2314. RUSSELL, PHILLIPS. American Literature in France. The Freeman, Aug. 16, 1922, V, 539-40. 2315. STANTON, THEODORE. Walt Whitman in Germany. [A review of Hans Reisiger's translation.] Lit. Review, Sept. 30, 1922, p. 68. 2316. VAN Doren, Carl. The Nation, Mar. 8, 1922, CXIV, 288. Whittier, John Greenleaf. 2317. Whittier's Unknown Romance. [A series of letters from Whittier to Elizabeth Lloyd. Introduction by Marie V. Denervaud.] Boston: Houghton, 1922. 20.5 cm. pp. xii, 72. Illus. Reviewed in New York Times Book Review, Nov. 5, 1922, p. 8 (port.). Wilde, Oscar Fingall O'Flahertie Wills. 2318. Letters after Reading. [Letters written to Robert Ross.] New York: P. R. Reynolds, 1921. 25 cm. 23 copies privately printed. 2319. After Berneval: Letters to Robert Ross. Beaumont Press, 1922. 81 × 6. pp. 66. 215. 2320. For Love of the King: A Burmese Masque. Methuen. 8 x 6. pp. ix, 39. 8s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Oct. 26, 1922. 2321. ARONSTEIN, PHILIPP. Oscar Wilde, sein Leben und Lebenswerk. Berlin: Deutsche Bibliothek, 1922. Small 8vo. pp. 134. Reviewed by H. Jantzen in Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterricht, 1922, XXI, 294-5. 2322. BENDZ, ERNST. Oscar Wilde: A Retrospect. Vienna: Alfred Hölder, 1921. 7 × 51. pp. 123. 5s. 2323. COLERIDGE, Gilbert. Oscar Wilde. Nineteenth Century, Apr. 1922, XCI, 723-8. 2324. FEHR, BERNHARD. Studien zu Oscar Wildes Gedichten. Palaestra C. Berlin: Mayer and Müller. pp. xii, 216. Reviewed by H. Jantzen in Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterricht, 1922, XXI, 58-9. Wilson, John (pseud. Christopher North). 2325. STRUVE, HUGO. John Wilson (Christopher North) als Kritiker. Diss., Berlin, 1921. Leipzig: Mayer and Müller, 1922. 8vo. pp. 67. Wordsworth, William. 2326. Poems of Wordsworth, with an Introductory Essay by Matthew Arnold. Edited by MYRON R. WILLIAMS. (English Readings for Students.) New York: Holt, 1922. 17 cm. pp. xxxvii, 250. Front. (port.), plates, ports. 72 cents. 2327. Selected Poems, with Matthew Arnold's Essay on Wordsworth. Ed. by HARRISON ROSS STEEVES. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1922. 17.5 cm. pp. xviii, 209. 2328. The Ecclesiastical Sonnets of William Wordsworth: a Critical Edition by ABBIE FINDLAY POTTS. Cornell Ph.D. Diss. (Cornell Studies in English.) New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. x, 316. 2329. BARDI, PIETRO. La Poesia di Wordsworth. Bari: Laterza. 8.50 lire. Shortly reviewed in T.L.S., Mar. 9, 1922; cf. Corr., Apr. 6. 2330. BELL, C. C. Wordsworth's Knowledge of Birds. T.L.S., Corr., Oct. 26, 1922. 2331. BRANDL, ALOIS. Zum dichterischen Vorstellungsleben bei Wordsworth. Reprinted from Sitz. Ber. d. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., philos.-hist. Kl., 1922, XIX. Berlin, Verl. d. Akad. d. Wissensch., 1922. 4to. pp. 7. 2332. CERF, BARRY. Wordsworth's Gospel of Nature. Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, Dec. 1922, xxxVII, 615-38. 2333. GARROD, H. W. Punctuation in Wordsworth and Elsewhere. T.L.S., Corr., May 4, 1922; cf. A. L. Salmon, May 11. 