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the London DAILY papers of the taken place retained, by con11th instant, you was passos sent of the parties, four shillings KOTINN, DIE ZUEL 2am on each conviction for the SoliTURNPIKE EXACTIONS.-At a Meeting of several Owners of one- citor, who had had a great deal of horse carts, of the Kensington, trouble, and the men, aboveChelsea, Fulham, and Hammer-named, were paid by me, sixteen smith Districts held at the Grapes shillings on each conviction. The Tavern, Kensington, on Thursday, seven pounds, which came to me,

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the 6th day of November, I shall give to them came to me,

Mr. COTTERELL in the Chair;

dren of poor


and chil

it was Resolved, That a Subscrip- part to the Osupa SWANN



to him. part coming, is the

tion be entered into for the pur-
chase of a Piece of Plate, to be
presented to Mr. Cobbett, for his
disinterested exertions inexposing,
defeating, and putting a stop to
other districts, from exacting a gaol about three months before
higher than the Law directs to
be paid.

The winter,
FIFTH winter that this poor man
has passed
inter that
he was sent by the Magistrates of
in gaol, to which
Cheshire! For they had him in

the renters of Tolls in


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sentenced him to be in gaol for four years and a half longer! 66 Subscriptions will be received A wife and four small children by the Chairman, High-street, and were left to be paupers or to Mr. Haines, Grapes Tavern, Ken- starve. Good God! And this is sington; Mr. W. Pater, Mr. Wm. humane England, is it! I have Simmonds, Swan, and Mr. James

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Saunders, Hammersmith; Mrs. once before assisted this poor South, Compasses, Fulham; Mr. Woman a littled And, as I give Edwards, Somerset Arms, Little these seven pounds, may Chelsea: Dickson and Anderson, hope, that there will be someCovent Garden; Wam- body found to make the seven and Mr. sley, Beaumont Arms, Shepherd's twice seven Boshall go, or get Bush, till MONDAY, the 24th instant, when a Meeting of the Subsome one to go, to see SWANN and

scribers will be held at Seven his family, on, or before, the last o'clock in the Evening, at the day of this month This man and his family must be taken care of Subscrip- of, or, the very name of Englishtions, and to determine the man ought to be held in detesPiece of Plate to be purchased." tation. I shall, in the Register ensed tation basally

certain the amouington, to as

give an account The Jews had to pay thirty-six I may receive on this account. neun subs any sums that

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about sq

Sut to

pounds in penalties. I made Much is not for

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wanted BPK that is just at handb

wints will be

two, Thomas Cox two, Wiliam the Grove two, John Wilson one, In the meanwhile, Mrs. SWANN William Cox one, William Cal- will oblige me by writing 197 cott one, John Kill one, Thomas (at No. 183, Fleet Street, postage King one advised these men

to complain: They went with me.wholet

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I employed the Solicitor, and he the gentleman that goes, may not 2 advanced money for all the ex- lose penses When the decision had one my or his fimes or some 219

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30th of this month. I will, towards f for not wishing to be either the one the seven pounds which I wish to or the other. He had all his life get, receive any sum, even so low made it his boast and glory that he as a shilling. A little book will belonged to the working part of be kept at No. 133, Fleet Street, affected to be what he was notHe never the people. [Cheers.] for the purpose of entering names he never turned his back upon that and sums. When I get the seven class out of which he came. [Appounds, I shall stop. That will plause.] He was of opinion that suffice for this winter; and that, one Resolution at least of the SoI trust, I shall soon have. At any ciety at New York was a wise one rate, I know what is my duty, and namely, that none but mechanics I will do it. My Solicitor, under-bers of it. It became those who should be allowed to become memstanding what use I meant to apply the seven penalties to, declined receiving any thing on account of them; so that, in fact, he has been good enough to sub-ment of the Institution. [Applause.] scribe 11. 8s. on this occasion.

were not mechanics to subscribe

according to their ability, but they had nothing, and ought to have nothing, to do with the manage

And here he agreed with Mr. Brougham, who stated he thought the thing should be managed by the mechanics themselves. If they allowed other management to in

MECHANIC'S INSTITUTION. terfere, men would soon be found

who would put the mechanics on one side, and make use of them THE Report of the proceedings meant to impute blame no where, only as tools. [ [Applause.] He at the Crown and Anchor, public least of all to Mr. Brougham, who house, in the Strand, on Tuesday agreed fully with him upon this the 11th inst. has been published point. He recollected the estain all the newspapers. The fol-blishment of a literary institution, lowing is what the report in the a kind of literary fund, at the head Morning Chronicle has contained, of which were Mr. D. Williams, with regard to the little part that I a dissenting minister, and Mr. T

took in the business."

