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"these, there is a bird, which of the King baye a right to shoot "they call the red-legged par- game, without paying any thing. "tridge a very beautiful bird, Game may be bought and sold frather larger than our partridge, by any body, and is, at all times. "and in great abundance. I went of the year. So, it would ap"a coursing two or three times at pear, that the Game Laws of "Briare and it appeared to" France have more an eye to the. “me that the French hares were 'guns of sportsmen, than they quite a match for the English" have to the preservation of those. greyhounds that ran after them," animals that sportsmen love to "The GAME LAWS' in" destroy.The labourers catch. "France are exceedingly simple" the game in springes, without, "in their provisions. The law" being sent to gaol or Botany. "that affects sportsmen, is more" Bay for so doing; there is, "properly a Military Law than "however, little to induce them. "a Game Law. You may chace," to poaching, as we call it in "and kill, any game that you" England. A French labourer please, without the laws having" would be a fool if he could find "any thing to do with you. But," any delight in prowling about "if you wish to carry a gun, you" in a coppice, at a time when he "must have a certificate to autho-" might be sleeping at home in "rize you to do so. Any one is such a house as is the habita qualified to buy this certificate; "tion of a labourer at BRIARES "and the cost of the certificate is "There are cottages, separate "fifteen franos, which is about" from the farm-houses, all over "twelve shillings and sixpence "the estate of BEAUVOIRIA® "sterling: The certificate is called labourer, employed by the year, "a Porte-d'Arme; that is to say;" has one of these cottages for his “a permission to carry fire arms."family to live in, with from

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Having this, you may kill what-"twelve to fifteen acres of land, "ever game you please; but it "fire-wood, and two cows allowed "does not give you a right to go" him; a little piece of vineyard, "on the land of another person" and apples and pears, to make without having his leave to do "wine, cider, and perry, for his "so, and you are liable, if you "drink. For this little estate he "have not such leave, toan" pays 150 francs (61, 5s.) a years "action for trespass. The soldiers "And he earns, in his laboury


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son, he can go to bed, without

being afraid of awaking in

from 15 to 30 sous a day (73d.content; and, for the same rea"48 15.), according to the sea

son of the year which would

be leaving him, upon an aver-misery. The state of the French reafter age, after he has paid the 150 labourer forms, in short, a per

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francs, more than as much as "fect contrast with that of the "that sum, in clear money. The" poor ragged" creature of the "labourers who live under these same class in England, who, "circumstances cannot, generally" after a hard day's work, slinks "speaking, be otherwise than "into the pot-house,' to seek, in "happy. They have every thing "its scene of drunkenness and "that they can want; every degradation, a refuge from the "thing, in fact, that a labourer "cheerlessness of his own abode. "bught to have. If they like to "The dress of the labourers in have beer to drink, they have" France, is good, as far as I have « land on which to grow the ma-" seen. They wear a smock"terials to make it; and they "frock and trowsers, of a blue may grow the hops and make colour, like the dress of most of the malt, without fearing the "the labourers in SUSSEX. The interference of an Exciseman. "garments of the Sussex-men They have not a farthing of "however, are very frequently in "taxes to pay, nor money in any "a state of raggedness, which is other shape, éxcepting that" seldom the case with those of which they pay to their land- the French. This dress is made, lord, and who gives them a "not, as I before said, of cotton, "sufficient price for their labour" but of stout linen. When at ❝to enable them to preserve com-work, the men, very frequently fort and happiness for them-"wear some sort of cap upon selves, and to pay him a rent" their heads. In this part of the for the advantages which he country, I see, they wear a hat, gives them. There is no need" which has a very wide brim to of "pot-houses here: and, con- "it, a brim about eight or ten "sequently, there are no such "inches wide, that serves as a "things in France. The la-shelter to the shoulders as well «bourer can sit at home in the "as a covering to the head. " evening, because in his cottage" Sometimes this large brim is "there is enough of plenty to give "turned up, in such a way as to

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third part of all the prisoners in any one gaol in England at any

"form a complete cocked-hat, like "that which is worn by the of "ficers in our army given time, are in for killing or Has France gained nothing, attempting to kill hares, phea then, by her revolution? Thou- sants, or partridges. When we sands of persons used to be sent to think of these things; when we the gallies every year on account think of the hanging of the two of the game. Has she gained poor fellows at Winchester, SMITH nothing, then, by her revolution? and TURNER, on account of hav Our parsons say that she has not. ing resisted and wounded in one Would they like to let the people case, and killed in the other case, Lord PALMERSTON'S and ASHETON SMITH'S game-keepers, by whom they had been seized: when we think of these things; when we think of all the miseries, and all the horrors, proceeding from this terrible Game Code, and when we

