Abbildungen der Seite

many additional Letters, ed. by Mary, Countess of Loveiace. (Bibl. 1921, 1416.) Reviewed by B. Fehr in Engl. Stud., Oct. 1922, LVI, 434441.

1840. Lord Byron's Correspondence Chiefly with Lady Melbourne, Mr Hobhouse, the Hon. Douglas Kinnaird, and P. B. Shelley, with Portraits. Edited by JOHN MURRAY. London: Murray; New York: Scribner, 1922. 22.5 cm. 2 vols. pp. xiii, 308, ix, 326. Front. (port.), facsims., ports. 25s. and $8.50. Reviewed by Samuel C. Chew in The Nation, Apr. 12, 1922, CXIV, 442; by Stewart Mitchell in The Dial, Oct. 1922, LXXIII, 453-5; by John Erskine in The Outlook, July 26, 1922, CXXXI, 533-4; by Howard Mumford Jones in The Freeman, June 7, 1922, V, 306-8; in New York Times Book Review, Apr. 2, 1922, pp. 3, 24 (illus.); in The Bookman, May 1922, LV, 298; by Edmund Wilson, Jr., in The New York Tribune, July 2, 1922, p. 4; by Stark Young in The New Republic, Sept. 27, 1922, no. 408, part II, XXXII, 12-14; in T.L.S. (Leading Article), Feb. 16, 1922 (cf. Corr., Feb. 23); by Maurice Hewlett in Mercury, Apr. 1922, V, 664-6 (cf. Corr., May 1922, VI, 83-4); by Edward Liveing in Discovery, May 1922, III, 134-6; in The New Statesman, Feb. 25, 1922, XVIII, 593 (see also R. C. K. Ensor, Corr., Mar. 4, 1922); in The Spectator, Feb. 25, June 3, 1922, CXXVIII, 239–40; in The NationAthen., Feb. 25, 1922, xxx, 796.

1841. BAILEY, Wilfred. Childe Harold Canto iv, st. 180. T.L.S., Corr., Jan. 5, 1922.

1842. BAUR, J. Optimismus und Pessimismus bei Byron. MS Diss., München, 1921.

1843. BRANDL, Alois. Zu Byrons 'Childe Harold' und Astarte. Archiv, Aug. 1922, CXLIII, 255-6.

1844. BENÉT, WILLIAM ROSE. Lord Byron as He Lived. Lit. Review, July 15, 1922, pp. 801-2.

1845. CHILD, HAROLD. Lady Byron and Augusta Leigh. National Review, Jan. 1922, LXXVIII, 641–9.

1846. DERESser, HEINRICH. Die fünf Egerton Redaktionen und die erste Ausgabe von Byrons 'English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.' MS Diss., Erlangen, 1919. Summary, Erlangen, 1921. 8vo. pp. 2.

1847. EDGCUMBE, RICHARD. The Byron Controversy. National Review, July 1922, LXXIX, 788–9.

1848. ELLIS, S. M. The New Byron Letters. Fort. Review, Apr. 1922, n.s., no. 664, pp. 668-78. See also below under Hewitt, E. P. 1849. The New Byron Letters-The Answer to "An Answer." Fort. Review, Corr., Dec. 1922, n.s., no. 672, CXII, 1051.

1850. ERNLE, Lord. The New Letters of Byron. Quart. Review, Apr. 1922, vol. 237, no. 471, pp. 430-50.

1851. GEROULD, KATHARINE FULLERTON. Men, Women, and the Byron-Complex. The Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1922, CXXX, 289-95. 1852. GRAHAM, WALTER. Byron and Campbell: A Parallel. N. and Q., Jan. 2, 1922, X, 45.

1853. GRÖNERT. Lord Byron im Roman. MS Diss., Erlangen, 1921. Summary.

1854. HEWITT, E. P. Lady Byron and Augusta Leigh-an Answer. National Review, Mar. 1922, LXXIX, 125-30.

1855. The New Byron Letters: An Answer. Fort. Review, Nov. 1922, n.s., no. 671, cXII, 876-9. See also above under Ellis, S. M. 1856. LUBBOCK, PERCY. New Letters of Byron. The Independent, Apr. 15, 1922, CVIII, 364. Port.

