1922, p. 9; by J. Rankin Towse in Lit. Review, July 8, 1922, p. 790; by Raymond M. Alden in The Univ. of California Chronicle, Oct. 1922, XXIV, 571-4; in Modern Philology by David H. Stevens, Nov. 1922, xx, 2, pp. 220-1. 694. - Strolling Players and Provincial Drama after Shakspere. Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, June 1922, XXXVII, 243-80. 695. TUCKER, IRWIN ST JOHN. The Religious Origin of the Drama. The Drama, Nov. 1922, XIII, 47-51. VOGT, GEORGE MCGILL. See below under Chaucer, G. 696. WHITE, NEWMAN IVEY. The English Romantic Writers as Dramatists. Sewanee Review, Apr.-June 1922, XXX, 206–15. 697. WITHINGTON, ROBERT. Additional Notes on Modern Folk Pageantry. P. M. L. Assoc. of America, June 1922, XXXVII, 347-59. 697 a. English Pageantry. (Bibl. 1921, 578.) Reviewed by G. Cohen in Rev. de Lit. Comp., Jan. 1922, II, 150-3. 698. YOUNG, KARL. The Dramatic Associations of the Easter Sepulchre. University Studies in Language and Literature, No. 10. Madison, 1920. Rev. by G. F. in M. L. Notes, Jan. 1922, XXXVII, 62-3. 699. ZILBOORG, GREGORY. The Silent Tragedy of the Actor. The Drama, Apr. 1922, XII, 247-8. Fiction. 700. ADAMS, J. R. The Modern Catholic Novel. Amer. Cath. Quart. Review, Jan. 1922, XLVII, 130-5. 701. AUSTIN, MARY. The American Form of the Novel. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, Xxx, no. 384, part II, pp. 3-4. 702. BOYD, ERNEST. Some French Canadian Fiction. North Amer. Review, Jan. 1922, ccxv, 93-8. Chiefly on Hémon's Maria Chapdelaine. 703. CABELL, JAMES BRANCH. A Note on Alcoves. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, XXX, no. 384, part 11, pp. 4-5. [On the novel.] 704. CANBY, HENRY SEIDEL. Sex in Fiction. The Century, Nov. 1922, CV, 98-105. 705. - Why Popular Novels are Popular. The Century, June 1922, CIV, 253-60. 706. CATHER, WILLA SIBERT. The Novel Démeublé. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, Xxx, no. 384, part 11, pp. 5-6. 707. CLARK, GLENN. A Manual of the Art of the Short Story. London: Macmillan, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. 271. 8s. 708. - A Manual of the Short Story Art. New York: Macmillan, 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. xix, 252. Reviewed in Lit. Review, July 1, 1922, p. 778; by L. B. in The Freeman, Aug. 16, 1922, V, 550; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, May 27, 1922, CVIII, 488; by Brander Matthews in New York Times Book Review, Sept. 17, 1922, p. 2. 709. COLTON, ARTHUR. Serviceable Fiction. Lit. Review, July 22, 1922, pp. 817-18. 710. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). The Fantastic in Fiction. Lit. Review, July 8, 1922, p. 791. 711. COURNOS, JOHN. Biography as Fiction. New York Times Book Review, Nov. 19, 1922, p. 24. Crawford, B. V. See No. 769. 712. DELL, FLOYD. The Difference between Life and Fiction. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, XXX, no. 384, part 11, pp. 7-8. 713. DOUGLAS, A. DONALD. The Modern Novel. The Double Dealer, Nov. 1922, IV, 235-8. 714. DREISER, THEODORE. The Scope of Fiction. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, XXX, no. 384, part 11, pp. 8-9. 715. FRANK, WALDO. The Major Issue. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, xxx, no. 384, part 11, pp. 9-12. [On the novel.] 