Abbildungen der Seite

Ternant and others, May 13, pp. 372-4, May 27, p. 417, June 10, p. 458, June 17, p. 475. See also under Smith, John Frederick.

1763. ROSENBERG, HERTHA LOUISE MATHILDE. Die Entwicklung der modernen imperialistischen Doktrin in England von Carlyle bis zur Gegenwart. MS Diss., Leipzig, 1922. Summary in Jahrb. d. phil. Fak. zu Leipzig, 1922, Part 1, 67–9.

1764. ROTH, GEORGES. Sur les imitations en vers par SainteBeuve. Rev. Germ., Oct. 1922, pp. 405-12.

1765. RUSSELL, FRANCES THERESA. Satire in the Victorian Novel. (Bibl. 1920, X, 157.) New York: Macmillan, 1920. Reviewed by E. B. F. in Sewanee Review, Jan.-Mar. 1922, XXX, 117-19.

SADLEIR, MICHAEL. Excursions in Victorian Bibliography. See under Bibliography.

1766. SHUSTER, GEORGE N. The Catholic Spirit in Modern English Literature. New York: Macmillan, 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. xi, [3], 365. Reviewed by Laurence Mason in Lit. Review, Sept. 9, 1922, pp. 7–8; in The Catholic World, Oct. 1922, CXVI, 111–12.

1767. SIGMANN, LUISE. Die englische Literatur von 1800-1850 im Urteil der zeitgenössischen deutschen Kritik. Anglist. Forsch., LV. Heidelberg: Winter, 1918. pp. 319. Reviewed by W. F. Schirmer in Die Neueren Sprachen, Mar.-May 1922, XXX, 188–90.

1768. TANDY, JEANNETTE REID. Pro-Slavery Propaganda in American Fiction of the Fifties. The South Atlantic Quarterly, Jan.Apr. 1922, XXI, 41-50, 170-8.

1769. TICKNOR, CAROLINE. Glimpses of Authors. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. xii, 335. Illus. $3.50. Reviewed in The Dial, Dec. 1922, LXXIII, 684; by Amy Loveman in Lit. Review, Nov. 4, 1922, p. 176; by Stanley Alden in The Nation, Nov. 29, 1922, cxv, 583-4; by E. F. Edgett in The Boston Transcript, Oct. 7, 1922, p. 4; by Esther Eaton in The New York Tribune, Nov. 19, 1922, p. 11; in Amer. Review of Reviews, Nov. 1922, LXV, 560; in The Springfield Republican, Oct. 13, 1922, p. 12.

1770. Times Literary Supplement, The. Keepsakes and other Annuals. Notes on Sales, Dec. 21, 1922. 1771. On Re-Reading Novels. [On 19th century novels especially.] Leading Article, July 20, 1922.

1772. TINKER, CHAUNCEY BREWSTER. Pre-Raphaelites and Labor. Lit. Review, July 29, 1922, pp. 833-4.

1773. WALTON, PERRY. Concord: a Pilgrimage to the Historical and Literary Center of America. Boston: The Author, 88 Broad St. 27 cm. pp. 26, [11]. Illus., map. $1.50. (Paper, 75 cents.)

WHITE, N. I. See No. 696.

WILLIAMS, STANLEY THOMAS. 1774. Victorian Poetry of Social Unrest. The Univ. of California Chronicle, Jan. 1922, XXIV, 75-87.


Alcott, A. Bronson. 1775. WARREN, WILLIAM FAIRFIELD. The Doctrinal Test for Lay Membership: How It Worked in the Memorable Case of A. Bronson Alcott. Methodist Review, July-Aug. 1922, CV, 559-65.

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. 1776. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). Marjorie Daw. Lit. Review, Sept. 16, 1922, p. 27.

SHERMAN, FREDERIC FAIRCHILD. See under Bibliography.

Arnold, Matthew. 1777. CHRISMAN, LEWIS H. Matthew Arnold as an Ethical Teacher. Methodist Review, Nov.-Dec. 1922, CV, 885-93. 1778. GOWEN, HERBERT HENRY. Jottings. Mod. Lang. Notes, XXXVII, Mar. 1922, p. 183.

