190. F. G. B. "The" Wirral. T.L.S., Corr., Jan. 26, 1922. 191. FIELDSON, R. L. Salmon and Langhelt Surnames. N. and Q., Oct. 14, 1922, XI, 312; cf. D. Salmon, Oct. 28, p. 358; E. G. Tarrant, Nov. 4, p. 378. 192. FÖRSTER, MAX. Englisch-Keltisches. Engl. Stud., April 1922, LVI, 204–39. [O.E. ancora; Nith and Noovios; Aberystwyth and ΣTOUKKía; Loidis, Leed and Lothian; Peanfähel, Penneltun and N.E. Kinneil.] Keltisches Wortgut im Englischen, 1921. (Bibl. 1921, 95.) See under Word Study. 193. G. A. “Smoglands." N. and Q., Dec. 2, 1922, XI, 455. 194. GILCHRIST, ANNE G. "Bicker" in Place-Names. T.L.S., Corr., Nov. 30, 1922. 195. GOVER, J. E. B. The Place-Names of Middlesex. Including those Parts of the County of London formerly contained within the Boundaries of the Old County. Longmans, Green and Co., 1922. 8vo. 7 × 4. pp. xvi, 114. 5s. Reviewed in T.L.S., Aug. 17, 1922; in The Spectator, June 24, 1922, CXXVIII, 789; in Sat. Review, July 8, 1922, CXXXIV, 66–7. 196. GRUNDY, G. B. Berkshire Charters. Berks., Bucks. and Oxon. Arch. Journal, 1922, XXVII, 96–104. 197. On Place Names in General and the Hampshire Place Names in Particular. Hampshire Field Club and Arch. Soc. Proceedings, 1922, IX, 221–61. 198. The Ancient Highways and Tracks of Wilts., Berks. and Hants., and the Saxon Battlefields of Wilts. Arch. Journal, 1918, LXXV, 69-194. 199. On the meaning of certain terms in the Anglo-Saxon Charters. Essays and Studies by members of the English Association, vol. VIII, 37-69. 200. HARLEY, J. "Steyne." N. and Q., Oct. 14, 1922, XI, 311; cf. L. R. M. Strachan, ib. Nov. 4, p. 376. 201. HULBURD, PERCY. Final "den" in Kentish Place-Names. N. and Q., Feb. 11, 1922, X, 116. 202. JAKOBSEN, J. Gamle elvenavne og fiskepsladsnavne på Shetland. Namn och Bygd, 1922, X, 26–48. 203. JOHNSTON, JAMES B. "Nursling," Hants. T.L.S., Corr., Oct. 26, 1922; cf. W. H. Stevenson, ib. Nov. 9. 204. LIEBERMANN, FELIX. Zu angelsächsischen Ortsnamen. Archiv, Oct. 1922, CXLIV, 91. [Against L. Woosnam, see Bibl. 1921, 140.] 205. MAGRATH, J. R. and others. "Shavian." N. and Q., Aug. 19, 1922, XI, 149–50. 206. MAWER, ALLEN. Hamble-Humble in English Place-Names. Namn och Bygd, 1921, IX, 36–8. 207. The Place-Names of Northumberland and Durham, 1920. (Bibl. 1921, 145.) Reviewed by J. Mansion in Bulletin Bibliographique et pédagogique du Musée belge, 1922, XXVI, 1–2, PP. 32–34; by W. J. Sedgefield in Mod. Lang. Review, Jan. 1922, xvII, 85–8; by Eilert Ekwall, Namn och Bygd, 1x, 164–7. 208. English Place-Name Study. (Bibl. 1921, 133.) Reviewed by Vernon Rendall in Mercury, May 1922, VI, 103. 209. Place-names: an Essay in Co-operative Study. Liver pool: Univ. Press, 1922. pp. 19. 210. Place-names and History. Liverpool: Univ. Press, 1922. 8vo. pp. 38. IS. 211. The Survey of English Place-Names. 1922, VII, 33-5; Corr., ib. July 1922, VII, 106–7. History, April 212. MEZGER, FRITZ. Angelsächsische Völker- und Länder-namen. Diss. Berlin, 1921. Berlin, Mayer and Müller, 1922. 8vo. pp. 60. 