AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE, SHOWING WHERE TO FIND EACH HYMN BY ITS BEGINNING. HYMNS. Page Alas, what hourly dangers rise All-glorious God, what hymns of praise And are we now brought near to God Awake, my soul, and with the sun Before Jehovah's awful throne Christ from the dead is rais'd, and made -Come, Holy Ghost! Creator, come Father of mercies! in thy word Father of mercies! in thy house Tather of mercies! bow thine ear From whence these direful omens round tod of the seas! thine awful voice to forth, ye heralds, in my name to preach my Gospel, saith the Lord flory to thee, my God, this night lark the glad sound, the Saviour comes [ark! from the tombs, a mournful sound lear what the voice from heaven declares le's come! let every knee be bent de dies! the Friend of sinners dies low beauteous are their feet low oft, alas! this wretched heart Page 89 How long, thou faithful God, shall I 89 How helpless guilty nature lies 89 85 How long shall earth's alluring toys 90 Life is the time to serve the Lord 90 83 Lord! for the just thou dost provide 85 91 Lord of life, all praise excelling 92 My God, and is thy table spread My God, since thou hast raised me 82 up 82 Now may the God of grace and power 82 93 82 86 85 89 O that my load of sin were gone 89 0 thou that hear'st when sinners cry 88 90 Our Lord is risen from the dead 93 Salvation doth to God belong Since Christ our Passover is slain 92 Should nature's charms to please 93 the eye 88 85 81 93 84 94 The God of life, whose constant care 83 94 The Lord my pasture shall prepare 84 The spacious firmament on high 81 Thou, God, all glory, honour, power 82 $5 To our Redeemer's glorious name 87 To Jesus, our exalted Lord Welcome, sweet day of rest 87 When all thy mercies, O my God 91 When dangers, woes, or death are nigh 92 92 92 84 85 87 When, rising from the bed of death 83 When we are raised from deep dis 93 tress 86 90 81 81 91 Pr Church gathered and settled, Psalm 152. Church, its beauty, worship and order, Psalms 48 and 122. Church, the birth place of Saints, Psalm 37. Church, safety and joy in it, Psalm 27, verse 4, &c. Psalms 48 and 34. Church, destruction of its enemies, Psalm 76. Church, Gentiles gathered into it, Psalms 45 and 47. Church, God defends it and fights for it, Psalms 20, 45, 125 and 135. Church, God's presence in it, and delight in it, Psalms 34 and 132. 1 Church, the garden of the Lord, Psalm 92, verse 12, &c. Church, its increase, Psalm 67. ba Church, in affliction, Psalms 44, 80, and 89, verse $8, &c. Church, comforted, Psalm 125. Church, the honour and safety of a nation, Psalm 48. Church, its festivals joyfully attended, Psalm 122. Comfort and support in God, Psalm 4, Psalm 16, verse 5, &c. Psalms 32, 34, 46, and 94, verse 12, &c. Comfort and support in God from a view of his past mercies, Psalm 77, verse 10, &c. Comfort and support in sadness, prayed for, Psalms 102 and 142. Comfort and support of God's spirit prayed for, Psalms 42, 43, and 51. Complaint of absence from public worship, Psalm 42. alm Complaint of sickness, Psalm 6. Complaint of temptation and spiritual affliction, Psalm 42. Complaint of the prevalence of impiety and wickedness, Psalms 10 and 12. Pal Complaint of quarrelsome neighbours, Psalm 11. Complaint of heavy afflictions in mind and body, Psalms 102 and 143. the end Compassion of God, Psalms 103 and 145, verse 9 to the end. and Confession of sin, repentance and pardon, Psalms 32, 38, 51, 130, and 145. ) 51, verse 9, &c. 119, verse 9, &c. verse 33, &c. verse 103, &c. Conscience, its guilt relieved, Psalms 32 and 130. Consecration of a Church, Psalm 132, verse 7, &c. (See Office of Consecration.) Contention, complained of, Psalm 120. Contrition, an act of, Psalms 25 and 51. Converse with God, Psalm 63. Pale Conversion of Jews and Gentiles, Psalms 87, 96, 106, and 126. dill and Corruption of manners in general, Psalms 11 and 12. Counsel and support from God, Psalms 16 and 119. Courage in death, Psalm 16. Covenant made with Christ in the person of David, Psalm 