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HEY order, faid I, this matter better in France

-You have been in France? said my gentleman, turning quick upon me with the most civil triumph in the world.Strange! quoth I, debating the matter with myself, that one and twenty miles failing, for 'tis absolutely no further from Dover to Calais, should give a man these rights-I'll look into them: so giving up the argument - I went straight to my lodgings, put up half a dozen shirts and a black pair of filk breeches-" the coat


I have on, faid I, looking at the sleeve, will do"- took a place in the Dover stage; and the packet failing at nine the next morning - by three I had got fat down to my dinner upon a fricaflee'd chicken so incontestably in France, that had I died that night of an indigestion, the whole world could not have suspended the effects of the * Droits d'Aubaine - my shirts, and black pair of filk breechesportmanteau and all must have gone to the king of France-even the little picture which I have so long worn, and fo often have told thee, Eliza, I would carry with me into my grave, would have been torn from my neck.-Ungenerous! to feize upon the wreck of an


* All the effects of strangers (Swiss and Scotch excepted) dying in France, are seized by virtue of this law, tho' the heir be upon the spot-the profit of these contingencies being farm'd, there is no redress.

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