Abbildungen der Seite

Collins, William. 1619. MCKILLOP, ALAN DUGALD. A Poem in the Collins Canon. Mod. Lang. Notes, Mar. 1922, XXXVII, 181.

1620. WHITE, H. O. William Collins and His Contemporary Critics. T.L.S., Corr., Jan. 5, 12, 1922. Collins's Dirge. Ibid., Feb. 16,


Cowper, Judith. 1621. 'Fama.' Judith Cowper, Mrs Madan. N. and Q., Feb. 4, 1922, X, 95.

Cowper, William. 1622. SANDERS, E. K. Two Unpublished Letters of Mary Unwin. N. and Q., Dec. 16, 1922, XI, 483-4.

1623. THORNTON, RICHARD. Letter of Cowper to [Joseph] Johnson [his publisher; dated Aug. 6, 1781]. N. and Q., Nov. 18, 1922, XI, 403. Crabbe, George (1754-1834). 1624. Το Miss E. V. in her 10th year. Mercury, Sept. 1922, no. 35, VI, 465-6.

Croft, Sir Herbert. 1625. JAGGARD, W. "The Abbey of Kilkhampton." N. and Q., July 29, XI, 81–3; cf. Aug. 26, pp. 173-4.

Cruden, Alexander. 1626. ABRAHAMS, ALECK. Alexander Cruden's Bibliography. N. and Q., Sept. 9, 1922, XI, 208.

D'Arblay, Mrs Frances Burney. 1627. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). Evelina. Lit. Review, Mar. 18, 1922, p. 509.

Defoe, Daniel. 1628. Selections. Ed. H. K. HAWKINS. (Methuen's English Classics.) Methuen. 18mo. pp. 140. 2s.

1629. CODMAN, JOHN S. Robinson Crusoe Up-to-Date. [One of a series; the other parts do not bear on this.] The Freeman, Aug. 9, 1922, V, 514-16.

1630. DOTTIN, PAUL. L'Ile de Robinson. Mercure de France, Nov. 15, 1922.

1631. ELLIOTT, LILLIAN ElwYN. Crusoe's Island. The PanAmerican Mag., May 1922, XXXIV, 29-38.

1632. HUBBARD, Lucius Lee. The Narrative of the El-ho Sjouke Gabbes: an Episode from the Description of the Mighty Kingdom of Krinke Kesmes, etc., by Hendrik Smeeks, 1708, Translated from the Dutch and Compared with the Story of Robinson Crusoe. [A Dutch source for Robinson Crusoe.] Ann Arbor: Geo. Wahr; London: Weldon and Wesley, 1921. 8vo. pp. 225. 17s. 6d. Reviewed by Joseph Wood Krutch in Lit. Review, Sept. 9, 1922, p. 12; in New York Times Book Review, Mar. 19, 1922, pp. 5, 21; in T.L.S., Aug. 3,


1633. ЈАСОВ, Gerhard E. Daniel Defoe, Essay on Projects 1697. Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik Defoes und seiner Zeit. MS Diss., Leipzig, 1922. Summary in Jahrb. d. phil. Fak. zu Leipzig, 1922, Part 11, 93-4.

1634. LILJEGREN, S. B. Defoes Robinson. Engl. Stud., Apr. 1922, LVI, 281-6.

Dodd, William. 1635. Times Literary Supplement, The. Occasional Papers by William Dodd. Leading Article, Dec. 7, 1922.

Ferguson, Robert. 1636. GILBERT. Robert Ferguson. MS Thesis for Diplôme d'Études Supérieures, Univ. of Paris (Sorbonne), June


Fielding, Henry. 1637. APPEL, ELSA. Henry Fielding als Kritiker der englischen Literatur. MS Diss., Breslau, 1922. 4to. pp. 53Summary, Breslau, 1922. 8vo. pp. 2.

BLANCHARD, FREDERIC T. See under Coleridge, S. T.

1638. DE CASTRO, J. PAUL. Edmund Fielding [the novelist's father]. N. and Q., Aug. 26, 1922, XI, 178.

1639. DIGEON, AURÉLIEN. Une nouvelle biographie de Fielding. Rev. Germ., Oct. 1922, pp. 412-17. [Rev. of W. Cross's work.]

1640. HUGHES, HELEN SARD. Fielding's Indebtedness to James Ralph. Modern Philology, Aug. 1922, XX, 19-34. 1641. A Dialogue-Possibly by Henry Fielding. Philol. Quarterly, Jan. 1922, 1, 49-55.

