Abbildungen der Seite

were sleeping, and in a short time every | Logios," of the 1st of September, 1819, transports it either to the Temple of Romubody was lively, and stared up to the pulpit contains, besides many other interesting ar-lus or the Church of St. Theodore. The with the greatest wonder. This was just ticles, a treatise in the form of Letters, on Temple of Saturn, (or rather the Acrarium) what Lassenius desired: for he immediately the many and important services which the is no longer the Church of St. Adrian; it began a most severe castigatory discourse, brothers Zosimas have done to Greece within is situated at the corner of the Consolazione, saying, "When I announce to you sacred these 20 years. The Messrs. Zosimas may where Nardi placed it; and the Basilica Juand important truths, you are not ashamed be numbered amongst the first benefactors of lia, and the Temple of Divus Cæsar, are in to go to sleep, but when I play the fool you that unhappy country. They established its vicinity. The Temple of Peace remains are all eye and all ear!" at Jannina, in Epirus, their native country, a in ashes, and in its place, according to M. Norway. On the 7th of December last, school of the first class, enriched it with an Nibby, are the ruins of a Basilick of Conthe barometer rose at Christiana to 29 excellent library, endowed it with consider- stantinus; the arcades, which were supposed inches 16 lines, a height which it has not at-able funds for the salaries of the Professors, to be so beautiful, are in bad taste, and the tained for many years. On the same day the appointed pensions for poor Students, and walls belong to the period when architecture sea was eight feet lower than it has been for upon the whole have spared no expence to was on the decline. The author informs us, the last twenty years; and the magnetic raise their country from its degraded state. that the Temple of Faustina was dedicated needle was so agitated, that Professor Gaus- To their liberality we owe the appearance of to Faustina the Younger, and not to the teen could not come to any exact conclusion. the Greek Library, which is edited by Mr. Elder: the words Divo Antonino were added This phenomenon seems to indicate a con- Coray. The eldest of the brothers Zosi- at a more recent period. No satisfactory vulsion in some part of the globe. mas has lived since his youth in the city of information can be collected respecting the Moscow, where he has formed a valuable Velatura of the Colyseum, which was to cabinet of antiquities, which is intended to protect the spectators from the heat of the be one day sent to Greece.

We extract the following from the Journal of the Department of the Meuse. It affords a fresh instance of spontaneous combustion, to which all, but particularly women, are liable, who indulge in the excessive use of spirituous liquors :

"The widow Godard, aged 55, who lodged in the house of the Sieur Schelaide, at Saint Mihiel, in this department, and who was addicted to intemperate drinking, was burnt in her apartment on the night of the 1st of January. About three o'clock in the morning, the Sieur Schelaide discovering a fœtid smell of burning through the partition which separated his apartment from that of the widow Godard, proceeded to force open her door. He found her lying on her left side, with her knees bent in the attitude of a person sitting; light flames were flitting above the body, which he easily extinguished with water, as the hydrogen gas was nearly exhausted. The clothes were entirely burnt, except a portion round the waist, the fragments of the stockings, and one of the shoes. A wicker chair, which was standing near the body, and a handkerchief which the deceased had worn on her head, were but little damaged. The head was only partially scorched, and the rest of the body was generally but unequally burnt. The stomach was entirely carbonized. An earthen chafing-pan, containing charcoal, was found near the body.



S. Kondos, a native of Greece, has began to publish a Greek Journal, under the title of The Bee (Melissa) or Greek Ephemerides." The first number, 120 pages, contains articles on Bees, Agriculture, Education, English Literature, Thucydides, &c. &c. The same Author is going to publish a "General History, Ancient and Modern," of which the first volume, dedicated to Count Capo d'Istria, contains Prolegomena, and a Sketch of the History of Egypt. Bobée, the Parisian bookseller, is publisher of both these works. Mr. Bombas, one of the first Professors in the great College at Chios, has published "Elements of Moral Philosophy," in I vol. 8vo. and dedicated to the Greek Patriarch at Constantinople, which has been received with the greatest approbation in all the Greek schools. The last nunber of this Greek Journal, Hermès ho

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Two caverns were discovered last week at Gravesend by the sinking of the earth. These excavations are most probably ancient chalk-pits of Roman origin. On the south side of one of them are the remains of a flint arch, about two feet wide, leading into the other.





