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being thus extended upon the pavement, and with a settled countenance, and desired be pronounced again another, which the those whom he knew that they would pray Lieutenant of the Provost writ down, to God for him.---As soon as he was.come whom Laubardemont forbid to let it be out of the palace, they read to him his senseen by any body.This unfortunate crea- tence, and put him in a kind of little ture maintained always, in the midst of chariot, to bring him before the Church of the anguish and blows which mangled him, St. Peter, in the Market, where Laubardethat he was neither a magician, nor sacri- mont caused him to come down from the legious person; acknowledging, that as a chariot, to the end that he might put himman he had abused the pleasures of the self upon his knees, whilst his sentence flesh, for which he was confessed, and had was read to him once again; but having done pennance; but he prayed his Judges, quite lost the use of his legs, he fell flat on who urged him to explain himself further, the ground upon his belly, where he tarried that they would not oblige him to name without murmuring, or any word of disany body, nor to specify the sin for which pleasure, till they came to lift him up; he believed he had obtained forgiveness, after which he desired the assistance of by his repentance and his prayers, which the prayers of these that were about him. be affirmed to be such as a true Christian Father Grillan came to him at this very ought to make.—He renounced again three time, and embraced him weeping; “Sir,” or four times the devil and all his pomps, said he to him, “Remember that our Lord and protested that he never saw Elizabeth Jesus Christ ascended to God his Father Blanchard, but when she was confronted by torrents, and the Cross; you are an to him, very far from having known herable man, do not ruin yourself, I bring after that manner which she had declared. you your mother's blessing; she and I do He swooned once again after he had been pray to God that he would be merciful to taken from the torture, and he came not you, and that he would receive you into out of that fainting fit, but by the help of his paradise."---Grandier expressed great a little wine, which the Lieutenant of the satisfaction at the hearing of these words, Provost caused speedily to be put into his and his countenance seemed very chearful; mouth; afterwards he was carried into. he thanked the Cordelier with much mildthe Council Chamber, and put upon strawness and serenity, and conjured him to be near the fire, where he demanded an Au- as a son to his mother; to pray to God fer gustin Friar for his Confessor, whom he him, and to recommend him to the prayers saw then before his eyes, who was also of all his Friars, assuring him, that he denied him, as well as Father Grillan; and went with comfort to die innocent; and he was committed, against his will, into that he hoped that Got would be merciful the hands of Father Tranquille, and Father to him, and receive in into his paradise. Claude, Capuchins. When they were with- That edifying converss on was interrupted drawn, they severely forbid those who by the blows that the Archers gave to guarded him not to let him speak with any Father Grillan, whom they thrust with body, and so he was not seen during the viclence into the Church of St. Peter, by space of almost four hours, but thrice by the order of their Superiors and Father the Clerk of the Commission, by his Con- Confessors, who would not suffer the stanfessors, and by Laubardemont, who was ders-by to be witnesses of the condition in with him more than two hours, to force which the conscience of the patient was. bim to sign a writing which he offered him, and which he constantly refused to sign.

He was conducted then before the Church of the Ursulines, and from thence to the About four or five in the evening he was Place of St. Cross; upon the way from taken from the Chamber by his torturers, which he espied Le Frene Moussant, and who carried bim upon a hand-barrow; in his wife, to whom he said, "That he died going, he told the Lieutenant Criminal of their servant, and that he prayed them to Orleans, that he had said all, and that pardon him."---When he was arrived, he there remained nothing more upon his con- turned himself towards the Friars who science. "Will you not," says this Judge accompanied him, and reques ted them to to him then," that I pray to God for you?" give him the kiss of peace. 'The Lieute "You will oblige me by doing it," replied nant of the Provost would ask him parthe patient to him, "and I beseech you to don. "You have not offended,” said he, do it." He carried a torch in his hand," you have done but what your office which he kissed, as he went from the pa-obliged you to do."---Rene Berni er, Curate lace; he looked upon all the people modestly I of the town of Troismontiers, prayed him

also to pardon him, and asked him if he would not forgive all his enemies, even all those who had deposed against him; and if he would, that he should pray to God for him, and to say next day a mass for his soul? He answered him, "He forgave all his enemics whatsoever, even as he desired God to pardon him; that by all means he would oblige him, by praying to God for him, and by remembering him often at the altar."---Then the executioner put upon him a hoop of iron, which was fastened to a post, making him to turn his back towards the Church of St. Cross. The place was filled with people, who flocked in shoals from all parts to this dismal spectacle, and came thither, not only from all the provinces of the kingdom, but also from foreign countries.

more to say, and that all that he had said was true." Whereupon one of the Monks told the Clerk, that he had made him speak too much.