2334. GUTHRIE, ANNA M. B. Wordsworth and Tolstoi and Other Papers. With Preface by H. C. GRIERSON. Clinton: P. A. Guthrie, 1922. 9 x 6. pp. xix, 124. 2335. HARPER, GEORGE MCLEAN. Wordsworth's Lines to Hartly Coleridge. T.L.S., Corr., Aug. 31, 1922; cf. H. W. Garrod, Sept. 7; F. L. Lucas, Sept. 14. 2336. LEGOUIS, EMILE. Le roman de William Wordsworth. Rev. des deux Mondes, I avril et 1 mai 1922. 2337. William Wordsworth and Annette Vallon. Dent, 1922. 7 × 54. pp. xiv, 146. 5s. 2338. MERRILL, LE ROY. Vaughan's Influence upon Wordsworth's Poetry. Mod. Lang. Notes, Feb. 1922, XXXVII, 91–6. MORLEY, EDITH (ed.). See above under Robinson, Henry Crabb. 2339. MORLEY, EDITH J. Wordsworth's French Daughter. T.L.S., Corr., Aug. 3, 1922. 2340. PANCOAST, HENRY SPACKMAN. Did Wordsworth Jest with Matthew? Mod. Lang. Notes, May 1922, XXXVII, 279-83. PITTELKO. See under Syntax. 2341. SHERRARD, ROBERT H. Wordsworth's Installation Ode. T.L.S., Corr., Feb. 16, 1922. 2342. SCHULZ, F. Wordsworth als 'malerischer' Landschaftszeichner in seinen Dichtungen. MS Diss., Marburg, 1921. STRONG, ARCHIBALD T. See above under Shelley, P. В. 2343. WILLIAMS, I. A. Wordsworth, Mrs Hemans, and Robert Perceval Graves. Mercury, Aug. 1922, VI, 395-401. Yeats, John Butler. 2344. BOYD, ERNEST. John Butler Yeats. Lit. Review, Feb. 11, 1922, p. 418. See also No. 2937. XII. 5. TWENTIETH CENTURY Essays. Australian Literature. See below under Dinning, H., and Wright, D. М. 2347. ВЕСНHOFER, C. E. Recent American Literature. T.L.S., Corr., Jan. 12, 19, 26, 1922. 2348. BODENHEIM, MAXWELL. American Literary Critics. The Double Dealer, Apr. 1922, III, 206–10. 2349. ΒΟΥΝΤON, PERCY H. American Authors of To-day. English Journ., Sept.-Dec. 1922, XI, 383-91 (Edwin A. Robinson), 455-62 (R. Frost), 527-35 (Amy Lowell), 610-20 (Edgar L. Masters and Carl Sandburg). (To be continued.) 2350. BROUN, HEYWOOD. Pieces of Hate, and Other Enthusiasms. New York: Doran, 1922. 21 cm. pp. xii, 1, 17-227. $2. Reviewed by James H. Powers in The Atlantic Monthly, Oct. 1922, CXXX; in The Bookman, Sept. 1922, LVI, 104; by S. L. C. in The Boston Transcript, July 8, 1922, p. 4; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, July 22, 1922, CIX, 22; by Burton Rascoe in The New York Tribune, July 2, 1922, p. 5; in The Springfield Republican, July 7, 1922, p. 10. 2351. CAMMAERTS, EMILE. Literature and Internationalism. Hibbert, Apr. 1922, XX, 461-71. 2352. Canadian Life in Letters. T.L.S. (Comm.), June 22, 1922. 2353. CANBY, Henry SeiDEL. The Expressionists. Lit. Review, Dec. 9, 1922, pp. 285-6. 2354. 520-6. The Young Romantics. The Century, Feb. 1922, CIII, 2355. CHASTENET, JACQUES. Poètes anglais d'aujourd'hui. L'Opinion, 29 déc., 1922. 2356. CLARK, ARTHUR MELVILLE. The Realistic Revolt in Modern Poetry. Oxford: Blackwell. 8vo. pp. 83. 2s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Aug. 10, 1922; in The New Statesman, July 8, 1922, XIX, 390-1; in The Nation-Athen., July 15, 1922, XXXI, 544; in Sat. Review, Aug. 12, 1922, CXXXIV, 257. 