JANUARY, 1820.
Thursday, 20-Thermometer from 27 to 35.
Barometer from 29, 72 to 29, 79.
Wind N.W. andN.E. 4.-Snow in the evening.
Friday, 21-Thermometer from 30 to 36.
Barometer from 29, 31 to 29, 82.
Wind S. N. 1 and N. 2.-Cloudy till the even-


Barometer from 30, 29 to 30, 20. Wind S. E. and S. 3.-Generally hazy, sunshine at times.

Monday, 24-Thermometer from 35 to 43.

Barometer from 30, 05 to 29, 72. Wind S. 4 and 3.- Generally cloudy, rain at times.

The forthcoming novel, entitled “) or Forty Years Ago," is not wholly a working, when it became clear. of fiction. It contains a correct picture of Saturday, 22-Thermometer from 14 to 28. Barometer, from 30, 15 to 30, 32. the state of London during those awful riots Wind N. E. Generally clear. which convulsed and threatened this vast metropoli. with destruction in 1780. It also Sunday, 23 - Thermometer from 10 to 37. comprehends curious particulars of a real journey and residence in some of the least explored parts of Africa" Forty years ago," and the great Saharra, on which no hero of romance (of avowed romance we mean), that we happen to be acquainted with, has ever ventured to set a foot. The celebrated Jo-Tuesday, 25 -Thermometer from 36 to 44. seph Wall, and Major Houghton, are Barometer from 30, 07 to 29,82. among the characters; and the persecu- Wind S, b. E. 14.--Generally cloudy. A fine tions sustained by the interesting and unfor-halo formed in the evening about 9. tunate traveller, from the tyranny of the murderous governor, is given on the authority of a correspondence which took place between them, from which two original letters are extracted, together with the substances of the charges preferred by Major Houghton against Governor Wall before he commenced that arduous and important enterprise which cost him his life.

Rain fallen,425 of an inch.
Wednesday, 26-Thermometer from 38 to 47.
Barometer from 29, 62 to 29, 82.
Wind S. W. 3 and 1.-Cloudy.
Rain fallen,175 of an inch.
Edmonton, Middlesex.


TO CORRESPONDENTS. M. Nibby, the antiquary, has just pubThe subject of Amicus' Letter has often received lished at Rome a work entitled, Del foro our best consideration. We feel gratified at having our Romano, della via sacera, dell anfiteatro Review classed with the Edinburgh and Quarterly; Flavio, e dei lunghi adgialenti. If the but the writer must readily see that it is impossible opinions of this antiquary should be con- for us to do justice to, and dismiss important works, firmed, many ancient ruins will change their as is their practice, in a single publication. They names, and several points of the topography give a quarterly volume; we, a weekly sheet; and of ancient Rome will be displaced. The we are under the necessity of continuing some subTemple of Jupiter Stator, (which has for jects through several Numbers, in order to afford any some years been called the Temple of Castor competent idea of their nature. We are careful to and Pollux) is in M. Nibby's work called the render the separation as little injurious to the interest Grecostasis; the Temple of Concord (after-break off where any absolute connexion exists. Were of the narration as possible, and seldom, if ever, wards called the Temple of Juno-Montae) we not to adopt this plan, the whole charm of vais now styled the Temple of Fortune. The riety, and the merit of noticing a greater number Temple of Vesta is no longer to be looked of books than any contemporary periodical, must for beneath the Farnese Gardens; M. Nibby | be banished from the Literary Gazette.


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Miscellaneous Advertisements,
Price, imperial quarto. 21s. or royal quarto, 16s. boards,

l'enezuela, fe.
Part Second of

In one thick Volume 8vo. with a large Map, price 158. (Connected with Literature and the Arts.) A SERIES of ENGRAVINGS, representing

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A STATISTICAL, COMMERCIAL, and with the Skeletons of some of the Lower Animals. By POLITICAL DESCRIPTION of VENEZUELA, THIS GALLERY, for the Exhibition and Sale

EDWARD MITCHELL, Engraver, Edinburgh. The TRINIDAD, MARGIRITA, and TOBAGO; of the Works of Modern Artists, will be opened

Explanatory References by JOHN BARCLAY, M. D. taining various Anecdotes and Obserrations, illustrative on Monday next, the 31st inst.

Lecturer on Anatomy, Fellow of the Royal College of of the past and present State of those interesting
By order,
GEORGE YOUNG, This work, the cheapest as well as the most com-

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with an Introduction and Notes, by the Editor. plete of the kind ever published in Britain, contains not Hic patet ingeniis campus : certusque merenti BOOKS PUBLISHED THS DAY.

only accurate copies of all the elegant Engravings of Stat favor · ornatur propriis industria donis !

