Menasha, Wis.: Banta, 1918. Reviewed by Geo. F. Whicher in Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., July 1922, XXI, 549-51. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. 1701. The School for Scandal; and The Rivals. With an Introduction by Augustine Birrell. Illus. by Edm. J. Sullivan. Macmillan, 1922. 8vo. 61 x 44. pp. 392. 6s. 1702. J. R. H. "Extempore Lines" by Sheridan. N. and Q., Dec. 30, 1922, XI, 531-2. Smart, Christopher. 1703. Times Literary Supplement, The. Christopher Smart: Born April 11, 1822. Apr. 6, 1922. Smollett, Tobias. 1704. BÜGE, KARL. Untersuchungen über Smollets Roman 'Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves,' insbesondere über seine Technik und seine Quellen. MS Diss., Königsberg, 1921. 4to. (2to.). pp. 106. Summary in Inaug. Diss. d. phil. Fak. Königsberg i. P., 1921. 1705. OLIVE. The Element of "Caricature" in Smollett's Novels. MS Thesis for Diplôme d'Études Supérieures, Univ. of Paris (Sorbonne), June 1922. Stanhope, Philip Dormer. 1706. AUSTEN-LEIGH, R. A. Philip Dormer Stanhope, Author of the 'Genuine Memoirs of Asiaticus.' N. and Q., Aug. 26, 1922, XI, 165–7; cf. Sept. 9, p. 213. Steele, Sir Richard. 1707. BENSLY, EDWARD. Quotations in "The Tatler." N. and Q., Feb. 25, 1922, X, 158. GÖRICKE, WALTER. See under Addison. LAW, FREDERICK Houk. See under Addison, J. Sterne, Laurence. 1708. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. Introduction by FRANCIS BICKLEY. (The Abbey Classics.) Chapman and Dodd. 7 × 42. pp. xxi, 226. 1709. GREENWOOD, Sir GEORGE. Sterne and the verb 'To Lay.' T.L.S., Corr., July 6, 1922; cf. R. Pierpoint, July 13. 1710. STEINBRECHT, FRITZ. Der Humor bei Laurence Sterne. MS Diss., Halle, 1921. Summary in Jahrb. d. phil. Fak. Halle-Wittenberg, 1920, Part 1, 9-12. 1711. WRIGHT, Arnold and SCLATER, WILLIAM LUTLEY. Sterne's Eliza. Some account of her life in India with her letters written between 1757 and 1774. Heinemann, 1922. 91 × 6. pp. viii, 199. 10s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Dec. 14, 1922. Swift, Jonathan. 1712. Prosaschriften. Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und kommentiert von Paul GreVE. 4 vols. Berlin: E. Reiss, 1922. 8vo. PP. 457; 432; 550; 451. 1713. Gulliver's Travels. With an Introduction by W. D. HOWELLS. Harrap. Roy. 8vo. pp. 370. 7s. 6d. 1714. BARRINGTON, E. The Mystery of Stella. The Atlantic Monthly, Mar. 1922, cxxIX, 311-23. 1715. EDDY, WILLIAM A. A Source for Gulliver's First Voyage. Mod. Lang. Notes, June 1922, XXXVII, 353-5. 1716. - Rabelais, -A Source for Gulliver's Travels. Mod. Lang. Notes, Nov. 1922, XXXVII, 416–18. 1717. ELGAR, EDWARD. Swift in Bury Street. T.L.S., Corr., Aug. 10, 1922. 1718. FREEMAN, A. MARTIN. Vanessa and Her Correspondence with Jonathan Swift. (Bibl. 1921, 1293.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922. Brief mention by J. W. T. in Mod. Lang. Notes, Apr. 1922, XXXVII, 255. Reviewed by Willard H. Durham in The Bookman, Aug. 1922, LV, 643-4. 1719. HUBBARD, Lucius LEE. Contributions toward a Bibliography of Gulliver's Travels to Establish the Number and Order of Issue of the Motte Editions of 1726 and 1727, Their Relative Accuracy and the Source of the Changes made in the Faulkner Edition of 1735; with a List of Editions in a Private Collection and 25 Plates. Chicago: Walter M. Hill, 1922. 