Abbildungen der Seite

Hahn, Milton E., and Maclean, S. Malcolm, Counseling Psychology, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955, 302 pp.

Hand, Harold C., and Charles W. Sanford, "A Scholar's Documents," Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary-School Principals, volume 37, No. 194, April 1953, pp. 460-504.

Harvard University. Committee on the Objectives of a General Education in a Free Society, General Education in a Free Society, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1950, 267 pp.

Havighurst, Robert J., Developmental Tasks and Education. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948, 86 pp.

Havighurst, Robert J., Human Development and Education. New York: Longmans, Green, 1953, 338, pp.

Healy, William and Bronner, Augusta F., New Light on Delinquency and Its Treatment: Results of a Research Conducted for the Institute of Human Relations, Yale University, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1936, 226 pp.

Heaton, Kenneth L., and G. Robert Koopman, A College Curriculum Based on Functional Needs of Students, Chicago, 1936.

Hennings, Thomas C., Jr., United States Senator, "Should We 'Get Tough' With Juvenile Delinquents?" General Federation Clubwoman, volume 35, No. 4, April 1955, pp. 16, 17, 32, 34.

Hill, Arthur S.; Miller, Leonard M., and Gabbard, Hazel F., "Schools Face the Delinquency Problem." Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, volume 37, No. 198, December 1953, pp. 181-221.

Hill, George E., "Educational Attainments of Young Male Offenders," Elementary School Journal, volume 36, September 1935, pp. 53-58.

Hollingshead, August B., Elmtown's Youth-The Impact of Social Classes on Adolescents, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1949, 480 pp.

Hollinshead, Byron S., Who Should Go to College, New York: Columbia University Press, 1952.

Ingham, Harrington V., and Love, Lenore R., The Process of Psychotherapy, New York: McGraw-Hill, 195, 270 pp.

Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Erziehungswissenschaft (International Education Review), Prof. Friedrich Schneider, Herausgeber, Salzburg. Sechster Jahrgang, viertes Heft, 1951.

Jackson, Earl C., "We Must Encourage Our Pupils to Participate in Purposeful Activities," School Executive, volume 75, September 1955, pp. 78-80. Jackson, Elizabeth, "Project in Anti-Educational Research," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, volume 36, No. 3, autumn 1950, pp. 511-515. Jensen, Gale, "Institute for Teacher Education of Grinnell College," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, volume 38, No. 4, December 1952, pp. 548-556.

Johnson, Henry, Teaching of History in Elementary and Secondary Schools, Revised edition, New York: 1940.

Johnson, Palmer O., and Harvey, Oswald L., The National Youth Administration, prepared for the U. S. Advisory Committee on Education. Staff study No. 13. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1936, 121 pp.

Juvenile Delinquency the home, the school, the court, and the child. Bibliography No. 7. Gainesville, Fla.: University of Florida Educational Library, 1954. Kahn, Alfred J., "Who Are Our Truants," Federal Probation, volume 15, March 1951, pp. 35-40.

Kenny, John P., and Pursuit, Dan G., Police Work with Juveniles. Springfield, Ill. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, 1954, 372 pp.

A comprehensive textbook describing the organization and administration of a juvenile-control division in a police department, police relations with other community groups, and individualization of the police approach to juveniles. Kilgore, Harley M., "Literacy and the National Welfare," School Life, volume 34, No. 6, March 1952.

Koopman, G. Robert, "A State Education Official Speaks on Delinquency: The Community School Program Is One Answer to This Problem," School Executive, volume 75, September 1955, pp. 76–77.

Kugman, M., "Appraisal and Treatment of Personality Problems in a Guidance Program," Educational Conference, 1954, Education in a Free World. pp. 114121.

Kvaraceus, William C., "Forecasting Juvenile Delinquency," Boston University Journal of Education, volume 138, No. 4, April 1956, pp. 5–42.

Kvaraceus, William C., Juvenile Delinquency and the School, New York: World Book Co., 1945, 338 pp.

Outlines a community-wide program for study and control of juvenile delinquency. Indicates what various agencies can do to identify the delinquent and predelinquent at an early date, to study and diagnose their needs, and to administer treatment, using all community resources.

Lander, Bernard, Towards an Understanding of Juvenile Delinquency: A Study of 8464 Cases of Juvenile Delinquency in Baltimore, New York: Columbia University Press, 1954, 114 pp.

An extensive analysis of a variety of data available on a census tract as related to the study of differential juvenile-delinquency rates.

Landis, Paul H., Social Policies in the Making, Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1952. Contains résumé of E. K. Wickham's comparative ratings of the relative seriousness of 50 common behavior problems of children as given by teachers and mental hygienists, pp. 174-175.

Laycock, S. R., "The School's Part in Preventing Juvenile Delinquency," School (Elementary edition), volume 34, March 1946, pp. 547-552.