213. PATERSON, D. R. The Pre-Norman Settlement of Glamorgan. Archaeologia Cambrensis, June 1922, pp. 37–60. RITTER, OTTO. Vermischte Beiträge zur Englischen Sprachgeschichte. Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1922. [Ortsnamenkunde, pp. 68– 156.] See also under Word Study. 214. Zu einigen Ortsnamen aus Oxfordshire. Engl. Stud., April 1922, LVI, 292–300. [Abesditch, Bampton, Britwell, Bucknell, Calthorpe, Caversham, Charlbury, Cogges, Cokethorpe, Cockthorpe, Cold Norton, Cornbury, Emmington.] 215. ROCKINGHAM. Verbalised Surnames. N. and Q., Jan. 7, 1922, X, 15. 216. ROUND, J. H. Norse Place-Names in Essex. Reprinted from the Trans. of the Essex Archaeol. Soc., vol. 16, part 3. 217. SALTER, H. E. The Historic Names of the Streets and Lanes of Oxford Intra Muros. Clar. Press, 1922. 3s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., May 18, 1922. SCHLUTTER, OTTO B. Weitere Beiträge zur altengl. Wortforschung. Engl. Stud., LVI, 143-71, 206–31. [Notes on ælgé (143-4), scindel (147-50), ing (150), Wiægenweoras and Bean (158–61), padde (221), Mylengear (228-31).] See also under Word Study. 218. STENHOUSE, T. Lives enshrined in Language; or Proper Names which have become common parts of speech. Scott, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. 191. 4s. 6d. STEVENSON, W. H. Nursling, Hants. T.L.S., Nov. 9, 1922. See above Johnston, James B. 219. WATERMAN, THOMAS TALBOT. The Geographical Names used by Indians of the Pacific Coast. Geographical Review, Apr. 1922, XII, 175-94. Illus., map. 220. WATKINS, ALFRED. "Cole" and "Cold" Place-Names. N. and Q., Nov. 18, 1922, XI, 404-6; cf. Lees, Knowles, ib. Dec. 2, p. 454, and ib. Dec. 16, pp. 497-8. 221. English Place-Names. Discovery, Corr., Nov. 1922, III, 308; cf. ib. A. Mawer; ib. A. Watkins, Nov., p. 336. 222. WATSON, EUGENE. Etymology of Burlingame (Burlingham). Mod. Lang. Notes, Feb. 1922, XXXVII, 123–4. M.H.R.A. 2 223. WEEKLEY, ERNEST. The Romance of Names. 3rd ed. revised. Murray. Cr. 8vo. pp. 263. 6s. 224. 412-3. "Snape-Guest." Mod. Lang. Review, Oct. 1922, XVII, 225. WEEKLEY, ERNEST and PILKINGTON, DOROTHY D. Surnames and the Chronology of the English Vocabulary. Discovery, Jan. 1921, II, 2-5. 226. WILLIAMSON, F. "Schow" in Place-Names. N. and Q., Sept. 16, 1922, XI, 230; cf. ib. Oct. 14, pp. 317-8. V (d). SEMANTICS 227. BØGHOLM, N. Engelsk Betydningslære. København: V. Pios Boghandel, 1922. 8vo. pp. 258. 228. Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. The Use of the Word Personalism. The Personalist, Oct. 1922, III, 254-9. 229. CARNOY, A. J. The Semasiology of American and other Slangs (continued). Leuvensche Bijdragen, 1921, XIII, 3-4, 181–212. 230. GLOGAUER, ERNST. Die Bedeutungsübergänge der Konjunktionen in der angelsächsischen Dichtersprache. Neue Anglistische Arbeiten vi. Leipzig: Quelle and Meyer, 1922. 8vo. pp. 48. 231. FALK, HJALMAR SEJERSTED. Betydningslære (Semasiologi). Kristiania, 1920. 8vo. pp. ii, 124. Reviewed by Albert Mosey Sturtevant in Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., Jan. 1922, XXI, 171–8. 