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of England gain as much as the French have gained? In this account of the game laws of France, we have, in fact, an account of the happiness of a country, without tithes, without a domineering priesthood, and without cruel and bloody laws to pre-think at the same time of the serve all the wild animals, for the happy and secure state of the exclusive use of a haughty aris- people of France, how are we to tocracy. What a contrast does find words to express our indig the state of the French country-nation of those wretches of the man form with that of our poor London press, who would make creatures! However, let us hope us believe that we are free men, that Frenchmen are not always to while the people of France are see us in this degraded state. slaves; and that we ought to What are we to think of the base patiently submit to our rulers, London press, when we look at while the people of France ought this state of the French labourer; to rise in rebellion against theirs? when we read this account of the These wretches of the Lone game and of the game laws in don press may curse till they France, and when we remember are hoarse. These hirelings of Gaffer Gooch's saying, that there the Jews and Jobbers may were ONLY FORTY POACH- swear as long as they please, that ERS at one time in one English the parishioners of Parson Morgaol; when w en we reffect, that one RITT, who sent. forth armed men

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to collect his tithes at Skibbereen, mary of a small part of what the and whose agents bought in five Boroughmongers" đỏ to us, and of the seized sheep for five shil-entitled, Proofs of English Freelings; these wretches, hired by the dom, translated into French, and Jews and Jobbers of London, may well circulated in France, would swear as long as they please that do a great deal of good. I will Frenchmen ought to rebel be- think about the means of doing cause they are not crammed into this; for, I make no compromise prison for looking at a hare; but Frenchmen will not rebel; they will leave us to the enjoyment of the blessings that Boroughmongers give us, and if we like Parson MORRITT and his brethren, they will leave us to the blessings bestowed by Parson MORRITT and his brethren they will enjoy quietly the fruit of their revolu tion, the fruit of their valour and

with the Borough-villains. We owe all our sufferings to them. It is they who have spawned the Jews and Jobbers: it is they who have put the old sacks over the shoulders of the labourer and have wrapped hay-bands round his legs.


perseverance; and leave us loyal To the Editor of the Hampshire

souls to enjoy the tread-mill, that famous specimen of the " envy of "surrounding nations and admira"tion of the world."



Kensington, 13 November, 1823.

I PERCEIVE, from one of your This wretched crew of hum-recent papers, that this matter, buggers ought not to be suffered to relating to the tolls on one-horse carts, is not yet clearly understood, in your part of the country at least. That article in your paper, to which I allude, says something

proceed with their frauds. As to what they may do here, that, cannot be wholly prevented. But,


about market

as I have completely exposed carts for light arts, and other

them throughout North America, I am resolved to expose this whole fraud; all this fradulent THING, to the people of France. These cheats shall not cheat the world as they havetodone. Just one sheet of paper, containing a sum


Sir, ALL one-horse carts are to be exempted from the additional toll. Let me lay down the law once more, and plainly, if I can. In 1822, an Act und alle was passed, laying an additional toll on one horse carts with narrow wheels. This additional toll was one-half of the old

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toll so that, a toll that was have had to pay a penalty for not became And This Act knowing (and really not knowing), I owent into force in January that their names must be put on

to last; and the tolls were then the side, instea must be put on

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-jive pounds ad of idguo s ps. The above Letter ought se ne burgish of bas enoit P. S. Hoda I is the law; and this to be inserted in every country law has been violated in all parts paper in the kingdom; and, in of the in many deed, in every paper. If, in any oq country, and, parts, is violated still. It has been part of the country, the extortionve pretended, that the toll-collectors be still going on; and, if any manows did not know of the existence of with a name, and whom I know, the act of 1823. Surely! They will write to me; post paid, at 183, W knew, in a moment, of the exist- Fleet-street, I will take measures ence of the act of 1822! Knew for punishing the offenders.

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of the act raising tolls; but not of hear that the extortion is still go of the act lowering tolls! And And pray, ing on in some parts of Kent. Ine I Sir, how many scores of poor cart-justice to my neighbours I insert be ers and of farmers almost as poor the following, which I take from sq TO 5508 933 10, 194 199

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