Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Fellowes, E. Η., 432, 505

Felon Sew, 409
Ferber, E., 2619

Ferguson, R., 1636

Fernald, J. C., 136, 235
Ferguson, J. De L., 2668
Ferrar, W. J., 624-5
Ferrier, S., 1598
Feuillerat, A., 1215-16, 1364
Fiedler, F., 1918

Field, E., 1881, 1959
- M. (pseud.), 1960
Fielding, H., 1637-44, 1889
Fieldson, R. L., 191
Filson Club, 83
Finnsburg Fragment, 892
Finsterbusch, Fr., 379

Emerson, O. F., 950, 993, 1007, Firkins, O. W., 780, 2182

[blocks in formation]

First Edition Club, 22

Firth, C. H., 1177

Fischer, H. W. H., 1881
Ο., 1167
R., 1217

W., 1493, 2103, 2861

Fiske, D. W., 1961
Fitzgerald, E., 1962-3

F. S. K., 2620

F. G. B., 190
Flasdieck, H. Μ., 243
Flatman, T., 1458-60
Flecker, J. E., 2622-4
Fletcher, J. B., 565, 667
J., 1145, 1461-3
J. G., 2183, 2584

Florio, J., 1146-7

Foerster, N., 1747, 1954, 2308
Follett, F. V., 1428
Fontaines, A., 2184

Ford, H., 1218

J. L., 781

R., 433

Fairfax-Blakeborough, J., 336, Forman, A., 2426

348-9, 912, 1024

Fairless, M. (pseud.), 2150

Falk, H. S., 231

Falls, C., 623
Farinelli, A., 580
Farmer, J. S., 337
Farnham, C. E., 581

W., 1004
Faro, Bp of, 59
Farrow, E. S., 135
Faxon, F. W., 48
F. D. M., 1597
Feasey, E. I., 1178
Fehr, B., 13, 1746, 2324
Fehse, W., 1916

Freeman, E. Α., 1965

-J., 1887, 2249, 2585, 2629-31

Freeman, M. E. W., 1966

- R. M., 1664

Freneau, P., 1645
Frere, J. H., 1967
Fretin, 2896

Freud, S., 782

Frijlink, W. P., 1463
Fritz, C. F., 783

Frost, R., 2632

Frye, P. H., 555
Fuller, H. B., 1968, 2360
Fuller, S. M., 2633
Funke, E., 566
Ο., 307

Furness, H. Н., 2634
Furnivall, F. J., 975

[blocks in formation]

Forde, P. A., 1801

Forman, W. C., 1539, 2185

Gémier, F., 1220

[blocks in formation]

George, R. L. G., 626

Georgian Stories, 469, 2478

Förster, M., 150, 192, 853, 875 Gepp, E., 350-1

Fosca, F., 2186

Foster, D., 1456

Fowler, H. W., 304-6

J. H., 411

W., 1964

Fox, D. R., 528
Frank, W., 715
- W. D., 2628
Frazer, Sir J. G., 1572
Frederick, J. T., 2784
Freeman, A. M., 1718

Gerould, G. H., 2674

K. F., 1851
Gerstenberg, A., 2479
Geyser, A. F., 1653
Guérard, A. L., 105
Gibbons, G. S., 1414
Gibbs, A. H., 605
Gibson, E. C. S., 2282
- F. M., 1143

W. W., 2661
Gilbert, R. F., 1636

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Harwood, C., 2030

Grierson, H. J. C., 1377, 1393, Harvey, J., 1417


Grieve, C. M., 448

Griffith, O. L., 58

- R. H., 55, 1026, 1579

Grimald, N., 1149

Grönert, 1853

Gross, E. von, 289

Grossmann, R., 1095

Grosseteste, 974

Grove, J. S. P., 1923
Grundy, G. B., 196-8, 409

Gruyer, P., 2737

Gruyter, J. de, 2188

Gsell, P., 1220

Gollancz, Sir I., 968, 994, 1003, Guilds, 975


Guillaume, 979

[blocks in formation]

Gothein, M. L., 1223

Gould, G., 2665

Gover, J. E. В., 195

Gowen, H. H., 1778, 1817

Gowther, 1010

Graham, B., 52

- R. B. C., 1802, 2663, 2691

S., 583, 784, 2664, 2735

W., 1852, 1891

Grant, P. S., 530
W., 244

Granville-Barker, H., 670
Grattan Flood, W. H., 1224-5
Graves, Richard, 1656
Robert, 627, 2666
-T. S., 671-3, 1092-3
Gray, G. J., 53
- T., 1587

