Abbildungen der Seite

a fetid Oil, and faline Fæces. (5.) That fresh Urine infpiffated, and diftilled with fixed Alkali, affords the fame. (6.) That recent Urine infpiffated, and mixed with Quicklime, affords a fiery Spirit, but not alkaline. And, (7.) That a native Salt is procurable from Urine, in the manner of the effential Salts of Vegetables, according to Procefs 7.

PROCESS 99. is more than ordinarily trifling, tho' fet off with pompous Words; as only fhewing, that Milk by standing affords Cream, and turns four.

PROCESS 100. fhews that Urine by Digeftion, or warm standing, turns alkaline; and Process 101. that, by Distillation, it will now afford an alkaline Spirit, a fetid Oil, a volatile Salt, Phosphorus, and Sea-falt.


100, 101.

PROCESS 102. relates the Origin and com- 102-108. mon Manner of making Sal-ammoniac in the Sal-AmLevant; and alfo that it may be obtained from moniac. Soot. Process 103. only fhews that this Salt is neither acid, nor alkaline; Procefs. 104. that it will fublime into Flowers; Procefs 105. that mixed with Quicklime, it affords a fiery Spirit, as in Procefs 97. Procefs 106. fhews that this Salt diftilled with fixed Alkali, affords an alkaline Spirit, and a volatile Salt ; and Procefs 107. fhews what kind of Salt remained behind in the laft. Procefs 108, fhews that a particular faline penetrating Spirit is producible, by mixing a pure alkaline Salt with strong Spirit of Vinegar.

PROCESS 109-113. are all performed up-109--113. on the White of Eggs; to fhew, (1.) that theWhites of White of a new-laid Egg is neither acid, alka-Eggs. line, nor fpirituous. (2.) That it will con


crete to a folid Mafs, by the heat of boiling Water. (3.) That it will coagulate with Alcohol. (4.) That being boiled and diftilled per fe, in a Bath-heat, it affords a large Proportion of an aqueous Liquor. And, (5.) That being kept warm for a few days, it will putrefy.

PROCESS 114-118. are performed upon 114-118. Serum of the Serum of human Blood; and fhew, in the the Blood manner already fo often repeated, that, (1.) Re. cent Serum of human Blood, is neither acid, nor alkaline. (2.) That it will putrefy by Digeftion, or warm ftanding, and turn to an Ichor. (3.) That it will coagulate in boiling Water. (4.) That it will coagulate or grow horny with a dry Heat. And, (5.) That it will also coagulate with Alcohol.

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PROCESS 119. exhibits the Analysis of Blood, by Diftillation, to fhew what Principles it will refolve into by different degrees of Heat.

PROCESS 120. fhews the Analysis of Horfes Hoofs; in the manner already feveral times performed.

PROCESS 121. fhews the Manner of depurating and feparating the Principles, or different Parts obtained from vegetable and animal Substances by a dry Analyfis, or scorching Heat.

PROCESS 122. fhews that a kind of Soap, or the Offa Alba, may be made by mixing pure volatile Salt and Alcohol together.

PROCESS 123, 124, and 125. fhew the common Manner of making Sal Volatile Oleofum, the Simple the Compound, and the Particu lar, by diftilling Spirit of Wine from aromatic Ingredients, Sal-ammoniac, and Salt of Tartar: where a fingle Example might have been fufficient.


PROCESS 126. fhews an extemporaneous Method of doing the fame thing, by barely fhaking Spirit of Wine, Salt of Tartar, Sal-ammoniac, and Aromaticks together.


THESE Proceffes upon Animals close with Procefs 127. which fhews the Phænomena of 127. the Blood and Serum; as expofed to the Air, and Fire; or mixed with Water, Salts, Acids, Alkalies, Spirits, Oils and Soaps.

THE Proceffes upon Minerals, begin with Processes Salts; proceed to Sulphurs; then to Me-upon Mitals; and end with Semi-metals. And of Salts nerals. the Author judges Nitre the propereft to begin with.

