Abbildungen der Seite

CXIV, 498; by A. J. in The New Republic, May 24, 1922, XXX, 383-5; by L. B. in The Freeman, Aug. 2, 1922, V, 501-2; by A. L. Jackson in The Bookman, June 1922, LV, 423; by William S. Braithwaite in The Boston Transcript, May 10, 1922, p. 4; by H. W. Boynton in The Independent, May 13, 1922, CVIII, 457; in The New York Tribune, May 7, 1922, p. 6; in The Springfield Republican, Apr. 23, 1922, p. 15a. Shaw, Bernard. 2854. Androcles and Pygmalion. Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1921. Rev. by F. Caro in Anglia Beibl., June 1922, XXXIII, 126-9. 2855. Back to Methuselah. (Bibl. 1921, 2066.) New York: Brentano's, 1921. Reviewed by Storm Jameson in Yale Review, Jan. 1922, n.s., XI, 429-30; by Stark Young in The New Republic, Mar. 15, 1922, XXX, 80–1 ; by F. Caro in Die Neueren Sprachen, Aug.-Oct. 1922, XXX, 352-60.

2856. Misalliance. Fanny's First Play. Great Catherine. Annajanska. Overruled. Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1921. (Tauchnitz Edition, vol. 4552, 4555, pp. 269, 253.) Reviewed by F. Caro in Anglia Beibl., Jań. 1922, XXXIII, 10-12.

2857. ANDERS, MARGARETE. Die historischen Komödien von George Bernard Shaw. MS Diss., Heidelberg, 1921. 4to. pp. x, 219. Summary in Jahrb. d. phil. Fak. d. Univ. Heidelberg, 1921-2, Pt 1, 23-4. 2858. BELL, CLIVE. The Creed of an Aesthete. The New Republic, Jan. 25, 1922, XXIX, 241-2.

2859. CHUBB, PERCIVAL. Bernard Shaw's Religion and Its Latest Phase in Back to Methuselah. The Standard, July 1922, IX, 1-7.

2860. DUBECH, LUCIEN. L'anarchie de M. Bernard Shaw. Rev. Universelle, I juin 1922, pp. 667-72.

2861. FISCHER, WALTHER. Bernhard Shaw in seinen dramatischen Werken. (Bibl. 1921, 2112.) Reviewed by H. Jantzen in Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterricht, 1922, XXI, 229.

2862. KERR, ALFRED. Remeeting Shaw: a German's Impression. Berliner Tageblatt, July 16, 1922; Living Age, Sept. 2, 1922, CCCXIV, 579-81.

2863. LEWISOHN, LUDWIG. Shaw and the Theater. The Nation, Mar. 15, 1922, CXIV, 323.

2864. MACCARTHY, DESMOND. One Old and Three New Plays. [On Shaw's 'Getting Married.'] The New Statesman, Apr. 8, 1922, XIX, 18-19.

2865. MACGOWAN, KENNETH. Broadway at the Spring. [Chiefly on 'Back to Methuselah' and 'The Hairy Ape.'] The Theatre Arts Mag., July 1922, VI, 179–90. Illus.

2866. Nation and Athenaeum, The. A Masterpiece Revived. Dec. 9, 1922, XXXI, 775-6.

2867. PRAŽÁKOVÁ, KLÁRA. Poslední Shawovo dílo: satira a mysterium. (The last work of B. Shaw: a satire and mystery play.) Jeviště, 1922, pp. 440-4.

2867 a. Armáda Spásy na jevišti. Shawova hra Major Barbara. (Salvation Army upon the Stage. Shaw's Major Barbara.) Jeviště, III, 1922. 125 SS.

2867 b. Poslední Shawovo dílo v službách náboženství dvacátého století. (The last Work of Shaw in the Service of the Religion of the xxth Century.) Jeviště, III, 1922. 281 Ss.


Poslední Shawovo dílo: biologická pentalogie. (The last work of B. Shaw: a biological Pentalogy.) Jeviště, 1922, pp. 375-9. 2869. WOODBRIDGE, HORNER EDWARDS. Mr Shaw and Romance. Lit. Review, May 6, 1922, pp. 633-4.

Shaw, George Bernard and Wiggam, Albert Edward. 2870. Mr Shaw and Mr Wiggam Disagree. The Century, Aug. 1922, CIV, 552-62. Sherman, Stuart Pratt. 2871. Bookman, The. Stuart P. Sherman. June 1922, LV, 354-8. Port.

Shorter, Dora Sigerson. 2872. The Tricolour: Poems of the Irish Revolution. Maunsell. Cr. 8vo. pp. 72. 3s. 6d.

