LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1922 I. GENERAL 1. BAUMGARTEN, OTTO. Religiöses und kirchliches Leben in England. Handbuch der engl.-amerikanischen Kultur. Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1922. 8vo. pp. iv, 122. Reviewed by W. Hübner in Archiv, Aug. 1922, CXLIII, 283–5; by G. Hübener in Anglia Beibl., Nov. 1922, XXXIII, 216–20; by W. Keller in Shak. Jahrb. 1922, LVIII, 142. 2. CHAMBERS, R. W. The Teaching of English in the Universities of England. With a Note in Comment on the Article by John Bailey. Engl. Assoc., Pamphlet 53, July 1922. 8vo. 9 × 6. pp. 36. IS. [A Criticism on part of 'The Teaching of English in England,' see below.] 3. LAPSLEY, G. The America of To-day. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1919. pp. xxv, 254. 12s. net. Reviewed by S. B. Liljegren in Engl. Stud., Oct. 1922, LVI, 446–53. 4. LEVY, H. Die Englische Wirtschaft. Handbuch der engl.amerikanischen Kultur. Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner, 1922. 8vo. pp. iv, 153. Reviewed by G. Hübener in Anglia Beibl., Sept. 1922, XXXIII, 185–92; by A. Brandl in Archiv, Aug. 1922, CXLIII, 282-3; by W. Keller in Shak. Jahrb. 1922, LVIII, 142–3. 5. Soziologische Studien über das englische Volk. Jena: G. Fischer, 1920. 8vo. pp. viii, 144. Reviewed by Wilh. Dibelius in Archiv, Oct. 1922, LXXVI, 118-22. 6. McKERROw, R. B. A Note on the "Teaching of English Language and Literature,” 1921. (Bibl. 1921, 5.) Reviewed by George Sampson in Mercury, July 1922, VI, 335. 7. ORÉANS, KARL. Neuere Geschichte Englands. Entwicklung seiner Kultur-, Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Staatengeschichte vom Mittelalter bis zum Weltkrieg. Bonn and Leipzig: K. Schröder, 1921. 8vo. 3 vols. pp. 1133. Reviewed by Karl Arns in Zeits. f. franz. u. engl. Unterricht, 1922, XXI, 236–7. 8. SAMPSON, GEORGE. English for the English: a Chapter on National Education. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1921. 20:5 cm. pp. viii, 112. (Bibl. 1921, 492.) Reviewed by James Wilson Bright in Mod. Lang. Notes, November 1922, XXXVII, 7, 445–7. 9. SCHUCHHARDT, CARL. Alteuropa in seiner Kultur und Stilentwicklung. Strassburg and Berlin: Trübner, 1919. 8vo. pp. xii, 350. Reviewed by G. Binz in Anglia Beibl., March 1922, XXXIII, 49–61; by K. Schumacher in Gött. gel. Anz., 1921, CLXXXIII, 84-99. 10. STEARNS, HAROLD E. (éd.). Civilization in the United States. An Inquiry by Thirty Americans. London: J. Cape; New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. x, 577. 25s. Includes: Scholarship and Criticism, J. E. Spingarn; Literary Life, Van Wyck M.H.R.A. I Brooks; Poetry, Conrad Aiken; The Theatre, Geo. J. Nathan. Reviewed by Carl Van Doren, Oswald Garrison Villard, Freda Kircheney, Ludwig Lewisohn, Norman Thomas, Arthur Warner, Ernest H. Gruening, and Lewis S. Gannett in The Nation, Feb. 22, 1922, cxiv, 222-7; in The Freeman, Aug. 23, 1922, V, 574-5; in Amer. Polit. Science Review, May 1922, XVI, 337; by Zechariah Chafee, Jr., in The Atlantic Monthly, Apr. 1922; by Clark S. Northup in The Cornell Alumni News; by John Erskine in The Bookman, Apr. 1922, IV, 192; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, Jan. 28, 1922, CVIII, 85; in Lit. Review, Jan. 28, 1922, p. 377; by William A. White in same, Feb. 11, 1922, p. 414; by H. M. Kallen in The New Republic, March 8, 1922, xxx, 54; by Brander Matthews in New York Times Book Review, Feb. 12, 1922, p. 18; by Lawrence Gilman in North Amer. Review, May 1922, CCxv, 698; in The Outlook, May 3, 1922, CXXXI, 41; in The Springfield Republican, Jan. 15, 1922, p. 13a; in T.L.S., Apr. 6, 1922. II. The Teaching of English in England. Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the President of the Board of Education, 1921. (Bibl. 1921, 8.) Reviewed by J. C. Squire in Mercury, Jan. 1922, V, 225–8; by George Sampson, ibid. July 1922, VI, 334-5; by R. G. Moulton in Contemp. Review, Apr. 1922, CXXI, 474–81; cf. F. S. Boas, T.L.S., Corr., Aug. 24; and T.L.S. (Leading article, "The English Secret"), Sept. 28, 1922; by J. E. G. de Montmorency in Contemp. Review, Feb. 1922, cxxi, 258–60; by Edith Morley in Discovery, Feb. 1922, 111, 52–4. See further R. W. Chambers, The Teaching of English in the Universities of England, Engl. Assoc. Pamphlet 53; and John Bailey, ibid. 12. The Teaching of English. Memorandum issued by the Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. xii, 60. 2s. 6d. 13. Texte und Forschungen zur englischen Kulturgeschichte, Festgabe für Felix Liebermann zum 20. Juli 1921. Halle: Niemeyer, 1921. 8vo. pp. 369. Contents: 1. Sievers, E., Zum Widsith, pp. 1–19. 2. Fehr, B., Altenglische Ritualtexte für Krankenbesuch, heilige Ölung und Begräbnis, pp. 20–67. 3. Wildhagen, K., Das Kalendarium der Handschrift Vitellius E xvIII, pp. 68-118. 4. Förster, Max, Keltisches Wortgut im Englischen, pp. 119–242. 5. Morsbach, L., Drei englische Urkunden des xv. Jahrhunderts, pp. 243–51. 6. Brandl, Alois, Zur Vorgeschichte der 'Weird Sisters'im‘Macbeth,' pp. 252–70. 7. Goldschmidt, A., Der angelsächsische Stil in der mittelalterlichen Malerei, pp. 271-6. 8. Schwerin, U. Frh. von, Zur Entwicklung der Teilnahme im angelsächsischen Recht, pp. 277–300. 9. Boehmer, H., Das Eigenkirchentum in England, pp. 301–53. 10. Salomon, Felix, Das Problem der Organisation des britischen Weltreiches, pp. 354–69. Reviewed by J. Tait in Engl. Hist. Review, July 1922, XXXVII, 424–6. 14. WHITE, H. A. English Study and English Writing. London: D. C. Heath, 1922. 6s. II. BIBLIOGRAPHY 15. ABRAHAMS, ALECK. Thomas Frognal Dibdin. N. and Q., June 7, 1922, X, 461–3. 16. ALDRED, THOMAS. A List of English and American Sequel Stories. Assoc. of Assist. Librarians, 1922. 8vo. pp. 74. 6s. Reviewed in T.L.S., Aug. 31; cf. Edw. Prime-Stevenson, T.L.S., Corr., Nov. 30, 1922. 17. AUSTIN, ROLAND. Tercentenary Handlist of Newspapers. (See Bibl. 1921, 40.) N. and Q., Mar. 11, 1922, X, 191–4; ibid. Mar. 18, X, 213-4. 18. Australian Literature: (1) by D. M. Wright, Mercury, Jan. 1922, V, 301-2, Corr.; (2) by Hector Dinning, Mercury, Oct. 1922, VI, 641, 646-8. 19. BARTLETT, HENRIETTA COLLINS. Mr William Shakespeare: Original and Early Editions of his Quartos and Folios, his Source Books and those containing Contemporary Notices. Newhaven: Yale Univ. Press; London: H. Milford, 1922. 24 cm. pp. xxviii, 217. 12s. 6d. and $3. Reviewed in The New Statesman, July 15, 1922, XIX, 422; in Sat. Review, July 29, 1922, CXXXIV, 178–9; Corr. in Sat. Review, Aug. 5; by I. A. Williams in Mercury, Sept. 1922, VI, No. 35, P. 524; in T.L.S., June 15; by Belle da Costa Greene in Lit. Review, Sept. 16, 1922, p. 30; by Ashley M. Thorndike in New York Times Book Review, July 9, 1922, p. 2 (illus.). 