1857. MAYCOCK, WILLOUGHBY. Did Lord Byron make a Tour in Corsica in 1821? N. and Q., Apr. 22, 1922, X, 312.

MILLER, JOAQUIM. See under Shelley, P. В.

1858. MONTGOMERY, HUGH DE F. The Byron Controversy. National Review, June 1922, LXXIX, 628-31.

1859. PEERS, E. ALISON. The Earliest Notice of Byron in Spain. Rev. de littérature comparée, janv. 1922, pp. 113-16.

1860. QUINTANA, RICARDO BECKWITH. The Satiric Mood in Byron. Washington Univ. Studies, Hum. Ser., Apr. 1922, IX, 211-31.

1861. REILLY, JOSEPH J. The Letters of Tom Moore's Noble Poet. The Catholic Review, Nov. 1922, CXVI, 180–8.

1862. SPEYERER, SIEGMUND. Lord Byron im Spiegel der dramatischen Dichtung. MS Diss., Erlangen, 1921. Summary, Erlangen, 1921. 8vo. pp. 2.

1863. STEINMETZ. Studien zu Lord Byrons Vampir-Bruchstück. MS Diss., Erlangen, 1921. Summary.

1864. STRAHAN, J. A. Byron in Italy. Edinburgh Review, Jan. 1922, vol. 235, no. 479, pp. 76-89.

1865. STREET, G. S. Byron Reconsidered. Nineteenth Century, May 1922, XCI, 774-81.

Cable, George W. AyscoUGH, JOHN (pseud.). See above under Nineteenth Century: General.

Campbell, Thomas. 1866. BIERSTADT, ALBERT MORTON. Unacknowledged Poems by Thomas Campbell. Mod. Lang. Notes, June 1922, XXXVII, 343-5.

GRAHAM, WALTER. See under Byron.

Carlyle, Jane Welsh. 1867. Unpublished Letters. Ed. by REGINALD BLUNT. Concluded. The Forum, Jan. 1922, LXVII, 46-53.

Carlyle, Thomas. BRUCE, HAROLD LAWTON. See under Blake, William. 1868. CARLYLE, ALEXANDER. A Three-Days Tour to the Netherlands. A partly unpublished Diary of Thomas Carlyle. Cornhill, Oct. 1922, no. 316, n.s., pp. 493-512.

1869. HEINRICH, ALFRED. Thomas Carlyle und Waldemar Bonsels. Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterricht, 1922, XXI, 259-60.

1870. LEOPOLD, WERNER. Die religiöse Wurzel von Carlyles literarischer Wirksamkeit, dargestellt an seinem Aufsatz 'State of German Literature' (1827). Stud. Engl. Phil., LXII. Halle: Niemeyer, 1922. 8vo. pp. viii, 114. Summary in Jahrb. d. phil. Fak. Göttingen, 1921, Part 1, 159-64.

1871. MORLEY, EDITH J. Carlyle in the Diary, Reminiscences and Correspondence of Henry Crabb Robinson. Mercury, Oct. 1922, no. 36, VI, 607-18.

1872. ROE, FREDERICK WILLIAM. The Social Philosophy of Carlyle and Ruskin. (Bibl. 1921, 1436, 1639.) New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1921. Reviewed by B. H. Lehman in Lit. Review, Jan. 7, 1922, p. 332; by Lewis H. Chrisman in Methodist Review, Sept.-Oct. 1922, CV, 817-20; by Clark S. Northup in Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., July 1922, XXI, 540-3.

1873. SCOTT, J. W. Carlyle's Sartor Resartus. The Univ. of California Chronicle, Apr.-Oct. 1922, XXIV, 153-61, 337-46, 427-39.

1874. STEWART, HERBERT LESLIE. The Declining Fame of Thomas Carlyle. Trans. Royal Society of Canada, 3rd Ser., Sec. 2, XIV, 11-29. 1920.

