CLASS IV. continued. VOTE 1. EDUCATION. Expenses of the BOARD OF EDUCATION, and of the various Establishments connected Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. EXPLANATION Of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. Deficit Due to slight under-estimate of expenditure during a period of considerable pressure and of change. Surplus: Casual variation. The nature of this service precludes an exact estimate. Deficit This estimate was a considerable reduction on previous years, but owing to the impossibility of forecasting the inquiries that were held, it proved insufficient for the service. Surplus: Due to a further reduction in the work connected with Examinations, etc. Surplus Same observation. Surplus: Due to the reorganization of the Inspectorate and to the number of the Examination papers in advanced stages not having been so large as was anticipated. 41 Surplus: Due to the reorganization of the Inspectorate. Surplus: Casual variation. Surplus: Casual variation, chiefly in Disablement Allowances. Surplus: Casual variation. Surplus: Due to the average attendance on which payments were made being less than was anticipated. CLASS IV. continued. EDUCATION-continued. EXPLANATION Of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. Deficit Due to an unexpected increase in the number of Schools and the average attendance of Children attending them Surplus: Due to the final charges of this moribund service proving to be lighter than anticipated. Surplus: Casual variation. Surplus: Token sum not required Deficit Casual variation. Surplus: This is a new service, and no claims matured for payment within the period of account. Deficit Due to an overlap of Grants from 1904-5, in which year there was a saving. Surplus: Casual variation. Deficit: Casual variation. Surplus Due partly to resignations during the currency of the Scholarships and partly to a smaller number of Teachers having applied for Aid to attend Provincial Colleges. Surplus: Due to suitable Students' works not being available for purchase as examples and to the materials required for examinations being less costly than estimated for. The Estimate has been reduced by 2001. in 1906-07. Surplus: Due to Grants for Elementary Drawing and Manual Instruction in non-Public Schools having been slightly less than was estimated for, and to delay in forwarding the reports of the Inspectors t, the Board in time to enable payment to be made before the close of the year. The year 1905-6 was a transitional year, in which the Inspection of the Poor Law Schools was transferred from Special Poor Law Inspectors to the ordinary Staff of the Board. CLASS IV. continued. EDUCATION-continued. EXPLANATION Of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. Surplus: Due to changes in the Staff. Surplus: Due to the number of Students who availed themselves of the instruction afforded by the Board by its short courses having been less than was anticipated. Surplus Casual variation. This is further Expenditure in connection with the Committee of Inquiry, authorized by the Treasury, which was appointed to consider and report on certain matters affecting the Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines. Surplus: The nature of this service precludes any exact forecast being made, as the expenditure depends on the offer of desirable acquisitions and their inspection by the Board's Officers. Surplus It is impossible to estimate this expenditure very closely. Grant in Aid. Grant in Aid. Grant in Aid. |