84 x 6. pp. xlvii, 776. 155. Reviewed in T.L.S., June 22, 1922; by W. Keller in Shak. Jahrb., 1922, LVIII, 147-8. 1262. LEE, Sir SIDNEY. Shakespeare and the Spanish Inquisition. The Times, Apr. 10-11, 1922; Living Age, May 20, 1922, CCCXIII, 460–6. 1263. LEVENS, R. G. C. A Midsummer-night's Dream, Act III, Sc. 1. (Gaisford Greek Verse Prize Poem, 1922.) Oxford: Blackwell. Cr. 8vo. pp. 15. 2s. 1264. LEWISOHN, LUDWIG. Hamlet Himself. The Nation, Dec. 6, 1922, CXV, 646-8. [On the performance by John Barrymore.] 1265. LIEBERMANN, F. Shakespeare als Bearbeiter des 'King John.' Parts II-III. Archiv, Apr. 1922, CXLIII, 17–46, 190-205. 1266. LOONEY, J. THOMAS. "Shakespeare': Lord Oxford or Lord Derby. National Review, Feb. 1922, LXXVIII, 801–9. 1267. LUCE, MORTON. Nature in Shakespeare. Nineteenth Century, Sept. 1922, XCII, 397-409. 1268. LUDWIG, ALBERT. Shakespeare neu und alt. Lit. Echo, Nov. 1922, XXV, 144-8. Contents: On modern German Translations of Shakespeare's Works. 1269. Wilhelm Oechelhäuser und die Deutsche ShakespeareGesellschaft. Anhang: Ideen zur Gründung einer Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft (W. Oechelhäuser, 1863). Shak. Jahrb., 1922, LVIII, 6-38. MACGOWAN, KENNETH. See above under General Criticism. 1270. MACSWEENEY, JOSEPH J. Shakespeare and the Pelican Legend. N. and Q., Apr. 1, 1922, X, 246. 1271. Corr., Feb. 9. Notes on 'King Lear' and 'Twelfth Night.' T.L.S., 1272. MATHEW, FRANK. An Image of Shakespeare. J. Cape, 1922. 9 × 6. pp. 452. 18s. Reviewed in T.L.S., Nov. 16, 1922; by John Freeman in Mercury, Jan. 1923, VII, 322-3; in Sat. Review, Nov. 4, 1922, CXXXIV, 681-2; in The Spectator, Nov. 4, 1922, CXXIX, 637-8; in The Nation-Athen., Nov. 18, 1922, XXXII, 288-90. 1273. MCGOVERN, J. B. Shakespeariana: "Thisne." N. and Q., Nov. 11, 1922, XI, 389–90. 1274. MERBACH, PAUL ALFRED. Shakespeare als Romanfigur. (Mit etlichen Ergänzungen zu dem Thema: Shakespeare als Dramatis Persona: vgl. d. Aufsatz Albert Ludwig's im Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 1918, LIV.) Shak. Jahrb., 1922, LVIII, 83-98. 1275. MEYERSTEIN, E. H. W. The Motives of a Shakespeare Forger. [W. H. Ireland, 1795-6.] T.L.S., Corr., June 1, 1922. 1276. 1922. The Vision in Cymbeline. T.L.S., Corr., June 15, 22, 1277. MICHELMORE, G. A Book Annotated by Shakespeare (?). T.L.S., Corr., Aug. 10, 1922. 1278. "The Tempest" in Catalan. T.L.S., Corr., Oct. 5, 1922. 1279. MILES, DUDLEY. Henry V as a Document. English Journ., May 1922, XI, 300-2. 1280. MITCHELL, THOMAS H. The Drama of Life: Reflections upon Shakespeare's "Seven Ages." Hodder and Stoughton, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. 183. 7s. 6d. 1281. MONTGOMERY, MARSHALL. T.L.S., Corr., Aug. 10, 1922. "Goodjer" [Lear v. iii. 24]. 1282. Month, The. Eat No Fish. [A note on King Lear, 1. iv. 12.] Sept. 1922, CXL, 257-60. 1283. MOORE SMITH, G. C. Sonnet xcvI, line 1. T.L.S., Corr., June 22, 1922. The Women of Shakespeare. The 1284. MORIARTY, HELEN. Catholic World, July 1922, CXV, 446-52. 1285. MURRY, J. MIDDLETON. A Neglected Heroine of Shakespeare [Virgilia]. Mercury, Feb. 1922, V, 386-95; cf. Corr., Apr. 1922, V, 643. NICOLL, ALLARDYCE. Dryden as an Adapter of Shakespeare. See under Seventeenth Century: Dryden. 1286. NICOLSON, MARJORIE H. The Authorship of Henry the Eighth. Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, Sept. 1922, XXXVII, 484-502. 1287. NORDSTRÖM, JOHAN. Wanderings of a Second Folio. N. and Q., Nov. 4, 1922, XI, 365–6; cf. Nov. 18, p. 413. 1288. ODELL, GEO. C. D. Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving. (Bibl. 1920, X, 6, 596; 1921, 1004.) Reviewed by Joseph Q. Adams in Yale Review, Apr. 1922, n.s., XI, 144-6. 1289. ORD, HUBERT. Chaucer and the Rival Poet in Shakespeare's Sonnets. (Bibl. 1921, 920.) Reviewed by J. F. G. de Montmorency in Contemp. Review, Jan. 1922, CXXI, 134-5; in T.L.S., May 4; cf. H. Ord in T.L.S., Corr., May 18, 1922; in Lit. Review, Feb. 18, 1922, P. 435. 1290. РАСКARD, EDGAR S. Conflicts in The Merchant of Venice. English Journ., Mar. 1922, XI, 184-7. 1291. PARSONS, J. DENHAM. A Shakespeare Controversy. Lit. Review, Oct. 8, 1921, p. 78. Reply by Frederick E. Pierce, ibid.; Parsons rejoins, ibid., Aug. 5, 1922, pp. 862-4. [On a Shakespeare cipher.] 1292. POEL, WILLIAM. The Elizabethan "Hamlet." Hibbert, Oct. 1922, XXI, 121-6. 1293. - The First Quarto "Hamlet": An Elizabethan Actor's Emendations. N. and Q., Oct. 14, 1922, XI, 301-3. 1294. A One-Volume Shakespeare. T.L.S., Corr., Aug. 31, 1922; cf. W. Jaggard, ibid., Sept. 7. 1295. Shakespeare: a Standard Text. (Memoranda for Council of the London Shakespeare League.) T.L.S., Corr., Jan. 26, 1922. 1296. POPOVIĆ, PAVLE. Shakespearian Story in Serbian Folklore. Folk-Lore, Mar. 1922, XXXIII, 72-90. 1297. POURTALÈS, GUY DE. N'y aurait-il plus d'affaire Shakespeare? Rev. Hebdom., 16 déc. 1922. 1298. Powys, LLEWELYN. Sir John Falstaff, Knight. The Free M.H.R.A. 7 man, Sept. 27, 1922, VI, 55-6. Comment by Herman Simpson in The Freeman, Oct. 18, 1922, VI, 138-9; by Paul G. Gregory, ibid., Nov. 1, 1922, VI, 187. 1299. PRICE, H. T. Henry V, Act 11, Chorus, 11. 41-2. Mod. Lang. Review, July 1922, XVII, 293-4. 1300. PURVES, John. Sacchetti-and a Point in Giraldi Cintio's Bibliography. T.L.S., Corr., May 4, 1922. 1301. Shakespeare the English Æschylus. Mod. Lang. Review, Jan. 1922, XVII, 73-4. 1302. QUILLER-COUCH, Sir Arthur and WILSON, JOHN DOVER (eds.). The New Shakespeare. (Bibl. 1921, 931.) Cambridge: Univ. Press. Fcap. 8vo. Vol. 1. The Tempest. 1921. pp. lx, 116 (3 illus.). 7s. 6d. and 10s. 6d. Reviewed by W. W. Greg in Mod. Lang. Review, Apr. 1922, XVII, 174-91 [important]; by A. G. van Kranendonk in English Studies, June 1922, IV, 121–2; by W. Keller in Shak. Jahrb., 1922, LVIII, 120−1. Vol. II. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. pp. xxії, 110 (frontisp.). 6s. and Ios. Reviewed in Lond. Quart. Review, Jan. 1922, XXIII, 131. Vol. 111. The Merry Wives of Windsor. pp. xl, 150 (frontisp.). 8s. and 10s. 6d. Vols. 1-111 reviewed by H. M. R. Murray in Modern Languages, Apr. 1922, III. 148-9. Vol. IV. Measure for Measure. 1922. pp. xlix, 176 (frontisp.). 7s, and 10s. 6d. Reviewed in N. and Q., Mar. 1922, X, 179; in The New Statesman, Mar. 25, 1922, XVIII, 706; in The Nation-Athen., Mar. 11, 18, 1922, XXX, 864-6, 897-8. Vol. v. The Comedy of Errors. pp. xxiv, 128 (frontisp.). 6s. and 10s. 6d. Reviewed in N. and Q., Aug. 19, 1922, XI, 160. 1303. RADDATZ, WILLIAM JOSEPH. Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare. Cleveland, Ohio: The Stratford Press, 1921. 