2357. DANA, JOHN COTTON and PrevOST, MARIE LOUISE. Two Literary Reviews. Lit. Review, Mar. 11, 1922, p. 490. Compares T.L.S. and Lit. Review of The New York Evening Post. 2358. DINNING, HECTOR. Australian Literature. Mercury, Oct. 1922, VI, 641, 646-8. 2359. ELLIS, S. M. The Literature of 1921. Fort. Review, Jan. 1922, n.s., no. 661, pp. 154-65. 2360. FULLER, HENRY BLAKE. Chicago Novelists. Lit. Review, Mar. 18, 1922, pp. 501-2. 2361. GARRETT, A. E. The New Amateur Movement in Manchester. Engl. Review, Apr. 1922, XXXIV, no. 4, PP. 348-54. 2362. GLOVER, HALCOTT. In Lieu of Preface; being a Note on Technique. Engl. Review, July 1922, Xxxv, 53-60. 2363. HUNTER, REX. New Zealand in Literature. The Nation, Nov. 22, 1922, CXV, 555. 2364. Independent, The. The Present and Future of American Literature. Dec. 10, 1921, CVII, 249-53. 2365. JOHNSON, R. BRIMLEY. Some Contemporary Novelists. Parsons, 1922. 7 × 5. pp. 221. 6s. Reviewed in T.L.S., Apr. 13; cf. R. B. Johnson, ibid., Corr., Apr. 20. 2366. KERNAHAN, COULSON. Six Famous Living Poets. Butterworth, 1922. 12s. 6d. Reviewed in Sat. Review, Nov. 18, 1922, CXXXIV, 758. 2367. KERLIN, ROBERT THOMAS. Contemporary Poetry of the Negro. Hampton, Va. : The Hampton Normal and Agricultural Press, 1921. pp. 23. Amplified from articles in The Southern Workman. 2368. LAPPIN, HENRY A. Some Recent Irish Books. The Catholic World, Jan. 1922, CXIV, 498-505. 2369. Living Age, The. American Books and Foreign Reviewers, Dec. 3, 1921, CCCXI, 617-18. 2370. - English Opinions of American Poetry. May 20, 1922, CCCXIII, 493-6. 2371. LOVING, PIERRE. Chicago and its Literary Emigrés. The Nation, Apr. 12, 1922, CXIV, 428-9. 2372. Towards Walt Whitman. The Double Dealer, Sept. 1922, IV, 139-42. MACCOLLOUGH, MARTIN (pseud.). See below, No. 2385. 2373. MUNRO, HAROLD. Some Contemporary Poets (1920). New York: Leonard Parsons, 1922. Reviewed by Richard Le Gallienne in New York Times Book Review, Feb. 12, 1922, pp. 7, 15 (illus.). 2374. PATERSON, ISABEL. The Absentee Novelists of Canada. The Bookman, Apr. 1922, LV, 133-8. 2375. PHELPS, WILLIAM LYON. As I Like It. Scribner's, Sept.Dec. 1922, LXXII, 371-4, 498-503, 626-31, 753-8. Comment on current literature. In progress. 2376. ORAGE, ALFRED RICHARD [R. H. C.]. Readers and Writers (1917-21). New York: Knopf, 1922. 20 cm. pp. [x], 181. $1.75. Reviewed by Vivian Shaw in The Dial, Aug. 1922, LXXIII, 228–9; in The Freeman, May 10, 1922, V, 214-15; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, May 27, 1922, CVIII, 488; by Ernest Boyd in Lit. Review, June 10, 1922, p. 718; in The Springfield Republican, May 31, 1922, p. 10; in The Survey, May 13, 1922, XLVIII, 250; by J. Middleton Murry in The Nation-Athen., Feb. 11, 1922, XXX, 729-30. 2377. REPPLIER, AGNES. The Mounting Wave of Memoirs. Yale Review, Apr. 1922, n.s., XI, 620-4. 2378. PEARSON, HESKETH. Modern Men and Mummers. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. 