Abbildungen der Seite


Seafon of the Year, as the Spring and Autumn. The Things that hinder it, are, (1.) The Fume of burning Brimstone. (2.) Alkaline Salts, and alkaline Earths. (3.) Clofenefs of the Veffel. (4.) Too great Heat. And, (5.) Extraction of the Air from the Veffel, and Liquor, by the Air-Pump.

Fermented WE are next fhewn how to preserve the Liquors fermented Liquor; which is a thing known to how preferved and di- every one: and afterwards how to diftil it for its inflammable Spirit; the Apparatus and Manner whereof does not greatly differ from that of diftilling fimple Waters, as defcribed under Process fifteenth. And thus at length concludes the Hiftory of Fermentation; wherein we wish the Author may meet with all the Succefs he defires, with regard to establishing a folid Doctrine of general Ufe: for his Notions here feem to be but narrow and limited; whereas the Subject is copious, and diffufive.


THE forty-third and forty-fourth Proceffes Vegetable are Exemplifications of the general Doctrine of Matters Fermentation; the one upon Meal and Malt, fermented. fermented with Water; the other upon Honey,

45, 46.

fermented in the fame manner; to fhew that they will thus make what the Author calls Wine.

THE forty-fifth and forty-fixth Proceffes are Distilled performed upon the preceding fermented Matfor spirit. ters, to fhew the common Way of making inflammable Spirits by Diftillation; and that an acid Liquor will rife after the Spirit is come



THE next Procefs fhews the Manner of The Spirit rectifying inflammable. Spirits, by a fecond rectified. Diftillation; fo as to obtain them purer than in the two laft Proceffès.


THE forty-eighth Procefs fhews the Manner of making inflammable Spirits into Alcohol, or high rectified Spirit of Wine, by Re-diftillation, without addition.

THE forty-ninth Procefs fhews the Method of making Alcohol, by means of Distillation, with fixed alkaline Salt.

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THE fiftieth Procefs explains the common 50. Vinegar Manner of making Vinegar, in France; by fet- how made. ting Wine upon Rape, or the Husk of Grapes, &c. in the Sun, to heat for fome Days, &c.

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PROCESS 51. exhibits the Analysis of Vinegar, or its Refolution, by Diftillation into an Its Analyacid Water, an acid Spirit, an Extract, a Sa-fis. pa, a Tartar, and an Õil.

PROCESS 52. fhews the Manner of rectifying diftilled Vinegar, by Diftillation, without addition.



PROCESS 53. fhews the Manner of rectifying 53. diftilled Vinegar from Verdigreafe; and the from VerManner of making Verdigrease itself.


Hiftory of

PROCESS 54. fhews the Manner wherein 54. Tartar is generated from Wine; tho' Process Tartar. 8, feems defigned for the fame purpose.

PROCESS 55. exhibits the Analysis of Tartar; or its Refolution into Water, acid Spirit, Oil, and fix'd Alkali; by dry Diftillation.


PROCESS 5661. inclufive, fhew the Man- Hiftory of ner of making Tinctures, by means of inflam-Tinctures! mable Spirit, or Spirit of Wine. The Opera-56,57,58, tions are performed upon, (1.) Gum-Lac. (2.) 59, 60,61, Myrrh. (3.) Amber. (4.) Benjamin. (5.) Guaiacum Wood. And, (6.) Scammony: whereas a fingle Operation might have ferved for all; the reft being eafily reducible to a fingle Cafe, by a few fhort Rules.







PROCESS 62. fhews the Manner of making Purging Potions, by mixing the purging fpirituous Tinctures of Scammony, Jalap, &c. with purging Syrups, &c.

PROCESS 63. is a very flight Process, scarce worthy of the Name; being no more than dropping Tincture of Benjamin into Water, to make the Liquor called Virgin's Milk.

PROCESS 64. fhews the Method of making artificial Rofins, by adding Water to the fpirituous Tinctures of refinous Vegetables, made according to Procefs 60, and 61.

PROCESS 65. exhibits the Manner of making Effential effential Extracts, with Spirit of Wine; by an Extracts. Example in Saffron.



PROCESS 66. feems too trifling for the Place affigned it; being no more than the Recovery of Camphire from camphorated Spirit of Wine, by the addition of Water.