Sue, illustrative of the Human Skeleton, but also a se- " It appears that M. Lavaysse ìg one of the few in2 tom, 8vo. 2-ks.

lection of Figures on the same subject from Albinus, habitants of the West Indies, who has endeavoured to MEMOIRES pour servir à L'HISTOIRE de and several Plates from Original Drawings, some of survey that quarter of the world with the eye of a phi

la VIE PRIVEE, dù RETOCR, et du REGNE which represent Skeletons of the Lower Animals. lospher." Monthly Review for December, 1813. de NAPOLEON en 1815. Par M. Fleury de Chaboulon, Printed for G. and W. B. Whittaker, 13, Are-Maria- Printed for G, and W. B. Whittaker, 13, Are Ma.

ria Lane. Ex Sécretaire de l'Empereur Napoleon et de son Cabinet, lane, London; and Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. Maître des Requêtes, au Conseil d'Etat, Baron, Oficier

Sporting Anecdotes.

Established School Books. de la Légion d'Honneur, Chevalier de l'Ordre, de la Embellished with a Characteristic Frontispiece, repre- Published by G, and W. B. WHITTAKER, 13, AveRéunion, Printed for John Murray, Albemarle Street. senting Eight Varietirs of Sporting Amusements.

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N.B. The Public have already been informed respecting the discovery at Barnstaple of a curious antique Chair, that once belonged to the celebrated GAY, in which was a concealed drawer, containing several interesting papers, some of them in the hand-writing of the Poet. To this circumstance the present publication owes its origin.

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No. 159.

Death of the king.




Travels in the North of Germany, describing the present state of the Social and Political Institutions; the Agriculture, Manufactures, Commerce, Education, Arts, and Manners, in that Country, particularly in the Kingdom of HannoBy Thomas Hodgskin, Esq. Edinburgh and London, 1820, 8vo. 2 vols.

more perishable trophies of war, the this inadequate tribute to virtues controversies and the contests all-en- which, if they have but a fleeting megrossing in their day, the objects after mory on earth, have their certain and At thirty-five minutes after 8 o'clock which every heart panted, the things everlasting reward where there is on Saturday night, the 29th ult., our which were called of eternal conse-neither care nor sorrow. venerated King, George III, breathed quence, shall have passed away and his last his Majesty had added seven been utterly forgotten, there will remonths and twenty-six days to eighty-main another and a nobler study for manone years of life, and ninety-six days kind, in the literature which enlightento fifty-nine years of sovereignty; and ed the world, in the arts which adorned had consequently reigned longer than the country, and in the science which any monarch that ever sat upon the advanced with gigantic strides under the English throne. The exhaustion of auspicious sway of George the Third. nature led to this melancholy and memorable event, and no pain or suffering vexed the passage of this virtuous prince from time into eternity. The body and the mind were alike, in Heaven's mercy, spared the pang of the dread change; and he whose life had made for him nothing to fear in death, graciously departed, as free from corporeal anguish, as his purity of soul would under any circumstances have exempted him from the terrors of conscience. God blessed him with the latter end of righteousness-he was a good man and-he died in peace.

It is not for a work like this to enter upon the wide field over which a retrospect of sixty years would travel. It is not for us to speak of those great political agitations which have convulsed and overthrown, and reconstructed the nations of the earth during that period: or of the personal and kingly course of conduct by which our late Ruler rendered this country so conspicuous in the awful struggles. Suffice it to say, that the brightest pattern to which a people could look for every sound principle in theory, and for every moral duty in practice, existed for more than half century in the head encircled with the British diadem, and in the heart and hand which beat beneath the external splendours of royalty and wielded the sceptre of almost unlimited power! But ere yet" Goodness and He fill up one monument," it behoves us to pay a tribute to that softer and more refined feature of the Monarch's character which connects his reign with the literature, the arts, and the sciences of the age. In this respect an epocha has indeed been created; and when the VOL. IV.