Greg, W. W., 54, 1173

Haak, P., 1229

Haines, C. R., 1230

Hale, E. E., 547, 1985

Halévy, D., 2792

Hali Meidenhad, 406 a

Hall, A., 1762

J., 1464

- Т., 940

Haller, W., 2240
Halliday, W. J., 353
Hamann, H., 2274
Hamilton, W. H., 2075, 2762
Hammond, E. P., 1390
J., 2611, 2763
Hanford, G. L., 354
J. H., 1497
Hardy, T., 522, 1986-97
Harington, Sir J., 1465
Harley, J., 200

Haskins, C. H., 789, 915

Hatfield, J. T., 2155

Havemann, E., 1558

Havens, G. R., 584

- R. D., 1498
Hawes, S., 1150

Hawkins, H. Κ., 1628
Hawthorne, H., 1970, 2006
- Ν., 814, 1734, 2004-8
Hayek, M., 2302

Hayens, K., 1233
Hayes, W., 2309
Hays, M. E., 1831
Hazeltine, A. I., 1700

Hazlitt, W., 409, 1233, 2009-1
H. D. See Aldington, H. D.
Head, R., 1993

Hearn, L., 58, 2012-18
Hearne, T., 1657
Hearnshaw, F. J. C., 916
Hecht, B., 2490

H., 1234, 1609, 1682

Heindl, 1150
Heinrich, A., 1869
Heldt, W., 1399
Hellmann, G. S., 1945, 2250
Hemans, F., 2345

Henderson, B. W., 1964

W. B. D., 452
Hendry the Minstrel, 1014
Henley, W. E., 337, 2019-22
Henry, O. (pseud.), 2023-7
Hepple, R. В., 1060

Herford, C. H., 409, 628, 1235
2166, 2190
Hergesheimer, J., 58, 87, 717
2670 ff.

Herrick, C. A., 2080

R., 1466, 2041, 2480
Herrington, W. S., 1236
Hertin, J. F., 2082
Hervier, P.-L., 2191, 2251
Herzfeld, G., 2242

Herzog, E. F., 1795

Heusler, A., 629

Hewitt, E. P., 1854-5

Hewlett, M., 531, 630, 790, 1237,

1559, 1886, 2192

Heydrick, B. A., 532

Heyne, P., 106

Heyward, D., 2392
Heywood, J., 1151-2
-Т., 1153-4, 1467-8
H. Н. Е. С., 1400, 2189
Hibbard, L. A., 952
Hickey, E., 2120

Higginson, M. Τ., 2028
-T. W., 2028

Hill, C. M., 437

Hillebrand, H. Ν., 1096

Hills, E. C., 2045

Hillyer, R., 953, 1936

[blocks in formation]

Hilson, O., 1027

Hind, A. M., 1401

-C. L., 533


[blocks in formation]

Hirn, Y., 1665

Hunt, L., 2037

Hirschberg, J., 1238

- V., 2701

[blocks in formation]

Jiriczek, L., 1681

Jocelin of Brakelond, 1061

Johnson, C., 1824

J., 1660

J. W., 438, 1755

L. P., 633

Μ., 50

R. B., 1584, 1912, 2365, 2482

S., 1599, 1661-77

-T. L., 1756

Johnston, Sir H., 1924

- J. В., 203

Jolles, A., 2195

Jones, D., 266

E. D., 470

Η. Α., 2833

H. F., 1838

Η. Μ., 1904, 2107, 2677

L., 381

R. F., 1757

Historical Monuments, England, Hunter, R., 2363

Scotland, 1075
Hobbes, T., 1469-71
Hodgson, G. E., 556
Hoffman, A. S., 718
Hogg, J., 2029

Holcroft, T., 40, 1658
Holloway, E., 2301, 2310
Holliday, R. C., 2491

Holm, S., 988

Holme, G., 1588

Holmes, M. D., 791

- R., 1882

Holmqvist, E., 290

Hüttenbrenner, F., 380

[blocks in formation]

Hutton, W. H., 1657, 1965, 2298 Jonson, B., 309 -

L., 1752

Huxley, A., 632

Hyamson, A. Μ., 137

[blocks in formation]

Holthausen, F., 152, 585, 890, Ingianni, I., 2397

954, 1028, 1156

Homilies, 406 a, 976

Hone, J. M., 1994

Hood, T., 2030

[blocks in formation]

Hookham, G., 1239-41

[blocks in formation]

Irving, W., 534, 814, 1734

Jackson, H., 793, 1754, 1912
Jacob, G. E., 1633
Jaggard, W., 1243, 1402, 1625
Jahn, J., 937
Jakobsen, J., 202
James, C. W., 56

