Abbildungen der Seite

Rosebery, Earl of, declines to join
coalition against Japan, 591.
Rowing, the sport of, 150.

Russia and Japan, 576-the expan-
sive energy of Russia, 577-also of
Japan, ib.-causes of Russian ex-
pansion, 578-timorous Russian
policy, 579-indirect effects of the
Crimean War, ib.-pledge not to
occupy Korean territory, 580-
early Japanese apprehensions, 581
-Russianising of the Amur, 582
-the new Japan, ib.-Japanese
suspicion of Russia, 583-prepara-
tions for the conquest of Korea, ib.
-Russia secures possession of Sak-
halien, 584-Korean outrage on
Japan, ib.-the Chinese suzerainty,
585-587 Japanese attacked in
Seoul, 586-rebellion in Korea, 588
-treaty of Shimonoseki, ib.
stages of the development of the
present crisis, 589-Japanese de-
mand for Liao-tung, 590-attitude
of Great Britain, 591- German
occupation of Kiao-chou, 592-mis-
management in Downing Street,
ib.-the Cassini Convention, 593-
annexation of Port Arthur and
Talienwan, 594-the Boxer out-
break, 595- - Russian breach of
faith, 596 the Anglo-Japanese
alliance, 598-602-Russian desire
to acquire Masampho, 600-partial
evacuation of Manchuria, 603-
Russian mistakes, 604-- concilia-
tory efforts of Japan, 605-pro-
posed scheme of settlement, ib.-
counter proposals by Russia, 607-
negotiations, 608-610--outbreak of
the war, 610.

Rutherford, E., Radioactivity and
Radioactive Change,' 101.


[ocr errors]

Salisbury, Lord, and The Quar-
terly Review,' 296-his contribu-
tions to literature, 297-number of
articles, 298, 317-The Church in
her Relations to Political Parties,'
298 The Elections,' 298, 307-
'Photography,' 299-'The Budget
and the Reform Bill,' 299, 301-his
paper on Theories of Parliament-
ary Reform,' ib.-political views,
300-tribute to the genius of Mr
Gladstone, 302-on Mr Disraeli's
policy, 303, 314-The Conserva-

[ocr errors]

tive Reaction,' 305-on the fall of
Mr Gladstone, ib.-The Coming
Session,' 308-The Conservative
Surrender,' 311-314-Disintegra-
tion,' 316-his articles on America,
318-on France, 319-'Poland,'
'The Danish Duchies,' and 'The
Terms of Peace,' 320-admiration
for Pitt and Castlereagh, 321-his
patriotism, ib.

Sandonini, M., his discovery about
Goujon, 373 et seq.

Sarat Chandra Das, his visit to
Tibet, 565.

St Augustine, 'De Vera Religione,'
295, note.

Schliemann, his discoveries, 260.

Schuster, Mr Felix, on the excess of
imports over exports, 463.

Smith, Adam, his opinion of the
Navigation Act, 327

Smith, Mr J. B., statistics of a de-
cline in exports, 454.

Snyder, Carl, 'New Conceptions in
Science,' 102.

Socialism, The New, 1— Karl
Marx's treatise on capital, 2-4-
failure of his prophecies of the
future, 5-exchange value of com-
modities, ib.-industrial effort, 6,
11-invention, 7-complication of
the productive process, 8-works
on, 9, 15, 17, 26, 28, 31-Mr Webb's
'Problems of Modern Industry,' ib.
-Mr Brooks's 'The Social Unrest,'
10-examples of the practical appli-
cation, 12-14-socialisation of the
soil, 15-various classes of reform-
ers, 16-conclusions of Mr Charles
Booth, 17-'The Heart of the
Empire,' 18 Mrs Bosanquet's
'Strength of the People,' 19-Mr
George's scheme for nationalisa-
tion of the land, 20-the social-
istic theory, 20-22-equality of
opportunity, 23-evil of economic
subjection, ib.-result of a social-
istic State, 24-Mr Mallock's works,
26-equality of reward, 26-28-
examples of false socialism, 28—
experiments in Belgium, 29-New
Zealand, 30.