These will be the themes of generations yet unborn; and among the most glorious human memorials of our King, it will be handed down to future times, that the energies of this land of freedom, cherished by his paternal govern- In bringing our readers acquainted with ment, produced not merely the brightest this publication, we are introducing to heroes, but the wisest philosophers, them one of the least assuming, while the greatest poets, the finest painters, it is one of the most sensible, useful, the most extraordinary discoveries, and intelligent books of travels which and the most beneficial inventions, that have recently issued from the press; exever distinguished the annals of man-cellent as many of the productions of kind. that kind have been, during the last When a nation is thus elevated, when twenty years. The fruit of three years' the state of society is thus improved, residence, and of pedestrian excursions when the well-being of millions is thus over all the northern German Provinces, augmented, and when, as it were, the Mr. Hodgskin has given us information sphere of creation is exalted and en- on most subjects, which has heretofore larged by the successful cultivation of escaped the more rapid and stylish traall that is elegant in the fine, solid in veller: he has mixed with society, and the useful, and ennobling in the higher sifted opinions not generally found pursuits of intellect, it needs not to say among the labours of tourists; he has how much is due to him in whom the rapidly sketched or passed over topics supreme authority is vested: how much familiar to the public, and dwelt upon is due to our lamented King, may be such as presented novelty in themselves, read in the many and prosperous Institu- or the appearance of novelty from the tions of which he was the founder or relative situation of the writer. By these munificent patron, for the promotion of means he has furnished us with a book, learning, the acquisition of scientific copious without being tedious, and rea knowledge, the diffusion of general plete with solid instruction, without instruction, the perfection of the orna- wanting the charm of amusement. His mental arts, and the completion of own feelings and thoughts bespeak an every purpose calculated to further the observant, acute, and candid mind; interests of humanity here, or secure and, if we differ from him in some its happiness hereafter. cases, it is always as with a person of masculine understanding and good sense, whom we consider to be wrong, but acknowledge to be impartial and well-meaning.

Acknowledging that our loss was attended with many alleviations; bowing in all humility to that Divine Providence which, in inflicting the stroke deprived it of its sting;-yet, grateful for the measures to which our beloved sovereign devoted his life, and deeply and sincerely lamenting for his death, we close

Perhaps there is a little too much display of generalizing reflections; but the nature of the task supplies a better excuse for this than can usually be urged in behalf

of posting travellers, who visit precisely on her son on the cross, and when Jesus
the cities, landscapes, museums, pic-tells her, "Woman, behold thy son," she
tures, &c. which have attracted the no-
is even then often represented as a blooming
the only time I ever noticed the circum-
young woman. In this picture, and it was
stance, she was represented as an elderly
matron. The painter had not worked a se-
cond miracle, and bestowed with his pencil
perpetual youth.

tice of all their precursors. The ac-
count of the Kingdom of Hannover is
peculiarly deserving of commendation
it is by far the most ample and judicious
that we have ever seen. Before, how-
ever, abridging it for the Literary Ga- The manner in which the sacrament was
zette, we shall devote two papers to the administered was different from the manner
other division of the work, which em-
of administering it in the Church of England.
braces the author's journeys in the do-the persons intending to communicate were
A clergyman stood at each side of the altar;
minion of Prussia, Saxony, and other placed in a row on one side, and when the
states. Our first extract refers to Leip- previous prayers had been recited, they
sick, on Christmas day, 1817. Mr. H. walked, one after another, first to one cler-
gyman, who had the consecrated wafers,
and who repeated some words while he gave
standing, but bowing, and then passing be-
a wafer to the communicant. He received it
hind the altar, came in front of the other
clergyman, from whom he received the cup,
and he then retired. The organ played and
the choristers sung during the whole of the



The university of Leipsic is at present chiefly famous for its medical studies. Leaving Leipsic on the route towards Berlin, the author makes the following sensible observations on the indolence of the German people, and its cause.

cessary to promote perspiration, and therefore they have no wish for it, and do not take it. The character of men is the result of the Germans is undoubtedly a cause for of all they feel; and this state of the bodies some part of their character-for the placidness, stillness, and want of energy, which distinguish them from the other nations of Europe. It does not hinder them from thinking, writing, and compiling, day after day, week after week; in fact, it permits them to do all these more than any other and with little fear of injury to their health; people can, for they can do them constantly, but it deprives them of the need and of the wish for exertion.

At Berlin the most remarkable matter

alluded to appears in the following paragraph.


