carriere and Peabody, administered the Holy Supper to forty commu


66. Sunday evening was devoted to a conference on the subject of Sunday-schools. At the appointed hour the conference took place. Reports were presented from the Sunday-schools in Jefferson City and in St. Louis. Speeches were made showing an absorbing interest in this work. In conclusion, the conference resolved itself into the Missouri Sunday-school Union Auxiliary to the Am. S. S. Union of the New Church, and appointed Messrs. Keith, Peabody, and Carriere a committee to prepare the form of organization against another year; and in the meantime to report to the ensuing meeting of the S. S. Union in Philadelphia, and seek to become associated with that body.

The Association then adjourned, to meet in St. Louis, May 26, 1871.

C. L. CARRIERE, Secretary.

J. P. STUART, President.

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