H., 522, 529, 2039-43
M. R., 57, 917, 1058

Jameson, S., 2586
Jaques, G. H., 747
Jay, F., 2237
Jefferson, J., 2044
- Т., 2045

Jónsson, F., 1030
Jordan, C. B., 2196

Joyce, H. E., 1813

J., 2702

Judson, A. C., 1154, 1466, 1476
Juhl, H., 312

Kahn, E., 2126
Kaim, F., 471
Kaluza, M., 955
Karg, 1819
Karpf, F., 313
Karstien, C., 293
Kaspers, W., 154
Kassel, C., 2300
Kassner, R., 1758
Kauffman, R. W., 1832
Kawa, M. E., 1946
Kaye, F. B., 1244, 1683
Kaye-Smith, S., 2709-10
Keats, J., 2047-61
Keiser, A., 862
Keith, A., 1611
Sir A., 1423
Keller, E. L., 2311
- W., 1245
Kelley, W. V., 535

Kellner, L., 138, 507
Kelly, J. A., 587, 1561
Kelsey, R. W., 1615
Kempling, W. B., 1246
Kendall, J. S., 2015
Kenney, J. F., 1031
Kenyon, J. S., 1247
Ker, W. P., 409, 1697
Kerl, 382

Kerlin, R. T., 2367

Kern, A. A., 1248, 1252, 2275
Kernahan, C., 1942, 2366, 2764

Kerr, A., 2862

Μ., 1032

R. H., 2429

Kershaw, N., 855

Keynes, G., 1591

Kidson, F., 1651

Kindervater, J. W., 1123 a

King, C., 2062

С., 2430

- G. G., 956

Kingsley, C., 2063
Kipling, R., 2711-12
Kirk, S. J., 155

Kirtlan, E. J. B., 863
Kitch, E. M., 60
Kittredge, G. L., 1582
Kiver, E., 415

Klaeber, Friedrich, 156, 876

- Frederick, 237
Klinger, G., 383
Kloos, W., 2197
Klöpzig, W., 314
Kluckhohn, P., 1562
Kluge, F., 157

Knickerbocker, F. W., 2111
Knott, T. A., 249, 957
Knowlton, E. C., 1499
Knox, R. A., 2295
Koch, F., 315

F. H., 490, 2431
F. J., 2056

J., 958-9

Kock, E. A., 900-2
Kohler, J., 1249
Kolde, M. E. F., 1892
Kooistra, J., 61, 2198
Koster, E. B., 1722

Koszul, A., 2164, 2199
Kowalski-Fahrun, H., 866

Kox, M., 316

Kozminsky, I., 1033
Krakauer, B., 2106

Kroesch, S., 232

Labou, R., 2096
La Cour, V., 877
La Fleur, P. T., 2276.
Lazamon, 319, 978
Lamb, C., 2064-8, 2139
Lancaster, Н. Н., 2069
Landauer, G., 1253, 2303
Landor, W. S., 2070-74
Landsberg, G., 1254
Langfeld, H. S., 748
Lang, A., 2075

Langenfelt, G., 158, 794
Langhans, V., 960

Langhorne, Rev. J., 1678

Lanier, S., 2076

Lappin, H. A., 2368

Lapsley, G., 3

Larbaud, V., 1585, 2398, 2707

Larsen, H., 1034

Laski, H. J., 795, 1608

Lathrop, H. В., 62

Law, E., 1255

[blocks in formation]

- F. H., 1256, 1500-1, 1574, Liveing, E., 2201

1925, 1947, 2085

- G., 1833

- R. A., 961, 1820, 1905, 2127

Lawrence, C. E., 1257

- D. H., 2718-20

Lloyd, E., 2317

Loane, G. G., 238, 1426

Locke, J., 1475

Locker-Lampson, F., 1942

Lockert, L., 2653

W. J., 1098-9, 1258-9, 1260, Lockitt, C. H., 1560

1445, 1449

Laws, O.E., 895
Lay Le Freine, 979
Leach, H. G., 918
Leacock, S., 719
Learned, H. D., 268
Le Buffe, F. P., 2286
Ledwidge, F., 2724
Lee, C. C., 2077

Sir S., 46, 1261-2

L., F. R., 2821

Loeber, W., 2849

Loewenberg, J., 798

Lofting, H., 799
Loiseau, 1405
Lomas, S. C., 65
London, Ch., 2736
Long, P. W., 356
Longfellow, E. W., 1760
- H. W., 2082-3, 2734
Loomis, R. S., 920
Looney, J. T., 1266

