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posed to the full shot of the enemy; or to sail down the waterfalls, with almost a certainty of being overwhelmed. Putnam did not hesitate, and jumped into his boat at a fortunate instant; for one of his companions, who was at a little distance, was a victim to the Indians. His enemies soon arrived, and discharged their muskets at the boat, before he could get out of their reach. No sooner had he escaped this danger, through the rapidity of the current, but death presented itself under a more terriffic form. Rocks, whose points projected above the surface of the water; large masses of timber, that nearly closed the passage; absorbing gulfs, and rapid descents for more than a quarter of a mile, left him little hope of escape. Putnam, however, directed the helm with the utmost tranquillity. His companions saw him with admiration, terror, and astonishment, avoid with the utmost address the rocks and threatening gulfs, which they every instant expected to devour him. He disappeared, and rose again, till he at length gained the even surface of the river, at the bottom of this dreadful cascade. The Indians considered it a miracle. They looked upon Putnam as invulnerable; and they feared to offend the Great Spirit, by attempting the life of a man so visibly under his immediate protection.


BEFORE the two armies, American and English, had begun the general action of Monmouth, two of the advanced batteries commenced a very severe fire against each other. As the warmth was excessive, the wife of a cannonier constantly ran to bring him water from a neighboring spring. At the moment when she started from the spring, to pass the post of her husband, she saw him fall, and hastened to assist


him; but he was dead. At the same moment she heard an officer order the cannon to be removed from its place, complaining that he could not

fill his post by as brave a man as had been killed. "No," said the intrepid Molly, fixing her eyes upon the officer, "the cannon shall not be removed for the want of some one to serve it; since my brave husband is no more, I will use my utmost exertions to avenge his death." The activity and courage with which she performed the office of cannonier during the action, attracted the attention of all who witnessed it, finally of General Washington himself, who afterwards gave her the rank of Lieutenant, and granted her half-pay during life. She wore an epaulette, and every body called her Captain Molly.


In the battle of Germantown, Major Burnet, the aid-de-camp of General Greene, wore a long cue after the fashion of the times, and as he turned round to attend to a dismounted cannon, his cue was cut off by a


inusket ball from the enemy. "Don't hurry, my dear Major," cried Greene, laughing; "pray dismount and get that long cue of yours; don't be in haste."



THE chief agricultural occupations in the eastern States are grazing and the dairy. The middle States are principally devoted to the cultivation of wheat and maize; the southern to that of tobacco, cotton, sugar, and rice, and the western to maize and wheat. Slave labor is chiefly employed in the southern States, and in some of the middle and western. The cotton raised in 1830 amounted to nine hundred and seventy-six thousand, eight hundred and forty-eight bales. The flour and meal inspected at the different ports of the United States, in 1830, amounted to the following two million, eight hundred and fifty-one thousand, eight hundred and seventy. six barrels of wheat flour; forty-one thousand, three hundred and fifty-one barrels of rye flour; eighteen thousand, three hundred and seventy-two hogsheads, and thirtyfive thousand, seventy barrels of corn meal.


The imports into the United States for the year, ending September 31st, 1831, amounted to one hundred and three million, one hundred and ninety-one thou sand, one hundred and twenty-four dollars. The exports of domestic produce for the same time, to sixty-one million, two hundred and seventy-seven thousand, and fifty. seven dollars; of foreign produce, to twenty million, thirty-three thousand, five hundred and twenty-six dollars. Total exports, eighty-one million, three hundred and ten thousand, five hundred and eighty-three dollars. The registered and licens ed shipping amounted on the last day of December, 1828, to one million, seven hundred and forty-one thousand, three hundred and ninety-one tons. The most important exports are those of cotton, flour, rice, tobacco, beef, pork, lumber, cattle, and horses. New Orleans has the greatest export trade, and New York the greatest imports. Most of the shipping is owned in the New England States and New York.


In 1810, the annual value of all the manufactures was estimated at one hundred and seventy-two million, seven hundred and sixty-two thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six dollars. In addition to the large establishments, it is estimated that two thirds of the clothing worn by the agricultural population are the product of domes tic manufactures. The greater portion of American manufactures are designed for

internal consumption, yet, in 1829, there were exported from the United States, manufactured articles to the value of six million, twenty-five thousand, and two hundred dollars.


Nearly all the fisheries are carried on by the New England States. The whale fishery alone employs three hundred ships, averaging three hundred and forty tons each, and in 1830 produced one hundred and six thousand, eight hundred barrels of spermaceti oil, and an equal quantity of black oil, and two million, five hundred thousand pounds of spermaceti candles. The mackerel and herring fishery is pursued along the northern coast, and the cod fishery on that of Labrador and the Newfoundland banks. Fish to the value of a million of dollars are yearly exported.