Shove, Fredegond. 2873. Daybreak. Hogarth Press. Cr. 8vo. pp. 43. 3s. 6d. Reviewed in The Nation-Athen., Sept. 9, 1922, XXXI, 773; in Sat. Review, July 15, 1922, CXXXIII, 105-6.

Sinclair, May. 2874. Ann Severn and the Fieldings. London: Hutchinson; New York: Macmillan, 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. [vi], .320. 7s. 6d.; $2. Reviewed by Henry Seidel Canby in Lit. Review, Dec. 16, 1922, p. 315; by Gertrude Atherton in Lit. Digest Internat. Book Review, Dec. 1922, I, 11-12, 69 (port.); by Edwin F. Edgett in The Boston Transcript, Nov. 22, 1922, p. 8; in New York Times Book Review, Nov. 19, 1922, p. 8; by Burton Rascoe in The New York Tribune, Dec. 3, 1922, p. 17; in Sat. Review, Nov. 25, 1922, CXXXIV, 794; by Edward Shanks in Mercury, Jan. 1923, VII, 318-9; in T.L.S., Nov. 9, 1922; in The Nation-Athen., Dec. 23, 1922, XXXII, 495-7.

2875. Heaven. Fort. Review, Sept. 1922, no. 669, pp. 507-27. 2876. The Life and Death of Harriet Frean. London: Collins; New York: Macmillan, 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. [2], 133. 6s.; $1.25. Reviewed by Raymond Mortimer in The Dial, May 1922, LXXII, 531-4; by Katharine Fullerton Gerould in Lit. Review, Feb. 25, 1922, p. 447; by Una Hunt in The New Republic, July 26, 1922, XXXI, 260-1; by Alice Sessums Leovy in The Double Dealer, June 1922, III, 333-4; by Katharine Anthony in The Nation, Apr. 5, 1922, CXIV, 400-1; by James Waldo Fawcett in Unity, Aug. 3, 1922, LXXXIX, 333; in The Bookman, Apr. 1922, LV, 200; by E. F. Edgett in The Boston Transcript, Feb. 11, 1922, p. 6; by Louise M. Field in New York Times Book Review, Feb. 19, 1922, p. 15; in The Springfield Republican, Apr. 2, 1922, p. 13 a; in T.L.S., Feb. 2, 1922; by J. C. Squire in Mercury, Mar. 1922, V, 542-3; in The Nation-Athen., Apr. 1, 1922, XXXI, 64; in The New Statesman, Feb. 11, 1922, XVIII, 532; in The Spectator, Feb. 11, 1922, CXXVIII, 183; in Sat. Review, Mar. 18, 1922, CXXXIII, 292.

2877. The New Idealism. London and New York: Macmillan, 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. xvi, [2], 333. 14s.; $3. Reviewed by Lloyd R. Morris in New York Times Book Review, June 11, 1922, pp. 12, 23; in North Amer. Review, July 1922, CCXVI, 136; in The Springfield Republican, Apr. 22, 1922, p. 8; in T.L.S., Sept. 14, 1922; in The Spectator, July 15, 1922, CXXIX, 80-1; by Bertrand Russell in The Nation-Athen., Aug. 5, 1922, XXXI, 625-6; in Sat. Review, Oct. 14, 1922, CXXXIV, 546.

2878. The Victim. Criterion, Oct. 1922, 1, no. 1, pp. 71-88.

2879. Where Their Fire is not Quenched. Engl. Review, Oct. 1922, XXXV, 299-320.

Singmaster, Elsie. 2880. Bennett Malin. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. viii, 328. $2. Reviewed by Clark S. Northup in The Cornell Alumni News, July 1922, XXIV, 461; by E. F. Edgett in The Boston Transcript, June 14, 1922, p. 4; in The Freeman, June 21, 1922, V, 359; in New York Times Book Review, June 11, 1922, p. 26; by Isabel Paterson in The New York Tribune, June 18, 1922, p. 4; in The Springfield Republican, June 8, 1922, p. 12; by R. W. N., ib., July 9, 1922, p. 7a; by Joseph W. Krutch in The Nation, Aug. 30, 1922, CX, 213-14; by R. C. in The New Republic, Sept. 13, 1922, XXXII, 76.

Sitwell, Edith. 2881. Façade. Privately printed at the Favil Press, Kensington. 6s. Reviewed by A. Williams-Ellis in The Spectator, Apr. 22, 1922, CXXVIII, 504.

Sitwell, Sacheverell. 2882. The Hundred and One Harlequins. Grant Richards. 6s. Reviewed in T.L.S., Oct. 5, 1922; in The NationAthen., Oct. 28, 1922, XXXII, 164; in Sat. Review, Oct. 7, 1922, CXXXIV, 510.

Soames, Enoch. 2883. SHANKS, EDWARD. The Last Garland: To the Memory of Enoch Soames. Mercury, Oct. 1922, VI, 602–6.