Soddy, F., 'Radioactivity and Radio-
active Change,' 114.

South Africa, Chinese Labour
for. See Chinese.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Spencer, Herbert, and the 'play'
theory of æsthetics, 423.
Sport, Modern, Some Tendencies

of, 127-universal passion for sport,
128-support of the old traditions,
129-deterioration of the physique
of the working classes, 130-strain
of the first-class cricket season, 131
-increase of professionalism, 132
- the amateur,' ib.-remunera-
tion, 133-alterations of the rules,
135-137-widening of the wicket,
135-the Football Association, 137
-number of spectators at matches,
138-evil of over-elaboration in the
rules, 139-admission of profes-
sionals, 140-the Rugby Union, ib.
-methods of American players,
141-condition of horse-racing, 142–
146-evil of betting, 147— the
Jockey Club, ib.-game of polo, ib.
craze for sheer speed, 148-
motor-car racing, ib.-yachting,
149-rowing, 150-fencing, 151-
walking, ib.

Spring-Rice, Mr, on the effects of
the German-Russian tariff war,
450, 451.

Steel Corporation, 190-capital, 193,
196-finances, ib.-dividends paid,
200-depression in its securities,
ib.-inflated capitalisation, 203-
export trade, 214.

Stein, Dr, M. A., his discoveries in
Turkestan, 555, 562.

Stephen, Sir Leslie, An Agnostic's
Apology,' 163, 177, 181-his essays
on Social Rights and Duties,' 168,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Stephen, Leslie, and his Works,
468-parentage and education, ib.
---mountaineering, 469-theological
views, 470-works on the 'Saturday
Review,' ib.-political views, 471
-'Essays on Reform,' ib.-edits
the Cornhill Magazine' and the
'Dictionary of National Biography,'
472-marriages, ib. intellectual
qualities, 472-474-personal charac-
teristics, 474-'Science of Ethics,'
475-477 'History of English
Thought in the Eighteenth Cen-
tury,' 477-view of Butler, 478-of
Gibbon, 479-of Hume, ib.—religi-
ous views, 481-as biographer, 482
-his lighter vein, ib.-Hours in
a Library,' 484-486-opinion of
Wordsworth, 486-of Sterne, 487-
lecture on Coleridge, ib.-'Studies
Vol. 199.--No. 398.

2 x

of a Biographer,' 490-essay on
Tennyson, 491-on Froude, 492-
'Shakespeare as a Man,' 493-
literary methods, 494-his position
as a critic, 496-affinity with
Lowell, 498.

Strong, Mr S. A., on Jean Goujon,
374-on Henry II of France, 375
Swinburne, Mr, his essay on Chap-
man, 87, note.

Symons, Mr Arthur, his translations
of La Gioconda' and 'Francesca,'


Thomson, J. J., 'Conduction of Elec-
tricity through Gases,' 101.
Trenchard, John, 'Short History of
Standing Armies,' 39 (note), 43.


United States, Pools, Trusts, and
Industrial Combinations in the,
183-pooling' agreements, 184-186
-'trust' organisation, 186- the
'holding company,' 188-enumera-
tion of integrated industries, 189-
capitalisation of industrial com-
binations and methods of financing,
ib.-Steel Corporation, 190, 193,
196, 200-204, 214-stability of the
system, 191-economies of consoli-
dation, ib.-the term 'good-will,'
ib.-total stock issue to be deter-
mined by amount paid, 192-
capital of the Steel Corporation,
193-preferred and common stock,
193, 194-formation of the Ship-
building Company, 194-under-
writing syndicates, 195-failures of
combinations, 196-table of stock
quotations, 198-of dividends paid,
199-economies effected by indus-
trial combinations, 204, 214-power
to fix and raise prices, 205-208-
potential competition, 207-regula-
tions, 209-tariff revision, 211-
enforcement of the anti-trust law,

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