Le Gallienne, R., 439, 2035, Lothian, A., 2587, 2618


Legends, 980, 1015 ff.
Legg, L. G. W., 1526
Legouis, E., 962, 2336-7, 2338
Lehman, B. Н., 355, 1759

Lehmann, E., 1502

Leo, B., 2200

Leonard, S. A., 491
Leopold, W., 1870
L'Estrange, R., 1474
Letts, M., 11ΟΙ
- W. M., 675

Levens, R. G. C., 1263

Le Verrier, C., 2483

Kruisinga, E., 246, 267, 294, 317 Levy, H., 4-5

Krutch, J. W., 557, 2669

Kuhl, E. P., 1250

Kuhlmann, Κ. Α., 1251

- L., 1694

Lewis, B. R., 492

- С. В., 1035

Lotspeich, C. М., 634

Lovejoy, A. Ο., 800

Lovelace, M., Countess of, 183

[blocks in formation]

Luick, K., 111-12, 160, 247

Lussky, G. F., 880

Lydgate, J., 312, 982

Lynch, B., 2518

Lynd, R., 536, 801, 2742-4

Lyster, T. W., 2057

Mabbott, T. O., 1593, 1926, 2128,

MacAdam, G., 2026

Macaulay, Lord, 1508, 2085-6
MacCarthy, D., 2864, 2885

MacGowan, K., 676-8, 2433-7,

Machen, A., 2745-7

Mack, J. F., 1506
Mackail, J. W., 121
Mackenzie, C., 2748
- H., 1680

- W. R., 1000
Mackie, W. S., 892, 898
MacLean, G. E., 904
MacNair, M. W., 67
Macpherson, J., 1681
MacSweeney, J. J., 1270-71
Macy, J., 607-8
Macy, J., 2401
Madan, F., 68, 69, 2149
Madge, S. J., 70

Magoun, H. W., 1418
Magrath, J. R., 205
Malas, 1406
Malone, K., 269
Malory, Sir T., 410, 983
Mandeville, B., 1683
Manly, J. M., 71-2, 2129
Mansfield, K., 2749-50
Mantle, B., 493
Mantzius, K., 508
Manuscripts (Foreign), 82
Manwaring, G. E., 981
Margoliouth, Η. Μ., 1479
Markham, E., 2751
Marks, J., 636
Marquis, D., 2752
Marquardt, P., 318
M[arsh], E., 440
Marshall, Andrew, 1812
Archibald, 723, 2729
Marston, J., 1304, 1477
Martindell, E. W., 73
Martineau, H., 2087
Martini, F., 1667

Marvell, A., 1478-80
Marvel, I. K., 2104
Marzials, Sir F. T., 1583

Masch, W., 1378

Masefield, J., 2753-60
Mason, L., 804


[blocks in formation]

Matter, H., 1036

Methuen, A., 445

Meyer, H., 2098

W., 881

Matthews, B., 113, 442, 558, 769, Meyerstein, E. H. W., 1275-6,

805-10, 2086

Mattos, A. T. de, 2772

Matz, B. W., 1927

Mavor, D., 443

Mawer, A., 121, 206-11, 1058

Maxwell, B., 1446

Maycock, W., 1857


Meynell, A., 538, 2776

Mezger, F., 212

Michelmore, G., 1277-8

Michaud, R., 2043

Middleton, A., 474-5

- R., 2778

Maynard, T., 385 a, 638, 2765, Miles, D., 1279


[blocks in formation]

Milford, H. S., 2038

Mill, J. S., 2102

Millar, E. G., 1668
Millay, E. St V., 58
Miller, E. E., 320
J., 2202
M. S., 814

Milne, A. A., 2779-82
Milnes, R. M., 2103
Milton, J., 376, 1486-1519
Milward, J., 2140

Minnigerode, M., 2091

P., 2130
Minot, L., 987
Mitchell, D. G., 2104
S., 2203
Τ. Η., 1280

Mitford, M. R., 2105-6
Mixter, F. K., 2784
Moffat, J., 1929

Monahan, M., 815

Monkshood, G. F., 2715

Monro, H., 2785

Montague, C. E., 387

Montagu, Lady Mary W., 1685

Montgomery, H. de F., 1858

M., 1281

Melville, H., 58, 522, 2006, 2088- Montaigne, M. de, 1147


L., 1583

Mencken, H. L., 358, 537, 812, Moody, W. V., 2107-8


Menjaud, 2016

Menner, R. J., 1008

Merbach, P. A., 1274

Meredith, G., 397, 833, 2092- Moore Smith, G. C., 161, 409

2101, 2222

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

L., 2484

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