Squire, John Collings. Books Reviewed. See under Literature: General.

2884. Poems. Second Series. London: Hodder and Stoughton; New York: Doran, 1921. 21.5 cm. pp. 79. 6s.; $2. Reviewed by William Rose Benét in Lit. Review, July 8, 1922, p. 787; in The Bookman, Feb. 1922, LIV, 591; by John G. Fletcher in The Freeman, Feb. 8, 1922, IV, 524; by Richard Le Gallienne in New York Times Book Review, Mar. 19, 1922, p. 6; by Malcolm Cowley in The Dial, July 1922, LXXIII, 108-11; in The Springfield Republican, Feb. 6, 1922, p. 6; in T.L.S., Mar. 9, 1922.

2885. MACCARTHY, DESMOND. The Younger Poets. IV. The New Statesman, May 13, 1922, XIX, 150-1.

WILLIAMS, I. A. See under Bibliography.

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. 2886. Elizabeth Cady Stanton as Revealed in Her Letters, Diary and Reminiscences. Edited by THEODORE STANTON and HARRIOT STANTON BLATCH. Illus. from Photographs. New York: Harper, 1922. 21.5 cm. 2 vols. pp. xviii, 362, 369. Front. (port.), plates. $6. Reviewed by Hazel Stanton in Lit. Review, Aug. 19, 1922, p. 887. Reply by Theodore Stanton, ib., Sept. 9, 1922, p. 18. Reviewed by Gertrude Foster Brown in The Bookman, June 1922, LV, 421-2; by F. G. W. in The New Republic, Apr. 5, 1922, xxx, 176; by Katharine Anthony in The Freeman, May 31, 1922, V, 284-5; by Clark S. Northup in The Cornell Alumni

News, May 18, 1922, XXIV, 375; in New York Times Book Review, Sept. 24, 1922, pp. 6, 19; in The Outlook, May 10, 1922, CXXXI, 76; in Rev. of Reviews, May 1922, LXV, 557; in The Springfield Republican, May 14, 1922, p. 7 α.

Sterling, George. 2887. Sails and Mirage, and Other Poems. San Francisco: A. M. Robertson, 1921. 21 cm. pp. 119. Reviewed by William Rose Benét in Lit. Review, Mar. 11, 1922, p. 487.

Stoddard, Charles Warren. 2888. WALSH, THOMAS. Notes on Charles Warren Stoddard. The Nation, Oct. 4, 1922, CXV, 340.

Strachey, John St Loe. 2889. The Adventure of Living: a Subjective Autobiography. London: Hodder and Stoughton; New York: Putnam, 1922. 23.5 cm. pp. xiv, 500. Illus. 20s.; $5. Reviewed by Joseph Collins in Lit. Digest Internat. Book Review, Dec. 1922, 1, 50, 55, 58, 60 (illus.); by Llewelyn Powys in The Freeman, Dec. 6, 1922, VI, 307-8; by Allen Nevins in Lit. Review, Dec. 2, 1922, p. 262; by E. F. Edgett in The Boston Transcript, Nov. 29, 1922, p. 6; in New York Times Book Review, Nov. 19, 1922, pp. 7, 18 (port.); in T.L.S., Sept. 28, 1922; by Herbert Warren and J. A. Spender in The Spectator, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, 1922, CXXIX, 433-4, 464-6; in The Nation-Athen., Sept. 30, 1922, XXXI, 855; in Sat. Review, Sept. 30, 1922, CXXXIV, 480-1; by Maurice Hewlett in Mercury, Dec. 1922, VII, 218.

Stribling, Thomas Sigismund. 2890. Birthright. New York: The Century Co., 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. [viii], 309. $1.90. Reviewed by Herschel Brickell in Lit. Review, Apr. 22, 1922, pp. 595-6; by Sarah N. Cleghorn in The Nation, Apr. 26, 1922, CXIV, 498; by Worth Tuttle in The New Republic, May 3, 1922, XXX, 288-9; by Martha Gruening in The Freeman, July 26, 1922, V, 475-6; by William S. Braithwaite in The Boston Transcript, Apr. 19, 1922, p. 5; in The Dial, June 1922, LXXII, 648; by H. W. Boynton in The Independent, May 13, 1922, CVIII, 459; in Lit. Digest Internat. Book Review, June 10, 1922, p. 56; by F. R. Crosswaith in The New York Call, Apr. 16, 1922, p. 11; in New York Times Book Review, Apr. 9, 1922, p. 11; in The Springfield Republican, Apr. 23, 1922, p. 15 a; by Harold Bruce in Univ. of California Chronicle, July 1922, XXIV, 399-400.