1875. WILLIAMS, STANLEY THOMAS. Carlyle's Past and Present: a Prophecy. The South Atlantic Quarterly, Jan. 1922, XXI, 30-40. Carpenter, Edward. 1876. Towards Democracy. New Edition. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1922. 19 cm. pp. [10], xxv, 478. Reviewed in New York Times Book Review, Nov. 12, 1922, pp. 5, 23. Carter, Nicholas (pseud.). See Coryell, John Russell. Cawein, Madison. 1877. RITTENHOUSE, JESSIE B. Memoirs of Madison Cawein: Incident to Otto Rothert's The Story of a Poet. The Bookman, Nov. 1922, LVI, 305-12. Illus.

1877 a. ROTHert, Otto Arthur. The Story of a Poet: Madison Cawein. (Filson Club Publs., 30.) Louisville, Ky: John P. Morton and Co., 1921. 24 cm. pp. xi, 545. Ports., facsims. Noticed in Sewanee Review, Jan.-Mar. 1922, xxx, 126. Reviewed by John Brooks Wheelwright in The Freeman, May 31, 1922, V, 285-6.

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (pseud. Twain, Mark). 1878. Amerikanische Mark Twain-Literatur 1910–1920. Reviewed by F. Schönemann in Engl. Stud., Jan. 1922, 148-53.

1879. Unpublished Chapters from the Autobiography of Mark Twain. Harper's, Feb., Mar., Aug. 1922, CXLIV, 273-80, 455-60, CXLV, 310-15.

1880. BROOKS, VAN WYCK. The Ordeal of Mark Twain. Heinemann. 8 × 51. pp. vii, 267. 12s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Oct. 26,


1881. FISCHER, HENRY WILLIAM HUBERT. Abroad with Mark Twain and Eugene Field; Tales They Told to a Fellow Correspondent. Edited by Merle Johnson. New York: N. L. Brown, 1922. 21 cm. pp. 246. $2.25. Reviewed in The Dial, Aug. 1922, LXXIII, 235; in Lit. Review, Apr. 1, 1922, p. 550; by L. B. in The Freeman, July 12, 1922, V, 429; in The Boston Transcript, Apr. 8, 1922, p. 10; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, Apr. 8, 1922, CVIII, 353.

1882. HOLMES, RALPH. Mark Twain and Music. The Century, Oct. 1922, CCXVI, 844-50.

1883. MCCUtcheon, GEORGE BARR. When Mark Twain was a "New" Writer. Lit. Digest Internat. Book Review, Dec. 1922, I, 16-17. Port.

1884. MOORE, OLIN HARRIS. Mark Twain and Don Quixote. Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, June 1922, XXXVII, 324–46.

1885. New York Times Book Review, The. On the Trail of Mark Twain. Oct. 8, 1922, p. 7. Illus.

WADE, Mrs MARY H. B. See above, No. 547.

Clough, Arthur Hugh. 1886. HEWLETT, MAURICE. Teufelsdröckh in Hexameters. Nineteenth Century, Jan. 1922, XCI, 68-75.

Cobbett, William. 1887. A Year's Residence in America. With an Introduction by JOHN FREEMAN. (The Abbey Classics.) Chapman and Dodd. 7 x 41. pp. xx, 276. 3s. 6d.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. 1888. AYNARD, JOSEPH. Notes inédites de S. T. Coleridge. Rev. de littérature comparée, Avril 1922, pp. 298303.

1889. BLANCHARD, FREDERIC T. Coleridge's Estimate of Fielding. ✓ Gayley Anniv. Papers, pp. 153-63.

1890. DUNSTAN, A. C. The German Influence on Coleridge. Mod. Lang. Review, July 1922, XVII, 272-81.

1891. GRAHAM, WALTER. An Important Coleridge Letter. Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., July 1922, XXI, 530-5.

1892. KOLDE, MARIE E. F. Coleridges Gedanken zur Religionsphilosophie. MS Diss., Leipzig, 1922. Summary in Jahrb. d. phil. Fak. zu Leipzig, 1922, Part 11, 50.

MORLEY, EDITH (ed.). See under Nineteenth Century: Robinson, Henry Crabb.

1893. PARSONS, HOWARD. The Source of Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan.' T.L.S., Corr., Mar. 9, 1922.

1894. SALMON, Arthur L. Punctuation in Coleridge. T.L.S., Corr., May 11, 1922.

Collins, John. 1895. WILLIAMS, I. A. Scripscrapologia; or, Collins's doggerel Dish of all Sorts, 1804. Bibliographical Note in Mercury, Nov. 1922, VII, 79.