21.5 cm. pp. 189. Plates, facsims. $10. 1720. Powys, LLEWELYN. Jonathan Swift. The Freeman, Nov. 1, 1922, VI, 177-9. 1721. REBORA, PIERO. Jonathan Swift. Rome: Formiggini; London: Truslove and Hanson. 2.70 lire. Reviewed shortly in T.L.S., Sept. 28, 1922. Theobald, Lewis. 1722. KOSTER, EDWARD B. Lewis Theobald. English Studies, Feb. 1922, IV, 20-31; Apr. 1922, IV, 49-60. [Deals mainly with R. F. Jones' Lewis Theobald, his contribution to English scholarship, with some unpublished letters. New York, 1919.] Walpole, Horace. 1723. BICKLEY, FRANCIS. Horace Walpole's Dogs. Nineteenth Century, Dec. 1922, No. 550, XCII, 962-9. 1724. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). The Castle of Otranto. Lit. Review, Feb. 25, 1922, p. 451. Warburton, William. See above under Richardson. Warton, Thomas. 1725. RINAKER, CLARISSA. Thomas Warton. A Biographical and Critical study. (Univ. of Illinois Studies in Lang. and Lit., 11, 1.) Illinois: Univ. of Illinois, 1916. 8vo. pp. 241. Reviewed by Arnold O. Schröer in Deutsche Lit. Zeitg., Nov. 1921, XLII, 651-2. Wolcot, John (pseud. Peter Pindar). 1726. COLDICOTT, ROWLANDS. An Eighteenth-Century Character (concluded). Discovery, Jan. 1922, III, 21-3; cf. II, 300. Wollstonecraft, Mary. 1727. BOUTEN, JACOB. Mary Wollstonecraft and the Beginnings of Female Emancipation in France and England. Amsterdam: H. J. Paris, 1922. 24 × 174 c. pp. 182. 3.90 f. Diss. Amsterdam. Woolman, John. 1728. Rancocas Edition. The Journal and Essays of John Woolman. Edited from the Original Manuscripts with a Biographical Introduction by AMELIA MOTT GUMMERE. New York: Macmillan, 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. xxiv, 643. Woty, William. 1729. NEWTON, E. E. William Woty. N. and Q., Sept. 30, 1922, XI, 277. Young, Edward. 1730. HUGHES, HELEN SARD. A Letter to Richardson from Edward Young. Mod. Lang. Notes, May 1922, XXXVII, 314-16. 1730 a. MUTSCHMANN, HEINRICH. Zur Psychologie des Verfassers der 'Nachtgedanken.' Anglia Beibl., Jan. 1922, XXXIII, 12-23. XII. 4. NINETEENTH CENTURY XII. 4 a. GENERAL 1731. AINSLIE, DOUGLAS. Adventures: Social and Literary. Fisher Unwin. 21s. Reviewed in T.L.S., Dec. 14, 1922. 1732. ALLEN, PERCY, The Stage Life of Mrs Stirling, with some Sketches of the Nineteenth Century Theatre. Introduction by Sir F. R. Benson. New York: Dutton; London: Fisher Unwin, 1922. 8vo. 23 cm. pp. 244. 12s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Jan. 19; in Contemp. Review, Feb. 1922, CXXI, 262-5. 1733. ATKESON, MARY MEEK. A Study of the Local Literature of the Upper Ohio Valley, with Special Reference to the Early Pioneer and Indian Tales, 1820-1840. (Ohio State Univ. Bulletin, xxvi, 3: Contributions in English, 2.) Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State Univ., 1921. 25 cm. pp. 62. 1734. AYSCOUGH, JOHN (pseud.). Of Some Americans. The Catholic World, Oct. 1922, CXVI, 41-55. On signs of descent from Cervantes in Irving, Hawthorne, Poe, Howells, Bret Harte, Henry James, and Cable. 1735. BAILEY, ELMER JAMES. Religious Thought and the Greater American Poets. Boston: The Pilgrim Press, 1922. 18.3 cm. pp. x, 258. Reviewed by Clark S. Northup in The Cornell Alumni News, June 22, 1922, XXIV, 440. 1736. BARING, MAURICE. The Alternative. [A Fantasy on 19th Century Literature.] Mercury, Nov. 1922, No. 37, VII, 26-35. 