Stuart, Muriel. 2891. Poems. Heinemann, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. 72. 3s. 6d. Reviewed in Engl. Review, July 1922, xxxv, 98; shortly in T.L.S. (Poetry), July 13, 1922; ib., Aug. 3, 1922; in The NationAthen., Sept. 9, 1922, XXXI, 773; in Sat. Review, Oct. 7, 1922, CXXXIV, 510.

Synge, John Millington. 2892. STRONG, L. A. G. J. M. Synge. Beacon, July 1922; Living Age, Sept. 9, 1922, CCCXIV, 656–60. Tagore, Sir Rabindranath. 2893. Creative Unity. London, New York: Macmillan, 1922. 19 cm. pp. [2], vi, [2], 195. 7s. 6d.; $1.75. Contents: The Poet's Religion; The Creative Ideal; The Religion of the Forest; An Indian Folk Religion; East and West; The Modern Age; The Spirit of Freedom; The Nation; Woman and Home; An Eastern University. Reviewed in The Bookman, June 1922, LV, 426;



by G. M. H. in The Boston Transcript, May 6, 1922, p. 6; by Russell Gore in The Detroit News, June 4, 1922, p. 8; in Lit. Review, June 10, 1922, p. 728; in T.L.S., May 25, 1922; in Sat. Review, Apr. 1, 1922, CXXXIII, 343-4

2894. Nationalism. London: Macmillan, 1920. pp. 135. Reviewed by F. Liebermann in Archiv, Oct. 1922, LXXVI, 122-3.

2895. GILLET, Louis. Le Théâtre de Rabindranath Tagore. Rev. des 2 Mondes, I déc. 1922, pp. 672-84.

2896. FRETIN. Hindu elements in Sir Rabindranath Tagore's works. MS Thesis for Diplôme d'Études Supérieures, Univ. of Paris (Sorbonne), June 1922.

KITCH, ETHEL MAY. See under Bibliography.

2897. SCHURIG, ARTHUR. Tagore. Seine Persönlichkeit, seine Werke, seine Weltanschauung. Dresden: C. Reissner, 1921. 8vo. pp. 222.

2898. THOMPSON, E. T. Rabindranath Tagore: his Life and Work. (Bibl. 1921, 2079.) Reviewed in Quart. Review, Jan. 1922, XXIII, 122-3; in The New Statesman, Jan. 14, 1922, XVIII, 425; in The Nation-Athen., Feb. 25, 1922, XXX, 804.

2899. TÖGEL, FRITZ. Rabindranath Tagore und seine Sendung. Ring-Flugschrift v. Leipzig: Tietz, 1922. 8vo. pp. 10.

2900. VAILLAT, LÉANDRE. Le poète hindou Rabindranath Tagore. Paris: Bossard, 1922. 13 x 17 cm. pp. 136. 3 fr. 60.

Thomas, Augustus. 2901. The Print of My Remembrance. New York: Scribner, 1922. 23 cm. pp. viii, [2], 477. Illus. Reviewed by J. Rankin Towse in Lit. Review, Oct. 28, 1922, p. 146; by Alexander Woollcott in The Bookman, Nov. 1922, LVI, 345-6; by Brander Matthews in New York Times Book Review, Oct. 15, 1922, p. 2 (port.); by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, Nov. II, 1922, CIX, 274; by H. J. Mankiewicz in The New York World, Oct. 22, 1922, p. 6 e; in The Springfield Republican, Dec. 3, 1922, p. 7 a.

Thomas, Edward. 2902. Cloud Castle and Other Papers. With a Foreword by W. H. Hudson. Duckworth and Co. 81 × 6. pp. vii, 197. 7s. 6d. Reviewed in Engl. Review, Dec. 1922, XXXV, 574; in T.L.S., Nov. 2, 1922.

2903. Collected Poems. With a Foreword by Walter De La Mare. New York: Thos. Seltzer, 1921. $2.50. Reviewed by William Rose Benét in Lit. Review, Jan. 21, 1922, p. 363; by E. S. in The New Republic, Oct. 25, 1922, XXXII, 226; by John G. Fletcher in The Freeman, Oct. 19, 1921, IV, 140.

Walpole, Hugh. 2904. The Cathedral. London: Macmillan; New York: Doran, 1922. 7s. 6d.; $2. Reviewed by Stanley Went in Lit. Review, Oct. 28, 1922, p. 143; by Hildegarde Hawthorne in The Bookman, Dec. 1922, LVI, 498–9; by Rex Hunter in The Nation, Nov. 22, 1922, cxv, 555; by Louise Maunsell Field in Lit. Digest Internat. Book Review, Dec. 1922, 1, 52; in The Boston Transcript, Nov. 4, 1922, p. 2; in New York Times Book Review, Oct. 22, 1922,

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