716. GALE, ZONA. The Novel and the Spirit. Yale Review, Oct. 1922, n.s., XII, 41-55. 717. HERGESHEIMER, JOSEPH. The Profession of Novelist. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, Xxx, no. 384, part 11, pp. 14–16. 718. HOFFMAN, Arthur SULLIVANT. Fundamentals of FictionWriting. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Menill Co., 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. [viii], 248. $1.50. Reviewed in Lit. Review, Oct. 21, 1922, p. 130. 719. LEACOCK, Stephen. Stories and Story-Tellers. The Outlook, Feb. 1, 1922, CXXX, 183-4. 720. Literary Review, The. Fiction and the Laboratory. Mar. 25, 1922, p. 521. 721. History and Fiction. June 10, 1922, p. 713. 722. LUBBOCK, PERCY. The Craft of Fiction. (Bibl. 1921, 433.) New York: Scribner, 1922. Reviewed by Robert Herrick in Yale Review, Oct. 1922, XII, 181-6; by Gilbert Seldes in The Dial, Mar. 1922, LXXII, 318-22; in North Amer. Review, Feb. 1922, ccxv, 283-4; by Logan Pearsall Smith in Lit. Review, Mar. 4, 1922, pp. 468-9; by Philip Littell in The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, xxx, no. 384, part 11, pp. 1-2; by Henry B. Fuller in The Freeman, May 3, 1922, v, 189-90; reply by Hulbert Footner, ib. May 31, p. 281. Reviewed by A. S. Pier in The Atlantic Monthly, Mar. 1922; by Richard Le Gallienne in New York Times Book Review, Apr. 23, 1922, pp. 4, 23; in The Spectator, Jan. 7, 1922, CXXVIII, 18-19; by E[dward] S[hanks] in Mercury, Mar. 1922, V, 547-8. 723. MARSHALL, ARCHIBALD. The Novelist's Workshop. Yale Review, July 1922, n.s., XI, 803-24. 724. O'HIGGINS, HARVEY. A Note on the Novel. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, XXX, no. 384, part II, p. 20. 725. OPPENHEIM, E. PHILLIPS. Fiction and Prophecy. New York Times Book Review, Feb. 26, 1922, pp. 16, 25. 726. Outlook, The. English and American Novels. Aug. 23, 1922, CXXXI, 661. 727. PARSONS, ELSIE CLEWS. Tale and Song from Virginia. Journ. Amer. Folklore, Jan. 1921, XXXIV, 125. 728. PENCE, RAYMOND W. Notes on the Short Story. The English Journal, Jan. 1922, XI, 28-37. 729. PHELPS, W. L. The Advance of the English Novel. London: John Murray, 1919. pp. 334. 7s. 6d. Reviewed by S. B. Liljegren in Engl. Stud., Jan. 1922, LVI, 95-7. 730. RICHARDSON, CAROLINE FRANCIS. The Pleasant Immorality of Fairy Tales. Yale Review, Jan. 1922, n.s., XI, 433-8. 731. ROPE, H. E. G. Romance. The Catholic World, Dec. 1922, CXIV, 386-93. 732. ROURKE, CONSTANCE MAYFIELD. The Genius of the Novel. The New Republic, Jan. 4, 1922, XXIX, 149–51. 733. SHEPHERD, Esther. The Tall Tale in American Literature. Pacific Review, Dec. 1921. 734. STARR, MEREDITH (ed.). The Future of the Novel. Boston: Small, Maynard and Co., [1921]. 19 cm. pp. 218. $2. Reviewed by L. B. in The Freeman, June 7, 1922, V, 309. 735. TREVELYAN, G. M. History and Fiction: being part of the Sidgwick Memorial Lecture, Newnham College, Cambridge, 1921. Cornhill, May 1922, no. 311, pp. 527-39; Living Age, May 27, 1922, СССХІІІ, 565-73. 736. VAN KRANENDONK, A. G. Notes on Methods of Narration in some English Novels. English Studies, Feb. 1922, IV, 1-10. 737. WEBSTER, HENRY KITCHELL. A Brace of Definitions and a Short Code. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, XXX, no. 384, part II, pp. 20-2. [On the novel.] 