The Lieutenant of the Provost had promised two things in their presence; the first, that he should have some time to speak to the people; the second, that he should be strangled before the kindling of the fire.---But to hinder the performance of either of these promises, these are the courses which the exorcists took; when they perceived that he was disposed to speak to the people, they cast so great a quantity of holy water in his face, that he was thereby utterly confounded; and seeing that he opened his mouth a second time, there was one who went to kiss him, to stop his words, he understood the design, The place appointed for the execution and said to him, "There is a kiss of was at last so crowded, that those who were Judas."---Upon which their spite rose to to assist there could not put themselves in so high a point, that they hit him many order, whatsoever endeavours the Archers times in the face with an iron crucifix, used to make the people retire with blows which they offered to him as if they had of their halbert-staves, they could not effect been willing to make him kiss it, which it, and less yet to drive away a flock of obliged him to content himself in desiring pigeons, which came flying round the pile only a Salve Regina, and one Ave Maria, of wood, without being fightened by the &c. and to commend himself to God, and to the halberts, with which they were commandedly Virgin, pronouncing these last words with joined hands, and eyes lifted to heaven. The to strike in the air, to drive them away, or exorcists returned to their office, and asked him by the noise that the spectators made in once again, if he would not confess? “My Fathers," answered he, " I have said all, I have seeing them return many times.----Tire said all; I hope in God, and in his mercy." friends of the possession cried out, that it These good Fathers, to hinder his being stran was a troop of devils who came to attempt tenant of the Provost had made him, had themgled, according to the second promise the Lieuthe rescuing of the Magician, and were selves knotted the rope when it had been pnt much troubled to abandon him. Others into the hands of the executioner, who, coming said, that these in zocent doves came for pat fire to the wood pile, the Patient cried out two or three times, "Is this what I was want of men to give testimony of the in-promised?" And saying these words he himself nocence of the su ferer.--All that one can lifted up the rope, and fitted it.-But Father Tartance took presently a wisp of straw, and affirm here is, that all the facts, or at least having lighted it with a torch, he put it to his the principal of them, are generally found face, saying, "Wilt thou not confess wret in all the relations that have been kept of mau, and renounce the devil? 'Tis true, tho them, that most of the people of Loudun devil (replied (irandier), I renounce him and all (who are this day alive), have been in-his pomps; and I pray God to have mercy on formed of it by their parents, who had Lient. of the Provost, this Monk taking upon hun me." Then, without waiting for the order of the been present, and that there remain some publicly the office of hangman, put fire to the pile still living in that and foreign countries, just before the eyes of the sufferer; who, seeing that cruelty and unfaithfulness, cried out again particularly here in England, who can at“Ah! where is charity, Father Lactance?" This test it, by having been witnesses thereof.---is not what was promised me. There is a God in The Fathers exorcised the air, and the thee to appear before him within a month." heaven who will judge thee and me; I summon wood, and a sked the patient afterwards if Then addressing himself to God, he uttered these he would not confess? To whom he re-words. Deus meus ad te Vigilo, misereri mei.~ Then the Capuchins began again to throw all the plied, "That he had nothing more to say, holy water in his face which they had in their and that he hoped to be this day with his holy water pots, to prevent these last words God." The Clerk then read to him his being heard by the people, and their being edi fied by them. At last they said aloud to the sentence for the fourth time, and asked executioner, that he should strangle him; which him if he persisted in what he had said it was impossible for him to do, because the rope upon the Rack? He answered, "That was knotted; and that he was stopped by the increasing of the flame, into which the sufferer he persist ed therein, that he had nothing I fell, and was burnt alive.

hast but a moment to live." -" I know not the

Printed and Published by J MORTON, No. 94, Strand.


VOL. XXVI. No. 7.] LONDON, SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 1814. [Price 1s.




