1 Latin Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library, Manchester. Manchester: Univ. Press; London: Longmans. 2 vols. 12 × 101. I. Letterpress. II. Plates. 84s. Reviewed by A. G. Little in History, July 1922, New Ser., vII, No. 26, pp. 117–20. 58. JOHNSON, MERLE and HOPKINS, F. M. American First Editions: a Series of Bibl. Check-Lists. The Publishers' Weekly, Sept. 9– Dec. 16, 1922, CII. Contents: 1. (Newton) Booth Tarkington, by Henry C. Quimby, Sept. 9, pp. 751-2. 2. Stephen Crane, by O. L. Griffith, Sept. 16, p. 813. 3. Woodrow Wilson, by Merle Johnson, Sept. 23, p. 1002. 4. Howard Pyle, by Merle Johnson, Sept. 30, pp. 1202-3. 5. Lafcadio Hearn, by Merle Johnson, Oct. 7, p. 1299. 6. James Branch Cabell, by Merle Johnson, Oct. 14, p. 1366. 7. Theodore Roosevelt, by R. W. Glenroie Vail, Oct. 21, pp. 1460-2. 8. Mark Twain, by Merle Johnson, Oct. 28, pp. 1558–9. 9. O. Henry (William Sydney Porter), by Henry C. Quimby, Nov. 11, pp. 1779–80. 10. Herman Melville, by Meade Minnigerode, Nov. 18, p. 1866. 11. Frederic Remington, Nov. 25, p. 1933. 12. F. Hopkinson Smith, by George E. Schilling, Dec. 2, p. 1990. 13. William McFee, by Frank Shay, Dec. 9, p. 2054. 14. Edna St Vincent Millay, by Frank Shay, Dec. 16, p. 2096. Errata and Additions, Dec. 23, p. 2158. 15. Joseph Hergesheimer, by Marston E. Drake, Dec. 30, p. 2221. 59. A Grand Inquisitor and his Library. [The Library of the Bishop of Faro, presented to Sir Thomas Bodley by the Earl of Essex.] Bodleian Quarterly Record, 2nd Quarter, 1922, No. 34, III, 239-44. KEYNES, GEOFFREY. See under Eighteenth Century: Blake. 60. KITCH, ETHEL MAY. Rabindranath Tagore (Ravindra Natha Thākura): a Bibliography [reprinted from The Bulletin of Bibliography, May-August 1921, XI, 5]. Oberlin, Ohio. 19 cm. pp. 14. Oberlin College Library Bulletin, No. 6, 1922. 61. KOOISTRA, J. Shelley Bibliography, 1908-1922. English Studies, Shelley Centenary Number, July 1922, IV, 177–81. [Includes books and articles in English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Finnish, Polish, Dutch, and Frisian.] 62. LATHROP, H. B. The First English Printers and their Patrons. The Library, Sept. 1922, III, 69–96. 63. LITERARY YEAR BOOK, THE. Edited by M. Meredith, 67 Dale Street, Liverpool. 23rd Annual Volume, 1922. pp. 1284, 24. Ios. 6d. 64. LITTLEBOY, Anna L. A History of the Friends' Reference Library; with notes on early Printers and Printing in the Society of Friends. (Friends' Historical Soc.) 9 × 6. pp. 31. Devonshire House, London, 1922. 65. LOMAS, S. C. Report on the Manuscripts of the late Allan George Finch, Esq., of Berley on the Hill, Rutland. Vol. II. [Letters of Sir Heneage, Daniel, and Sir John Finch.] H.M. Stat. Office. 10s. Reviewed in T.L.S., June 8, 1922. 66. London Directories [since 1595]. T.L.S. (Notes on Sales), Aug. 24, 1922. 67. MACNAIR, MARY WILSON. A List of American Doctoral Dissertations printed in 1920. Washington: Govt. Printing Office, 1922. 23.5 cm. pp. 179. 68. MADAN, FALCONER, and CRASTER, H. H. E. A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Vol. II, Pt i. Clarendon Press, 1922. 8vo. pp. xx, 654. 42s. Reviewed by J. P. Gilson in The Library, Dec. 1922, III, 223-4. 69. MADAN, FALCONER, and others. Memorials of C. H. O. Daniel. With a Bibliography of the (Daniel) Press, 1845-1919. Oxford: Daniel Press (in the Bodleian). 