738. WHEATON, L. All's Love, Yet All's Law. The Catholic World, April 1922, cxv, 10–21. [The realistic novel from the Catholic view.] 739. WHITE, WILLIAM ALLEN. Splitting Fiction Three Ways. The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, XXX, no. 384, part 11, pp. 22-6. 740. WILLSON, Corwin DALE. A Theory of the Happy Ending. The Freeman, Apr. 19, 1922, V, 138. 741. WYATT, EDITH FRANKLIN. “Dreaming True." The New Republic, Apr. 12, 1922, XXX, no. 384, part 11, pp. 26–8. [On the novel.] VIII (e). LITERATURE AND ART; ÆSTHETICS 743. ABERCROMBIE, LASCELLES. An Essay towards a Theory of Art. Secker, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. 115. 5s. Reviewed in T.L.S., Aug. 17, 1922; by W. van Doorn, English Studies, Dec. 1922, IV, 241-8; in The Spectator, Sept. 2, 1922, CXXIX, 312-13; by J. Middleton Murry in The Nation-Athen., Aug. 19, 1922, XXXI, 684-5; by J. B. Priestley in Mercury, Jan. 1923, VII, 324. 744. BOUTROUX, EMILE. Art and Beauty. Translated by Fred. Rothwell. Lond. Quart. Review, Oct. 1922, no. 48, pp. 207-15. BRIE, FRIEDRICH. See under Nineteenth Century: General. BROOKS, NEIL Conway. The Sepulchre of Christ in Art and Liturgy, with Special Reference to the Liturgic Drama. See under Types and Motives. 745. CROCE, BENEDETTO. Aesthetic as the Science of Expression and General Linguistic. Translated by Douglas Ainslie. 2nd ed. Macmillan, 1922. 9 × 6. pp. 533. 21s. 746. GALE, ZONA. Beauty and the Commonplace. Lit. Review, Apr. 15, 1922, pp. 577-8. JACKSON, HOLBROOK. See under Nineteenth Century: General. 747. JAQUES, GEORGE H. A System of Esthetics. Vol. 1. 93 Belton Terrace, Rialto, Dublin: Author. 7 × 54. pp. 165. 12s. 6d. 748. LANGFELD, HERBERT SIDNEY. The Esthetic Attitude. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1920. $3.50. Reviewed by H. М. Kallen in The Freeman, June 21, 1922, V, 355-6. MOULT, THOMAS. Art in the European Theatre. See under Drama. 749. OGDEN, C. K., RICHARDS, I. A. and WOOD, JAMES. The Foundations of Esthetics. Allen and Unwin, 1922. 9 × 51. pp. 95. 7s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Jan. 12, p. 30; in Lond. Quart. Review, Apr. 1922, XXIII, 275. 750. SHOWERMAN, GRANT. Art and Decency. Yale Review, Jan. 1922, n.s., XI, 304-14. 751. Times Literary Supplement, The. Art and Science. Leading Article, Nov. 2, 1922. 752. WALSTON, Sir CHARLES. Harmonism and Conscious Evolution. Murray, 1922. 21s. Reviewed in T.L.S., July 20, 1922; cf. Sir Charles Walston, July 27, Corr. 753. WEBER, FREDERICK PARKER. Aspects of Death and correlated Aspects of Life in Art, Epigram, and Poetry. 4th ed. enlarged. Fisher Unwin, 1922. Reviewed in T.L.S., May 25, 1922. 30s. VIII (f). MISCELLANEOUS ALDRED, THOMAS. See under Bibliography. 754. ALLEN, WILLIS BOYD. Old Lamps for New. North Amer. Review, Dec. 1922, ccxvI, 804-7. 755. ALLISON, JOHN M. S. Mediævalist and Modernist. North Amer. Review, Apr. 1922, CCXV, 538-43. 756. AMOS, FLORA Ross. Early Theories of Translation. (Bibl. 1920, VII, 1; 1921, 536.) Reviewed by La Rue V. Hook in The Classical Weekly, Apr. 24, 1922, XV, 182-4. 757. ANDERTON, BASIL. Sketches from a Library Window. Cambridge: Heffer, 1922. Demy 8vo. pp. 182. 12s. 6d. Contents: 1. A Stoic in his Garden (transl. from De Constantia of Justus Lipsius, II, 1-3); 2. A Stoic of Louvain: Justus Lipsius; 3. In Northumbrian Sunshine; 4. The Lure of Translation; 5. A Gourmand's Breviary; 6. A Newcastle Seaman 100 Years Ago; 7. Nature and Human Nature; 8. Sir Thomas Browne. Reviewed by J. B. Priestley in Mercury, Dec. 1922, VII, 215. 