208. $2.50 net. Reviewed in The Bookman, Apr. 1922, LV, 202; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, Feb. 11, 1922, CVIII, 146; in The Nation, May 17, 1922, CXIV, 603; by Maurice F. Egan in New York Times Book Review, Feb. 19, 1922, p. 10; in The Springfield Republican, June 4, 1922, p. 7α. RHYS, ERNEST (ed.). Modern English Essays, 1870-1920. See under General Literature: Anthologies. 2379. SCUDDER, VIDA DUTTON. English Critics and Philosophers. Yale Review, Apr. 1922, n.s., XI, 648–56. 2380. SHERMAN, STUART PRATT. On Contemporary Literature. New Edition. New York: Holt, 1922. Reviewed in Lit. Review, Sept. 23, 1922, p. 50. 2381. SHUSTER, GEORGE N. The Catholic Spirit in Modern English Literature. Macmillan, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. 365. 9s. 2382. SQUIRE, J. C. Poetry [Recent American Poetry]. Mercury, June 1922, VI, 208-11. 2383. STEARNS, HAROLD E. America and the Young Intellectual. New York: George H. Doran Co., 1921. 21 cm. pp. 168. Reviewed by Stuart P. Sherman in Lit. Review, Jan. 14, 1922, pp. 345-6. 2384. STEPHENS, JAMES. The Outlook for Literature with Special Reference to Ireland. The Century, Oct. 1922, CCXVI, 811-18. 2385. TAIT, SAMUEL W. (MACCOLLOUGH, MARTIN, pseud.). Letters on Contemporary American Authors. Boston: The Four Seas Co., 1921. pp. 99. $2 net. Reviewed in Lit. Review, Feb. 18, 1922, p. 4352386. UNTERMEYER, Louis. Our Living Laureates. The Bookman, Jan. 1922, LIV, 481-4. 2387. - A War for Our Poets? The Nation, Apr. 12, 1922, CXIV, 427-8. 2388. VAN Doren, Carl. Contemporary American Novelists. London: New York: Macmillan, 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. xi, [3], 176. 75. Reviewed by John Macy in The Nation, May 10, 1922, CXIV, 571-2; in The Bookman, July 1922, LV, 522; in The New York Tribune, May 7, 1922, p. 6; by Wilbur L. Cross in Yale Review, Oct. 1922, XII, 186-90; by Wilson Follett in Lit. Review, Dec. 16, 1922, pp. 31718; by Lloyd R. Morris in The Outlook, June 14, 1922, CXXXI, 312-14; in The Springfield Republican, June 25, 1922, p. 7a; by Percy H. Boynton in The New Republic, Sept. 27, 1922, XXXII, no. 408, part II, pp. 18-20; shortly in T.L.S. (Literary), Aug. 3, 1922. 2389. VAN DOREN, MARK. Women as Poets. The Nation, Apr. 26, 1922, CXIV, 498-9. A review of recent volumes. 2390. WALPOLE, HUGH. Women Novelists. Another Point of View. Sat. Review, Mar. 18, 1922, CXXXIII, 279-80. 2391. WRIGHT, DAVID MCKEE. Australian Literature. Mercury, Corr., Jan. 1922, V, 301-2. For further Essays and Literary Studies, see under General Literature. Poetry. 2392. ALLEN, HErvey and HEYWARD, DUBOSE. Poetry South. Poetry, Apr. 1922, XX, 35-48. 2393. AIKIN, CONRAD. The New Elizabethans. Yale Review, Apr. 1922, n.s., XI, 632-6. 2394. ADLINGTON, RICHARD. A propos de la jeune poésie anglaise. Les Marges, 15 juin, 1922. 2395. BITHELL, J. La jeune poésie anglaise. Les Marges, 15 mars, 1922. 2396. COWLEY, MALCOLM. The French and our New Poetry. Lit. Review, May 6, 1922, p. 641. 2397. INGIANNI, IGNACIO. In Defence of the New Poetic Movement. Texas Review, Jan. 1922, VII, 84-94. 2398. LARBAUD, VALÉRY. The Rebirth of American Poetry. Living Age, Dec. 3, 1921; CCCXI, 589-94; La Revue de France, Sept. 1, 15, 1922. |