Abbildungen der Seite

All Deeds,

tions, &c.,

enjoye and use, to them and to their successors for ever more, all mannor of mannors lorshippes rectories parsonages landes tenementes rentes services annuyties advousons of Churches possessions pencions porcions and hereditamentes, and all manner of liberties fraunchises immunytes quietances and pryvileges view of frankpledge lawedaies and other thinges whatsoever they be, the which either of the said corporated bodies of either of the said Universities had held occupied or enjoyed, or of right ought to have had used occupied and enjoyed, at any tyme or tymes before the making of this Acte of Parlyament; according to the true intent and meaninge aswell of the said Lettres Patentes made by the said noble Prynce King Henrye Theight, made and graunted to the Chauncellor and Schollers of the Unyversitie of Oxford, bearing date as is aforesaid, as of the Lettres Patentes of the Queenes Majestie made and graunted unto the Chauncellor Masters and Schollers of the Universitie of Cambridge, bearing date as aforesaid, and as accordinge to the true intent and meaninge of all other the foresaid Lettres Patentes whatsoever; any Statute or other thinge or thinges whatsoever heretofore made or don to the contrary in anye manner of wyse notwithstandinge.

4. And be it further enacted by thaucthority aforesaid, Obliga- that all manner of instrumentes indentures obligacions writinges obligatory and recognisaunses, made or knowversity by ledged by any person or persons or body corporate to

made to either Uni

any former De

scription, declared valid.

either of the said corporated bodies of either of the said Universities, by what name or names soever the said Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities have ben heretofore called in any of the said instrumentes indentures obligacions writinges obligatori or recognizaunces, shalbe from henceforth avaylable, stand and contynue of good perfect and full force and strength, to the nowe Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities and to their successors, to all intentes construccions and purposes; althoughe they or their predecessors or any of them, in any of the said instrumentes indentures obligacions writinges obligatory or recognyzaunzes, be named by any name contrary or dyverse to

the name of the nowe Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities.

and Liber


fied and

5. And bee it also enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid, All Patents that aswell the said Lettres Patentes of the Queenes Highnes ties grantsaid father Kinge Henry Theight, bearing date as is before ed to either expressed, made and graunted to the said corporate bodye sity, by of the said Universitie of Oxon, as the Letters Patentes any former Descripof the Queenes Majestie aforesaid, graunted to the Chaun- tion, raticellor Maisters and Schollers of the Universitie of Cambridg, confirmed. bearing date as aforesaid, and all other Lettres Patentes by any of the progenitors or predecessors of her Highnes, and all manner of liberties fraunchises immunyties quietances and previlidges letes lawedayes and other thinges whatsoever therein expressed, geven or graunted to the said Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities or to anye of their predecessors of either of the said Universities, by whatsoever name the said Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities in any of the said Letters Patentes be named, in and by vertue of this present Acte shalbe from henceforth ratyfied stablished and confirmed unto the said Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities and to their successors for ever; any Statute lawe usage custom construccion or other thing to the contrary in any wyse notwithstanding.

Titles of

6. Savinge to all and every person and persons and bodies Proviso for politike and incorporate, their heyres and successors, and Strangers, the heires and successors of every of them, other then to Lessees,&c. the Quenes Majestie her heires & successors, all such rightes titles interestes entrees leases conditions charges and demaundes, which they and every of them had might or should have had, of in or to any the mannors lordshippes rectories parsonages landes tenementes rentes services annuyties advousons of Churches pencions porcions hereditamentes and all other thinges in the said Lettres Patentes or in any of them mencioned or comprysed, by reason of any right title charge interest or condicion to them or any of them, or to the auncestors or predecessors of them or any of them, devolute or growne before the several dates of the same Lettres Patentes, or by reason of any gyfte

and Bur

Kesses of

and Oxford.

graunte demyse or other acte or actes at any tyme made or don betwene the said Chauncelor Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities of Cambridge and Oxford or any of them & others, by what name or names soever the same were made or don, in like manner and fourme as they and every of them had or might have had the same before the making of this Acte; any thinge &c.

Proviso for 7. Provyded alwaies and be it enacted by thaucthoritie Liberties of aforesaid, that this Acte or anye thinge therin contayned the Mayor, Bailiffs, shall not extend to the prejudice or hurt of the liberties & privileges of right belonging to the Maior Bayliffes & Cambridge Burgeses of the Towne of Cambridge and Cittie of Oxford; but that they the said Maiors Bayliffes and Burgeses and every of them and their successors shalbe and contynew fre in such sort and degree, and enjoye such liberties fredomes and ymmunyties, as they or any of them lawfully may or might have don before the making of this present Acte; any thing contayned in this present Acte to the contrary notwithstandinge.

13 Eliz.

as to Leases

&c., shall

in Cities or


14 Euiz. Cap. XI.

An Acte for the continuacion explanacion perfiting and enlardging of divers Estatutes.