been the foe of freedom, the subverter of e uitable laws; and the vehicle through LIBERTY OF THE PRESS-In so far as which the public mind has been contamirespects this country, not much can be nated by sophistry, by jesuitical argument, said, at any time, in favour of our boasted and by unblushing falsehood. If there are liberty of the press. But inasmuch as it a few, amongst the vast multitude of public is likely to extend its beneficial influence writers that supply materials for our press, over other nations, it becomes a subject of who seem to wield the pen with some de interest and importance. It was stated by gree of boldness, this, in fact, will be the Abbe Seyes, during the revolutionary found, on a little attention, to be merely in period of France, that "the press has appearance. It is only because they stand changed the fate of Europe, and will alone in their opposition to corruption, that change the face of the universe."-I doubt they attract any notice; and were they not much, however, whether that change has to be extremely guarded in what they say, been of real benefit to society. I am they even would not long enjoy the liberty afraid that we have still to look for the of publishing what they write. Let all fruit which, at first, we were led to expect, the other newspapers assume a tone equally when the tree was planted. In place of independent, and then some ground would the liberty of the press proving a blessing be laid for anticipating the period, when which, under proper encouragement, it we might think of beginning to exerwould have done, I find that it has hitherto cise the liberty of the press. At preonly been used as an instrument in the sent we enjoy about as much of it as the hands of corrupt and unprincipled knaves, people of Spain and Portugal, where the to enslave the human mind, and to eradi-Inquisition has so benumbed the human cate from the earth every vestige of liberty; soul, that scarcely one work issues from as a stepping stone, by which the lettered the Press of a scientific nature, in the sycophant mounted to public favour; as a course of a century. All is absorbed in tool in the hands of the crafty courtier, monkish rites, ceremonies, and obserwho, to secure the ear of his master, and, vances: the fear of offending the church, at the same time, obtain popular applause, or giving umbrage to some favourite saint, scrupled not to abuse the one, while he in- keeps the mind in a state of constant im sulted and trampled upon the other, becility. In like manner, with us, the dread Though we are every where told that free- of libelling the Government; of speaking dom of discussion is a natural right, and disrespectfully of the Prince; of profaning though we see that the "Liberty of the the doctrines of religion; and, above all, Press" has become a standing toast in this of giving offence to the clergy; are cirenlightened country, yet I cannot shut my cumstances calculated to produce a similar eyes to the many instances which I find, in effect; to deter even the most fool-hardy cur own history, of innumerable indivi-against taking up his pen; and, in so far duals, who, in attempting to exercise this as respects the science of Government, legitimate, this natural right, have fallen the most interesting of all sciences to man, victims to what, they had been taught, to fix him down in a state of comparative from infancy, was the mere exercise of the infanticide, in which a thousand circumfaculty of thought-of that faculty" the stances hourly combine to retain him for most noble which man had received from life. In the midst, however, of this his creator."-Instead of the press being the sentinel and safeguard of public liberty; instead of its being the protector of the Constitution; instead of its being the channel of conveying truth; it has ever

gloomy and discouraging prospect, it is with some degree of pleasure that the attention is turned towards the discussion going on in the French Legislature, as to the Liberty of the Press. I am hopeful,



though not very sanguine, that the fulfill- to the peoples rights, they have no occasion ment of the prophecy of Abbe Seyes may be to dread the censure of the press. Indithe result of that discussion-that the Press viduals may arise, who, from frenzy, or dismay not only yet change the fate of Europe, appointed motives, may overstep the bounds but the face of the Univers. It was one of of propriety; but this is a case which the articles of the Constitutional Charter rarely occurs, and when it does happen, it proposed for the acceptance of Louis the is only a very few indeed, if any, who can Eighteenth, that "the Liberty of the be influenced by such productions. The Press should be respected." This stipula- great body of the people always applaud a tion has been considered of such vast im- virtuous prince. They never even openly portance by all parties, that it has occupied condemn, unless the sovereign has given the first attention, which the Crown and up all shame, and abandoned himself to the the Chamber of Deputies could bestow on practice of every vice. In the course of the formation of the laws. The King, in the discussion, which has taken place in virtue of the right which he enjoys by the France on the Liberty of the Press, one of Constitution, submitted, in the first in- the Deputies recommended, that the crime stance, a projet of the intended law to the of libel should be clearly defined, and the Chamber. In that projet it was proposed punishment to be inflicted for every offence to have a censorship on the Press; that is a distinctly specified. It was a fundamental discretionary power conferred on two per- article in the French Constitution of sons, appointed by the Crown, to authorise 1795; the best Constitution, in my opinion, or restrain the printing of anywork which the world ever saw; it was a leading they might approve or disapprove of. The article there, that "no man can be subject having been referred to a Commit- "hindered from speaking, writing, printing, tee, it appears from their report, that a" and publishing his thoughts. Writings majority disapproved of the appointment of" cannot be subject to any censure before censors; while it seemed to be the general "their publication. No man can be opinion, that some regulations should be " responsible for what he has written established as to proprietors of newspapers," or published, but in cases provided in order to render them accountable for their writings. Whatever way this business may terminate, it seems to me, at present, that the French people are fully impressed with the importance of a free press; and, as they now enjoy the right of discussion, both in the Legislative Body, and in their journals, to a greater extent than they enjoyed at any former period, I do not think they will easily consent to the introduction of a law, which would infallibly reduce them to the degraded state they were in before the Revolution. It is not proper they should; for the people of France are now a very different people from what they were twenty years ago. They have tasted of the sweets of liberty; they have been accustomed to discussion; and they know well that they are able, independent of hereditary power, to command the respect of Europe. Neither is it the interest of Louis, that his people should be restrained in the use of the press. It was that restraint which kept his predecessors and their subjects both in the dark, and but for which France might have escaped the greater part of those misfortunes which have afflicted her. If sovereigns exercise the power conferred on them by the people, with a proper regard

