Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]


New-York, Sept. 9, 1817

I DO hereby certify, that this Edition of the Book of Common Prayer, and

Administration of the Sacraments, &c. (having been compared with a standard
Book, and corrected by the same) is permitted to be published as an Edition
duly compared and corrected by a suitable Person appointed for that purpose.
as the Canon directs.

Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the State of New-York.





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3 The Order how the Psalter is

appointed to be read.

The Order how the rest of the
Holy Scriptures is appointed
to be read.

05 Tables of Lessons of Holy
Scripture, to be read at
Morning and Evening Prayer
throughout the Year.

[blocks in formation]

The Order of Confirmation, or Laying on of Hands upon those that are baptized, and come to Years of Discretion.

6 The Calendar.

17 Tables and Rules for the 19 Moveable and Immoveable

Feasts, together with the 20

The Form of Solemnization of Matrimony.

The Order for the Visitation of

Days of Fasting and Absti- the Sick.

nence throughout the Year. 21 The Communion of the Sick.. 8 Tables for finding the Holy-22 The Order for the Burial of Days. the Dead.

9 The Order for Daily Morn-23 The Thanksgiving of Women ing Prayer.

10 The Order for Daily Evening


after Child-Birth, commonly called, The Churching of Wo


11 Prayers and Thanksgivings up-24 Forms of Prayer to be used at on several Occasions, to be Sea.

sitation of Prisoners.

used before the two final 25 A Form of Prayer for the ViPrayers of Morning and Evening Service. 12 The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, to be used throughout the Year.

26 A Form of Prayer and Thanks-
giving to Almighty God, for
the Fruits of the Earth, and
all the other Blessings of his
merciful Providence.
Forms of Prayer to be used

13 The Order for the Adminis-
tration of the Lord's Supper, 27
or Holy Communion.
14 The Ministration of Public 28
Baptism of Infants, to be used

in the Church.

15 The Ministration of Pri

in Families.

Selections of Psalms, to be used instead of the Psalms for the Day, at the Discretion of the Minister.

vate Baptism of Children in 29 The Psalter, or Psalms of Da



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