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Talking of SMALL NOTES makes me think of the "CARDIFF BANK." Bank means, 'a heap

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hair the

Cardiff rags, and may you have
neither food nor raiment, except
what you can get in exchange for
10 aos 1992 3811, art ga

I have recently seen a letter from Mr. NORTHMORE, in an Exeter paper, reprobating a letter sent to him anonymously, and calling the writer a spy. This spy-letter" is published by Mr. NORTHMORE. Begging this gentleman's pardon, I think he did very wrongly to publish the letter

of Debts;" and those who hold
rags of the Cardiff Bank of Wood,
Wood, and Co. who have just
cracked; those who hold the rags
of that bank now know what the
word Bank means, and they know,
too, the difference between rags
and gold. These people are pro-
perly punished. I wish that each
individual of them may be re-
duced to pinching want. Each of his correspondent; and I think
of them has done all that he could it very strange in him to scall

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do to uphold this hellish system the "letter felonious. Such of gambling, stock-jobbing, and works of supererogation do no pressing the labourers down. good, he may be assured, exMay they all, therefore, suffer the cept to those whom he professes yun ano biom 0999 extreme of poverty. They have, to hate." I do not blame Mr. by holding the rags, done mischief NORTHMORE for not acting upon wilfully to their nighbours let the advice of His correspondent; them, Oh, God! have their re- because I blame no man for not ward! If all that I hear be true, doing what I do not do myself, there are others, and in other parts I having the same means as he;

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of the kingdom, who will have but, I do blame him for publishing _‚' their reward too! Send us a good the letter, and for calling a man WESTENTET Heep

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sweep! And a good sweep we a spy" merely because that shall have this next winter. Ah! man presses him to go farther 8 Jou Sic for at once stupid and malignant than he has yet gone. Nothing or body can be more foolish, or more creatures, who take the paper, -MB 1994 ben es bad the paper, and lock up the liv up the hypocritical, than to talk of a rebeing paper: do not expect pity from form of parliament as long as the any man of sense and of virtue. You have your rags, keep them


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paper-system lasts. I do not agree with Mr. PUFF (that is the name that T give to Mr. Northmore's

You said they were better than HATIANATILIO ANT amed gold; keep them! Keep the Correspondent), that the system

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will defy all other causes of de-blowing up of the Debt; and struction; for, I am convinced, then, BANG! CRASH! Do that the revolution, that is now (as you not think you hear the noise, we have just seen) going on in friend PUFF? Have a little paSuffolk, is only a sample of what tience, therefore, if you can; but, is going on all over the kingdom. if you cannot, I shall not, with The small rag Bill has only ob Mr. NORTHMORE, call you spy tained a respite for the THING, and felon. I may decline going that accursed thing," which so fast as you think I ought to go; must be expelled from the camp, but, I have no right to reply to - or we perish. This revolution will your pressing by calling you" spy annihilate the THING; and, let us and felon.i Mot ista I 2 deuing 21794 14be comforted, in the meanwhile, Juby seeing the insolent jolterheads fall, one after the other, into the Hopit, which they dug for us. Let us, be comforted by seeing what the French are about. They are just now subduing our pretty gentlemen's allies, and walking over those lines which it cost our pretty fellows millions upon millions to to make and repair, Never mind Ho the Bourbons,” friend PUFF.


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Po od can he rug and maila te To the Editor of the Register. CCDi Bollitree Castle, Herefordshire, SIR, 25th Sept. 1823. SINCE I wrote my last letter, I have seen more of this country; as to crops of wheat, barley, ESO 3D know that I can and oats, I do not On give you any further information, except that, during the short time Be you assured, that every shot that I have been here, the little which tells against Cadiz, is a shot that remained to be harvested has urrats Gatton and Old Sarum. Our been got in. Beans, about here, trc't pretty, fellows thought that the (I speak particularly of the neighFrench would defeat themselves bourhood of Ross and Hereford) Satin in Spain. They thought, that though not a good crop, are not a TonSpain would serve to divert them bad one. That is, the crop is not from us that it would weaken nearly, so bad as had been anthem; give them enough to do In many places I They were deceived; and, do what they will, the French will push on at us, or we must go to war Go to war we cannot, without a

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ticipated. do ticipated fo see them at bean-cart, and few, bus 92:92 to UBAI VIS very few remain to be cut -At a few miles beyond Ross, and on" the adjoining farms of Mr.WALTER