91 × 71. PP. viii, 198. Reviewed in T.L.S., Jan. 12; in Mercury, March 1922, v, 524–5; by A. W. Pollard in The Library, March 1922, II, 275–7. 70. MADGE, SIDNEY J. The King's Printing House, 1653. N. and Q., Apr. 8, 1922, X, 268. 71. MANLY, JOHN MATTHEWS and RICKERT, EDITH. Contemporary American Literature: Bibliographies and Study Outlines. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. xix, 188. $1.50. 72. & Contemporary British Literature: Bibliographies and Study Outlines. (Bibl. 1921, 31.) New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1921. Reviewed in Sewanee Review, Jan.-March 1922, XXX, 109–10; in Lit. Review, June 24, 1922, p. 762; by Brander Matthews in New York Times Book Review, March 19, 1922, p. 2. 73. MARTINDELL, E. W. A Bibliography of the Works of Rudyard Kipling, 1881-1921. Bookman's Journal, 1922. Roy. 8vo. pp. xiii, III. 16s. Reviewed shortly in T.L.S. (Books of Reference), July 13, 1922. 74. MEREDITH, MARK, ed. The Literary Year-Book. 23rd Annual Volume for the year 1922. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1922. 8vo. pp. xxiii, 1284 (Frontisp.). $3. MINNIGERODE, MEADE. See under Nineteenth Century: Melville, Herman. 75. MORSE, WILLARD S. and BRINCKLE, GERTRUDE, comp. Howard Pyle. Wilmington, Del. The Wilmington Society of Fine Arts, 1921. 23.5 cm. pp. [2], x, 217, [24], 219–42 (Illus.). $5. 500 copies. 76. MULFORD, J. BENTLEY, Comp. Dramas and Plays: an Index to Dramatic Compositions published in English in the United States during 1921. Boston: F. W. Faron Co., 1922. pp. 85. $1. 77. New York Public Library, The. The Beadle Collection [of Dime Novels]. Bulletin, July 1922, XXVI, 554–628. Plate. 78. First and Rare Editions of Southey in the Library. Bulletin, Jan. 1922, XXVI, 1–5. Port. 79. Palmer's Index to The Times" Newspaper, Oct.-Dec. 1921. Palmer, 1922. 81 x.61. pp. 133. 30s. 80. POLLARD, ALFRED W. Some Notes on the History of Copyright in England, 1662–1774. The Library, Sept. 1922, III, 97–114. 81. Readers' Guide, The, and The Readers' Guide Supplement (American). Both regularly include lists of current poems. 82. Reports from His Majesty's Representatives abroad respecting Facilities for obtaining Photographs of MSS. in Public Libraries in certain Foreign Countries. London: H.M. Stat. Office, 1922. IS. Reviewed by R. B. McKerrow in The Library, Sept. 1922, III, 141. ROBERTSON, JOHN W. See under Nineteenth Century: Poe, E. A. 83. ROTHERT, OTTO ARTHUR. The Filson Club and its Activities, 1884-1922: a History of the Filson Club including Lists of Filson Club Publications and Papers on Kentucky History prepared for the Club; also Names of Members. Louisville, Ky.: J. P. Morton and Co., June, 1922. Filson Club Publ. 32. 24 cm. pp. 64. SADLER, MICHAEL THOMAS HARVEY. See Sadleir, Michael. 84. SADLEIR, MICHAEL. Excursions in Victorian Bibliography. [Includes Trollope, Marryat, Disraeli, Wilkie Collins, Reade, WhyteMelville, Mrs Gaskell, Melville.] London: Chaundy and Cox, 1922. 23 cm. pp. viii, 240. Reviewed in Lit. Review, Oct. 7, 1922, p. 92; by Esther Murphy in The New Republic, Sept. 20, 1922, XXXII, 105; in N. and Q., May 27, X, 419; by I. A. Williams in Mercury, May 1922, VI, 77; in T.L.S., May 18, 1922; in The New Statesman, June 10, 1922, XIX, 273–5; in The Spectator, June 24, 1922, CXXVIII, 791; in The Nation-Athen., June 10, 1922, xxx1, 380–2. 