1642. NICHOLS, CHARLES W. Fielding and the Cibbers. Philol. Quarterly, Oct. 1922, 1, 278-89.

1643. OBRIER. A Study of the Comic Element in Fielding's Novels. MS Thesis for Diplôme d'Études Supérieures, Univ. of Paris (Sorbonne), June 1922.

1644. ROBERTS, W. Henry Fielding in French. National Review, July 1922, No. 473, LXXIX, 723-8.

Freneau, Philip. 1645. The Poems of Philip Freneau, Poet of the American Revolution. Ed. for the Princeton Historical Assoc. by FR. LEWIS PATTEE. 3 vols. Milford. Roy. 8vo. 21s.

1646. HOPKINS, PERCIE TROWBRIDGE. On a Popular Poet. Poet Lore, Dec. 1921, XXXII, 581-5.

Garrick, David. 1647. WILLIAMS, I. A. Garrick's Epitaph on William Hogarth. Mercury, June 1922, No. 32, VI, 182-3.

Gay, John. 1648. Polly: an Opera. Being the Second Part of "The Beggar's Opera." Foreword by OsWALD DOUGHTY. O'Connor, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. xxiv, 117. 6s. Reviewed in T.L.S., July 27,


1649. Trivia: or the Art of Walking the Streets of London. With introduction and notes by W. H. WILLIAMS. O'Connor, 1922. Imp. 8vo. pp. xxiv, 91. 425. Reviewed in T.L.S., July 27, 1922; in The New Statesman, Aug. 26, 1922, XIX, 566; in The Spectator, Aug. 19, 1922, CXXIX, 245–6; in The Nation-Athen., Sept. 16, 1922, XXXI, 800. DODDS, M. H. See under Nineteenth Century: Dickens.

1650. DUFF, D. G. Art and Crime. Mercury, Corr., Feb. 1922, No. 28, V, 413-14.

1651. KIDSON, FRANK. The Beggar's Opera: Its Predecessors and Successors. New York: Macmillan; Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1922. Fcap. 8vo. pp. viii, 110. Illus. $1.60 and 5s. Reviewed in N. and Q., Aug. 26, XI, 179; in Contemp. Review, Sept. 1922, CXXII, 402-3; shortly in T.L.S. (Drama), Aug. 17, 1922.

Glover, Richard. 1652. BRIGGS, FLETCHER. Notes on Glover's Influence on Klopstock. Philol. Quarterly, Oct. 1922, 1, 290300.

Goldsmith, Oliver. 1653. Musa Americana. Fourth Series. Vicus Desertus (The Deserted Village: by Oliver Goldsmith) in Latin Hexameters with English Text. By ANTHONY F. GEYSER. Chicago: Loyola Univ. Press, 1920. 8vo. pp. 33. Reviewed by Geo. Dwight Kellogg in The Classical Weekly, Mar. 6, 1922, XV, 133-4.

1654. OLIVER, JOHN W. Johnson, Goldsmith, and "The History

T.L.S., Corr., May 18, 1922.

of the Seven Years' War." 1655. WILLIAMS, I. A. Select Poems: By Oliver Goldsmith. Printed for W. Griffin, 1775. [Unrecorded selection from Goldsmith's Poetical works.] Mercury, Oct. 1922, VI, 633.

Graves, Richard. 1656. Times Literary Supplement, The. Richard Graves. Leading Article, May 11, 1922.

Gray, Thomas. Blake's Designs for Gray's Poems. See under Blake, William.

Hearne, Thomas. 1657. Hutton, W. H. Thomas Hearne and the Non-Jurors. Edinburgh Review, Apr. 1922, Vol. 235, No. 480, PP. 357-70.

Holcroft, Thomas. 1658. CONSTANT READER (pseud.). Memoirs of Thomas Holcroft. Lit. Review, May 13, 1922, p. 655.

COLBY, ELBRIDGE. See under Bibliography.

Husbands, John. 1659. CRANE, ROLAND SALMON. An Early Eighteenth-Century Enthusiast for Primitive Poetry: John Husbands. Mod. Lang. Notes, Jan. 1922, XXXVII, 27-36.

