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and condition of their souls. The distinguishing turn and temper of their minds does itself secure to them a more than ordinary degree of felicity. An inspired writer affirms, that the meek shall possess the earth, and delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Peace is the very element in which they live and move, insomuch that their whole life is one continued state of sweet serenity. They are under the dominion of no boisterous passion, no violent prejudice, no ungovernable perverseness of spirit: and, as one happy consequence of this, they are preserved from those painful ferments of flesh and blood, to which others are exposed, and with which most men are occasionally vexed and tormented. They take no part in those angry contentions, which are incessantly dividing and distracting the world. They are engaged in no anxious struggles for pre-eminence; they have no perplexing plans to accomplish; they have no projects of future aggrandizement or indulgence to realize: and hence they keep the even tenor of their way, without deviating therefrom to the right hand or to the left. These are the humble and self

denying habits of the poor in spirit; and it is not difficult to discover, that a settled composure of soul is almost the necessary consequence of such habits. To persons of this description, the sun sweetly rises and sweetly sets. All changes of season and circumstance are rendered not only tolerable to their feelings, but even welcome and grateful; as bringing with them satisfactory indications of their Father's good pleasure. Every opening day finds them in a state of solid content: and, when the business of the day is ended, the nightly hours move smoothly over their reclining heads. In this manner they pass the time of their sojourning here below, carefully keeping a conscience void of offence towards God and towards men, calmly accomplishing the work appointed them to do, and patiently enduring the sufferings appointed them to undergo still joyfully looking for, and hastening unto the coming of that day, when there shall be a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

This may serve as a concise description of the first part of their blessedness, who are properly termed the poor in spirit. But

Secondly-A further part of their blessedness consists in their nearness to God, and in the enjoyment of those special communications, with which he is pleased to favour them.


The condescending and gracious attention of Jesus to little children is very strongly marked in several passages of the new TesWe read of his inviting them to a sweet and easy familiarity with him. We hear of his taking them up in his arms, commending their unaffected modesty, and pronouncing upon them an affectionate benediction. But there is a certain place in which his manner of treating them is so simply and affectingly reported, that I cannot deny myself the pleasure of laying before you the substance of that report. Disturbed on a certain occasion by an unreasonable question, which had been several times before debated among them, we find the disciples in a very abrupt manner applying to their Master, for a satisfactory decision of the point in dispute; Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? It was evident, by their manner, that every individual of this chosen body felt an extreme anxiety to secure to himself so desirable a

piece of preferment; to which also every man among them appeared willing to persuade himself, that he possessed some superior claim. On this, as on many like occasions, without giving the inquirers unnecessary offence, the wisdom of our Lord directed him to such a mode of answering the question, as was calculated to set it for ever at rest. Jesus called to him a little child and having placed him in the midst of his disciples, most probably covered with confusion and blushes, and very sincerely desirous of shrinking from that distinction -He said unto them, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever, therefore, shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. After this involuntary exhibition of the little stranger, it is not to be imagined, that our gracious Lord would dismiss him from his painful station, without affectionately embracing, and tenderly gratifying him with some peculiar mark of his regard.

Behold here, the kind and endearing manner, in which Jesus was accustomed to

treat such little children as approached him near enough to attract his attention. ́ And let it never be forgotten, that, at such seasons, he seldom failed to declare, that the strongest proofs of his favour were reserved for those, who most resembled these innocent and interesting pieces of human


But where is this resemblance to be found poor among men, except it be with the in spirit? These are so manifestly converted and born again, as to present a complete change of appearance and character. They are indeed the little children of their Heavenly Father's family; and, as such, they have free and familiar access to him at all times and seasons. They were born in his house, where they live under his perpetual smile, are provided for at his cost, and enjoy such privileges as belong not to any other members of his household. And who can tell, to what an extent this part of their blessedness may be carried, which consists in an extraordinary nearness to God, and in an intimate union with Him, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named !

A well-ordered family presents a lovely

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