85. SHAW, CHARLES B. A Reading List of Biographies. Greensboro, N.C. The North Carolina College for Women Extension Bulletin, i. 2, June 1922. 8vo. pp. 117. 86. SHERMAN, FREDERIC FAIRCHILD, Comp. A Check List of First Editions of the Works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. New York: Frederic F. Sherman, 1921. 19 cm. pp. 15, [1]. $2 net. (Privately printed, 125 copies.) SQUIRE, J. C. See below under Williams, I. A. Stauffer, RuTH MATHILDA. See under Nineteenth Century: Conrad, Joseph. STEPHENS, JAMES. See below under Williams, I. A. 87. SWIRE, HERBERT L. R. A Bibliography of the Works of Joseph Hergesheimer. Philadelphia: Centaur Book Shop, 1922. The Centaur Bibliographies of Modern American Authors. 20 cm. pp. 39, [7]. Front. (port.). $2. 300 copies. 88. National Library of WALES: Catalogue of Manuscripts. Vol. I: Additional Manuscripts in the Collections of Sir John Williams, Bart., by John Humphreys Davies. Nat. Lib. of Wales, 1922. 9} × 61. PP. 395. 15S. 89. Who's Who among North American Authors. Los Angeles: Calif. Golden Syndicate Pub. Co., 1921. 24.5 cm. pp. 441. Ports. $5. [Gives only those authors who sent information about themselves.] 90. Who's Who in America. Vol. XII, 1922–3. Ed. by Albert Nelson Marquis. Chicago: A. N. Marquis and Co., 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. 3427. 91. Who's Who in Canada, including the British Possessions in the Western Hemisphere. Ed. by B. M. Greene. New York: Brentano's, 1922. 8vo. pp. lxvi, 1598. $10. WILLIAMS, I. A. See above under Bibliographies of Modern Authors. 92. WILSON, G. F. A Bibliography of the Writings of W. H. Hudson. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1922. 8vo. pp. 79. Illus. $3.50. 93. WILSON, Canon J. M. Worcester Cathedral Library. The Library, March 1922, 11, 257-65. 94. WISE, THOMAS JAMES. The Ashley Library: a Catalogue of Printed Books, MSS., and Autograph Letters. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1922-. 26.5 cm. 200 copies printed. In progress. Vol. I reviewed in Lit. Review, July 8, 1922, p. 799. 95. A Catalogue of the Library of the late John Henry Wrenn. Compiled by Harold B. Wrenn. Austin: The University of Texas, 1920. 27 cm. 5 vols. Front. (port.). 120 copies. Reviewed by John W. Draper in Mod. Lang. Notes, April 1922, XXXVII, 237–43. 96. WRIGHT, C. HAGBERG. The Soul's Dispensary, London. Nineteenth Century, March 1922, XCI, 533-44. III. BIOGRAPHY 97. Alumni Cantabrigienses. A Biographical List of all known Students, Graduates, and Holders of Office at the University of Cambridge from the Earliest Times to 1900. Compiled by J. and J. A. Venn. Part I (in 4 vols.) to 1751. Vol. 1. Abbas-Cutts. pp. 437. Vol. II. Dabbs-Juxten. pp. 492. Cambridge: Univ. Press. 4to. Vol. I reviewed by J. E. G. de Montmorency in Contemp. Review, March 1922, CXXI, 396–8; in T.L.S., March 9. 150s. each. SHAW, CHARLES B. See under Bibliography. ENGLISH LANGUAGE IV. GENERAL 98. BECK, ERNST H. F. Die Impersonalien in sprachpsychologischer, logischer und linguistischer Hinsicht. MS. Diss., Leipzig, 1922. Summary in Jahrb. d. phil. Fak. zu Leipzig, 1922, Part 1, 24–6. 99. BRANDL, ALOIS. Geschriebenes und gesprochenes Englisch. Archiv, Oct. 1922, LXXVI, 90–1. 