From reading the work of Mad. de Stael on Germany, I expected to see there strange old towns, but nothing had hitherto realized societies, and various collections of things Museums, galleries of pictures, learned the expectation. The market-place at Leipsie did it fully. Goethe described the houses that are not useful, abound in Berlin. They of this city well when he called them " cannot be called peculiarities, for they are traordinary shining buildings, with a front found in every city of Germany, and it reto two streets, inclosing courts, and conquires a most practised eye to ascertain the taining every class of citizens, within heavensuperiority of one to another. One which deserves to be mentioned, from the evidence high buildings, that resemble large castles, and are equal to half a city." Roofs, which it affords of what learned triflers can emalone contained six stories of windows, with ploy themselves with, is a collection in high small steeples on their tops; circular houses, preservation, of those worms which are sometimes found in the bowels of the hudiminishing at every story, resembling the pictures of the tower of Babel; two or three In the course of the day I met a great whose existence there constitute a particu body, (Eingeweide Würmer), and towers, placed by the sides of houses, as if many carriages and waggons going to Leip- lar disease. The cure of this disease cannot a stair-case separate from the building had sic, and all the travellers, wrapped up in be promoted by such a collection, neither been provided for it; some fronts which had two or three great-coats, with their faces bu-can it explain either the nature or the sources been modernised, and disfigured by a multi-ried in caps and handkerchiefs, remaining of the disease. A Professor Rudolpi is the tude of pillars and pilasters above pillars and sitting in a sort of stupid indifference, just collector. A similar collection exists in Vipilasters; and the ancient gaol-like, but preserving animation enough to keep their enna, whose collector is not only thought to fantastical town-house,--made the market- tobacco burning, and their pipes from fall- be a man of industry, but of talent. These place of Leipsic one of the most grotesque-ing out of their mouths. Not one of them gentlemen must very much need a decent looking spots I ever saw. occupation. To bestow professorships on them, and to honour them, seems to me like the vain worship of an idol. There is but one step lower in which learned uselessbe sorry, by the selection of this peculiarity, ness can go in its filthy researches. I should to teach the reader to infer that the Gersuits, and that this fondness was a feature mans were particularly fond of such purof the national character. A love for trifles and absurdities may probably be more common among the learned of Germany than among the learned of other countries, but trifles and absurdities are the occupations merely of a few, and intelligent Germans lament the fondness for them as a peculi arity of individuals, and not as forming the national character.

As it was Christmas-day, every place, even the bankers, was shut; the churches were crowded; and nothing was to be sold but spirits and medicines. At church, the music and singing seemed the most attractive part of the performance, and so soon as these were done, many of the congregation went away. The men generally stood, and the woman sat. Amongst the uncovered heads of the former some emblems of German genius might be traced. The hair of the old men was smoothed down on the fronts and sides, as if it were ironed, while that of the young ones, combed up with their fingers à la François, was standing out in a circle, like a well-trundled mop. The former resembled the old plodding German; the latter was the type of the present German, flying off from most of the restraints

of reason and of common sense.

attempted to walk, though they might all
have walked faster than their carriages, and
might have kept themselves comfortably
warm; but bolily exertion of all kinds is
certainly avoided by the richer classes of the
Germans. This indolence may be partly ac-
counted for thus: Their sleeping-rooms are
generally heated, and the feather-beds,
which are used as covers, always kept me-
though, whenever it was practicable, I
stripped myself to my shirt-in a constant
state of profuse perspiration. The Ger-
mans, in addition to covering themselves
with these beds, very generally sleep in
night-dresses of flannel. In fact, they take
nothing off but their upper garments, which
are not unfrequently exchanged for some
sort of jacket or gown. The beds and
the rooms together make a sort of sweat-
ing bath, and more enfeebling, probably,
than a frequent use of warm bathing. The
effects on myself were always refreshing,
but weakening; they did away stiffness and
fatigue, but sleep did not give me strength;
and it is probable that the effects are the same mentioned the taste for trifles and absurdi-
On several occasions, says he, I have
on the Germans, and even much more power-ties which yet so much distinguishes scien-
tific Germans, that their country is some-
times called a mad-house of natural phi-
losophers. This unhappy propensity has
undoubtedly been invigorated by the ho-
nours bestowed on such pursuits by the nu

Pictures are still allowed in the Lutheran
churches, though no longer worshipped or
prayed to, and one that I observed here, in
St. Paul's church, deserves to be mention-
ed, as having one feature of common sense
more than is usually seen in religious pic-ful. The body is kept in a state of languid
tures. Many of their absurdities are truly
ridiculous, and among them may be enu-
merated that the mother of the Saviour is
always painted young. When she looks

health, but all that freshness and vigour of
limb which belongs to youth and a hardy
people are destroyed. The Germans have
no need of exertions which we find so ne-

timent, when the author, near the end of
We nevertheless find an opposite sen-
his second volume, comes to treat of
Hesse Cassel.

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