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The juft Tranflation.

The Devil sometimes employs ligatures, or charms, &c. The pretended Tranflation.


The Devil sometimes by his impediments, prevents married people from paying their conjugal duties. N.B. The old Tranflation renders it, ligatures.


The Original.

Ce fut comme au temps dont parle le prophete.
The juft Tranflation.

It was with them, as with those mention'd by Efaiah the prophet.

The pretended Translation.

P. 39. Rem. [B].

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But this must be at the time of which Efaiah the prophet speaks.


The Original.

Il y a longtemps que j'ay conceu de l'indignation contre Jofephe, & contre ceux qui l'épargnent fur ce fujet.

The juft Tranflation.

I have long had Jofephus, and those who spare him on this head, in great indignation.

The pretended Tranflation.
Ibid. Rem. [C].

I have a long time conceived an indignation against Jofephus, and those who excufe him upon this head.


The Original.

Cette remontrance & cette ordonnance ne pouvoient venir que d'un bon cœur ; & meritoient que nos modernes priffent mieux garde à leurs paroles.

The juft Tranflation.

Such a remonstrance and injunction must neceffarily have proceeded from good nature; therefore the Moderns bould not have made fo free with Abimelech's character.


The pretended Tranflation.
P: 4. Text.

This remonftrance and this decree must have been SINCERE, and w E moderns ought to be careful not to mifreprefent these matters.

As many words, almost fo many blunders.


The Original.

Si la nature vouloit paffer des petites careffes aux plus grandes.

The juft Tranflation.

Whenever nature prompts them (after toying with another) to indulge the utmost of their wifbes.

The pretended Tranflation.

P. 40. Not. [E].

If nature inclines the greatest men to a little indul


N.B. The old Translation has exprefs'd the fenfe much better: Thus; If nature would pass from small careffes to greater.


The Original.

Abrabanel a dit quelque part.

The juft Tranflation.
Abrabanel fays fomewhere.

The pretended Tranflation.
P. 41. Not. [B].

Abrabanel has in part declared.

N.B. The old Tranflation has render'd it, Abrabanel faid fomewhere; which is much better.

[blocks in formation]


The Original.

Bifayeul du patriarche Abraham.
The juft Tranflation.
Great-grandfather to the patriarch Abraham,
The pretended Tranflation.
P. 44. Rem. [A].

Great-uncle of the patriarch Abraham.

The old Tranflation is right.


The Original.

Cedrenus fait mourir Haran pour une tres mauvaise caufe.

The juft Tranflation.

According to Cedrenus, Haran died for a very bad caufe.

The pretended Tranflation.
P. 45. Not. [B].

Cedrenus afcribes the death of Haran to a very unm likely caufe.


The Original.

Il feroit bien étrange, que le chef ne fe fut corrompu que dans le païs ou il fe refugia.

The juft Tranflation.

It would be very furprifing, that the religious Principles of the chief of the family, fhould be corrupted in that very country whither he fled for refuge.

The pretended Tranflation.
Ibid. Not. [9].

It would be very ftrange, if its head fhould not have been tainted with it, till in that very country, to which they fled for refuge.

The Original.

L'un dit qu'Abraham a regné à Damas.


The juft Tranffation.

One of these tells us that Abraham reigned in Da


The pretended Translation.
İbid. Not. [D].

One fays, that Abraham reigned at Damas.


The Original.

Mais il faloit prendre garde.

The juft Tranflation.

But they (the authors before mention'd) fhould have obferv'd.

[blocks in formation]


The Original.

A certains égards il femble dire des chofes bien diffe-. rentes; mais à d'autres égards il ne tend qu'à un même but.

The juft Tranflation.

In certain refpects the author feems to fay things of a very different nature: but in others they have all the fame tendency.

The pretended Tranflation.
Ibid. Not. [E].

In one light it feems to contradict itself; but in another that is very



The Original.

Son commentaire fur Ciceron eft un ouvrage d'un grand travail; les analyfes de logique y font bonnes & exactes.

The juft Tranflation.

His Commentary on Cicero is a very laborious work; the logical analyses thereof are valuable and accurate.

[blocks in formation]

The pretended Tranflation.

P. 47. Not. [4]. in ABRAM.

His Commentary on Cicero is a work of great labour; his analyfis of logick is good and exact. This fuppofcs that they were two distinct works.


The Original.

Ce Jefuite a fuppléé, en foixante & onze vers Grecs de fa façon, l'hiftoire de la femme adultere.

The juft Tranflation.

This Jefuit has added threefcore and eleven Greek verses to compleat the history of the Adulterous wo

[blocks in formation]

This Jefuit has fupplied in feventy one Greek verses, after his manner, the hiftory of the adulteress.

We must defire these Translators not to render the words, de fa façon, after his manner, as they do always; but in another manner.

The Original.

Martin Schoockius, dont le fort étoit une vafte & prodigieufe lecture.

The juft Tranflation.

Martin Schoockius, who was remarkable chiefly for his prodigious reading.

The pretended Tranflation.

P. 47. Not. [B]. in ABRAM.

Martin Schoockius, whofe principal employ was an immenfe and prodigious reading.


The Original.

Les notes qu'il y a jointes font peu de chose.

The juft Tranflation.

His notes are of very little value.


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