THE Proceffes therefore from 128-141. in-128--141. clufive, are all performed upon Nitre; and Procefes fhew, (1.) the Way of trying this Salt; or that it upon Nitre. is naturally neither acid, alkaline, nor inflammable. (2.) The Way of purifying it by Solution in Water and Crystallization. (3.) How it may be changed to an Alkali, with Tartar and Fire. (4.) How the fame may be done with live Wood-coals. (5.) How it is made into Sal Prunella, by Deflagration with a little Sulphur. (6.) How into Sal Polychreftus, with more Sulphur. (7.) The Way of preparing Glauber's Spirit of Nitre, by diftilling the Salt with Oil of Vitriol. (8.) The Way of making Spiritus Nitri dulcis, with Glauber's Spirit of Nitre, and Spirit of Wine. (9.) The Way of regenerating Nitre from its own fixed Alkali, and Spirit; barely by mixing the two together, with Water, and fuffering the Solution to cryftallize. (10.) The Way of making a femivolatile Nitre, by using a volatile Salt inftead of a fixed one; and proceeding as before. (11.) Glauber's Alcaheft, or the Oil of fixed Nitre per deliquium. (12.) Nitrum Nitratum,

tratum, or Nitre impregnated, and made acid with its own Spirit. (13.) Vegetating Nitre, or the Caput Mortuum left in making Glauber's Spirit of Nitre, fhewn to grow downy, or to fprout in the open Air: And, (14.) the common Method of making Spirit of Nitre with Bole.

142--146. THE Proceffes from 142, to 146, inclufive, Upon Sea-are performed upon Sea-falt; and fhew, (1.) The fals. Way of purifying this Salt, by Solution in Water, Filtration, and Crystallization. (2.) The Way of making Glauber's Spirit of Sea-falt, by diftilling the Salt with Oil of Vitriol. (3.) The Way of obtaining its Spirit with Bole. (4.) Glauber's Sal Mirabile, by diffolving the Caput Mortuum, left in diftilling his Spirit of Sea-falt, and cryftallizing the Solution. And, (5.) Seafalt regenerated from its Spirit and fixed Alkali.



PROCESS 147. fhews how Sal-ammoniac may be regenerated, by pouring its Spirit to the Spirit of Sea-falt.

PROCESS 148. fhews the Method of making Tartar of Vitriol, with Oil of Vitriol and Oil of Tartar per Deliquium. And this concludes the Proceffes upon Salts. The next Set are perform'd upon Sulphurs.

149--161. PROCESS 149-161. inclufive, are all perUpon Sul- form'd upon common Brimftone; and fhew, phur. (1.) Its Nature, Difpofition, and how it is to be examined. (2.) How fublimed by Heat in clofe Veffels into Flowers. (3.) How its acid Spirit is obtained by burning under a Glafs Bell. (4.) How it may be diffolved by Diftillation and Cohobation, with a volatile alkaline Spirit. (5.) How it may be diffolved in Alcohol, by means of fixed Alkali. (6.) How made into a Syrup, by the fame means. (7.) How diffolved by


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boiling in expreffed Oil. (8.) How diffolved by boiling in æthereal Oil of Turpentine. (9.) Its Balfam made into a Soap, as in Procefs 73. (10.) The Balfam or Soap of Sulphur joined with Alcohol. (11.) Sulphur obtained from Oil of Turpentine and Oil of Vitriol, by Distillation. (12.) The fame obtained from Alcohol and Oil of Vitriol, in the fame manner. And here end the Proceffes upon Sulphur. We next proceed to thofe upon Metals; and firft pon Iron.

PROCESS 162-170. are all performed with 162-170, Tron; and fhew, (1.) The Way of making the Upon Iron. Vitriol of Iron, with Oil of Vitriol, and Ironfilings. (2.) The tartarized Vitriol of Iron, by boiling the former with Tartar and Water, (3.) The Way of obtaining the white, grey and red Calx of Iron, by differently calcining the Vitriol of Iron. (4.) The Liquor of Iron per deliquium, by running the red Calx in the Air. (5.) The Yellow, or Golden Tincture of Vitriol of Iron, by digefting it with dulcified Spirit of Sea-falt. (6.) The Solution of Iron in Rhenifh Wine, by digefting the Wine upon Iron-filings. (7.) Iron diffolved by boiling in Vinegar. (8.) Iron fublimed with SalAmmoniac. And, (9.) Certain Tricks or Lufus, as the Author calls them; by applying Iron to Brimftone fo as to make them grow hot and take Fire, by mixing them into a Paste with Water, &c.

PROCESS 171-179. are performed upon 171--179. Lead; and fhew, (1.) The Method of making Upon Lead, Cerufe or white Lead, by fufpending Plates of the Metal in the Vapour of Vinegar. (2.) The Vinegar of Lead, by boiling Cerufe in Vinegar. N. XIX. 1732. VOL. IV.



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