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and cannot but fin by a moral Neceffity.

But, fays be, we muft by no means fuppofe, "that Men are under fuch a Neceffity as to civil "and natural Affairs. Finally to be free, Man "must be conscious of his own Actions, and be "able to judge of them." It feems then that, according to our Author, Man is free, when he has the Power of acting, when he is under no manner of Neceffity, and when he is conscious of his own Actions, and able to judge of them. But this is not Mr. Leibniz's Notion, who afferted, that nothing happens without a fufficient Reason, why it happens, and why it happens thus and not otherwife: he fays in another place, that a meer Will, without any Motive. to determine it, is nothing but a Fiction, not only contrary to the Perfections of God, but chimerical and contradictory, inconfiftent with the Definition of Will, and fufficiently confuted in the Theodiceem. So that according to that ceJebrated Author, Man is always determinated by the Motives present to his Mind, and by the Chain of Circumftances, in which he is placed. Nay, it seems our Author after all admits this alfo; for he says, that we always act for a certain End, and that we often perform Actions, which we would not have done, if but one Idea more had come naturally into our Mind; but the Question will ftill recur, Is it in our power not to perform thofe Actions, as long as we have not that new Idea? And can we have that Idea,


1 In rebus ad comparandam vitam aternam pertinentibus, homo deflituitur libero arbitrio, non poteft non peccare neceffi tate morali. p. 252.

* See Recueil, &c. Tom. I. p. 16, 205, 206.

1 Ibid. p. 49.

§. 302, 303. &c. & alibi paffim. See in the Table the Words, Liberté, Neceffité, Volonté.


if we please? The Author, to be confiftent with. himself, must take the negative Side of these Questions; and let any body judge, how fuch a. Scheme agrees with Liberty and Free-will.

We have faid in the former part of this Abstract, that according to Mr. Leibniz's Notion of the Soul, there is no occafion for Bodies at all. The Soul, fays he, is a fort of a spiri tual Automaton, which has at once all the Perceptions it is to have for ever; thefe Perceptions unfold and display themfelves fucceffively, and reprefent or exhibit to the Soul, what paffes in the Body,and the Body is a mechanical Automaton, in which all the Motions anfwer exactly to the Ideas of the Soul: but both the Soul and Body act independently from one another; the Soul would have all the Ideas it has, tho' it was not united to the Body; and this would perform all its Motions though there fhould be no Soul to animate it; fo that it is by Consciousnefs only, that we know we have a Soul, but we can never be certain that we have a Body, or that there is any thing like Bodies in the World o.

[We shall give a farther Account of this Book in our next Journal.]


The prefent State of LEARNING.



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ER Imperial Majefty intends to fend by Land two Members of our Academy, with fome other learned Perfons, and a fufficient Guard, in order to make a full Discovery

■ See Recueil, in the Appendix. No. 5. p. 207, 8, 9. •See Bayla's Dict. Art. Rorarius. Rem. L. num. 1, 2, &c.


of the Coafts and Courfe of the Tartarian Sea which may prove very beneficial to our Trade and Navigation.

DR. John Frederick Schreiber, who was lately here, has been chofen Honorary Profeffor of the Imperial Society; on which occafion he made a Difcourfe concerning Matter and Mo tion. He is now Phyfician to the Regency of Riga; and will foon publifh the Continuation of his Elementa Medicine Phyfico-Mathematica, and an hiftorical Elogy of the late Mr. Ruysch?

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OUR Royal Society of Sciences, and Belles Lettres is compofing a Swedish, High-Dutch and Latin Dictionary.

MR. Chriftian Peter Lowa, a converted Jew, has published an Account of the Ceremonies of the modern Jews, entitled, Speculum Religionis Judaica, &c.


COUNT Zaluski, the Crown's Referendary, with fome other Gentlemen, defign to print by Subscription a Collection of all the Laws of the Kingdom of Poland, in three Volumes in Folio.