Lee, Raymond L.; Burkhart, James A., and Shaw, Van B., Contemporary Social Issues, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1955, 864 pp.

Lesser, Edith K., "Understanding Juvenile Delinquency," Federal Probation, volume 13, No. 3, September 1949, pp. 56-62.

Lifton, Walter M., "The Teacher's Role in Mental Hygiene, Therapy, and Social Reconstruction," Progressive Education, volume 32, May 1955, pp. 65-67. Lindquist, E. F., Editor, Educational Measurement, Washington: American Council on Education, 1951.

Lippman, Hyman S., "Preventing Delinquency," in Federal Probation, volume 17, No. 1, March 1953, pp. 24–26.

Lynd, Albert, Quackery in the Public Schools, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1953, 282 pp.

Mann, Horace, "Fifth Annual Report," Massachusetts Board of Education Annual Report, volume 5, 1842.

Mayer, Herbert C., Toward the Prevention of Juvenile Crime, New York: American Viewpoint, Inc., 1955, 15 pp.

A digest of the research on prevention of juvenile crime conducted by American Viewpoint, Inc., under a foundation grant to prepare materials designed to combat juvenile delinquency.

McAndrew, William, editor, Social Studies, Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1935, 465 pp.

McGrath, Earl J., excerpts from address delivered at the Educational Conference Observing the Inauguration of Dr. William G. Carr as executive director of the National Education Association, Washington, October 12, 1952. Printed as "Freedom in Our Classrooms,' School Life, volume 35, No. 3, December 1952, p. 32.

McGrath, Earl J., "Government and Education," speech at Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., on November 14, 1955. Extension of remarks of Rep. Richard Bolling, Congressional Record, volume 102, No. 4, January 12, 1956, pp. A194– A198.

McGrath, Earl J., "Selective Service Rejectees-A Challenge to Our Schools," in School Life, volume 35, No. 3, December 1952, pp. 35–36.

McMurray, F., "Psychotherapy in the School Curriculum," Progressive Education, volume 32, May 1955, pp. 80-88.

Monroe, Walter S., Teacher-Learning Theory and Teacher Education, 1890 to 1950, Urbana, Ill., 1952.

Mort, Paul R., and Reusser, Walter C., Public School Finance, (2nd ed.) New York: 1951.

Mort, Paul R., and Vincent, William S., A Look at Our Schools, New York: Cattell & Co., Inc., 1946, 115 pp.

Moustakas, C. E., and Shalock, H. D., "Analysis of Therapist-child Interaction in Play Therapy," Child Development, volume 26, June 1955, pp. 143–157. Moustakas, Clark E., Children in Play Therapy, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955.

The author's purpose is to portray vividly the attitudes of young children in play therapy and show how emotional insight is attained. The book describes normal children, children with temporary difficulties, and children with deep emotional problems.

Mullen, Frances A., "Truancy and Classroom Disorder as Symptoms of Personality," Journal of Education Psychology, volume 41, February 1950, pp. 97-109.

National Conference on Prevention and Control of Juvenile Delinquency. Report on School and Teacher Responsibility, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1947, 35 pp. National Society for the Study of Education, 47th Yearbook, Part II, Reading in the High School and College, edited by Nelson B. Henry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948, 318 pp.

National Association of Secondary-School Principals, Planning for American Youth: An Educational Program for Youth of Secondary-School Age, Washington: 1944. National Education Association of the United States, Educational Policies Commission, The Civilian Conservation Corps, The National Youth Administration, and The Public Schools, Washington: National Education Association, 1941, 79 pp.

National Society for the Study of Education, 47th Yearbook, Part I, Juvenile Delinquency and the Schools, edited by Nelson B. Henry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948, 280 pp.

Neumeyer, Martin H., Juvenile Delinquency in Modern Society: New York: Van Nostrand, 1955, 440 pp.

Nolan, Esther Grace, School Factors Related to Delinquency, Doctor of Education dissertation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, June 1950. Nolan, J. B., "Athletics and Juvenile Delinquency," Journal of Educational Sociology, volume 28, February 1955, pp. 263-265.

Norton, Thomas L., Education for Work: Report of the Regents' Inquiry, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1938, 263 pp.

Peck, Harris B., and Bellsmith, Virginia, Treatment of the Delinquent Adolescent: Group and Individual Therapy with Parent and Child, New York: Family Service Association of America, 1954, 148 pp.

Using case studies, a discussion is presented of various aspects of the delinquency problem and a presentation is made of treatment practices and processes that seem especially promising.

Percival, W. P., Why Educate?, Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1935, 179 pp. Polier, Justine Wise, "The Back-to-the-Woodshed Trend," Child Study, volume 31, Summer 1954, pp. 12-17.

Comments on the revival of the authoritarian approach to many child problems, including delinquency, as a measure of today's retreat from democratic ideals and scientific knowledge.