89. Creation and Providence, Psalms 33, 104, 135, 136, 147, and 148. of Den Psalms 62 and 146. Creatures praising God, Psalm 148. Perel David, in his sufferings, deliverances, kingdom, &c. a type of Christ, Psalms 2, 32 98 Death, courage in, Psalm 16, and Psalm 23, verse 4, &c. Death, deliverance from, Psalm 31 and 118. Death of Christ, Psalms 22 and 69. Death of saints and sinners, Psalms 37 and 49. Death, the effect of sin, Psalm 90. Defence and salvation in God, Psalms 3, 18, 61, and 121. Delaying sinners warned, Psalm 95, verse 7, &c. a Delight in God, Psalms 18, 42, 63, 73, and 84. Deliverance begun and perfected, Psalm 85. Deliverance from despair, Psalm 13. Deliverance from deep distress, Psalms S4 and 40. Deliverance from death, Psalm 31 and 118. Deliverance from oppression and falsehood, Psalm 56. Deliverance from persecution, Psalms 5, 7, 53, and 94. God, his perfections and providence extolled, Psalm 36, verse 5, &c. Psalms 65, 105, 145, and 147. God, his goodness, &c. Psalm 103, Psalm 145, verse 7, &c. Psalm 147. God, his omniscience, Psalm 139. God, his omnipresence, Psalm 139. God, his omnipotence, Psalm 68, Psalm 89, verse 6, 7, 8, and 9, Psalms 93, and 96 God, his justice, Psalm 92. God, his sovereignty and goodness, Psalms 8, 75, 82, 113, and 144. God, his compassion, Psalm 108, Psalm 145, verse 9 to the end. God, his care of the saints, Psalm 3, verse 3, &c. Psalm 7, verse 8, &c. and Psalm 34. God, our defence and salvation, Fsalms 3, 33, 61, and 115. God, eternal, &c. Psalm 93. God, eternal, and man mortal, Psalms 90, and 102. God, faithfulness, Psalms 89, 105, 111, 145, and 146. God, goodness and mercy, Psalms 103, and 145. God, goodness and truth, Psalms 145, and 146. God, governing power and goodness, Psalm 66. God, greatness and goodness, Psalms 68, 144, 145, and 147. God, the Judge, Psalm 9, verse 7, &c. Psalms 50, 97, Psalm 98, last verse, Psalın 149, last verse. God, his majesty, Psalms 63, and 97. God, his condescension, Psalm 113. God, mercy and truth, Psalm 36, verse 5, &c. Psalms 39, 103, 136, and 145. God, made man, Psalm 8, verse 5, &c. he God, his perfections extolled, Psalm 36, verse 7, &c. Psalms 111, 145, 146, and 147. God, our portion, Psalm 4, verse 6 to the end, Psalm 73, verse 25 to the end. 96. Gud our Preserver, Psalms 121, and 138. God present in his Church, Psalms 46, and 84. God our Shepherd, Psalm 23. God our support and comfort, Psalm 94, verse 12, &c. God supreme Governor, Psalms 75, 82, and 95. God, his vengeance and compassion, Psalms 68, and 97. God unchangeable, Psalms 89, and 111. God worthy of all praise, Psalms 145, 146, and 150. Good Friday, Psalms proper for, 22, 35, 40, Psalm 41, verse 5 to the end, Psalms 55, and 69. (See Christ, his sufferings and death.) Good Works, Psalm 4, verse 3, &c. Psalm 15, Psalm 21, verse 3, &c. Psalm 105, verse 3, &c. Psalms 112, and 119. Goodness of God celebrated, Psalms 103, and 147. (See God.) Gospel, its blessings, glory and success, Psalms 19, 45, 83, 98, 110, and 111. Grace prayed for, Psalms 25, 42, and 43. Grace, its evidences, Psalm 26. Grace without merit, Psalms 16, and 32. Grace of Christ, Psalms 45, and 72. Grace and providence, Psalms 33, 36, 135, 136, and 157. Grace preserving and restoring, Psalm 57, Psalm 66, four last verses, Psalms 125, and 138. Grace and glory, Psalm 24, two last verses, Psalm 97, three last verses. Grace, pardoning, quickening, and sanctifying, Psalm 119, verse 25, &c. verse 33, &c. verse 57, &c. verse 77, &c. Greatness of God, and his goodness, Psalm 68, 144, 145, and 147. Guilt of conscience removed, Psalms 32, 51, and 150. Harvest, Psalm 65, verse 9, &c. Psalm 147, verse 8, &c. Health, sickness and recovery, Psalms 6, 30, 38, 39, 90, 102, and 116. Hearing of prayer, Psalm 4, Psalm 65, first four verses, Psalm 66, last two verses, and Psalm 102, last two verses. Heart known to God, Psalm 139, verse 11, &c. Heaven, Psalm 16, verse 9, &c. Psalm 17, last verse, Psalm 24, verse 3, &c. Psalm TENG 97, verse 11, &c. Psalm 106, verses 3 and 4. 39* |