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of this weeding of the plantation of that year, I sowed as many would be, five hundred and fifteen locust seeds as I thought would pounds per acre at the end of produce plants sufficient for a fourteen years. The six hundred hundred acres of land; that is to and eighty trees remaining would say, two hundred and seventybe worth a great deal more than a two thousand. I intended to plant pound a piece, at the end of ano- these hundred acres in six distinet ther seven years. Thus an acre parcels of land, I having then six of land, besides paying rent and children; and I intended that taxes, would yield a profit of each child should have one parcel, more than a thousand pounds in and that my sons should all be twenty years. farmers. I saw the seeds come When I made my little planta- up in the Spring, most beautifully; tions of 1809, I planted, in a field, and the scheme seemed to be in a about six acres, partly of locusts, fair way of accomplishment. But, partly of ash, and other trees. In alas! ELLENBOROUGH, GROSE, consequence of ELLENEOROUGH, Le BLANC and BAYLEY laid hold GROSE, LE BLANC and BAYLEY of me, in the following month of sending me to prison in 1810, this July! Away went the locust trees; plantation got smothered with and I became pitted, life for life, weeds, and a bailiff ploughed it up in 1811. A little piece of this plantation was left, it happened to be of ash. The plants stood at the rate of four thousand eight hundred and forty upon an acre.

against the THING, under the existence of which, I had been condemned to live with felons for two years of my life; to pay a fine of a thousand pounds to the King; and to be held in bonds for seven years after that; and all

The trees upon the piece which was not ploughed up, are now this because I had expressed my worth, I should think, a couple of indignation at the flogging of shillings each; and that is at the Englishmen, in the heart of Eng> rate of four hundred and eighty-land, under a guard of German four pounds an acre. So that bayonets. The poor little locust there is nothing so very wonderful in the calculation relative to the locuts, the profits of which, I have, indeed, greatly understated.

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In the year 1810: the Spring

trees were buried amongst weeds and speedily destroyed; but I took care of the sons, who, however, have been prevented from becoming farmers.

In the above accounts of ex

and trees. These expenses will fall greatly short of the amount of the fire-wood. The lop, however, will not be very great, seeing that the trees are to be constantly

My plan had nothing in it that The Old Man and the Three was not most rational; and if I Young Men. The sentiments exhad now a hundred acres of land, pressed in that fable, are sufficient or even fifty acres, I would not to immortalize the writer; and I part with a single locust plant, greatly regret that I possess no except to oblige a friend. It will translation, any thing like being not be long, I dare say, before I worthy of the original. shall make another sowing, with much about such a design as I penses, I have omitted the exhad before; and, ELLENBOROUGH,pense of pruning, or, at least, of GROSE, and Le RLANC will not felling and trimming the poles. disturb my project, at any rate. When the plantation of the trees from number three to number seven was going on, one of the men observed that the trees were very small. I said, small as they pruned, whether for poles or for are, we shall see them grow into timber. My trees of the two last great timber trees. One of the plantations would have run out whose name was GURMAN, into limbs, like the two trees of said: "Our grandchildren may, the first plantation, if I had not Sir, but we never shall."-" I beg been careful about the pruning. you will speak for yourself," said You must, also, be careful to I; "for I expect to live to see prune in time; and sometimes to them as big round as my body." give, not only a winter pruning; There is hardly a tree of them but a summer pruning also. This, that is not that already. And, in- however, is a very trifling matter; deed, it is a sorrowful instance of for, a clever man, with a good human frailty, that men are de-knife, will go over an acre in a terred from planting because they day, and pick up his cuttings into think that they, themselves, shall the bargain; though, perhaps, the not see the trees come to perfec-summer cuttings are hardly worth tion. I think I have, in this Re-picking up.


gister (the real Noah's Ark of I have only one thing more to subjects), once before pointed out to the admiration of the reader, the fable of La FONTAINE, entitled,

observe as to the cultivation; and that is, that I always cut down the trees, early in the month of

June, after having planted them which means, in fact, that it is a out in April. Early in June they pity to have straight and fast

begin to show their leaves, and then I cut them down within an inch of the ground, taking care to have a very sharp knife, and to hold the

plant firm, so as the root from

growing trees. A neighbour of mine, the late Mr. CLEWER, of Botley, told me, that he sowed, when he was a young man, three stem of the acorns, in a row near to each to prevent other. I forget the number of being loosened years that he suffered the plants by the operation. If the plant to remain, when he cut two of be of a tolerable size when plant- them down close to the ground, ed; if the ground be well prepared, and the planting well performed, the tree will send up a shoot of full four feet the first year. You must have your trees looked over in about a fortnight after cutting them down, and again, in about a month, to see whether there be more than one shoot coming out from each stem. If there be, you must rub off all but the strongest. If this should be neglected, which it ought not, by any means, you must take care, when winter comes, to have but one shoot to each stem.