MR. Klein Secretary to this City, and Member of the Royal Society of London, has put out, Defcriptiones tubulorum marinorum, in quorum cenfum relati Lapides Cancri, & his fimiles, Belemnite, eorumque alveoli; fecundum difpofitionem Mufei Kleiniani. Addita eft Differtatio Epiftolaris de Pilis Marinis. In 4to.

DR. Kulmus has lately published two curious Differtations; one de tendine Achillis difrupto, & No. XX. 1733. A VOL. IV.

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Arteriis in Offeam Subftantiam degeneratis; and t'other de literis in ligno fagi repertis.


THEY have reprinted here the Hiftory of Frederick William Elector of Brandenburg, by Puffendorf: De rebus geftis Wilhelmi Magni, Electoris Brandeburgici, Commentariorum Libri XIX. In folio.


F. Martenne and F.Durand, Benedictins of the Congregation of St. Maur, who fome Years: ago put out, Thefaurus novus Anecdotorum, &c. in five Volumes in folio, have published the three laft Volumes of their new Collection in nine Volumes in folio, entitled, Veterum Scriptorum & Monumentorum Hiftoricorum, Dogma-. ticorum, Moralium, ampliffima Collectio.

Voyage de Conftantinople pour le Rachapt des Captifs. Par le R. P. Jebannot, Docteur en Theologie de la Faculté de Paris, Miniftre & Superieur de la Maifon de Beauvoir fur Mer, de l'Ordre de la Sainte Trinité. In 12mo.

Hiftoire de la derniere Pefte de Marseille, Aix, Arles, & Toulon, avec plufieurs Avantures arrivées pendant la Contagion. Divifée en deux parties. Par M. Martin. In 12mo.

Hiftoire generale des Auteurs Sacrés & Ecclefiaftiques, qui contient leur Vie, le Catalogue, la Critique, le Jugement, la Chronologie, Analyfe, &le Denombrement des differentes Editions de leurs Ouvrages; ce qu'ils renferment de plus intereffant fur le Dogme, fur la Morale, & fur la Difcipline de l'Eglife; l'Hiftoire des Conciles tant generaux que particuliers, & les Altes choifis des Martyrs. Par le R. P, Dom Remi Ceillier, Benedi&in de la Congregation de S, Vanne & de S. Hydulphe, Coadjuteur de Flavigny. Tom.III.In 4to.


FATHER Regnault has published a new Edition of his Entretiens Phyfiques.

Apologie des Bêtes, ou leur connoiffance & raifonnement prouvés contre le Systême des Philofophes Cartefiens, qui pretendent que les Brutes ne font que des Machines automates. Ouvrage en Vers. Par M. Morfouace de Beaumont. In 8vo.

Elemens de Geometrie, avec un Abregé d' Arithmetique & d'Algebre. Par M. Rivard. In 4to.

Les Avantures de Monfieur Robert Chevalier, dit de Beauchêne, Capitaine des Flibuftiers dans la Nouvelle France. Redigées par M. le Sage. In 12mo. 2 Vols.

Saillies d'Efprit, ou choix curieux de traits utiles &agréables pour la Converfation, &c. par M. Gayot de Pitaval. Nouvelle Edition, augmen tée, revûë, & corrigée. 2 Vols. 12mo.

Le Brigandage de la Medecine dans la maniere de traiter les petites Véroles & les plus grandes Maladies, par l'emetique, la faignée du pied, & le Kermes mineral. Avec un Traité de la meilleure maniere de guérir les petites Véroles par des Remedes & des Obfervations tirées de l'ufage. In 12mo.

Le Repos de Cyrus, ou l'Histoire de fa Vie depuis fa feiziéme jufqu'à fa quarantiéme année. In 8vo. The Author feeing that neither Xenophon, nor the other Greek Authors, who have given us an Account of Cyrus, do mention what he did from the 16th to the 40th Year of his Age, has ingeniously filled up that Chafm, which he calls. the Rest of Cyrus.


THE Jefuits of Tournon have printed here a Catalogue of their Medals: Nummi veteres Collegii Turnonenfis Societatis Jefu. In 12mo. pagg. 212. They intend to fell thefe Medals to dif



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