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combination with each other. The different quantities of sound, as these states of the voice may be called, may be combined so as to form new varieties by uniting with any other that is not opposite to it. Thus high may be combined with either loud or soft, quick or slow; that is, a high note may be sounded either in a loud or a soft tone; and a low note may be sounded either in a loud or a soft tone also; and each of these combinations may succeed each other more swiftly or slowly. While forcible seems to imply a degree of loudness and swiftness, and feeble a degree of softness and slowness, either in a high or a low tone. This combination may, perhaps, be more easily conceived by classing these different quantities in contrast with each other.

High, loud, quick,

Low, soft, slow,

Forcible may be high, loud, and quick,
or low, loud, and quick.
Feeble may be high, soft, and slow, or
low, soft, and slow.

The different combinations of these states may be thus represented :

[blocks in formation]

When these states of the voice are combined with the five modifications of voice above-mentioned, the varieties become exceedingly numerous, but far from incalculable. Perhaps they may arise (for I leave it to arithmeticians to reckon the exact number) to that number into which the ancients distinguished the notes of music; which, if I remember right, were about two hundred.

in the precepts and doctrines of philosophy, by reason of the great character both of your instructor and the city; one of which can furnish you with knowledge, and the other with examples: yet, as I always to my advantage joined the Latin tongue with the Greek, and I have done it not only in oratory, but likewise in philosophy; I think you ought to do the same, that you may be equally conversant in both languages.

Cicero's Offices, book i. chap. 1.

These sentences begin with the concessive conjunction although, and have their correspondent conjunction yet; and these conjunctions form the two principal constructive members. The words him, and examples, therefore, at the end of the first members, must have the rising inflexion, and here must be the long pause.

This rule ought to be particularly attended to in reading verse. Many of Milton's similes, › commencing with the conjunction as, have the first member so enormously long, that the reader is often tempted to drop his voice before he comes to the member beginning with the conjunction so, though nothing can be more certain than that such a fall of the voice is diametrically opposite to the sense.

Thus, in that beautiful description of the affected indignation of Satan, at the command of God to abstain from eating of the tree of life:

She scarce had said, though brief, when now more bold
The tempter (but with show of zeal and love
To man, and indignation at his wrong)
New part puts on, and as to passion mov'd
Fluctuates disturb'd, yet comely, and in act
Rais'd as of some great matter to begin.
As when of old some orator renown'd
In Athens or free Rome, where eloquence
Flourish'd, since mute, to some great cause address'd,
Stood in himself collected, while each part,
Motion, each act won audience, ere the tongue

Sometimes in height began, as no delay
Of preface brooking through his zeal of ríght:
So standing, moving, or to height up grown,
The tempter all impassion'd thus began.

Par. Lost, b. ix. v. 664.

In this passage, if we do not make a long pause with the rising inflexion on the word right, we utterly destroy the sense.

In the same manner we may observe some of Homer's similes to extend to such a length before the application of them to the object illustrated, that the printer, and perhaps Mr. Pope himself, has sometimes concluded the first part with a full stop.

Direct Period, with only one Conjunction.

RULE II. Every direct period, consisting of two principal constructive parts, and having only the first part commence with a conjunction, requires the rising inflexion and long pause at the end of this part.


As in my speculations I have endeavoured to extinguish passion and préjudice, I am still desirous of doing some good in this particular. Spectator.

Here the sentence divides itself into two cor

respondent parts at prejudice; and as the word so is understood before the words I am, they must be preceded by the long pause and rising in


If impudence prevailed as much in the Forum and courts of justice, as insolence does in the country and places of less resórt; Aulus Cæcina would submit as much to the impudence of Sextus Æbutius in this cause, as he did before to his insolence when assaulted by him.

If I have any genius, which I am sensible can be but very small; or any readiness in speaking, in which I do not deny but I have been much conversant; or any skill in oratory, from an acquaintance with the best arts, to which I confess I have been always inclíned: no one has a better right to demand of me the fruit of all these things than this Aulus Licinius.

Cicero's Oration for Archias.

If after surveying the whole earth at once, and the several planets that lie within its neighbourhood; we contemplate those wide fields of æther, that reach in height as far as from Saturn to the fixed stars, and run abroad, almost to an infínitude; our imagination finds its capacity filled with so immense a prospect, and puts itself upon the stretch to comprehend it. Addison's Spectator, N° 428.

In the first of these examples, the first part of the sentence ends at resort, and the second begins at Aulus Cacina. In the second sentence, the first part ends at inclined, and the second begins at no one; and in the third, the first part ends at infinitude, and the second begins at our ; between these words, therefore, in each sentence, must be inserted the long pause and rising inflexion.

All these sentences commence with a conjunction, and may be said to have a correspondent conjunction commencing the second part of the sentence, not expressed but understood. In the first sentence commencing with if, then is understood at the beginning of the second part; the sense of this conjunctive adverb then may be plainly perceived to exist by inserting in it the sentence, and observing its suitableness when expressed.

If impudence prevailed as much in the Forum and courts of justice, as insolence does in the country and places of less resórt, then Aulus Cæcina would submit as much to the impudence of Sextus Æbutius in this cause, as he did before to his insolence when assaulted by him.

The same insertion of the word then might be made in the two last examples commencing with if, and the same suitableness would appear; for though correct and animated language tends to suppress as much as possible the words that are so implied in the sense as to make it unnecessary to express them, yet if, when inserted, they are suitable to the sense, it is a proof the structure of the sentence is perfectly the same, whether these superfluous words are expressed or not.

The exception to this rule is when the emphatical word in the conditional part of the sentence is in direct opposition to another word in the conclusion, and a concession is implied in the former, in order to strengthen the argument in the latter; for in this case the middle of the sentence has the falling, and the latter member the rising inflexion.


If we have no regard for religion in youth, we ought to have some regard for it in age.

If we have no regard for our own character we ought to have some regard for the character of others.

In these examples, we find the words youth and own character, have the falling inflexion, and both periods end with the rising inflexion; but if these sentences had been formed so as to make the latter member a mere inference from, or consequence of, the former, the general rule would have taken place, and the first emphatic word would have had the rising, and the last the falling inflexion.

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