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Morrice. This fund was intended for the relief of decayed authors, "MR. . COBBETT having been who had written in support of truth called for, came forward amidst loud and justice, or their wives and applause. Order having been re- families - well, what happened? stored, he observed that it was not The society flourished, it increased originally his intention to trouble but it soon got into other handsthem with a single word. He con- the consequence of which was, that curred with those who thought it for years not a farthing had been the duty of every man to contri-paid out of it, except to those who bute as much as in his power to had written in support of corrupthe support of the Institution; tion and slavery."

with that

he had given his


five pounds the Chairman, re-mark of my regard for and my I gave my five pounds cas ca questing him to inform the meeting attachment to the working classes that he was not actuated by any wish to become a founder or mem- of the community, and also us ber of the Institution, and he would, a mark of my approbation of any in a few words, tell them his reason thing which seemed to assert that

these classes were equal, in point sheep at Smithfield. Scotch Fee of intellect, to those who have had loosofers are sometimes, varey the insolence to to call them the cleever men; but, if you suffer "Lower Orders." But, I was not yourselves to be put into their without my fears, nor am I now crucibles, you will make, but a without my fears, that this insti- poor figure when you come out. tution may be turned to purposes, An "Institution" to get the "Comextremely injurious to the me- bination Law" repealed would,"I chanics themselves. 1 cannot but fancy, be the most advantageous know what sort of people are that you could, at this time, esta likely to get amongst them. I blish. The "expansion of the know that there are Rump Com- mind" is very well; but, really,' mittees, and I heard the name of the thing which presses most, at "JOHN CAM HOBHOUSE Esquire," this time, is, the getting of some+ who gave ten pounds to the ine-thing to expand the body a little chanics, while his father is re- more: a little more bread, bacon, ceiving twelve hundred pounds a and beer; and, when these are se year as a Commissioner about the cured, a little "expansion of the Nabob of Arcot's debts, and who mind" may do vary weele. has received out of the public money about five and twenty thousand pounds since I can remember; and that, too, in part, out of the sweat of these very mechanics. "When father and son take dif"ferent sides, lands and tene"ments commit no treason." Thus BURDETT is thanked at the late I SHALL publish a list of the dinner of "Patriots" for his hos- sorts, with the prices, in the next tility to military outrage; while Register. In the meanwhile, some his son, in a high court regiment of the apples, and especially an of whiskerandoes, is pushing on apple, which grew on a graft that fast in time of peace towards the came from America last spring, rank of General! So much for may be seen at Fleet-street.-I Rump Committees and "free and cannot state more particulars at "independent Electors of West-present, for want of room.-The "minster."

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grafts that were first put on, in Mechanics, I must heartily wish my garden, were put on in May, you well; but I also most heartily 1821; that is, thirty months ago; wish you not to be humbugged, and, I have now, apples of five which you most certainly will be, sorts from them; and, the finest if you suffer any body but REAL collection of apples that I ever MECHANICS to have any thing saw in England. Two of my to do in managing the concern. Fall - pippins, weighing nine You will mean well; but, many a ounces each, have been sent to cunning scoundrel will get place the HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S or pensions as the price of you, Rooms, in Regent-street, where, whom he will sell just as uncon- as I understand, they may be cernedly as a grazier sells his seen after Tuesday next. lu my

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THAT W309 VITV40 YEAR'S RESIDENCE IN AMERICA, in the Journal® part, there are these words broff October 7 The "wind is knocking down the fall "pippins for us. One picked up "to-day, weighed 121 ounces, "avoirdupois. The average weight

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...18 No 50 MARKETS: 101 55 k to asotiq adlehongira yllai taɔ6 2 15 W te rol cobra zebroMa.