Johnson, James († 1811). 1660. SCHWEBSCH, ERICH. Schottische Volkslyrik in James Johnson's 'The Scot's Musical Museum.' (Palaestra, xcv.) (Bibl. 1920, X, 117.) Berlin: Mayer and Müller, 1920. 8vo. pp. iv, 218. Reviewed by G. Binz in Engl. Stud., Jan. 1922, LVI, 97-101; by H. Hecht in Archiv, Apr. 1922, CXLIII, 131-8; by M. Weyrauch in Lit. Zentralbl., Mar. 1922, LXXIII, 199.

Johnson, Samuel. 1661. Armstrong, T. PERCY. Emerson and Dr Johnson. N. and Q., Mar. 4, 1922, X, 167.

1662. BAILEY, M. “Dear Ally Croaker." A Note on Boswell's Life of Johnson. N. and Q., Apr. 8, 1922, X, 268.

1662 a. BEATTY, JOSEPH MOORHEAD, Jr. Dr Johnson and the Occult. The South Atlantic Quarterly, Apr. 1922, XXI, 144-51.

1663. CHAPMAN, R. W. Johnson's Letters: A Date. T.L.S., Corr., Oct. 26, 1922.

1664. FREEMAN, R. M. The New Boswell. Lane. 6s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Nov. 30, 1922.

1665. HIRN, Y. Dr Johnson och James Boswell. Helsingfors, 1922. PP. 325.

1666. HOWARD, GeoffreY. The Early Rising of Dr Johnson. Cornhill, June 1922, n.s., no. 312, pp. 729-35.

1667. Le Piu belle Pagine di Giuseppe Baretti, scelte da FERDINANDO MARTINI [friend of Dr Johnson, etc.]. Milan: Treves; London: Truslove and Hanson. 10 lire.

1668. MILLAR, ERIC G. Dr Johnson as a Bibliographer. The Library, Mar. 1922, 4th Ser., 11, 269-71.

1669. OLIVER, JOHN W. Johnson, Goldsmith and "The History of the Seven Years' War." T.L.S., Corr., May 18, 1922.

1670. READE, Aleyn LyELL. Johnsonian Gleanings. Part III. The Doctor's Boyhood. Treleaven House, Blundellsands, Liverpool: Reade, 1922. 8×7. pp. 220. (Subscr. Issue.) 215. Reviewed in N. and Q., Apr. 8, 1922, X, 279; in The New Statesman, Apr. 22, 1922, XIX, 74; in The Nation-Athen., June 24, 1922, XXXI, 450.

1671. ROBERTS, S. C. The Story of Dr Johnson: an Introduction to Boswell's Life. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1922. 2s. 6d.

1672. ROSCOE, E. S. Dr Johnson on the Art of Living. National Review, Dec. 1922, LXXX, 598-603.

1673. RUSSELL, Sir CHARLES. Johnson the Jacobite. Fort. Review, Feb. 1922, n.s., no. 662, pp. 229-40.

1674. Boswell's Life of Dr Johnson and Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with a bibliographical Introduction by CLEMENT SHORTER. Ten vols. New York: Printed for Gabriel Wells by Doubleday Page. £15. Reviewed in T.L.S., July 20; cf. Clement Shorter, Corr., July 27, Aug. 10; cf. Aug. 3; by J. St Loe Strachey in The Spectator, Aug. 5, 1922, CXXIX, 176.

STEELE SMITH, MINNA. See under Boswell, James.

1675. Times Literary Supplement, The. A Johnsonian Collection [i.e. the Adam collection]. Apr. 20, 1922.


Letters of Dr Johnson to Sir Robert Chambers. Notes

on Sales, June 1, 1922.

1677. YOUNG, G. M. Johnson and Macrobius. T.L.S., Corr., July 13, 1922.

Langhorne, the Rev. John. 1678. Poems on Several Occasions (1760). Mercury, Feb. 1922, V, 408.

Lewis, David. 1679. Song to Winifreda. Reprinted in Mercury, Sept. 1922, VI, 522−3; cf. Nov. 1922, VII, 84.

Mackenzie, Henry. 1680. RICHMOND, HELEN M. Mackenzie's Translations from the German. Mod. Lang. Review, 1922, XVII, 412. Macpherson, James. 1681. James Macpherson's Fragments of Ancient Poetry (1760), ed. by L. Jiriczek. Anglist. Forschungen, XLVII. Heidelberg: Winter, 1915. Reviewed by Jos. Wihan in Euphorion, 1922, XXIV, 207-209.