1737. BRABROOK, E. Some Mid-Victorian Coteries. N. and Q., Apr. 29, 1922, X, 321−3; cf. May 27, p. 417. 1738. LRADFORD, GAMALIEL. American Portraits, 1875-1900. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922. pp. xii, [5], 248. Front. (port.), ports. $3.50. Contents: Mark Twain, Henry Adams, Lanier, Whistler, James G. Blaine, Grover Cleveland, Henry James, Joseph Jefferson. Reviewed in The Dial, June 1922, LXXII, 651; by Henry L. Mencken in Lit. Review, Apr. 8, 1922, p. 562; by Percy H. Boynton in The New Republic, June 7, 1922, XXXI, 52-4; by Lyman Abbott in The Outlook, May 31, 1922, CXXXI, 216; by S. L. C. in The Bookman, May 1922, LV, 315; in The Boston Transcript, Mar. 25, 1922, p. 5; by G. W. J. in The Freeman, Mar. 22, 1922, V, 47; by Brander Matthews in New York Times Book Review, May 14, 1922, p. 2; in The Springfield Republican, Mar. 16, 1922, p. 8. 1739. BRIE, FRIEDRICH. Aesthetische Weltanschauung in der Literatur des XIX. Jahrhunderts. (Bibl. 1921, 1322.) Reviewed by Albert Streuber in Literaturblatt, Nov.-Dec. 1922, XLIII, 362-3; by H. Heiss in Z. f. französ. Sprache u. Lit., 1922, XLVI, 334-42. 1740. Exotismus der Sinne. Eine Studie zur Psychologie der Romantik. (Bibl. 1920, X, 146 a.) Reviewed by H. Heiss in Z. f. französ. Sprache u. Lit., 1922, XLVI, 334-42. 1741. BURGIN, GEORGE BROWN. Memoirs of a Clubman. New York: Dutton, 1922. Reviewed in North Amer. Review, Sept. 1922, CCXVI, 427-8; in Lit. Review, July 22, 1922, p. 826; by Robert L. Duffus in The Freeman, Nov. 8, 1922, VI, 212. 1742. CAIRNS, WILLIAM B. British Criticisms of American Writings, 1815-1833. (Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in Language and Literature, 14.) Madison, Wis.: The University of Wisconsin, 1922. 1743. CHAMBON, F. Mérimée et la Société anglaise. Rev. de littérature comparée, juillet 1922, pp. 396-444. 1744. COLVin, Sir SidnEY. Memories and Notes of Persons and Places. (Bibl. 1921, 1323.) New York: Scribner; London: Arnold, 1921. Reviewed in North Amer. Review, Jan. 1922, CCXV, 140-1; by Llewellyn Powys in The Nation, Mar. 29, 1922, CXIV, 373-4; by Charles Leonard Moore in Lit. Review, Mar. 4, 1922, pp. 465–6; by Newton Arvin in The Freeman, Oct. 11, 1922, VI, 117–18. 1745. E. S. Proof Courier to Famous Men. Cornhill, Dec. 1922, No. 318, LIII, 719-27. 1746. FEHR, BERNHARD. England im Zeitalter des Individualismus (1830-1880). Gesellschaft, Weltanschauung und Schrifttum in ihren Wechselwirkungen. St Gallen: Zollikofer, 1921. Reviewed by F. Caro in Anglia Beibl., July 1922, XXXIII, 158–9. 1747. FOERSTER, NORMAN. Matthew Arnold and American Letters To-Day. Sewanee Review, July-Sept. 1922, XXX, 298-306. 1748. GOSSE, EDMUND. English Literature in 1822. The Sunday Times, Oct. 22, 1922; Living Age, Dec. 2, 1922, CCCXV, 536-42. No. 529. Rousseau in England in the Nineteenth Century. See 1749. GUTTELING, JOHANNA F. C. Hellenic Influence on the English Poetry of the Nineteenth Century. Privately published, 1922. 24 × 16 c. pp. 144. Diss. Amsterdam. 1750. HOWE, MARK ANTONY DE WOLFE. Memories of a Hostess: a Chronicle of Eminent Friendships drawn chiefly from the Diaries of Mrs James T. Fields. Boston: The Atlantic Monthly Co.; London: Fisher Unwin, 1922. 