1779. NEWMAN, Louis I. and MORRIS, RICHARD B. The Jewish Interests of Matthew Arnold. The American Hebrew, Dec. 22, 1922, CXII, 185, 189, 191. Port.

1780. Times Literary Supplement, The. Matthew Arnold. Leading Article, Dec. 21, 1922; cf. T. Sturge Moore, Corr., Dec. 28.



Spiritual Democracy. Leading Article, Jan. 19, 1922.
The Dying Life of a Poet. Leading Article, Apr. 13,

1922; cf. H. M. Beatty and H. B. Cotterill, Corr., Apr. 20.

1783. WALBROOK, H. M. The "Marguerite Poems." Mercury, Corr., Feb. 1922, No. 28, V, 414-5.

1784. WILLIAMS, STANLEY THOMAS. Arnold on Men of His Day. Lit. Review, May 20, 1922, pp. 665-6.

See below under Twentieth Century: Lewis, Sinclair.

Austen, Jane. 1785. Love and Freindship, and other Early Works. Now first printed from the original MS. With a preface by G. K. Chesterton. New York: Stokes; London: Chatto and Windus, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. xv, 140. Front. (facsim.). $2 and 6s. Reviewed in T.L.S., June 15, 1922; in The New Statesman, July 15, 1922, 419-20; in The Spectator, June 10, 1922, CXXVIII, 723; in Sat. Review, July 8, 1922, CXXXIV, 66; in Lit. Review, Aug. 12, 1922, p. 871; by Zona Gale in New York Times Book Review, Sept. 17, 1922, pp. 1, 24 (illus.); by Esther Murphy in The New York Tribune, Sept. 24, 1922, p. 8.

1786. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). Northanger Abbey. Lit. Review, Jan. 14, 1922, p. 351; illus. on p. 348.

1787. Соок, А. К. Jane Austen's English. T.L.S., Corr., Mar. 2, 1922; cf. Mar. 9.

1788. LOVEMAN, AMY. Jane Austen's Works. Lit. Review, Dec. 2, 1922, p. 265.

1789. Spectator, The. Jane Austen as a Girl. Article, Mar. 4, 1922, CXXVIII, 264-5.

1790. Times Literary Supplement, The. Jane Austen's Methods. Leading Article, Feb. 9, 1922; cf. Corr., Feb. 16.

1791. WALKLEY, A. B. Jane Austen. Nineteenth Century, Apr. 1922, XCI, 634-47.

Aytoun, William Edmondstoune. 1792. Poems. Oxford Edition. New York; Oxford: Univ. Press, 1921. 19 cm. pp. vii, 510. $1.75. [Preface signed F. Page.] Reviewed by Alan D. McKillop in Lit. Review, May 6, 1922, p. 636.

Barham, Richard Harris. 1793. BRADBROOKE, W. The Ingoldsby Legends: [Illustrative Notes]. N. and Q., Feb. 4, 1922, X, 99; cf. E. Bensly, Mar. 4, p. 177.

Barnes, William. 1794. Powys, LLEWELYN. William Barnes, the Dorset Poet. The Freeman, July 12, 1922, V, 415-16.

Beaconsfield, Earl of. 1795. HERZOG, EDGAR F. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, als Imperialist. MS Diss., Leipzig, 1922. Summary in Jahrb. d. phil. Fak. zu Leipzig, 1922, Part II, 54-5See No. 1937

Beddoes, Thomas Lovell (1803-1849). 1796. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). The Goblin Genius of Beddoes. Lit. Review, Jan. 28, 1922, P. 383.

Bierce, Ambrose. 1797. Twenty-one Letters. Ed. with a Note by Samuel Loveman. Cleveland: Geo. Kirk, 1922. 18.5 cm. pp. [ii], 33. 1000 copies.

Birrell, Rt Hon. Augustine. 1798. Collected Essays and Addresses, 1880-1920. 3 vols. Dent. 81 × 6. Vol. 1. pp. xii, 408. Vol. II. pp. vi, 390. Vol. III. pp. vi, 381. 31s. 6d. the set.

Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. 1799. My Diaries: a Personal Narrative of Events, 1888–1914. 2 vols. Part I, 1888-1900, Part II. 1900-1914. London: Secker; New York: Knopf. Roy. 8vo. pp. 436, 484. Fronts. 60s. Reviewed by Robert Morss Lovett in The New Republic, Jan. 4, 1922, XXIX, 159–60.

1800. AFFABLE HAWK (pseud.). Article in The New Statesman, Sept. 23, 1922, XIX, 662.

1801. FORDE, P. A. A Higher Critic of Literature. The Freeman, Apr. 5, 1922, V, 89–90.

1802. GRAHAM, R. B. CUNNINGHAME. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. Engl. Review, Dec. 1922, XXXV, 486-92.

1803. New Republic, The. Hudson and Blunt. Sept. 27, 1922, XXXII, 113-14.

1804. O'CONNOR, T. P. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. Daily Telegraph, Sept. 1922; Living Age, Oct. 21, 1922, CCCXV, 157-63.

1805. SYMOns, Arthur. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. The Double Dealer, Jan. 1922, III, 37-41.

Borrow, George. 1806. HOPKINS, R. THURSTON. George Borrow: Lord of the Open Road. Jarrolds. 84 × 5월. pp. 254. 12s. 6d.

Brickdale, Matthew I. F. 1807. CLARKE, Sir EDWARD. The Authorship of a Fine Sonnet. Cornhill, Dec. 1922, LIII, 704-17.

Brimley, George. 1808. WILLIAMS, STANLEY THOMAS. A MidVictorian Critic. Sewanee Review, Apr.- June 1922, XXX, 229-36. Brontë, Charlotte. 1809. LEWIS, PENRY. "Shirley": Prototype of Cassock. N. and Q., Aug. 12, 1922, XI, 128.

1810. SANDWITH, Mrs HAROLD. 'Jane Eyre' and 'Eugénie Grandet.' Nineteenth Century, Aug. 1922, XCII, 230-40.

Brooke, Stopford. 1811. Stevenson, G. H. The Elementals and a Popular Preacher. [Against Mr Jack's idea of Brooke's "Primitive Animism."] Fort. Review, Oct. 1922, n.s., no. 670, pp. 640-9.

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. 1812. MARSHALL, ANDREW. Balaustion and Mrs Browning. Living Age, Dec. 17, 1921, CCCXI, 707-10. The Cornhill Mag., Nov. 1922.

Browning, Robert. 1813. Poems and Plays Selected and Edited with an Introd. and Notes by Hewette Elwell Joyce. (The Modern Student's Library.) New York: Scribner, 1922. 17.5 cm. pp. xxi, 373.

1814. BATES, Mrs MARGRET HOLMES EMSPERGER. Browning Critiques. Chicago: The Morris Book Shop, 1921. 19.5 cm. pp. 295. $2 net.

1815. BØGHOLM, N. Robert Browning, Ringen og Bogen. København, 1918. pp. 64. Reviewed by S. B. Liljegren in Engl. Stud., Jan. 1922, LVI, 114-15.

1816. BONNELL, JOHN KESTER. Touch Images in the Poetry of Robert Browning. Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, Sept. 1922, XXXVII, 574-98.

1817. GOWEN, HERBERT HENRY. Jottings. Mod. Lang. Notes, Mar. 1922, xxxvII, 183.

1818. DARMESTETER (Madame). Poèmes. Paris: Grasset, 1922. 12 x 19 cm. pp. 264. 6 fr. [Introd. and extracts, translated.]

1819. KARG. Robert Browning's Verhältnis zu Italien. MS Diss., München, 1921.

1820. LAW, ROBERT ADGER. The Background of Browning's Love Among the Ruins. Mod. Lang. Notes, May 1922, XXXVII, 312-13. MARSHALL, ANDREW. See above under Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. 1821. MURPHY, GWENDOLEN. Mercury, Corr., Sept. 1922, No. 35, VI, 531.

Bryce, James, Viscount. 1822. DIXON, JAMES MAIN. The Personality of James Bryce. Methodist Review, Sept.-Oct. 1922, cv, 701-13.