100. BRØNDAL, VIGGO. Substrater og Laan i Romansk og Germansk. Kopenhagen, 1917. Reviewed by G. Neckel in Engl. Stud., April 1922, LVI, 322–9. IOI. BURRELL, A. W. Language v. Grammar. Edinb. Review, July 1922, Vol. 236, No. 481, pp. 142-51. 102. DENBY, M. Decay and Death in English Vocabulary. Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society for 1922, Part XXIII, Vol. iv, I-17. 103. DEUTSCHBEIN, MAX. Satz und Urteil. Eine sprachpsychologisch-logische Untersuchung. Sprachpsychologische Studien II. Cöthen: Schulze, 1918. 8vo. pp. 56. Reviewed by Heinitz in Lit. Zentralbl., Feb. 1921, LXXII, 145-6. 104. DE WITT, NORMAN W. On Making New Words. The Classical! Weekly, Jan. 16, 1922, XV, 89–91. 105. GUÉRARD, Albert LÉON. Babel and Geneva. Texas Review, Apr. 1922, VII, 177-90. On an international language. FOWLER, H. W. See under Syntax. 106. HEYNE, PAUL. Englisches English. Über den treffenden, richtigen, formvollendeten Ausdruck in der englischen Sprache und über den amerikanischen Sprachgebrauch. 2nd revised edition. Freiburg i. B.: F. Bielefeld, 1922. 8vo. pp. 196. 107. HORN, WILHELM. Sprachkörper und Sprachfunktion. (Bibl.. 1921, 63.) Reviewed by Arnold O. Schröer in Deutsche Lit. Zeitg., Juni 1921, XLII, 353-5; by Walther Preusler in Lit. Zentralbl., Oct. 1921, LXXII, 803; by Eduard Hermann in Gött. gel. Anz., Oct.-Dec.. 1922, CLXXXIV, 289-95; by Karl Helm in Idg. Anz., Nov. 1922, XL, 5-6; by G. Binz in Literaturblatt, May-June 1922, XLIII, 175-75 by W. Havers in Die Neueren Sprachen, Jan.-Feb. 1922, XXX, 77–81. 108. HÜBENER, GUSTAV. Scholastik und Neuenglische Hochsprache. GRMon., March-April 1922, X, 88–101. 109. JESPERSEN, OTTO. Language: Its Nature, Development, and Origin. London: George Allen and Unwin; New York: Holt, 1922. 22 cm. pp. 448. 18s. and $4. Reviewed by James Wilson Bright in Mod. Lang. Notes, June 1922, XXXVII, pp. 379–84; by Vernon Rendall in Mercury, May 1922, VI, 102–3; in Mod. Languages, Oct. 1922, IV, 24-6; in Sat. Review, Feb. 4, 1922, CXXXIII, 120-1; in The New Statesman, March 11, 1922, XVIII, 652 ; in The Spectator, March 18, 1922, CXXVIII, 340-1; by Jacob Zeitlin in The Nation, July 12, 1922,. cxv, 47-8; by Leonard Bloomfield in Amer. Journ. of Philol., Oct.-Dec. 1922, XLIII, 370–3; by Robert L. Duffus in The Freeman, Oct. 18, 1922, VI, 141-2; by Brander Matthews in New York Times Book Review, July 9, 1922, pp. 2, 31; by Prof. Dr N. van Wijk, in English Studies, Oct. 1922, IV, 208–10; by Paul de Reul in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, oct.-déc. 1922, 1, 731–8. 110. Literary Review, The. Pure English. May 20, 1922, p. 665. III. LUICK, KARL. Sprachkörper und Sprachfunktion. Engl. Stud., April 1922, LVI, 185–204. I12. Zum Abschluss des Oxforder Wörterbuches. Deutsche: Lit. Zeitg., March 1922, XXXXIII, 146–8. 113. MATTHEWS, BRANDER. Essays on English. (Bibl. 1921, 67.) Reviewed in The Dial, March 1922, LXXII, 328; in Sat. Review, March 25, 1922, 314-5; in The Spectator, May 6, 1922, CXXVIII, 560-1. 114. MORTON, WILLIAM CUTHBERT. The Language of Anatomy.. Edited, with an Introduction, by Robert Bridges. Soc. for Pure English, Tract no. 9. Clarendon Press, 1922. 8vo. 9 × 6. pp. 28. 2s. 6d. Reviewed in N. and Q., Aug. 26, 1922, XI, 178. 115. NECKEL, G. Die dreisilbigen Akzenttypen des Germanischen. Idg. Forsch., April 1922, XL, 123-35. 116. PENNIMAN, JOSIAH HARMAR. The Use and Sources of Imagery |