20 cm. pp. 117. $1.50. A new study of the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy. 1304. RADEBRECHT, FRIEDRICH. Shakespeares Abhängigkeit von John Marston. (Neue Anglistische Arbeiten, III. Herausgegeben von L. L. Schücking und Max Deutschbein.) Cöthen: Otto Schulze, 1918. pp. xiv, 122. 4 M. Reviewed by H. B. Charlton in Mod. Lang. Review, July 1922, XVII, 301-3; by R. Ackermann in Literaturblatt, July-Aug. 1922, XLIII, 239-40. 1305. REA, JOHN DOUGAN. Julius Caesar, II. 1. 10-34. Mod. Lang. Notes, June 1922, xxxvII, 374–6. 1306. REDIN, MATS. Shakespeares Sonetter. Edda, Kristiania, 1922, Part 2, pp. 1-28. The Friend in Shakespeare's Sonnets. Engl. Stud., 1307. Oct. 1922, LVI, 390-407. 1308. REID, J. S. Shakespeare's "Living Art." [On Love's Labour's Lost, 1. i. 12, 13.] Philol. Quarterly, July 1922, 1, 226-7. 1309. RHODES, RAYMOND CROMPTON. The Stagery of Shakspere. Birmingham: Cornish Bros., Ltd., 1922. 17 cm. pp. xi, 102. Reviewed by Brander Matthews in New York Times Book Review, May 21, 1922, p. 9; in T.L.S., Feb. 2, 1922; by A. W. Pollard in The Library, Sept. 1922, III, 143-4. 1310. ROBBINS, ALFRED. Shakespeare's Sonnets and Congreve. N. and Q., Aug. 19, 1922, XI, 145. 1311. ROBERTS, JOHN HAWLEY. The Nine Worthies. [On Love's Labour's Lost.] Modern Philology, Feb. 1922, XIX, 297-305. 1312. ROBERTSON, JOHN MACKINNON. Croce as Shakespearean Critic. London: Routledge, 1922. 21.5 cm. pp. 32. Reviewed by Samuel C. Chew in The New Republic, Aug. 30, 1922, XXXII, 24-5; in The New Statesman, Mar. 25, 1922, XVIII, 706; in The NationAthen., Mar. 11, 18, 1922, XXX, 864-6, 897-8. 1313. The Shakespeare Canon. New York: Dutton; London: Routledge, 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. xvi, 205. $5 and 12s. 6d. Contents: I. The Origination of 'Henry V.' II. The Origination of 'Julius Caesar.' III. The Authorship of 'Richard III.' Reviewed in T.L.S., Mar. 30; cf. William Poel in T.L.S., Corr., Apr. 13: J. M. Robertson, Apr. 20: W. Poel, Apr. 27: J. M. Robertson, May 4: W. Poel, May 11: Sir George Greenwood, June 1; in The New Statesman, Mar. 25, 1922, XVIII, 706; in The Nation-Athen., Mar. 11, 18, 1922, XXX, 864-6, 897-8; by Felix E. Schelling in Lit. Review, Sept. 9, 1922, p. 5; by Samuel C. Chew in The New Republic, Aug. 30, 1922, XXXII, 24-5. 1314. The Re-Surveying of Shakespeare. Contemp. Review, Sept. 1922, CXXII, 314-23; cf. William Archer, in June issue. 1315. ROLLAND, ROMAIN. Die Wahrheit in dem Werke Shakespeares. (Bibl. 1920, X, 602.) Reviewed by H. Jantzen in Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterricht, 1922, XXI, 136. 1316. ROLLINS, HYDER E. Shakespeare Allusions. N. and Q., Mar. 25, 1922, X, 224; cf. M. R. James, ibid., Apr. 15, p. 286. 1317. RUBINSTEIN, H. F. and BAX, CLIFFORD. Shakespeare: a Play in Five Episodes. (Bibl. 1921, 940.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1921. Reviewed in North Amer. Review, Apr. 1922, CCXV, 572-4; in Lit. Review, May 13, 1922, p. 658; by S. Y. in The New Republic, Aug. 2, 1922, XXXI, 284; by R. A. P. in The Freeman, Sept. 20, 1922, VI, 46. Criticised by W. J. Turner in Mercury, May 1922, VI, 89-90. SAVAGE, RICHARD. (Bibl. 1921, 838.) See above under John Shakespeare. 1318. SCHELLING, FELIX EMANUEL. The Seedpod of Shakespearean Criticism. Univ. of Pennsylvania Bulletin, Jan. 29, 1921, XXI, 18, 141-57. 