Bunner, Henry Cuyler. 1823. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). Short Sixes. Lit. Review, Nov. 4, 1922, p. 179.

Burroughs, John. 1824. John Burroughs Talks: His Reminiscences and Comments As Reported by CLIFTON JOHNSON. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922. 21 cm. pp. xvi, 358. Illus. $4. Reviewed in New York Times Book Review, Oct. 1, 1922, pp. 6, 24; in The Dial, Dec. 1922, LXXIII, 683.

1825. The Last Harvest. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922. 18.5 cm. pp. ix, [3], 294, [1]. Front. (port.). Reviewed in North Amer. Review, Nov. 1922, CCXVI, 712-13.

1826. My Boyhood. Harper's, Jan.-Mar. 1922, CXLIV, 137-51, 341-9,515-24.

1827. My Boyhood. With a Conclusion by his Son, Julian Burroughs. New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1922. 21.5 cm. pp. [x], 247. Illus. $2.50. Reviewed in Lit. Review, Apr. 22, 1922, p. 600; by Geo. Looms in The Bookman, July 1922, LV, 524-5; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, Apr. 22, 1922, CVIII, 395; in New York Times Book Review, Aug. 13, 1922, p. 13; by Percy H. Boynton in The New Republic, June 7, 1922, XXXI, 52; by Robert D. Townsend in The Outlook, Apr. 5, 1922, CXXX, 556-8 (port.); by L. B. in The Freeman, May 24, 1922, V, 262.

1828. Under the Maples. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1921. 18.5 cm. pp. vii, [3], 224. Front. (port.). $2. Reviewed by Marian Storm in Lit. Review, Feb. 18, 1922, p. 434.

1829. BOWMAN, JAMES CLOYD. The Triune Mr Burroughs. Education, Apr. 1922, XLII, 453-63.

1830. GABRIEL, RALPH. An American Seer. Lit. Review, Apr. 22, 1922, pp. 593-4.

1831. HAYS, MINNIE E. John Burroughs. [Poem.] Education, Apr. 1922, XLII, 491.

1832. KAUFFMAN, REGINALD WALTER. The Religion of John Burroughs. The Personalist, July 1922, III, 149-56. Reply by Geo. Law, ibid., Oct., pp. 268-9.

1833. LAW, GEORGE. John Burroughs, a Reversion to the Greek Spirit. The Personalist, Apr. 1922, III, 113-20.

MILLER, MADELEINE SWEENY. See under General Literature: Miscellaneous.

1834. PERRY, BLISS. John Burroughs as a Man of Letters. The Harvard Graduates' Mag., Mar. 1922, XXX, 328-33.

WADE, Mrs MARY H. B. See above under General Literature: Essays and Studies.

Butler, Samuel. 1835. The Authoress of the Odyssey. New and corrected ed. J. Cape, 1922. 7 × 51. pp. 304. 7s. 6d. Reviewed in The New Statesman, June 24, 1922, XIX, 328; in The Nation-Athen., May 13, 1922, XXXI, 226-7.

1836. The Odyssey. Rendered into English for those who cannot read the Original. 2nd ed. London: J. Cape, 1922. 74 × 51. PP. 349. 7s. 6d. Reviewed in The New Statesman, June 24, 1922, XIX, 328; in The Nation-Athen., May 13, 1922, XXXI, 226-7.

CANBY, HENRY SEIDEL. See under General Literature No. 522. 1837. CAVENAGH, F. A. Samuel Butler and Education. The Monist, Apr. 1922, XXXII, 307-13.

GOSSE, EDMUND. See under General Literature, No. 529.

1838. JONES, HENRY FESTING. Samuel Butler, Author of Erewhon (1835-1902). A Memoir. (Bibl. 1920, X, 180.) Reviewed by S. B. Liljegren in Engl. Stud., Jan. 1922, LVI, 118-23.

Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord. 1839. Astarte. A Fragment of Truth concerning George Gordon Byron, Sixth Lord Byron, recorded by his grandson, Ralph Milbanke, Earl of Lovelace. New ed. with

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