Abbildungen der Seite

Standing Orders, compliance

with which is to be proved before Examiners.

Deposit of Bills with the London County Council.

Deposit of Bills with Road Authorities.

Deposit of Estimates, &c. in

(14.) Of every Local Bill which relates to the drainage of land in England or Wales, or which relates to the improvement of land in England, Wales, or Scotland, or to the erection, improvement, repair, maintenance, or regulation of any market or market place at which cattle are exposed for sale, or to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, or which proposes to alter the boundary of any county, urban or rural district, parish, or any other administrative area in the United Kingdom, or whereby power is sought to take any common or commonable land, at the Office of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.

34. ON or before the 18th day of December, a printed Copy of every Bill of the Second Class which proposes to authorise any Work in London, shall be deposited at the Office of the London County Council.

34a. On or before the 18th day of December a printed Copy of every Bill of the First Class which proposes to authorise any persons other than the Road Authority to break up or otherwise interfere with any streets or roads, shall be deposited at the Office of the Road Authority.

35. ALL Estimates and Declarations, and Lists of Owners, Lessees and Private Bill Office. Occupiers, which are required by the Standing Orders of this House, shall be deposited in the Private Bill Office on or before the 31st day of December.

Documents to be deposited in Private

Bill Office in regard

to Joint Stock Companies Bills.

Copies of Estimate and Declaration to be printed, and delivered at

Private Bill Office.

Estimate of expenditure in case of works to be executed by local authority.

35a. As respects all Bills for the incorporation of Joint Stock Companies, or proposed Companies for carrying on any Trade or Business, or for conferring upon such Companies the power of suing and being sued, there shall be deposited in the Private Bill Office, on or before 31st December, a copy of the Deed or Agreement of Partnership (if any) under which the Company or proposed Company is acting, and in all cases other than those of Companies registered under "The Companies Act, 1862," a Declaration stating the following matters:

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1st. The present and proposed amount of the Capital of the Company.

2nd. The number of Shares, and the amount of each Share.


The number of Shares subscribed for.

4th. The amount of Subscriptions paid up.

5th. The names, residences, and descriptions of the Shareholders or Subscribers (so far as the same can be made out), and of the actual or provisional Directors, Treasurers, Secretaries or other officer, if any.

And such documents shall be verified by the signature of some authorized officer of the Company or proposed Company (if any), and by some responsible party promoting the Bill; and copies of such Declarations shall be printed at the expense of the Promoters of the Bill, and delivered at the Vote Office for the use of the Members of The House, and at the Private Bill Office for the use of any Agent who may apply for the same.

36. ON or before 31st December, copies of the Estimate of Expense of the Undertaking; and where a Declaration alone, or Declaration and Estimate of the probable amount of Rates and Duties, are required, copies of such Declaration, or of such Declaration and Estimate, shall be printed at the expense of the Promoters of the Bill, and delivered at the Vote Office for the use of the Members of The House, and at the Private Bill Office for the use of any Agent who may apply for the same.

36a. On or before the 31st day of December copies of the estimates of expenditure for any permanent works proposed to be executed by any municipal corporation, district council, joint board or joint committee, or other local authority in England or Wales, shall be deposited at the Private Bill Office, and at the Office of the Board of Trade or of the Local Government Board, as the case may require.


The estimates shall be in the following form, or circumstances may permit :

Estimate for Permanent Works.

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as near thereto as Standing Orders,

Other works grouped with regard to the probable

life of the works

£ s. d.

If any moneys are required to be borrowed to meet any excess of expenditure previously authorised by Parliament, the Board of Trade, or the Local Government Board, there shall be deposited with the said estimates a statement of the purposes and reasons for the borrowing.

Together with the said estimates there shall be deposited a statement showing the following particulars with respect to the district of the local authority, that is to say: (a) area of the district; (b) population according to the last census; (c) rateable and assessable value according to the last valuation list; (d) rates made in the district during the last preceding financial year; (e) the sum of the balances of outstanding loans contracted by the local authority; and (f) the amount of the outstanding loans to which the limitation of section two hundred and thirty-four of the Public Health Act, 1875, applies.


compliance with which is to be

proved before Examiners.

37. THE Estimate for any Works proposed to be authorized by any Form of Estimate. Railway, Tramway, Tramroad, Canal, Dock, or Harbour Bill, shall be in the following form, or as near thereto as circumstances may permit :—

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The same details for each Branch, and General Summary of Total Cost.


Standing Orders,


38. WHERE any Bill contains or revives or extends power to take comwith which is to be pulsorily or by agreement any land in any local area as defined for the

proved before


Deposit of state

ment relating to working class houses.