1319. SCHNEIDER, KARL. Heinrich Wilhelm von Gerstenberg als Verkünder Shakespeare's. Shak. Jahrb., 1922, LVIII, 39-45. 1320. Shakespeare's Italienische Novellen, ed. (transl.) by PAUL SCHUBRING. Hortus Deliciarum, xv. Berlin: F. Bard, 1920. Reviewed by W. Keller in Shak. Jahrb., 1922, LVIII, 143. 1321. SCHÜCKING, LEVIN L. Die Charakterprobleme bei Shakespeare: eine Einführung in das Verständniss des Dramatikers. (Bibl. 1920, X, 605.) Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1919. Reviewed by Karl Young in Philol. Quarterly, July 1922, 1, 228-34. 1322. Character Problems in Shakespeare's Plays: a Guide to the Better Understanding of the Dramatist. New York: Holt; London: Harrap, 1922. 8vo. pp. 269. $3.50 and 10s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Sept. 7; by Desmond MacCarthy in The New Statesman, Nov. 25, 1922, XX, 236–8; in The Spectator, Sept. 9, 1922, CXXIX, 339; in The Nation-Athen., Sept. 23, 1922, XXXI, 825-6; by Charlotte Stopes in Sat. Review, Oct. 14, 1922, CXXXIV, 533-4; Corr., ibid., Oct. 21, 1922; by J. B. Priestley in Mercury, Jan. 1923, VII, 325-6. 1322a. SEDLÁČEK, FRANT. Croceův Shakespeare. (Shakespeare as seen by Benedetto Croce.) Časopis pro moderní filologii, VIII, 1921-2. 131 ss. 1323. SIMPSON, PERCY. Sir Sidney Lee on Elizabethan Punctuation. T.L.S., Corr., July 13, 1922; cf. Sidney Lee, July 20. 1324. SINGLETON, Esther. The Shakespeare Garden. New York: The Century Co., 1922. 21 cm. pp. xxii, 360. Illus. $3. Reviewed in Lit. Review, Dec. 9, 1922, p. 305; by Helen Buckler in The Nation, Dec. 6, 1922, cxv, 723; by C. M. in The Boston Transcript, Nov. 4, 1922, p. 1. 1325. SLAUGhter, GertruUDE. Shakespeare and the Heart of a Child. New York: Macmillan, 1922. 19.3 cm. pp. xii, [2], 262. 10 illus. SMITH, HENRIE. See below under Authors. 1326. SMITH, WINIFRED. Two Commedie dell' Arte on the Measure for Measure Story. Romanic Review, July-Sept. 1922, XIII, 263-75. 1327. SMITHSON, E. W. Baconian Essays. With an Introduction and two Essays by Sir George GreeNWOOD. Palmer, 1922. 8vo. pp. 230. 12s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Oct. 12, 1922; cf. Sir G. Greenwood, T.L.S., Corr., Oct. 19; by J. B. Priestley in Mercury, Dec. 1922, VII, 215. 1328. SNIDER, DENTON JAQUES. A Biography of William Shakespeare, Set Forth as His Life Drama. (Literary Bibles and Biographies of Their Authors.) St Louis, Mo.: William Harvey Miner Co., 1922. 18 cm. pp. 523. $1.50. 1329. SPARGO, JOHN WEBSTER. An Interpretation of Falstaff. Washington Univ. Studies, Hum. Ser., Apr. 1922, IX, 119-33. 1330. SQUIRE, J. C. The Clown of Stratford. A Comedy in one act. Mercury, Nov. 1922, VII, 18-25. 1331. STEFANI, ALESSANDRO DE. W. Shakespeare, La Tragedia di Macbeth. Testo italiano conforme all' Originale inglese. Note ed Appendice. Torino: Fratelli Bocca, 1922. 8vo. pp. 510. Lire 46. Reviewed by Max Koch in Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterricht, 1922, XXI, 234-5 1332. STEFANOVIĆ, SVETISLAV. Shakespeare: Othello; Hamlet. [Serbian translations.] Belgrade, 1922. 10 and 12 dinars. 1333. STEINHÄUSER, KAROLINA. Die neueren Anschauungen über die Echtheit von Shakespeares 'Pericles.' Mit einem Anhang über stilistische Kriterien. Würzburger Beitr. zur engl. Literaturgesch., IV. Heidelberg: Winter, 1918. 8vo. pp. iv, 136. Reviewed by R. Ackermann in Literaturblatt, Nov.-Dec. 1922, XLIII, 370-1. |