Average Prices of CORN throughout ENGLAND, for the week endg1st November.hettatore, dës




Per Quarter. S.


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Corn Exchange, Mark Lane. Quantities and Prices of British Corn, &c. sold and delivered in this Market, during the week ended Saturday, 1st November.

is nine ounces, or, perhaps, ten "ounces."Now, I have five fall-pippins this year from a graft put on in 1821. The weight of three of them is nine ounces each: the weight of one of the other two, nine ounces and a half; and the weight of the fifth, eight ounces. — Besides these, there is one, which grew on the graft brought from America this year, cut off the tree in Decem ber, and put on here on the 27th of April. This apple weighs rather more than seven ounces. Every one knows how bad this year has been for the ripening of apples; and yet my apples (and not against a wall), appear to be perfectly well ripened.-Mind, it is only thirty months since I put on my first graft. My wood shews for beautiful bloom. I have three Newtown Pippins. They are not full size. They weigh, however, seven ounces each, and the whole of the wood that they grew on, I mean the whole from the place where the grafting took place, does not, I am sure, and did not with the leaves on, weigh half an ounce. All these facts show, that there is, in these American grafts, a great aptness to produce bear- Malt.....1,896 ing wood. The leaves hang on late upon my trees. The last week in this month will be time Beans... 1,205 enough to take them up.


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£.8 d.

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Wheat.. 8,200 for 21,399 14 9 Average, 52 2
Barley..3,486.... 5,220 5 1.
Oats....8,197....10,043 13 11.

.24 6

Rye...... 91
Peas.... 1,263... 2,292 14-37.4701996) 3

144 16 10... 31 101,169.... 2,151 16 0)..........................36 9

Quarters of English Grain, &c. arrived Coastwise, from Nov. 3 to Nov. 8, inclusive.

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Friday, Nov. 7.-The arrivals of

all kinds of Grain are only moderate for this season of the year. Wheat fully supports the prices of last Monday. Barley for our Maltsters? use finds sale freely, and

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's. a.

grinding samples also maintain Uxbridge, per load....100s. 164 10s.

last quotations. Beans and Peas are without alteration. Good Oats meet a ready sale at the same rates

as last quoted, but other kinds go off slowly.

Monday, Nov. 10.-The arrivals of all sorts of Corn last week were only moderate, and the quantities fresh up this morning are again middling from Essex, Kent, and Suffolk, with but few vessels with Oats from the North. There was a

brisk demand for the best parcels.

Aylesbury ditto...

Dorchester, per load...
Exeter, per bushel

107. Os. 124.10.2

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Guildford, per load ..
Winchester, ditto...
Chelmsford, per load

of Wheat this morning, and super-Northampton...
fine descriptions obtained rather Truro, 24 galls. to a bush.

higher prices than this day se'n-
; other qualities also sell
more freely than of late, but not at
better prices.

Barley for malting fully sup-
ports the terms of last Monday,
but other qualities g go off heavily.
Beans of dry quality obtain 1s.
per quarter advance ou last quo-

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Swansea, per bushel...
Nottingham ...
Derby, 34 quarts to bush.
Dalkeith, per boll.*
Haddington, ditto*. 20 0 32909
*The Scotch boll is 3

38 0 57. O M18 627 0

per cent more TOMO than 4 bushels. ØV worg gods fed bow of Liverpool, Nov. 4. But littlew business has been done here in the Corn trade since Tuesday last, and and Oats scarcely met sales on during the week past Old Wheat Boiling Pease are un-equal terms of this day se'nnight, Grey Pease being scarce. and New Irish Oats and Wheat were each sold below the prices of are ragain 1s per quarter dearer that day. The market of this day There was a free demand for good opened, from the numerous en Oats, which sold on rather better quiries of both town and country terms than this day se'nnight, but few parcels of fine English and dealers, with a lively aspect, and a other qualities remain as stated Irish Wheats were taken off at the last week. Flour is unaltered. ein kenal jilted mond prices of last Tuesday. In other articles of the trade there was so

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