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The Original.

Per innanzi vi contentavate d'un poco di licenza ; bora, la volete del pari; fra poco, vorrete effer foli, & cacciar noi altri fuori del regno..

The pretended Tranflation.

P. 14. Not. [C] of ABDAS.

The Tranflation of this paffage is full of Blunders; vi contentavate is tranflated, THEY pretend to be fatisfied, inftead of, YOU were fatisfied. Hora, la volete del pari, then THEY defire to be upon an equality; inftead of, now you look upon yourselves as equals. Fra poco, next, inftead of, in a little time. Vorrete effer foli, & cacciar noi altri fuori del regno. THEY afpire to govern alone, and at laft they would drive us out of the Kingdom; inftead of, YOU'LL be for reigning alone, and driving us out of the Kingdom.



The Original.

Le Livre d'où j'emprunte ceci, (touchant une vieille traduction Françoife de la Bible interpolée) a été fait par un Miniftre Wallon, qui ne manque pas de fe recrier fur la hardieffe que l'on a euë d'ajouter certaines chofes d'un côté, pendant que de l'autre on faifoit des fupreffions. Double attentat: Version obreptice & fubreptice; traditions pueriles inférées: & néanmoins, on ne promet dans la Preface, &c.

The juft Tranflation.

The Book whence thefe particulars (concerning an old interpolated French Tranflation of the Bible) was written by a Walloon Minifter, who does not fail to exclaim against the audacioufnefs of thofe, who thus added or fupprefs'd, as they pleas'd. A double crime this! an obreptitious and furreptitious Verfion,

interfpers'd with childish traditions! at the fame time that the Preface promises nothing but, &c.

The pretended Tranflation.

-written by a Walloon Minifter, who fails not to exclaim against the impudence of adding in fome places, and fuppreffing in others. But he is guilty of both : in his own Verfion he has artfully foifted in fome things, and drop'd others; befides inferting childish traditions; and yet he promises in the Preface, &c.

This is an egregious perverfion of the sense of this paffage, and fuppofes that the Walloon Minister had likewife given a Tranflation of the Bible, and been guilty of the fame faults which he had complained of in the old French Tranflation; which is abfolutely false. The old Tranflation of Mr. Bayle's Dictionary, which the Undertakers of the present Complete and Accurate one have themselves fo highly condemn'd, has given the juft fenfe of this paffage.


The Original.

Préceda le mariage des deux freres.
The juft Tranflation.

He died before the marriage of the two brothers.

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The pretended Tranflation.
P. 23. Note [D].

His Death preceded the marriage of HIS two brothers. His is not in the Original: the two brothers here intended are Cain and Abel; but according to their Tranflation, the latter would be dead and married at the fame time. The old tranflation is right in this paffage.


The Original.

Divers jeux de Rhetorique.

The juft Tranflation.
Several rhetorical flourishes.

The pretended Tranflation.
P. 23. Marg. Not. (22).
Some rhetorical pieces.

They were not entire pieces or tracts, but only fome occafional ftrokes of Rhetoric introduced in one of


the books of Beffelius. The old Tranflation has rendered this better, feveral rhetorical fancies.


The Original.

Mais comme on n'a que trop de penchant à entaffer fupofitions fur fupofitions afin de faire trouver du merveilleux en toutes chofes.

The juft Tranflation.

་ ་་་་

But as Men are but too fond of starting a numberless multitude of hypothefes, purely to fhew the marvellous in every thing.

The pretended Tranflation..

P. 24 in the Text.

But as we are apt to fancy we discover the marvellous in every ftory of this kind.

Here entaffer fupofitions fur fupofitions is not tranflated; and afin de faire trouver, is render'd to discover, instead of to bew; and en toutes chofes, in every 'ftory of this kind, instead of in every thing. The old Tranflation is much more exact.

The Original.

Sous pretexte de quelques actions trés-fales.
The juft Tranflation.

Upon pretence of his having committed fome crimes of a very obfcene nature,

The pretended Translation.

P. 26. in the Text.

On pretence of fome finifter management. The old Tranflation has render'd it much more correctly, under pretence of fome very foul actions.


The Original.

L'Ecolatre Anfelme.

The pretended Tranflation:
P. 26. Text.

His Schoolmaster Anfelm.

His is not in the Original. ECOLATRE does not fignify a Schoolmaster, but a Canon, who holds a Prebend in a Cathedral, by which he is obliged to teach Philofophy and the Belles Lettres to his Brethren, and the Children of the Diocese. The old Tranflators,



probably, understood the fenfe of this word much better than the prefent; tho' they have render'd it by a very unusual term, viz. the Scholafter Anfelm.

The Original.

Abelard lui tendit des pieges par ces deux endroits. The juft Tranflation.

Abelard made thefe two Paffions fubfervient to his defign.

The pretended Tranflation.
P. 27. Text.

Abelard laid hold of those two Foibles to ensnare him. Here endroits is tranflated Faibles; and confequently, according to these Translators, Fulbert's defire that his niece Heloife should be made a Scholar, was one of his two Foibles.

The Original.

Ils s'abandonnerent d'autant plus à ces fortes de plaifirs, qu'ils n'en avoient point gouté auparavant. The juft Tranflation.

Having never tafted fuch joys before, they abandoned themselves to them with the lefs referve.

The pretended Tranflation.

P. 28. Text.

He indulg'd this pleasure the more, as he had never before tafted it.

The old Tranflation is right in this paffage.


The Original.

Il ne faifoit plus que par maniere d'aquit les fonctions publiques.

The juft Tranflation.

Abelard now perform'd his public functions very carelefly.

The pretended Tranflation.

P 28. Text.

He neglected his public functions.

The old Translation is much more exact.


The Original.

Il fe choifit un lieu de retraite fur les terres du Comte de Champagne.

The juft Tranflation.

He then withdrew to the territories of the Count of Champagne.

[blocks in formation]

He chofe a retreat upon the lands of the Earl of Champagne.

Terres fignifies the territories of fome Lord or Prince, and not lands. Befides, to chufe a retreat UPON the lands of a perfon, is a very odd expreffion. The old Tranflation has render'd Terres, Dominions; which is more agreeable to the fenfe.


The Original.

Lors qu'elle ne fe trouvoit point d'humeur, ou que le refpect de quelque fête folennelle lui inspiroit quelque fcrupule.

The juft Tranflation.

When he was not in humour, or was aw'd by the fo lemnity of fome Festival.

The pretended Tranflation.

P 28. Note [H].

When she was out of humour, or the folemnity of a Feftival infpir'd HIM with fome fcruple.

This fuppofes that Abelard chaftifed her on account of his own fcruples. The old Tranflation has render'd this paffage right..

The Original.

Sous le nom de Beauté.

The juft Tranflation.
Under the name of Beauty:
The pretended Tranflation.
P. 28. Note [1].


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