Pollack, Paul C., Juvenile Delinquency: Causes, Effects, and Remedies, New York: Pagent Press, 1955.

Poremba, Chester D., "Group Probation: an Experiment," Federal Probation, volume 19, September 1955, pp. 22-25.

This article tells of the results of an experiment in group therapy for juvenile probationers made by the Denver Juvenile Court.

Powers, Edwin, "The School's Responsibility for the Early Detection of Delinquency-Prone Children,” Harvard Educational Review, volume 19, Spring 1949, pp. 80-86.

Powers, Edwin, and Witmer, Helen L., An Experiment in the Prevention of Delinquency: The Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study. New York: Columbia University Press, 1951, 649 pp.

Proceedings of the Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth,
Raleigh, N. C.: Health Publications Institute, Inc., 1951, 363 pp.

Reeder, Edwin H., "The Quarrel Between Professors of Academic Subjects and
Professors of Education: an Analysis,'
"American Association of University
Professors Bulletin, volume 37, Autumn 1951, pp. 506-521.

Reiss, Albert J., Jr., “Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency. II. An Appraisal of the Research Methods," American Journal of Sociology, volume 57, No. 2, September 1951, pp. 115–120.

"Report of the Superintendent's Committee on Delinquency in the Secondary Schools," High Points in the Work of the High Schools of New York City, volume 36, April 1954, pp. 5-40.

Presents the recommendations of a special committee of principals in academic and vocational high schools on the delinquency problem.

Rothchild, Amelie S., "The School Personnel Needs a Sympathetic Understanding of Home Conditions," School Executive, volume 75, September 1955, pp. 82-83. Rubin, Sol, "Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency. I. Illusions in a Research Project Using Matched Pairs," American Journal of Sociology, volume 57, No. 2, September 1951, pp. 107-114.

Ruml, Beardsley, and Tickton, Sidney G., Teaching Salaries Then and Now: A 50-Year Comparison With Other Occupations and Industries, Bulletin No. 1, New York: The Fund for the Advancement of Education, 1956, 93 pp. Scheidlinger, Saul, "Should Teachers Be Group Therapists?", Progressive Education, volume 32, May 1955, pp. 70–74.

School Psychologists at Mid-Century: A Report of the Thayer Conference on the Functions, Qualifications, and Training of School Psychologists. Washington: American Psychological Association, Inc., 1955, 230 pp.

"Schools Help Prevent Delinquency," National Education Association Research Bulletin, volume 31, No. 3, October 1953, pp. 100–131.

"School's Role in Preventing and Combating Juvenile Delinquency," School Executive, volume 75, September 1955, pp. 73–85.

Series of several observations on the role of the school in the prevention of delinquency.

Schulman, I., "Dynamics and Treatment of Anti-social Psychopathology in Adolescents," Nervous Child, volume 11, October 1955, pp. 35–41.

Sheviakov, George V., and Redl, Fritz, Discipline. Washington: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1955, 64 pp.

Smith, Mortimer, And Madly Teach, Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1949, 107 pp.

Smith, Mortimer, The Diminished Mind: A Study of Planned Mediocrity in Our Public Schools. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1954, 150 pp.

Smith, Mortimer, editor, The Public Schools in Crisis: Some Critical Essays. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1956, 164 pp.

Smith, Philip M., "The Schools and Juvenile Delinquency," Sociology and Social Research, volume 37, November-December 1952, pp. 85-91.

Spalding, Willard B., "The Education of Teachers," Journal of Educational Research, volume 43, April 1950.

Spotting Juvenile Delinquents: What Schools Are Doing. Juvenile Delinquency Digest, volume 1, Pamphlet No. 6, New York: American Visuals Corp., 161 East 32nd St., 1955.

Statewide Conference on Youth and Delinquency, Schools. Report on Work Group No. 4, Albany, N. Y., Oct. 3–5, 1955. New York: The Temporary State Commission on Youth and Delinquency, 560 Madison Avenue, 1955, 5 pp.

Strang, Ruth, "Facts to Tell Young People About Delinquency," Federal Probation, volume 16, No. 4, December 1952, pp. 33–37.

Stullken, Edward H., "Schools and the Delinquency Problem" The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, volume 43, No. 5, JanuaryFebruary 1953.

Stullken, Edward H., "The Philosophy of a Special School," Phi Delta Kappan, volume 22, March 1940, pp. 345-50.

Stullken, Edward Henry, "What Can the Home and the School Do about the Juvenile Delinquency Problem?", Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary-School Principles, volume 38, April 1954, pp. 181-183.

Defines principles that will aid the school in making its optimum contribution in preventing and controlling delinquency.

Sullivan, K. G., "Physical Education and Juvenile Delinquency," Scholastic Coach, volume 25, September 1955, pp. 62-68.