232. KROESCH, SAMUEL. Semantic Notes. Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., Oct. 1922, XXI, 612-20. 233. LIEBERMANN, FELIX. 'Speer' figürlich für 'Blutrache.' Archiv, Aug. 1922, CXLIII, 248. 234. STERN, GUSTAF. Swift, Swiftly, and their Synonyms: A Contribution to Semantic Analysis and Theory. Göteborgs Högskolas Årsskrift, 1921, III. (Bibl. 1921, 148.) Göteborg: Wettergren and Kerber. pp. 295. Reviewed by James Wilson Bright in Mod. Lang. Notes, April 1922, XXXVII, 251–4. V (e). SYNONYMS 235. FERNALD, JAS. C. English Synonyms and Autonyms. With Notes on the Correct Use of Prepositions. New ed. (Standard Educational Series.) Funk and Wagnall. Cr. 8vo. pp. 742. 1os. 6d. 236. GÜNTHER, J. H. A. English Synonyms explained and illustrated. Fourth edition. Groningen-The Hague: J. B. Wolters' U.M., 1922. 191 × 131 c. pp. vii, 575. f. 5.90. Thoroughly revised; twenty new groups of synonyms have been added. V (f). IDIOMS HEYNE, PAUL. See under Language, General. HYAMSON, ALBERT M. A Dictionary of English Phrases. See under Dictionaries. 237. KLAEBER, FREDERICK. “Looking Under the Sun." Mod. Lang. Notes, June 1922, XXXv11, 6, pp. 376–7. IDIOMS. HISTORICAL AND PERIOD GRAMMARS 19 238. LOANE, GEORGE G. An Elizabethan Idiom (with + the superlative). T.L.S., Corr., March 30, 1922. 239. SELF-WEEKS, WILLIAM. 'Cannot away with." N. and Q., June 17, 1922, X, 470; June 24, p. 497; July 8, XI, 35. 240. SHELDON, EDWARD STEVENS. Two Strings to One's Bow. Romanic Review, Jan.-March 1922, XIII, 77–80. 241. TATLOCK, JOHN S. P. “Under the Sonne." Mod. Lang. Notes, June 1922, XXXVII, 377. VI. HISTORY OF LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR VI (a). HISTORICAL AND PERIOD GRAMMARS BENDIX, WALTER. See under Phonology. 242. EKWALL, EILERT. Historische neuenglische Laut- und Formenlehre. 2nd revised edition. Sammlung Göschen 735. Berlin and Leipzig: W. de Gruyter, 1922. Small 8vo. pp. 150. 243. FLASDIECK, HERMANN M. Forschungen zur Frühzeit der neuenglischen Schriftsprache. Parts I-II. Stud. Engl. Philol., 1922, LXV and LXVI. 8vo. pp. 43 and 91. 244. GRANT, WILLIAM and Dixon, James MaiN. Manual of Modern Scots. (Bibl. 1921, 155.) Reviewed by W. Horn in Engl. Stud., Oct. 1922, LVI, 415–22; by R. Jackson in Mod. Lang. Review, July 1922, XVII, 305–7; in The Personalist, July 1922, III, 207–8. 245. JESPERSEN, OTTO. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Parts I-II. 2nd and 3rd ed. German. Biblioth. 1, Reihe 1, Vol. IX. Heidelberg: Winter, 1922. 8vo. pp. xi, 485, and pp. xxviii, 486. (I. Sounds and Spellings. II. Syntax.) 246. KRUISINGA, E. and SCHUTT, J. H. Lessons in English Grammar. Utrecht: Kemink, 1922. pp. 175, 15. f. 3.25. [Aims at showing advanced foreign students how to study English grammar, chiefly syntax, not by theoretical discussion but by practical examples.] 247. LUICK, KARL. Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Fünfte u. sechste Lieferung (Bibl. 1921, 157), reviewed by R. Jordan in Engl. Stud., April 1922, LVI, 329–31. Lieferung 3-6 (Bibl. 1920, IV, 28 and 1921, 156), reviewed by W. Keller in Shak. Jahrb., 1922, LVIII, 138. MCKERROW, R. B. English Grammar and Grammars. See under General Literature: English Association. 248. Moore, SAMUEL. Historical Outlines of English Phonology and Middle English Grammar. (Bibl. 1920, IV, 30; 1921, 164.) Ann Arbor: Wahr, 1919. Reviewed by W. F. Bryan in Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., July 1922, XXI, 552-5; by H. M. Flasdieck in Anglia Beibl., Dec. 1922, XXXIII, 230-2. 249. MOORE, SAMUEL and KNOTT, THOMAS A. The Elements of Old English. (Bibl. 1920, IV, 29.) Reviewed by H. M. Flasdieck in Anglia Beibl., Oct. 1922, XXXIII, 194–5. 250. PALMER, H. E. Grammar of Spoken English. Cambridge: Heffer. Cr. 8vo. [Grammar and Syntax of English as actually spoken. Examples in Phonetic script.] 251. THOMAS, P. G. An Introduction to the History of the English Language. (Bibl. 1920, IV, 33.) Reviewed by W. Horn in Anglia Beibl., Feb. 1922, XXXIII, 30–2. 252. WARDALE, E. E. An Old English Grammar. Methuen, 1922. pp. viii, 131. 75. 253. WYLD, HENRY CECIL. A History of Modern Colloquial English. (Bibl. 1920, IV, 34.) Reviewed by R. Jordan in Engl. Stud., Jan. 1922, LVI, 84-7. VI (b). ORTHOGRAPHY 254. Barker, JAMES L. Syllable and Word Division in French and English. Modern Philology, February 1922, XIX, 321-36. 255. CRAIGIE, W. A. English Reading Made Easy: by means of a System of Marks applied to the Ordinary Spelling. Oxford: Clar. Press, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. 160. 2s. 6d. FOWLER, H. W. See under Syntax. 256. PERRET, W. Peetickay: an Essay towards the Abolition of Spelling. (Bibl. 1920, IV, 38.) Reviewed by L. Grootaers in Leuvensche Bijdragen, 1922, XIV, Bijblad, 45-7. VI (c). PHONOLOGY (INCL. PHONETICS) 257. ARMSTRONG, LILIAS E. An English Phonetic Reader. (London Phonetic Readers Series.) London: Univ. Press. 258. BARKER, JAMES L. The Formation of Voiceless Consonants in French and English. Modern Philology, Nov. 1922, XX, 173–80. BARRAND, F. ALBAN. See under Name Study. 259. BENDIX, WALTER. Englische Lautlehre nach Nares (1784). Diss. Giessen, 1921. Darmstadt: Bender. 8vo. pp. viii, 74. 260. BOROWSKI, BRUNO. Zum Nebenakzent beim altenglischen Nominalkompositum. (Sächs. Forschungsinstitute in Leipzig.) Halle: Niemeyer, 1921. 8vo. pp. viii, 162. 261. BRADLEY, CORNELIUS BEACH. The Accentuation of the Research-Group of Words. Gayley Anniv. Papers, pp. 1–19. 262. DE WITT, Margaret E. The Webster Key. Quart. Journ. of Speech Education, Apr. 1922, VIII, 156–60. 263. EHRENTREICH, ALFRED. Zur Quantität der Tonvokale im Modern-Englischen. (Bibl. 1920, IV, 40.) Reviewed by M. Weyrauch in Lit. Zentralbl., Dec. 1921, LXXII, 958–9; by O. Funke in Anglia Beibl., July 1922, XXXIII, 145-58; by L. Grootaers in Leuvensche Bijdragen, 1922, xiv, Bijblad, 35-40. 264. GAUNTLETT, F. E. and TRIEBEL, L. A. Phonetic Chart of the Sounds of English, French and German. Cambridge: Heffer, 1922. Roy. 8vo. pp. 3. 9d. |