: : ADVERTISEMENT. IT is necessary to acquaint the Reader, that the references in this volume are marked from the last elegant London edition of Mr. Sterne's works in ten volumes. Price two Guineas. BEAUTIES OF STERNE. Y THE PRECEPTOR. OU see 'tis high time, said my father, addreff ing himself equally to my uncle Toby and Yorick, to take this young creature out of these womens' hands, and put him into those of a private governor. Now as I consider the person who is to be about my fon, as the mirror in which he is to view himself from morning to night, and by which he is to adjust his looks, his carriage, and perhaps the inmost sentiments of his heart ;-I would have one, Yorick, if poffible, polished at all points, fit for my child to look into. There is, continued my father, a certain mien and motion of the body and all its parts, both in acting and speaking, which argues a man well within. B within. There are a thousand unnoticed openings, continued my father, which let a penetrating eye at once into a man's foul; and I maintain it, added he, that a man of sense does not lay down his hat in coming into a room, -or take it up in going out of it, but fomething escapes, which disco vers him. I will have him, continued my father, cheerful, faceté, jovial; at the same time, prudent, attentive to business, vigilant, acute, argute, inventive, quick in refolving doubts and speculative questions; -he shall be wife and judicious, and learned:And why not humble, and moderate, and gentle tempered, and good? faid Yorick; -And why not, cried my uncle Toby, free, and generous, and bountiful, and brave?-He shall, my dear Toby, replied my father, getting up and shaking him by his hand. Then, brother Shandy, answered my uncle Toby, raising himself off the chair, and laying down his pipe to take hold of my father's other hand, I humbly beg I may recommend poor Le Fever's fon to you;-a tear of joy of the first water sparkled in my uncle Toby's eye, and another, the fellow to it, in the Coporal's, as the proposition was made;-you will fee why when read Le Fever's story. THE |