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PALMER and SIR HUNGERFORD bestowed in the filling up of these, HOSKYNs, I saw some fields of spaces, by means of transplanting, Swedish turnips. Precisely the would have remedied the evil, I. time when either of these gentle-do not see that it has been atmen had put in their crops. I tempted. The general povertydo not know; but Sir Hunger-stricken look of this field of ture, ford's seemed most forward. Mr. nips may be, in great measure, PALMER'S have had two plough-accounted for by the miserable ings, real ploughings, the last of ploughing it has had...In poking which, owing to the ridges being a walking-stick down through less than four feet asunder, has the earth that had but just been buried a great portion of the large ploughed, you find that the plough and lower leaves, so that it will has gone no deeper than about. be impossible to give them a third four inches; whereas Mr. PALM ploughing. These turnips are not ER's plough went down nearer to so large in the bulb as those 1 a foot in depth. But, notwith-→ mentioned in my last letter, but standing bad culture, crops will they certainly look more "kind," come here, and accordingly I as the farmers are pleased to saw in this bad field, some of the term any thing that is in a thriving largest turnips I have seen at all state. What I most admire in Some weighing six or seven pounds Mr. Walter PALMER's turnips, at least. This was in a corner of is the singular evenness of them. about three acres; but, in this corner they had missed in many,» yard of ground in any one ridge places, and had been so badly in which there is not the proper hoed out, that two and three are, number of plants placed at the constantly to be met with smothere proper distance from each other. ing each other as to bulb, and The neighbouring field (SIR HUN-poking up into long stalky leaves. GERFORD'S), on the contrary, pre- Before I go out of this country, Isents to your view rather a sad variety; for you see here a large field of generally stunted turnips; you frequently meet with a space of some feet where they have missed altogether, and, though a very little trouble and expense disposed, frequently, in the most

There is not, as far as I saw, a


should say something of the face of it, and of the towns of Ross and Hereford. The land is all of the finest, bearing great crops of corn and fine straight lofty tim» ber of the best kinds, which is

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romantic manner. Oak coppices the church-yard are about twenty appear to be most encouraged, of the largest Elms I ever saw. and no wonder, when at twelve I may have seen an Elm tree as years' growth, in some places, large, but I never before saw they can sell them as high as 501. twenty standing in a row so large, per acre! Eighty pounds per acre I measured, with a stick that I have been given for oak coppices thought was about a foot and a in the neighbourhood of Ross, at, half long, the largest of them. At I believe, fifteen years growth. four feet from the ground, it took The timber is, of course small, eight times my stick to go round but it serves the wheelwrights, it; and it would require a nice and the rest is burned into char-eye to say which of these trees is coal for the iron works of Wales. the largest. The Oak and the They begin stripping the bark off Elm are the timber of the coun→ the trees while standing, and do try: the fields are mostly lined not cut them till the fall of the with Elms and the coppices are year. The towns above-men-all Oak. tioned are in themselves so little beautiful that both may be described together without prejudice to either: both have the beautiful river WYE twisting about under them, its banks consisting of an going on by way of OXFORD, even mixtures of most beautiful I crossed the country, through pasture, and most romantic wood- TEWKESBURY to WORCESTER, land. From the bridge at HERE

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High Wycombe, 27th Sept. 1823. ↑ Leaving the county of HERE FORD yesterday, I came back upon my old road as far as CHEL, TENHAM, and then, instead of

The day was very rainy and FORD you have a pretty view up misty; however, at intervals it this river, but not an extensive was clear enough for me to see one; from the church-yard at for some distance on each side of Ross, which stands considerably the road. The Malvern Hills on higher than the town itself, you the left were discernible when we have a very extensive view of the got to TEWKESBURY; and nearer country, and a much finer view of to WORCESTER we could see the the river than youhave at HERE-town or village of MALVERN, FORD. It forms a bow here of about situated apparently at the foot of amile, and then sweeps off again the loftiest part of this high ridge to the right and to the lefta In of hills. The country' is nearly

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the produce of such cross. They certainly are very handsome, but in some instances you can plainly discover a sacrifice of wool to fat, size and shape. I saw some beautiful lambs near Ross, weighing 1216. the quarter, for a score of which the owner could not

all grass. Large and rich pas-ed by the clothier as by the tures thinly intermixed with small butcher. But, under the idea of corn-fields. All the corn in, and, making this animal still more peras they are great and careful fect, by giving it a somewhat cattle feeders, they mow a great larger carcass and a greater propart of their stubbles for bedding. pensity to fatten, many breeders I see them all along here carting of the present day are crossing stubble. TEWKESBURY seems a the Ryland with the new Leicesnice old town, but I did not stop ter sheep. The object is to obtain in it. The Severn runs near to in one the good qualities of both it, as I see on the finger-post, these famous sorts of sheep, and "To the Ferry,” so far. Within the sheep I allude to above were nine miles of WORCESTER there are many fields of Swedish turnips (broadcast), but they look excessively brown. "All the lower leaves seem scorched, and the upper ones mildewed. They look much browner than any that I saw in HEREFORDSHIRE, where they were only partially dis- have obtained more than eighteen coloured. Some cabbages here pounds. Five fat ewes of 18 lb. of a large sort promise a great the quarter were not deemed bulk of cattle food, and near to worth thirty shillings." gs. Wheat w this food I saw some fine spe- about 46s. the quarter. From cimens of a most deserving sort WORCESTER I came through PERof cattle, some most beautiful SHORE, EVESHAM and BROADWAY, sheep. They have in these coun- three very pretty places, but partiesra sortof sheep that I never ticularly the latter, which is before saw. It is a ve very old and small but pretty old t town. The favourite sort, however, in Here- houses very ol, and built of a fordshire, and, I believe, in the handsome grey stone. This town adjoining counties: I mean the is at the foot of a very steep and Ryland sheep. A pretty, short-high hill: I think more than half legged, fine woolled, harmless a mile high. There is a great sheep; making fine mutton and deal of garden ground round lamb, and being as much esteem-WORCESTER. For a distance of



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