758. BAUM, Paull FRANKLIN. The new Marinism. The Univ. of California Chronicle, Jan. 1922, XXIV, 15-24. 759. BROADUs, Edmund KEMPER. The Laureateship. A Study of the Office of Poet-Laureate in England. (Bibl. 1921, 346.) 1921. Reviewed in T.L.S. (Leading Article), Jan. 26, 1922; in Contemp. Review, March 1922, CXXI, 398-400; in The New Statesman, Mar. 11, 1922, XVIII, 650; in The Nation-Athen., Feb. 4, 1922, XXX, 494-5; in Sat. Review, Jan. 7, 1922, CXXXIII, 16; by Chas. Leonard Moore in Lit. Review, July 8, 1922, p. 786; by Royall Snow in The New Republic, May 17, 1922, xxx, 359; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, Mar. 18, 1922, CVIII, 283; in New York Times Book Review, Apr. 16, 1922, p. 2. 760. BROWN, ROLLO WALTER. The Writer's Art. (Bibl. 1921, 348.) Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1921. Reviewed by Geo. Н. Clark in Sewanee Review, Jan.-Mar. 1922, XXX, 107. C., R. H. See Orage, A. R. 761. CANBY, Henry SEIDEL. Defining the Indefinable. North Amer. Review, May 1922, CCXV, 633-40. 762. CAZAMIAN, LOUIS. L'Evolution Psychologique et la Littérature en Angleterre. (Bibl. 1920, X, 374; 1921, 542.) Paris: Alcan, 1920. Reviewed by Camillo von Klenze in Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., Jan. 1922, XXI, 179-83. 763. The Charles Mills Gayley Anniversary Papers. (Univ. of California Publ. in Mod. Philol. XI.) Berkeley, Calif.: The Univ. of California, 1922. 25 cm. pp. [2], vi, 292. Front. (port.), tab. 764. CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH. The Uses of Diversity. (Bibl. 1920, X, 375; 1921, 544.) Reviewed by Vida D. Scudder in Yale Review, Apr. 1922, n.s., XI, 650-1. 765. COOPER, LANE. Methods and Aims in the Study of Literature. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. 19.5 cm. pp. ix, 239. Re-issue of a book first published in 1915. Reviewed by Clark S. Northup in The Cornell Alumni News, Mar. 9, 1922, XXIV, 272. 766. - Two Views of Education, with Other Papers chiefly on the Study of Literature. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1922. 21 cm. pp. ix, 321. Reviewed by John E. Jacoby in The New Republic, Oct. 25, 1922, XXXII, no. 412, part 11, pp. 23-5; by Clark S. Northup in The Cornell Alumni News, Dec. 14, 1922, XXV, 155-6. 767. CORY, HERBERT ELLSWORTH. Psychoanalysis and Literary Criticism. Gayley Anniv. Papers, pp. 187-94. 768. CRAIG, Hardin. Some Problems of Scholarship in the Literature of the Renaissance, Particularly in the English Field. Philol. Quarterly, Apr. 1922, 1, 81-99. 769. CRAWFORD, BARTHOLOW VINCENT. The Use of Formal Dialogue in Narrative. Philol. Quarterly, July 1922, 1, 179-91. CREWE, Marquess of. Some Writers on English Country Life. See under Royal Society of Literature. 770. CROCE, BENEDETTO. History, its Theory and Practice. Authorized Translation by Douglas Ainslie. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1921. 22.5 cm. pp. 317. Reviewed by James Harvey Robinson in Lit. Review, Apr. 8, 1922, p. 558; by William L. Westermann in The Classical Weekly, Dec. 18, 1922, XVI, 79-80. 771. DANIEL, JOHN ERSKINE. The Moral Obligation to be Intelligent. Reviewed in Engl. Review, June 1922, XXXIV, 598-9. |