Abbildungen der Seite

charge the Debts, they have contracted for the rebuilding this College, which was burnt fome Years ago, and to purchase a new Library; theirs, which was well furnifh'd with Manufcripts, being burnt at the fame time.


Conduite de la Providence dans l'Establiffement de la Congregation de Notre-Dame, qui a pour fon Inftituteur le Bienheureux Pere Pierre Fourier, dit vulgairement de Mataincourt, Superieur General &Reformateur des Chanoines Reguliers de la Congregation de Nôtre Sauveur. Prefentée à Noffei gneurs les Illuftriffimes & Reverendiffimes Evêques, comme premiers Superieurs de cette Congregation. In 8vo. 2 Vols. This Peter Fourier was born at Mirecourt in Lorraine, on the 30th of November 1565, and died at Gray in Franche-Comté, the 9th of December 1640. He has been fainted by Pope Benedictus XIII. on the 10th of January 1730.


Panegyricus Ludovico XV. Galliarum Regi in folemni Natalis Regii celebratione annoм D'CCXXXII. Argentorati juffu publico dictus à Johanne-Daniele Schepflino. In 4to.


Arithmetica Univerfalis, five de Compofitione & Refolutione Arithmetica Liber. Autore If. Newton, Eq. Aur. In 4to. We are indebted to Mr. 's Gravelande for this new Edition. The firft was published at Cambridge in 1707, by Mr. Whiffon, and the fecond by the Author himself at London in 1722. Mr. 's Gravesande has followed the laft, which is infinitely preferable to the former; and as Mr. Whiston fubjoin'd to his Edition as a Supplement, Dr. Halley's Me


thodus inveniendi Radices Equationum fine prævia reductione, printed in the Philofophical Tranf actions; Mr. 's Gravefande has also added this and fome other Pieces relating to the fame Subject, taken out of the Philofophical Transactions, viz. 1. J. COLSON Equationum Cubicarum & Biquadraticarum, Geometrica & Mechanica Refolutio univerfalis. 2. ABR. DE MOIVRE Æquationum quarundam poteftatis tertia, quinta, feptima, &c. Refolutio Analytica. 3. ED. HALLEI Constructio Equationum tertiæ & quarta poteftatis ope circuli & date Parabole. 4. EJUSDEM Tractatulus de numero & limitibus Radicum in Equationibus folidis & biquadraticis. 5. COLIN MAC LAURIN Epiftola de Equationibus,in quibus dantur Radices impoffibiles. 6. EJUSDEM fecunda Epiftola de Radicibus Equationum, cum demonftratione aliarum quarundam Regularum Algebra. 7.GEO.CAMPBELL Methodus determinandi numerum Radicum impoffibilium in Æquationibus affectis. The three laft Pieces, being written originally in English, have been tranflated into Latin by the Reverend Mr. Bernard, Minifter of a French Church at London. Que Anglico fermone confcripta erant, fays Mr. 's Gravefande, Latine reddidit vir Rev. Joh. Petr. Bernard, Viri Celeberrimi Jacobi Bernard, in hac noftra Academia Batava Profefforis Philofophiæ & Mathef. digniffimi & College noftri dum viveret conjunctissimi, filius.


THEY have juft printed here Lettres d'Henry IV. Roi de France, & de Meffieurs de Villeroy de Puyfieux, à Mr.Antoine le Fevre de la Boderie, Ambaffadeur de France en Angleterre,depuis 1606 jufqu'en 1610. In 8vo. 2 Vols. These Letters contain feveral curious Particulars relating to


thofe Times, and give but an indifferent Character of King James I.

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THE Dictionaire Economique has been reprin-ted here, with feveral Corrections and Additions of Dr. Marret, one of our Physicians, in 2 Vols. folio.

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Examen du Pyrrhonisme Ancien & Moderne, par Monfieur de Croufaz de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Gouverneur de fon Alteffe fereniffime le Prince Frederic de Heffe-Caffel, & Confeiller d'Ambaffade de fa Majefté le Roy de Suede, & Landgrave de Hefe-Caffel. In folio, pagg. 776.

MESSIEURS Goffe and Neaulme have printed the Reverend Mr. le Moyne's French Tranflation of the Bishop of London's three Paftoral Letters, &c. and alfo his Tranflation of that excellent Tract, entitled, A Trial of the Witnesses of the Refurrection of Jefus; with a Preface, giving an Account of Mr. Woolfton, and the Writings publifhed against him.

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Being the Third of VOL. IV.

LONDON: Printed for N. PREVOST, over-againft Southampton-street, in the Strand. M.Dcc.XXXIII.

(Price One Shilling.)

ATABLE of the ARTICLES For No. XXI. 1733.

Art. XI.


Second Abstract of the Ufes of the Leibnitian and Wolfian Philofophy in Divinity.


Art. XII. An Examination of Pyrrhonifm ancient and modern, by M. De Croufaz. 226 Art, XIII. Obfervations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypfe of St. John,

in two Parts, by Sir ISAAC NEWTON.


Art. XIV. Introduction to the Hiftoria Litteraria, particularly relating to the Bible or facred Authors, among the Sclavonians: by John Peter Kohlius, &c.


Art. XV. The History and Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, for the Year 1728.


Art. XVI. A GENERAL DICTIONARY HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL, in which a new and accurate TRANSLATION of that of the celebrated Mr. BAYLE is included, &c.


Art.XVII.The prefent State of LEARNING. 307

From Rome.

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