21 cm. pp. [viii], 312. Front. (port.), plates, facsims. $4; 12s. 6d. Reviewed in The Dial, Dec. 1922, LXXIII, 684; by Willa Cather in Lit. Review, Nov. 4, 1922, pp. 173-4; by Stanley Alden in The Nation, Nov. 29, 1922, cxv, 583–4; by E. F. Edgett in The Boston Transcript, Sept. 30, 1922, p. 6; by Bliss Perry in New York Times Book Review, Oct. 29, 1922, pp. 1-3 (illus.); in The Harvard Graduates' Mag., Dec. 1922, XXXI, 288–9; in T.L.S., Dec. 7, 1922. 1751. HOWIE, MARGARET D. Achim von Arnim and Scotland. Mod. Lang. Review, Apr. 1922, XVII, 157-64. 1752. HUXLEY, LEONARD. Chronicles of 'Cornhill.' [Its connections with Men of Letters.] Cornhill, Mar. 1922, n.s., no. 309, PP. 364-84. M.H.R.A. 9 1753. INGE, WILLIAM RALPH. The Victorian Age. (The Rede Lecture, 1922.) Cambridge: Univ. Press; New York: Macmillan, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. 56. 2s. 6d. Reviewed in N. and Q., May 20, 1922, X, 399; by R. Ellis Roberts in The New Statesman, July 22, 1922, XIX, 43941; in The Spectator, May 20, 1922, CXXVIII, 628; in The NationAthen., May 20, 1922, XXXI, 263–4; in Sat. Review, May 20, 1922, CXXXIII, 525; in Lit. Review, Aug. 26, 1922, p. 906. 1754. JACKSON, HOLBROOK. The Eighteen-Nineties: a Review of Art and Ideas at the close of the Nineteenth Century. New edition. London: G. Richards; New York: Knopf, 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. 304. Illus. 15s. Reviewed by Gilbert Seldes in The Dial, Nov. 1922, LXXIII, 574-8; in Lit. Review, Aug. 26, 1922, p. 906. 1755. JOHNSON, JAMES WELDON. Early American Negro Poets. The Standard, Apr. 1922, VIII, 240-6. [An excerpt from his book.] 1756. JOHNSON, THOMAS Lynn. The Early Years of the Saturday Club. (Rowfantia, Ix.) Cleveland: The Rowfant Club, 1921. 19.5 cm. pp. 69. Front. (port.). $4. 1757. JONES, RICHARD FOSTER. Some Reflections on the English Romantic Revival. Washington Univ. Studies, Hum. Ser., Apr. 1922, IX, 293-314. 1758. KASSNER, RUDOLF. Englische Dichter. Leipzig: Inselverlag, 1920. pp. 189. Reviewed by H. Jantzen in Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterricht, 1922, XXI, 137. 1759. LEHMAN, BENJAMIN HARRISON. The Doctrine of Leadership in the Greater Romantic Poets. Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, Dec. 1922, XXXVII, 639–61. 1760. LONGFELLOW, ERNEST WADSWORTH. Random Memories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. vii, [7], 263. Illus. $4. Reviewed in North Amer. Review, Sept. 1922, CCXVI, 424-6; in Lit. Review, Aug. 5, 1922, p. 858; by Norman Foerster in The Freeman, Oct. 4, 1922, VI, 93; in The Harvard Graduates' Mag., Sept. 1922, XXXI, 150–1; by E. F. Edgett in The Boston Transcript, July 1, 1922, p. 6; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, July 22, 1922, CIX, 22; in New York Times Book Review, July 9, 1922, p 24; in The Outlook, July 26, 1922, CXXXI, 534; in Review of Reviews, Aug. 1922, LXVI, 222; in The Springfield Republican, July 6, 1922, p. 12, Aug. 21, 1922, p. 6. 1761. MURRAY. Taine und die englische Romantik. MS Diss., Marburg, 1922. PEACOCK, W. (ed.). English Prose. Vols. Iv and v. See under Anthologies. RHYS, ERNEST (ed.). Modern English Essays, 1870-1920. See under General Literature: Prose Anthologies. 1762.. ROBERTS, W. and HALL, ALBERT. Victorian Literature. (Lloyd's "Penny Dreadfuls.") N. and Q., Apr. 8, 1922, X, 273; cf. Frank Jay, etc., Apr. 29, pp. 332-4, May 27, pp. 417-8; Andrew de |