Symington, Stuart, United States Senator, address before the Dunklin County Teachers' Association, Kennett, Mo., March 14, 1955. Extension of remarks, Congressional Record, volume 101, No. 51, March 22, 1955, pp. A1963-A1964. "Symposium on Young Offenders," Nebraska Law Review, volume 29, May 1950, pp. 521-604. Taber, Robert C., "The Judge and the Schools," Co-operation in Crime Control, pp. 41-56. Yearbook of the National Probation and Parole Association, 1944. Edited by Marjorie Bell. New York: National Probation and Parole Association, 1944. Taber, Robert C., "The Potential Role of the School Counselor in Delinquency Prevention and Treatment," Federal Probation, volume 13, No. 3, September 1949, pp. 52-56.

Taylor, Harold, "Toward a New Cultural Era?" in Newsweek, volume 46, No. 23, December 5, 1955, p. 58.

Thelen, Herbert A., "The Role of the Teacher in Relation to the Classroom and the Community," Progressive Education, volume 32, May 1955, pp. 75-78. Thom, Douglas A., "The Importance of Recognizing Delinquent Trends During Childhood," Federal Probation, volume 12, No. 1, March 1948, pp. 29-32.

Thomas Jefferson on Democracy, edited by Saul K. Padover. New York: New American Library, 1954, 186 pp.

Toynbee, Arnold, A Study of History, abridgement of volumes I-VI. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947, xiii, 617 pp.

U. S. Bureau of Labor Standards, After Teen-Agers Quit School; Seven Communities Help Would-Be Workers, Bulletin 150, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1952, 30 pp.

U. S. Bureau of Labor Standards, Employment Certificates Help You Help Youth, Bulletin 183, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955, 28 pp.

U. S. Bureau of Labor Standards, Why Child Labor Laws?, By Lucy R. Manning, Bulletin 96, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954, 14 pp.

U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Bulletin 998. Washington: Government Printing Office, 575 pp.

U. S. Bureau of the Census, Census of Population: 1950, volume 2, Characteristics of the Population; Part 2, United States Summary, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953, 557 pp.

U. S. Children's Bureau, Helping Delinquent Children, Publication No. 341. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953, 47 pp.

U. S. Children's Bureau, Juvenile Delinquency Causes, Prevention, Treatment— an Annotated Bibliography, Washington: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, August 1953, 45 pp.

U. S. Children's Bureau, Recommended Standards for Services for Delinquent Children, Washington: U. S. Children's Bureau, 1953, 21 pp.

U. S. Children's Bureau, The Child, volume 17, No. 4, December 1952. U. S. Congress. Senate. Comic Books and Juvenile Delinquency. Interim report of the Committee on the Judiciary, a part of the Investigation of Juvenile Delinquency in the United States, pursuant to S. Res. 190, 83d Congress, 2d session. Report No. 62. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955. 50 pp.

U. S. Congress. Senate. Hearings Before the Committee on Education and Labor, 77th Congress, second session, on S. 2295, Termination of Civilian Conservation Corps and National Youth Administration, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1942, 644 pp.

U. S. Congress. Senate. Hearings Before the Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency of the Committee on the Judiciary, Unted States Senate, 83d Congress, second session, National, Federal, and Youth-Serving Agencies, parts 1, 2 and 3. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954, 734 pp. U. S. Congress. Senate. Hearings Before the Subcommittee To Investigate Juvenile Delinquency of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 84th Congress, 1st session, Education, August 10-12, 1955. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955, 425 pp.

U. S. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy.

Engineering and Scientific

Manpower in the United States, Western Europe and Soviet Russia. Joint Committee print, 84th Congress, 2d session. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1956, 85 pp.

U. S. Congress. Senate. Juvenile Delinquency. Interim report of the Committee on the Judiciary, pursuant to S. Res. 89 and S. Res. 190, 83d Congress, 1st and 2d sessions. Report No. 61. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955, 154 pp.

U. S. Congress. Senate. Television and Juvenile Delinquency. Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, a part of the Investigation of Juvenile Delinquency in the United States, pursuant to S. Res. 62 as extended, 84th Congress, 1st session. Report No. 1466. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1956, 128 pp. U. S. Congress. Senate. Youth Employment and Juvenile Delinquency. Interim report of the Committee on the Judiciary, a part of the Investigation of Juvenile Delinquency in the United States, pursuant to S. Res. 62 as extended, 84th Congress, 1st session. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1956, 61 pp. U. S. Department of Labor, The Skilled Work Force of the United States, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955, 32 pp.

U. S. Office of Education, Administration of Vocational Education, Vocational Education Bulletin No. 1, General Series No. 1, revised 1948, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1949, 112 pp.

U. S. Office of Education, Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1948-50, chapter 5, Offerings and Enrollments in High-School Subjects.

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