The national domain, or public lands, consist of tracts of territory ceded to the General Government by the several States; of the lands in the Territory of Louisia na, purchased of France; and those in Florida, acquired by treaty from Spain. A vast portion of this land is occupied by the Indians, who are considered as proprietors of the soil till the Government extinguish their title by purchase. A General Land Office, at Washington, directs the sale of these territories. All the lands are survey. ed before sale; they are divided into townships of six miles square, which are subdivided into sections of one mile square, containing each six hundred and forty acres, and sold in sections, half, quarter, and half-quarter sections. The minimum price is fixed by law at a dollar and a quarter. All sales are made for cash. Salt springs and lead mines are reserved, but may be sold by special orders from the President. One section of six hundred and forty acres is reserved in each township, as a fund for the perpetual support of schools. Five per cent. on all sales of land are reserved, three fifths of which are expended by Congress in making roads leading to the States in which the lands are situated, and two fifths are expended by the States for the promotion of learning. Up to the present time about one hundred and fifty million acres of the public lands have been surveyed, of which thirty million have not been proclaimed for sale; twenty million have been sold, and as much more granted by Congress for education, internal improvement, and other purposes. There remain one hundred and ten million acres surveyed and unsold; eighty million of which are in the market. The whole quantity of land owned by the United States amounts to one billion, sixty-two million, four hundred and sixty-three thousand, one hundred and seventy-one acres.


The revenues of the United States are derived from customs, sales of land, the post office, lead mines, and stock of the United States Bank. Of these the customs constitute much the largest item. In 1830 the revenue was as follows: customs, twenty-one million, nine hundred and twenty-two thousand, three hundred and ninetyone dollars, and thirty-nine cents; lands, two million, three hundred and twenty-nine thousand, three hundred and fifty-six dollars, and fourteen cents; dividends on bank stock, four hundred and ninety thousand dollars; other sources, one hundred and two thousand, three hundred and sixty-eight dollars, and ninety-eight cents. Total revenue, twenty-four million, eight hundred and forty-four thousand, one hundred and sixteen dollars, and fifty-one cents. The expenditure for the same year amounted, exclusive of the payment toward the public debt, to twelve million, seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand, five hundred and thirty-three dollars, and thirty-three cents.


The army is restricted by law to six thousand, one hundred and eighty-eight men ; and consists of four regiments of artillery, and seven regiments of infantry, under the command of one major general and two brigadier generals. The army expenses of 1830, including fortifications, arsenals, armories, ordnance, internal improvements, &c., amounted to four million, seven hundred and sixty-seven thousand, one hundred and twenty-eight dollars, and eighty-eight cents. The navy consists of seven ships of seventy-four guns, seven of forty-four, three of thirty-six, two of twenty-three, thirteen of eighteen, and five smaller vessels. There are building, five of seventy-four guns, and six frigates: total, forty-eight. The force in commission, consists of five frigates, eleven sloops of war, and seven schooners. There are navy yards at Portsmouth, N. H., Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Norfolk, Va., and Pensacola. There are dry docks at Boston and Norfolk. The expenses of the naval establishment for 1830, were three million, two hundred and thirty-nine thousand, four hundred and twenty-eight dollars, and sixty-three cents. There is no rank in the navy above that of a captain.


The Bank of the United States was chartered in 1816, with a capital of thirty-five million of dollars. Of this stock, the government own seven million of dollars, or one fifth. The bank is at Philadelphia, with branches in twenty-five other places. The present charter extends to March 3d, 1836.


The postroads in the United States, amount to one hundred and fifteen thousand, one hundred and seventy-six miles; and the yearly transportation of the mail, is equal to fifteen million, four hundred and sixty-eight thousand, six hundred and ninety-two miles; namely, ten million, seven hundred and twenty-eight thousand, three hundred and forty-eight miles in stages and steam-boats, and four million, seven hundred and forty thousand, three hundred and forty miles on horseback, and in sulkies. The number of postoffices on the first of July, 1831, was eight thousand, six hundred and eighty-six. The expenses of the postoffice department for the year ending July 1st, 1831, were one million, nine hundred and thirty-five thousand, five hundred and fifty-nine dollars. Receipts, one million, nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand, eight hundred and eleven dollars; profits, sixty-two thousand, two hundred and fifty-two dollars. The revenue derived from the postoffice, is chiefly expended upon the extension and improvement of the mail routes.


The mint of the United States was established at Philadelphia, in 1792. The coinage of gold and silver bullion is performed free of expense to the owners. In 1831, the coinage amounted to three million, nine hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and seventy-three dollars, and sixty cents; of which seven hundred and fourteen thousand, two hundred and seventy dollars were in gold; three million, one hundred and seventy five thousand, and six hundred dollars in silver; and thirty-three thousand, six hundred and three dollars and sixty cents in copper. Amounting in all, to eleven millions, seven hundred and ninety-two thousand, two hundred and eighty-four pieces: namely, one hundred and forty thousand, five hun

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