Deposit of Plans, &c. in case of Provisional Orders in Private Bill Office.

Description of

purposes of this Order, and such taking involves or may involve the taking in that area of any house or houses occupied either wholly or partially by thirty or more persons of the working class, whether as tenants or lodgers, the promoters shall deposit in the Private Bill Office, and at the Office of the Central Authority on or before the 21st day of December a statement giving the description and postal address of each of such houses, its number on the deposited plans, the parish in which it is situate, and the number (so far as can be ascertained) of persons of the working class residing in it, and also a copy of so much of the deposited plans (if any) as relates thereto.

This Order shall not apply where a statement in pursuance of this Order was deposited in respect of the Act, the powers of which are proposed to be revived or extended.

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For the purposes of this Order the expression "local area means-
(1) as respects London, the Administrative County of London
(2) as respects England and Wales (outside London), any
borough, or other urban district, and elsewhere than in a
borough or other urban district, any parish;

(3) as respects Scotland, any district within the meaning of
The Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897; and

(4) as respects Ireland, any urban district ;

The expression "house" means any house or part of a house occupied as a separate dwelling :

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The expression "working class means mechanics, artisans, labourers, and others working for wages, hawkers, costermongers, persons not working for wages but working at some trade or handicraft without employing others except members of their own family, and persons, other than domestic servants, whose income in any case does not exceed an average of thirty shillings a week, and the families of any of such persons who may be residing with them:

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The expression "central authority means, as regards England and Wales, the Local Government Board, as regards Scotland, the Secretary for Scotland, and as regards Ireland, the Local Government Board for Ireland:

The expression "Bill" includes a Bill confirming a Provisional Order.

39. WHENEVER Plans, Sections, Books of Reference, or Maps are deposited in the case of a Provisional Order or Provisional Certificate, proposed to be made by any Public Department or County Council, duplicates of the said Documents shall also be deposited in the Private Bill Office; provided that with regard to such deposits as are so made at any Public Department or with any County Council, after the Prorogation of Parliament, and before the 30th day of November in any year, such duplicates shall be so deposited on or before the 30th day of November.

4. Plans, Books of Reference, Sections and Cross Sections.

40. EVERY Plan required to be deposited shall be drawn to a scale of not less than Four inches to a Mile, and shall describe the lands which may be taken or used compulsorily, or on which an improvement charge may be imposed, or which are rendered liable to the imposition of an improvement charge, and in the case of Bills of the Second Class, shall also describe the line or situation of the whole of the Work (no alternative line or Work being in any case permitted), and the lands in or through which it is to be made, maintained, varied, extended or enlarged, or through which any communication to or from the Work may be made; and where it is the intention of


proved before Examiners.

the Promoters to apply for powers to make any lateral deviation from the Standing Orders, line of the proposed Work, the limits of such deviation shall be defined upon with which is to be the Plan, and all Lands included within such limits shall be marked thereon; and unless the whole of such plan shall be upon a scale of not less than a quarter of an inch to every 100 feet, an enlarged Plan shall be added of any Building, Yard, Court-Yard or Land within the curtilage of any Building, or of any Ground cultivated as a Garden, either in the line of the proposed Work, or included within the limits of the said deviation, upon a scale of not less than a quarter of an inch to every 100 feet.

41. In all cases where it is proposed to make, vary, extend or enlarge Description reany Cut, Canal, Reservoir, Aqueduct or Navigation, the Plan shall describe quired in case of Canals, &c. the Brooks and Streams to be directly diverted into such intended Cut, Canal, Reservoir, Aqueduct or Navigation, or into any variation, extension or enlargement thereof respectively, for supplying the same with Water.

42. In all cases where it is proposed to make, vary, extend or enlarge Particulars in case any Railway, the Plan shall exhibit thereon the distances in miles and of Railways. furlongs, from one of the termini; and a memorandum of the radius of every curve not exceeding One Mile in length shall be noted on the Plan in furlongs and chains; and where tunnelling as a substitute for open cutting is intended, the same shall be marked by a dotted line on the Plan, and no work shall be shown as tunnelling, in the making of which it will be necessary to cut through or remove the surface soil.