20. BAUGH, Albert Croll, HAMILTON, George LivingsTONE and SHUMWAY, DANIEL BUSSIER. American Bibliography for 1921. Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, March 1922, XXXVII, I−29. BEATY, JOHN O. See under Nineteenth Cent.: Cooke, John Esten. 21. BECHHOFER, C. E. Recent American Literature. T.L.S., Jan. 12, 19, 26, 1922. 22. A Bibliographical Catalogue of the First Loan Exhibition of Books and Manuscripts held by the First Edition Club, 1922. The Club, 17 Pall Mall East. 9 × 6. pp. 178. 21s. 23. Bibliographical Society of America: Papers. Cambridge: Univ. Press. Roy. 8vo. Vol. XIV, Part i, pp. 48, 1920, 12s.; Vol. xv, Part i, pp. 60, 1921, IIS. 24. Bibliographical Society (England). Hon Secs.: A. W. Pollard, R. B. McKerrow. Publications and Trans. Oxford: Univ. Press, Milford. [Separately listed.] 25. The Bibliographical Society of Ireland: Short Papers, Feb. 1920-Feb. 1921. Dublin: Falconer, 1922. 81 × 51. pp. 22. 26. Bibliographies of Modern Authors Series.. (Bibl. 1921, 12.) Edited by I. A. Williams. Cr. 8vo. pp. 13. Chaundy. 7s. 6d. and Is. 6d. No. 4. J. C. Squire and James Stephens. 27. BLOOм, J. HARVEY. English Tracts, Pamphlets and Printed Sheets: a Bibliography. Vol. I, 1473-1650. Wallace Gandy, 1922. 8 × 54. PP: 232. 63s. Reviewed in N. and Q., June 3, 1922, X, 438–9. 28. BOEHME, JACOB. An Extract from the Catalogue of Printed Books at the British Museum. Brit. Mus., 1922. 14 × 10. pp. 13. 2s. 29. Book Auctions Records. A priced and annotated record of London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and American Book Auctions. Vol. xvIII, Part 4. Stevens, Sons and Stiles, 1922. 81 × 51. pp. xliii, lviii, 631, 822. 30. Book Review Digest (The). 17th Annual Cumulation with Cumulated Index, 1917–1921; Reviews of 1921 Books. Edited by Marion A. Knight and Mertice M. James. New York: H. W. Wilson and Co., 1922. 25.5 cm. pp. xii, 724. $6. 31. Book Prices Current: A record of the Prices at which Books have been sold at auction from Oct. 1920 to Aug. 1921. Elliot Stock. Vol. xxxv. 9 × 6. pp. xi, 989. 32. BRITISH MUSEUM: Subject Index of the Modern Books acquired by the British Museum, 1916-1920, other than those relating to the European War. 1922. 10 × 63. pp. 1012. 73s. 6d. British Museum. See above under J. Boehme. 33. Britwell Books (The) and The Britwell Anonymiana. T.L.S. (Notes on Sales), Feb. 16, 23, 1922. 34. Britwell Court Library (The). Mercury, Jan. 1922, v, 295-6; ibid. March, 1922, V, 522. 35. John Carter Brown Library (The). T.L.S. (Notes on Sales), Apr. 27, 1922. 36. Burdett-Coutts Library (The). T.L.S. (Notes on Sales), March 30, May 18, 25, 1922. 37. CANT, MONICA. A Bibliography of English Drama from 1890 to 1920. Library Assoc. Record, Feb. 1922. PP. 41-57. 38. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Books by Catholic Authors in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh: a Classified and Annotated List. 2nd ed. Pittsburgh: The Library, 1921. 23 cm. pp. 325. 39. Cassiobury Library. T.L.S. (Notes on Sales), Nov. 9, 1922. 40. COLBY, ELBRIDGE. A Bibliography of Thomas Holcroft. Bulletin of the New York Public Library, June-Sept. 1922, XXVI, 455-92, 664-86, 765-87. 