5. And where in one other Acte made in the said thirc. 10, 8. 2, teenth yeere, entituled An Acte against fraudulent Gyftes by Colleges to the intent to defeate Dilapidations of Ecclesiasticall not extend Livinges, and for Leasses to bee graunted by Collegiate to Houses Churches, there ys one braunch to avoid certeyne Leasses to bee made by Maisters and Fellowes of Colledges, Deanes and Chapiters of Cathedrall or Collegiate Churches, Maisters or Gardians of any Hospitall, or by any Parson Vicar or any other having any spirituall or ecclesiasticall living; bee yt enacted, that the said braunche nor any thing therein conteyned shall not extend to any graunt assuraunce or Leasse of any Houses belonging to any the persons or bodyes. politique or corporate aforesaid, nor to any Groundes to such

Houses apperteyning, which Houses be scituate in any cytye boroughe towne corporate or market towne, or the suburbes of any of them; but that all such Houses and Groundes may bee granted dimised and assured, as by the lawes of this Realme and the severall Statutes of the said Colledges Cathedrall Churches and Hospitalles they lawfully might have been before the making of the said Statute, or lawfully might bee yf the said Statute were not; so alway that such House be not the Capitall or Dwelling House used for the habitacion of the persons abovesaid, nor have Ground to the same belonging above the quantitie of tenne acres; any thing in the said Acte to the contrary notwithstanding.

shall not be

nor for

more than

no House


7. Provided alwaye and be yt enacted, that no Leasse Leases shalbe permitted to bee made by force of this Acte in rever- in Reversion, nor without reserving the accustomed yeerely rent at sion &c., the leaste, nor without chardging the Lessee with the reparations, nor for longer tearme then fourtie yeeres at the 40 Years: most; nor any Houses shalbee permitted to bee aliened, shall be unlesse that in recompence thereof there shalbe afore, with, without or presently after such alienacion, good lawfull and sufficient equivalent. assurance made in fee simple absolutely to such Colledges Houses Bodyes Politique or Corporate, and their successours, of landes of as good value and of as greate yerely value at the leaste as so shalbee aliened; any Statute to the contrary notwithstanding.

18 Eziz. Cap. VI.

An Acte for the Maintenance of the Colledges in the Universityes, and of Winchester and Eaton.

FOR better maine the Universities of Cambridge and

NOR the better maintenance of learninge and the better For the



Oxforde and the Colledges of Winchester and Eaton, be ance of Colleges, yt enacted by the Quenes Majestie the Lordes Spirituall and &c. Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by thauctorytie of the same, that no Master


Colleges in

the two Univer

one third

at least

of the

old Rent

served in

or the va

lue paid, at the

Provoste Presydent Warden Deane Governor Rector or Chief Ruler of any Colledge Cathedrall Churche Halle or Howse of Learninge in any of the Universities aforesaide, nor no Provoste Warden or other Hed Officer of the saide Colledges of Winchester or Eaton, nor the corporacion of any of the same, by what tytle style or name soever they nowe be shall or may be called, after thende of this present On Leases Session of Parliament, shall make anye Lease for lief lieves of Lands of or yeeres of anie ferme or anie their landes tenementes or other heredytamentes to the which anie tythes errable sities, and lande meadowe or pasture dothe or shall apperteigne, excepte of the Col- that thone thirde parte at the leaste of tholde Rente be leges of Winchester reserved and paide in Corne for the saide Colleges Cathedrall and Eton, Churche Halles and Howses; that is to saye, in good Wheate after vjs. viijd. the quarter or under, and good Malte after vs. the quarter or under, to be delivered yerelie uppon shall be re dayes prefixed at the saide Colledges Cathedrall Churche Corn, to be Halles or Howses; and for defaulte thereof to paye to the delivered said Colledges Cathedrall Churche Halls or Howses in readie money, at the election of the saide Lessees their executors administrators and assignes, after the rate as the beste option of the Lessees, Wheate and Malte in the markett of Cambridge for the according Rentes that are to be paide to the use of the Howse or Howses ket price there, and in the market of Oxforde for the Rentes that are to be paide to the use of the Howse or Howses there, and in the market of Winchester for the Rentes that are to be paide to the use of the Howse or Howses there, and in the Windsor, market of Windesore for the Rentes that are to be paide tively. to thuse of the Howse or Howses at Eaton, ys or shalbe solde the nexte markett daye before the saide Rente shalbe due, All Leases withowte fraude or deceipte; and that all Leases otherwise hereafter to be made, and all collaterall bondes or assuraunce to the contrarye by anye of the saide corporacions, shalbe voyde in lawe to all intentes and purposes; the same Wheat Malte or the money cominge of the same to be expended to the use of the relief of the commons and diett of the saide Colledges Cathederall Churche Halles and Howses onlie, and by no fraude nor collor lett nor solde awaye from the profitt of the saide Colledges Cathedrall Churche Halles and Howses, and the Fellowes and Scollers in the same, and

to the mar

at Cam


Oxford, Winchester, and


&c. made

otherwise shall be void.

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