PROCESS 67. is no more than diffolving a Chemical chemical Oil in Spirit of Wine, under the pomQuintespous Title of making a chemical Quinteffence.




PROCESS 68. fhews the Way of making dry Quinteffences, as they are called; being only a kind of Elæofaccharum, made by adding a liquid Quinteffence to Sugar, and exhaling the fuperfluous Spirit of Wine.

PROCESS 69. fhews the Manner of making simple and fimple aromatic Spirits, by an Example in Laaromatic vender Flowers, diftilled with Spirit of Wine. compound Spirits. PROCESS 70, and 71. are needlefs Repetitions 70, 71. of the preceding Procefs; the one upon dry'd Mint, the other upon fresh Rofemary.


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PROCESS 72. is only the fame Procefs repeated upon feveral Ingredients at once, as Lemmonpeel, Orange-peel, Rofes, Lavender, Mace, &c.



PROCESS 73. fhews the Method of making common Soap, by boiling Oil with a Lixivium, Soaps. or Lee, of Pot-afh.

PROCESS 74. fhews how to make a Soap 74. with a diftilled Oil, and fixed Alkali; wherein the Secret is perfectly to free both the Oil and Alkali from all aqueous Moisture.


PROCESS 75. delivers a tedious Way of pre- 75. paring Tartarifed Tartar, by dropping Oil of Tartarifed Tartar per deliquium into a boiling Solution of &c. Tartar; whereas the common Chemists have a much readier, more certain, and perfect Way, by diffolving a Mixture of Salt of Tartar and crude Tartar together in Water.

PROCESS 76. fhews a tedious Method of making Regenerated Tartar, with fixed Alkali and Vinegar. A fhorter and better Way for the purpofe is given by Barchufen, and other chemical Writers.

PROCESS 77. fhews the Way of making the Tincture of Tartarifed Tartar, by adding Alcohol to the Production of Process 75.

PROCESS 78. exhibits the Solution of Regenerated Tartar in Alcohol, and is the fame Procefs as the former, perform'd upon the Production of Process 76.

PROCESS 79. fhews how to make Harvey's Tincture of Salt of Tartar, by digefting common Spirit upon Tartar, roafted, or calcined, only to Blackness.

PROCESS 80. fhews the Manner of making Helmont's Tincture of Salt of Tartar, by digesting Alcohol upon Salt of Tartar.







PROCESS 81. fhews the Way of making Elixir Proprietatis, with diftilled Vinegar; as the Elixirs. 82d, does with diftilled Waters; the 83d, with 82. the addition of fixed Alkali; the 84th, with




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the addition of Tartarized Tartar; and the 85. 85th, with the addition of Regenerated Tartar fo that these are but different Modifications of the fame Process.


PROCESS 86. exhibits the Analyfis of WoodAnalysis of Soot, in the manner of Process 32, and 33. and fhews what Parts of Vegetables fly off in burning. And here it is remarkable, that fixed Earth is found in Soot.



PROCESS 87. exhibits the Analysis of Amber,

of Amber. after the fame manner.



THE Proceffes upon Vegetables conclude with the artificial Manner of putrefying them; or making them heat, rot, and change to an animal Nature; fo as by Diftillation to afford the fame Principles as animal Subjects: whence this laft Process leads directly to the Proceffes upon Animals, which are next to follow.

THE Proceffes upon Animals are introduced upon Ani- with a few Particulars, derived from Medicinal mals. Hiftory, and delivered in the way of Preliminaries.



PROCESS 89-91. are performed upon CowsMilk; to fhew, (1.) That when new, it is neither acid nor alkaline, faline or spirituous. (2.) That it coagulates or curdles with Acids. And (3.) That it turns yellow by being boiled with fixed Alkali.

PROCESS 92-98. are all performed upon UUrine. rine, to fhew, (1.) That new-made Urine is neither acid nor alkaline. (2.) That by Diftillation it affords a fetid naufeous Water, neither acid, alkaline nor vinous. (3.) That the Remainder after the Diftillation is neither acid, alkaline, or faponaceous; but faline and fetid. (4) That recent Urine infpiffated, and distilled with Sand, affords an alkaline Spirit, a volatile Salt,


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