1682. HECHT, HANS. James Macphersons Ossiandichtung. G. R. Mon., July-Aug. 1922, X, 220-37.

Mandeville, Bernard. 1683. KAYE, FREDERICK B. The Influence of Bernard Mandeville. Studies in Philology, Jan. 1922, XIX, 83–108. Meston, William. 1684. WILLIAMS, I. A. Bibliographical Note on William Meston. Mercury, Feb. 1922, V, 406.

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. 1685. Letters from Constantinople. Selected and ed. by HILDA CHATWIN. Methuen. 18mo. pp. 100. Is. 9d Newton, Sir Isaac. 1686. Daniel and the Apocalypse. With an Introductory Study by Sir WILLIAM WHITLA. Murray. 15s. Reviewed in T.L.S., July 27, 1922.

Paine, Thomas. 1687. Complete Works. New York: Peter Eckler, 1922. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1800. Port. $4.

1688. VAN Doren, Carl. The Nation, Feb. 8, 1922, CXIV, 165. Parnell, Thomas. 1689. CRUICKSHANK, ALFRED HAMILTON. Thomas Parnell, or What was Wrong with the 18th Century. (Bibl. 1921, 383.) Essays and Studies by Members of the English Assoc. Oxford, 1922. Reviewed by Tucker Brooke in Lit. Review, Oct. 7, 1922, p. 88.

Percy's Reliques. See above under Ballads.

Pitt, Christopher (1699-1748). 1690. On Mrs Walker's Poems, Particularly that on the Author. Reprinted with brief biographical note by J. C. Squire in Mercury, July 1922, VI, 293.

Pope, Alexander. GRIFFITH, REGINALD Harvey. See under Bibliography.

1691. VILLARS, MONTFAUCON. Le Comte de Gabalis. Editions de la Connaissance. Paris. 20 fr. Reviewed in T.L.S., Mar. 30, 1922. Richardson, Samuel. 1692. CRANE, RONALD S. Richardson, Warburton and French Fiction. [Proof of Warburton having furnished Preface to 1748 ed. of Clarissa.] Mod. Lang. Review, Jan. 1922, XVII, 17-23.

1693. DANIELOWSKI, EMMA. Richardsons erster Roman. Entstehungsgeschichte. Diss. Tübingen. Berlin: Mayer and Müller, 1917. 8vo. pp. 167. Reviewed by M. L. in Lit. Zentralbl., Feb. 1921, LXXII, 188.

1693 a. HUGHES, HELEN SARD. A Letter to Richardson from Edward Young. Mod. Lang. Notes, May 1922, XXXVII, 314-16.

1694. LEVY, LILLI. Der Einfluss der moralischen Wochenschriften auf Richardsons Romane. MS Diss., Königsberg, 1921. 4to. (2to.). pp. 64. Summary in Inaug. Diss. d. phil. Fak. Königsberg i. P., 1921. 1695. NORRES. 'La vie de Marianne' von Marivaux und Richardsons 'Pamela.' MS Diss., Marburg, 1920.

1696. READe, Aleyn LyeLL. Samuel Richardson and his Family Circle. N. and Q., Sept. 2, 1922, XI, 181-3; Sept. 16, pp. 224-6; Sept. 30, pp. 263-4; Oct. 14, pp. 303-5; Oct. 28, pp. 342–4; Nov. II, pp. 383-6; Nov. 25, pp. 425; Dec. 9, pp. 465-7; Dec. 23, pp. 506-8.

Ritson, Joseph. 1697. KER, W. P. Joseph Ritson. The Presidential Address of the M.H.R.A. for 1921-2. Cambridge: Bowes and Bowes, 1922. 8 × 51. pp. 8. Is.

Sewell, George. 1698. WILLIAMS, I. A. Note on George Sewell. Mercury, Oct. 1922, No. 36, VI, 636.

Shaw, Janet. 1699. Journal of a Lady of Quality [Janet Shaw]: a Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, N. Carolina, and Portugal, 1774-1776. Ed. EVANGELINE W. and CHAS. MCL. ANDREWS. Yale Univ. Press; Milford, 1922. 91 × 61. pp. 341. 15s. Reviewed in T.L.S., Mar. 30, 1922.

Shenstone, William. 1700. HAZELTINE, ALICE ISABEL. A Study of William Shenstone and of His Critics. (Bibl. 1920, X, 129.)

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