41. CONANT, Mrs ISABELLA FISKE, comp. Books by 20th century American Poets. The Library Journal, Feb. 1, 1922, XLVII, 119. 42. COTTON, Albert Louis. Association Books. Contemp. Review, Oct. 1922, CXXII, 480-8. 43. DANCHIN, F. C. Le Roman Anglais (revue annuelle). Revue Germanique, April-June 1922. DANIEL, C. H. O. See below under Falconer Madan. 44. DAWSON, LOLETA IRENE and HUNTTING, MARION DAVIS. European War Fiction in English and Personal Narratives; Bibliographies. Boston: F. W. Faxon Co., 1921. 22 cm. pp. 120. Useful Reference Series 25. $1.75 net. Reviewed in Lit Review, Feb. 18, 1922, P. 435. 45. DE RICCI, SEYMOUR. The Book Collector's Guide: a Practical Seventeenth Handbook of British and American Bibliography. New York and Philadelphia: Rosenbach Co., 1922. $10. Reviewed in T.L.S. (Notes on Sales), Apr. 6, 1922; in The Library, June 1922, 111, 64–6. DOBELL, PERCY J. John Dryden: Bibliographical Memoranda. See under Eighteenth Century: Dryden. 46. ENGLISH ASSOCIATION. The Year's Work in English Studies, 1920-21. Vol. II. Edited by Sir Sidney Lee and Dr F. S. Boas. Oxford: Univ. Press, Milford, 1922. Members, 3s. 6d.; non-members, 7s. 6d. 47. English Catalogue of Books, 1921. Publishers' Circular, 1922. Roy. 8vo. pp. 323. 15s. 47 a. ESDAILE, ARUNDELL (ed.). A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668-1725. Bibl. Soc. Reviewed by I. A. Williams in Mercury, Dec., VII, 187. 48. FAXON, FREDERICK WINTHROP, ed. The Annual Magazine Subject-Index, 1920. Including as Part 2 The Dramatic Index, 1920. Boston: F. W. Faxon Co., 1921. 8vo. 2 vols. in 1. $15. FREEMAN, JOHN. See under Twentieth Century: Moore, George. 49. GASELEE, STEPHEN. Early Printed Books in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1921. (Bibl. 1921, 25.) Reviewed in The Library, June 1922, III, 61–2. 50. A Listof the Published Writings of CHARLES MILLS GAYLEY. Gayley Anniv. Papers, pp. 285-92. Univ. of California Publ. in Modern Philology, XI. 51. GILLMAN, IANTHE. Sir Thomas Phillips. Collector of Manuscripts. N. and Q., Mar. 25, 1922, X, 230; cf. April 15, x, 295. 52. GRAHAM, BESSIE. The Bookman's Manual: a Guide to Literature. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1921. 22 cm. pp. xi [2], 434. $2.50. Reviewed in Lit. Review, Jan. 21, 1922, p. 370. 53. GRAY, G. J. A Book Collector's Guide. T.L.S., Apr. 13, 1922. 54. GREG, W. W. Notes on Old Books. The Library, June 1922, III, 53-7. 55. GRIFFITH, REGINALD HARVEY. Alexander Pope: a Bibliography. i. 1. Pope's Own Writings, 1709-1734. Austin, Tex: Univ. of Texas Press, 1922. 8vo. pp. xxxv, 297. Reviewed by Robert A. Law in The Alcade, Feb. 1923, X, 1840–1. HALL, T. WALTER. See under M.E.: Charters. 55 a. HARRIS, RENDEL and JONES, STEPHEN K. The Pilgrim Press. A Bibliographical and Historical Memorial of the Books printed at Leyden by the Pilgrim Fathers. With a chapter on the location of the Pilgrim Press in Leyden by Dr Plooli. Cambridge: Heffer. 9 × 6. pp. 89. 7s. 6d. Reviewed in T.L.S., Dec. 7, 1922. HUBBARD, LUCIUS LEE. See under Eighteenth Century: Swift. 56. JAMES, C. W. Some Notes upon the Manuscript Library at Holkham [of Sir Edward Coke, 1551/2-1634, and of Thomas Coke, 1697-1759]. The Library, March 1922, 11, 213-37. 57. JAMES, MONTAGU RHODES. A Descriptive Catalogue of the |