" by the law." The reasonableness and justice of this regulation is obvious at first sight. No Government ought to have the power of prosecuting its subjects for offences of its own creation. No judge should be placed in a situation which may give him an opportunity of gratifying his personal resentment against any man who may have offended him, and who may have the misfortune to be placed at his bar to hear sentence passed upon him. Such is the propensity in some minds to have their revenge gratified, that there are few judges who would hesitate to seek that gratification, if they found their enemy so situated. Where, therefore, there is a chance of discretionary power being abused, it ought never to be conferred in any case. This observation applies with equal force to the appointment of a previous censorship of the press. But I would rather give the preference to a Licenser of the press, than I would leave the definition and the punishment of libel to the dictum of any judge. In the one case, every writer is certain of impunity for what he may write and submit to the censors; he can besides write without any restraint, and much that would otherwise be repressed, from the dread of punishment, would be suffered to pass by a


licenser. In the other, he is constantly were at war with him; and so on-the under the influence of fear, which not only writer would then know what he was destroys the beauty and force of his writing, about; and he would, as far as the law but frequently renders him incapable of permitted him to go, be free to write.judging aright as to the import of a libel. But while there is no boundary; while all Hence it is, I believe, in most cases, that is left to the opinions and the taste of many public writers, who had no idea of others, can any man be said to be free to involving themselves either with the Go-write? Besides, there is the power of vernment or with individuals, have unex-prosecution lodged absolutely in the breast pectedly found themselves made the sub- of one man, appointed by the Crown, and jects of an ex-officio information, and sub-removeable from his office the moment the jected to the severest penalties; not by Crown pleases. This man, the Attorneyany existing law, which might serve as a General, can prosecute any writer for any Jandmark, but by the whim and caprice thing. He has nothing to controul him of a Judge, who, in this respect, is placed but his own discretion. It matters not above the law, and actually possesses le- what the writing be; he can, if he pleases, gislative authority, in its utmost extent, and without consulting any one, prosecute independent altogether of King or Parlia- any writer, or any printer, or any pub ment. I have before observed, what can-lisher, for any thing. He is not even not be too often repeated, that Blackstone, limited as to time. He may, if he please, though a very able hand at drawing dis-go twenty or eighty years back, and protinctions, has failed in this particular: He says that our press is free; that is to say, it is subject to no previous licenser; every man may write and publish what he pleases; but then he must be responsible for so doing."-I am quite free to trespass upon my neighbour's land, and if he be weaker than I, I may, if I please, knock him down into the bargain. But then I am responsible for these acts, and am liable to be punished for them in my purse, and in my person. Properly speaking, therefore, I am not free to do these things. I may not do them if I please,-I am free, quite free, to eat and drink, and sleep; I am quite free to walk along the highway; I am quite free to whistle; I am quite free to buy or sell, the money or property being my own, and provided I pay the tax imposed on the sale or purchase by the Government. I am free to do these things, because there is no one who can punish me for doing them. But the same cannot be said of writing or publishing, because those are acts for which a man may be punished, and because there are no laws to point out what I may, and what I may not, write or publish, without exposing myself to punishment. If there were boundaries; if there were land-marks to guide the writer; if the law told him that he must keep himself within the bounds of truth; that he must not pass that boundary without incurring punishment. If he were told that he must not censure any man in power; that he must find fault of no act of the Government; that he must never censure any foreign Potentate, unless we

sccute a man for what he then wrote or published; so that he who has once written or published, is, for his whole life-time, liable to prosecution for having done so.But the grievance does not stop here: When the prosecution has been commenced; when a writer or publisher has been charged with a criminal act; when it has become notorious that he stands accused in the courts as a criminal; when this has been done, the Attorney-General may, if he please, suspend any further proceeding for one, two, three, or any number of years. On the other hand, he has the power of withdrawing the charge; of putting an end to it when he pleases.He may charge and discharge at his sole will and pleasure. He may bring to trial, and the accused may be convicted; and even after that, he may drop the matter if he is inclined. He may call the poor wretch up for judgment at once, if he pleases, at the very next term; he may let him remain undecided for any number of years; and may at last call him up; or he may never call him up at all. The laws passed during this reign renders it impossible for the author of any work to escape exposure. Every printer or publisher is now compelled to keep one copy of every thing he publishes, with his name written on it, and is bound, if called on by the Attorney-General, to declare who the author is, or, at least, by whose authority. he has printed or published it. The proprietors of newspapers are compelled to deposit with the Stamp Commissioners, an affidavit of their names and places of

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