43. IF it be intended to divert, widen or narrow any Public Carriage Diversion of Roads Road, Navigable River, Canal or Railway, the course of such diversion, and &c. to be shown. the extent of such widening or narrowing, shall be marked upon the Plan; and, if it be intended to divert any public footpath, the course of such diversion shall be marked upon the Plan.

of existing Line

44. WHEN a Railway is intended to form a junction with an existing or In case of authorised line of Railway, the course of such existing or authorised line Junctions, course of Railway shall be shown on the deposited plan for a distance of 800 yards to be shown. on either side of the proposed junction, on the same scale as the scale of the General Plan.

of Street Tramway

45. In cases of Bills for laying down a Tramway, the Plans shall indicate Plans in the case whether it is proposed to lay such Tramway along the centre of any street, Bills. and if not along the centre, then on which side of, and at what distance from an imaginary line drawn along the centre of such street, and whether or not, and if so, at what point or points it is proposed to lay such Tramway, so that for a distance of thirty feet or upwards a less space than nine feet six inches, or if it is intended to run thereon carriages or trucks adapted for use upon railways, a less space than ten feet six inches shall intervene between the outside of the footpath on either side of the road, and the nearest rail of the Tramway.

All lengths shall be stated on the Plan and section in miles, furlongs, chains, and decimals of a chain. The distances in miles and furlongs from one of the termini of each Tramway shall be marked on the Plan and section. Each double portion of Tramway, whether a passing-place or otherwise, shall be indicated by a double line. The total length of the road upon which each Tramway is to be laid shall be stated (i.e., the length of route of each Tramway).

The length of each double and single portion of such Tramway, and the total length of such double and single portions respectively shall also be stated.

In the case of double lines (including passing-places), the distance between the centre lines of each line of Tramway shall be marked on the Plans. This distance must in all cases be sufficient to leave at least fifteen inches between the sides of the widest carriages and engines to be used on the Tramways when passing one another. The gradients of the road on which each Tramway is to be laid shall be marked on the section. Every crossing of a Railway, Tramway, River, or Canal, shall be shown, specifying in the case of Railways and Tramways whether they are crossed over, under, or on the level.




Standing Orders, compliance

with which is to be

proved before Examiners.

Definition of improvement and

All tidal waters shall be coloured blue.

All places where for a distance of thirty feet and upwards there will be a less space than nine feet six inches between the outside of the footpath on either side of the road and the nearest rail of the Tramway shall be indicated by a thick dotted line on the Plans on the side or sides of the line of Tramway where such narrow places occur, as well as noted on the Plans, and the width of the road at those places should also be marked on the Plans.

The preceding paragraph shall apply, in the case of a Tramroad, wherever it is carried along a street or road.

45a. In the case of Bills containing power to impose on any lands or improvement area. houses, or to render any lands or houses liable to the imposition of any charge in respect of any improvement, the plan shall define the improvement, and also the improvement area (being the limits within which the charge may be imposed).

Contents of Book of Reference.


Improvement, &c. of Navigations.

Line of Railway.

Distances and

vertical measures.

Bridges and Level

46. THE Book of Reference shall contain the names of the Owners or reputed Owners, Lessees or reputed Lessees and Occupiers of all Lands and Houses which may be taken or used compulsorily, or upon which any improvement charge is imposed or which are rendered liable to have an improvement charge imposed upon them, and shall describe such Lands and Houses respectively.

47. THE Section shall be drawn to the same horizontal scale as the Plan, and to a vertical scale of not less than one inch to every 100 feet, and shall show the surface of the ground marked on the Plan, the intended level of the proposed Work, the height of every Embankment and the depth of every Cutting, and a datum horizontal line, which shall be the same throughout the whole length of the Work, or any Branch thereof respectively, and shall be referred to some fixed point (stated in writing on the section), near some portion of such Work, and in the case of a Canal, Cut, Navigation, Public Carriage Road or Railway, near either of the termini. The distance of such fixed point above or below an ordnance bench mark in the locality of the proposed Works, and near one of the termini, and the height of such bench mark above ordnance datum shall also be stated.

48. In cases of Bills for improving the Navigation of any River, there shall be a Section which shall specify the Levels of both Banks of such River; and where any alteration is intended to be made therein, it shall describe the same by feet and inches, or decimal parts of a foot.

49. In every Section of a Railway, the line of the Railway marked thereon shall correspond with the upper surface of the Rails.

50. DISTANCES on the Datum Line shall be marked in miles and furlongs to correspond with those on the Plan; a vertical measure from the Datum Line to the Line of the Railway shall be marked in feet and inches, or decimal parts of a foot, at the commencement and termination of the Railway, and at each change of the gradient or inclination thereof; and the proportion or rate of inclination between every two consecutive vertical measures shall also be marked.

51. WHEREVER the line of the Railway is intended to cross any public carriage-road, navigable River, Canal or Railway, the height of the Railway over or depth under the surface thereof, and the height and span of every Arch of all Bridges and Viaducts, by which the Railway will be carried over the same, shall be marked in figures at every crossing thereof; and where the Railway will be carried across any such public carriage-road or Railway, on the level thereof, such crossing shall be so described on the Section; and it shall also be stated if such level will be unaltered.

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