Collins, William Wilkie. 1896. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). The Woman in White. Lit. Review, Jan. 21, 1922, p. 367.

Cook, Sir Edward. 1897. Wills, John SAXON. Sir Edward Cook, K.B.E.: a Biography. New York: Dutton, 1922. 23 cm. pp. viii, 304. Front. (port.). $6. Reviewed in Lit. Review, Oct. 28, 1922, p. 154; by E. F. Edgett in The Boston Transcript, Sept. 9, 1922, p. 6.

Cooke, John Esten. 1898. BEATY, JOHN O. John Esten Cooke, Virginian. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1922. 21 cm. pp. viii, [2], 173. Columbia Univ. Studies in English and Comparative Literature, Bibliography, pp. 164-8.

Cooper, James Fenimore. 1899. Correspondence. Edited by His Grandson, James Fenimore Cooper. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press; London: Milford, 1922. 2 vols. 23.5 cm. pp. 396, 397-776. 37s. 6d.

Fronts. Reviewed in New York Times Book Review, Dec. 3, 1922, p. 6 (illus.); in T.L.S., Dec. 21, 1922.

1900. Unpublished Letters. Edited by James Fenimore Cooper [the Younger]. Yale Review, Jan. 1922, n.s., XI, 242-68. INGRAHAM, CHARLES ANSON. See under General Literature: Essays. PALMER, F. L. See under History of Language: Dialects. Coryell, John Russell. 1901. Literary Review, The. Nick Carter. May 6, 1922, p. 633.

Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. 1902. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). "Sweetheart Travellers." Lit. Review, Feb. 11, 1922, p. 415.

Dana, Richard Henry. 1903. P., I. R. An Amusing Solecism. [On a passage in 'Two Years Before the Mast.'] Lit. Review, Aug. 5, 1922, p. 862.

Davidson, John. 1904. JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD. A Minor Prometheus. The Freeman, Oct. 25, 1922, VI, 153-5.

Davis, John. 1905. LAW, ROBERT ADGAR. The Bard of Coosawhatchie. Texas Review, Jan. 1922, VII, 133-56.

Davis, Richard Harding. 1906. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). Gallegher. Lit. Review, July 29, 1922, p. 839.

De Morgan, William. 1907. STIRLING, A. M. W. William De Morgan and his Wife. Butterworth, 1922. Roy. 8vo. pp. 403. 25s. Reviewed by Maurice Hewlett in Mercury, Aug. 1922, VI, 442-4; in T.L.S., Leading Article, June 22, 1922; cf. H. C. Mossop, Corr., July 6, Aug. 17; Mrs Stirling, Aug. 3.

1908. WILLIAMS, ORLO. The Novels of William de Morgan. Mercury, Oct. 1922, VI, 619–30.

See also Nos. 2591-2.

De Quincey, Thomas. 1909. Collected Writings. Black. 14 vols. Cr. 8vo. 50s.

FOWLER, J. H. De Quincey as Literary Critic. See under Literature General: English Association.

1910. MAYOux. De Quincey's Moral and Literary Criticism. MS Thesis for Diplôme d'Études Supérieures, Univ. of Paris (Sorbonne), June, 1922.

1911. PAULL, H. M. De Quincey-and Style. Fort. Review, July 1922, no. 667, pp. 152-62.

Dickens, Charles. 1912. The Personal History of David Copperfield: with critical appreciations Old and New. Ed. by G. K. Chesterton, Holbrook Jackson, and R. Brimley Johnson. (The Readers Classics Series.) Bath: Cedric Chivers. 7 × 51. pp. 823. 8s. 6d. (First of a new series of reprints with critical appreciations.)

1913. BOYD, AUBREY. A New Angle on the Drood Mystery. Washington Univ. Studies, Hum. Ser., Oct. 1921, IX, 35-85.

1914. CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH. Charles Dickens. Living Age, Feb. 25, 1922, CCCXII, 480-5; The Dickensian, Jan. 1922.

1915. DODDS, M. H. ‘The Beggars' Opera' in Dickens. N. and Q., Jan. 7, 1922, X, 14; cf. Jan. 28, p. 74; June 3, p. 437; June 17, p. 467;

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