leaving one of them untouched. At the end of two years afterwards, he cut down again one of the two which he had cut down before, leaving the other two untouched. At the end of twenty years, the result was, what I cannot precisely recollect; but, as far as I can recollect, the tree which had been cut down twice, was a great deal taller and bigger than the tree which had been cut down only once; and that even this was half as tall again, and more than twice as big round at the bottom, as the tree which had not been cut down at all. If this be the

"It is a pity to cut it down!" How often have I heard this ex-case, with regard to trees that clamation from persons, and per- have never been transplanted, how sons of great sense, too, when I necessary must it be to cut down have advised them to cut their transplanted trees! young trees down. Even gardeners and nurserymen are, in many cases, with difficulty prevailed upon, to refrain from acting upon the notion of this exclamation; sill, mentioned above, and also the

I have before said; but I repeat, that any trees that are ordered, will be carefully sent to any part of the country. The window

little blocks of Locust wood, will wages, of schooling by the year; be at Fleet Street after Monday to ascertain the amount of the

next. These specimens of the timber have been cut off a tree grown at Fulham; and I believe that no better timber of the sort can be grown in any part of the world.

rent of houses of various description in town and country; to ascertain the state of agriculture, and, as far as he was able, to ascertain the state of emigration from England, and how France was affected by this emigration, whether in her agriculture, handicraft or manufactures; to bring us home something like a true account of the state of France as to the administration of justice, as to the frequency or infrequency of crimes; but, above all things, to bring home a true account of the state of the labourers in

I make no apology to the readers of the Register, for having taken up so much of its space, with these American trees; because I look upon the subject to be one of deep and general interest; and because it must be manifest to every reasonable man, that I act, in this instance, from motives of public good, a great deal more than from motives of private in- agriculture; to inform us of the proportion which their wages WM. COBBETT. bore, to the price of the neces➡



saries of life; and to give us such an account of the relationships between landlord and tenant, and between farmer and labourer, as might enable us

MR. JAMES COBBETT returned to judge between our state and to London on Tuesday evening, the state of the French; this beafter having gone, on horseback, ing, in reality, the only solid about eight hundred miles in foundation whereon to build any France. The Southernmost point conjecture as to what that Gowas CHATEREAUX, which is si-vernment is likely to be able to tuated within a few iniles of the do, or to attempt with regard to centre of France. The objects us. A knowledge of the feelings, of his ride were, to ascertain the of the disposition, of the content state of prices of land, of labour, or discontent of a kingdom, is not of food, of raiment, of servants' to be acquired in coffee-houses,

reading-rooms or other gossiping" March 1824, a Hat or Bonnet, shops. It has been found impos-" made from indigenous British sible to insert in the Register, the" grass, that shall be equally good communications received weekly "in texture and colour, as those from Mr. JAMES COBBETT during" imported from Leghorn."-This his ride. It is, however, his in- offer may lead, I should think, to tention to prepare for the press, much misunderstanding. In the and to publish, about the first first place, a hundred different week of January, the result of persons may produce such hats his observations and inquiries. or bonnets. In the next place, He has seen the French people, they may all be equal in colour in all situations of life. He has and superior in texture to those seen the labouring man in his imported from Leghorn, and yet cottage and at his dinner. And they may all be extremely coarse; he flatters himself that the infor- so coarse as really not to be worth mation, the detail of facts, which he has to communicate to the Public, will be found to be useful to many persons, at least: and, as to his manner of communicating the information, though it will stand in need of an uncommon portion of indulgence, he is sure that he shall receive the benefit of that indulgence.


five shillings apiece. The Society will, perhaps, give an ex planation of this offer; for, it appears to me to stand in need of one.-I have seen plat, and even bonnets, made at Bury St. Edmunds, superior to any Leghorn that I have ever seen.

There are several Schools in England for teaching the knitting as well as the platting. Last Spring, when I published the last Number of the Cottage Economy, it was thought impossible for any body to do the knitting, except Jew-women. From the establishment of Mr. COBBING

I PERCEIVE that the Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, have published an offer, and his partners, at Bury St. to give the Silver Medal or Fifteen Edmunds, I am this day to reGuineas" to the person who shall ceive a Suffolk Girl, who learnt produce to the Society, on or the knitting from instructions "before the first Tuesday in given in my book, and who is

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