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cal department of our work for last year. (See EDINBURGH ANNUAL REGISTER, Vol. I. Part I. 1808.) The condensed account which we have now given will be sufficient to refer our readers to the succession of facts, and to preserve the order of dates on this subject. It may be proper to add, that, notwithstanding the difference of opinion among the members of the Board, relative to the two important subjects of investigation, they were unanimous in expressing their opinion that no further military proceeding was necessary. "It appears," say they, in the conclusion of their report," that the convention of Cintra, in all its progress and conclusion, or at least all the principle articles of it, were not objected to by the five distinguished lieutenant-generals of that army: and other general officers who were on that service, whom we have had an opportunity to examine, have also concurred in the great advantages that were immediately gained to the country of Portugal, to the army and navy, and to the general service, by the conclusion of the convention at that time.

"On a consideration of all circumstances, as set forth in this report, we most humbly submit our opinion, that no further military proceeding is necessary on the subject; because, however some of us may differ in our sentiments respecting the fit ness of the convention, in the relative situation of the two armies, it is our unanimous declaration, that unquestionable zeal and firmness appear throughout to have been exhibited by Lieutenant-Generals Sir Hew Dalrymple, Sir Harry Burrard, and Sir Arthur Wellesley, as well as that the ardour and gallantry of the rest of the officers and soldiers, on every

occasion during this expedition, have done honour to the troops, and reflected lustre on your Majesty's


ORIENTAL LITERATURE.-By the late arrivals from India we learn that a public disputation was held on the 27th February last, at the College of Fort William, at which Lord Minto, the governorgeneral, in his character of visitor of the college, delivered a long and able discourse. Our literary readers will peruse with interest the following extract from his lordship's discourse, both on account of the pleasing view which it affords of the progress of science and discovery in the oriental regions of the globe, and on account of the honourable testimony which it bears to the merit of some of our learned countrymen :

"I pass now to the notice of those accessions to the literature of the East, which have been already made, and of those which are in progress, either in immediate connection with the College of Fort William, or as-. sociated to it by a similarity of liberal tastes and purssits in their authors.

"A printing press has been established by learned Hindoos, furnished with complete fonts of improved Nagree types, of different sizes, for the printing of books in the Sanscrit language. This press has been encouraged by the college to undertake an edition of the best Sanscrit dictionaries, and a compilation of the Sanscrit rules of grammar. The first of these works is completed, and, with the second, which is in considerable forwardness, will form a valuable collection of Sanscrit philology. It may be hoped that the introduction of the art of printing among the Hindoos, which has thus

begun by the institution of a Sanscrit press, will promote the general diffusion of knowledge among this numerous and very ancient people, at the same time that it becomes the means of preserving the classic remains of their literature and sciences. "The compilation of an alphabetical Sanscrit dictionary, from the prineipal vocabularies of the language, and other authorities, had been undertaken soon after the institution of the college, by learned natives, employed for that purpose. The work, which comprises the etymology as well as interpretation of each term, together with examples from classical writers, has been lately completed, and a copy has been deposited in the library of the college.

"A dictionary, Sanscrit and English, consisting of the text of the celebrated Amera Cosha, with a translation and notes, the value of which will be understood, when I say, that they are the work of Mr Colebrooke, late president of the College Council, has been long in the press. The work is now completed, and may be expected to be published in a few months.

"A plan of a comparative vocabulary of Indian languages, in imitation of that which was executed under the order of the Empress Catharine, for the provinces composing the Russian empire, was proposed in the preceding year, by Sir James Mackintosh, who adorns and improves the short leisure of a laborious station with learning, and the promotion of learning. His proposal was founded on a very just view of the value and importance of the information which such a comparison may be expected to afford. À more extensive plan for the compilation of grammars and dictionaries of Asiatic languages had

been also suggested by Doctor Leyden, who had it in contemplation to undertake himself the task of conducting the compilation. This plan being however deferred, the Council of the College adopted a different arrangement, with the view of furnishing the information sought by Sir James Mackintosh, and at the same time forming a useful collection of vocabularies of all provincial languages and dialects of India. For this purpose, a vocabulary, in Persian and Hindoostanee, and another in Sanscrit and Bengalee, have been prepared, and will be printed and circulated, for the purpose of being filled up, by competent persons, with the corresponding terms in other languages in use in India. The printed vocabularies will be soon completed; and as it cannot be doubted that assistance will be cheerfully rendered by every gentleman whose local situation enables him to forward this useful undertaking, the successful issue of it may be confidently anticipated.

"Meer Sher Ulee, the head Moonshee in the Hindoostanee department of the college, having compiled and arranged, in the Hindoostanee language, a work on the history and geography of India, has been encouraged by the college to print it for publication. The dissemination, by means of the press, of works composed by natives eminent for their knowledge and practical skill in this dialect, must gradually polish and fix a standard of excellence in a language, which, though long employed as an elegant medium of colloquial intercourse, and as the vehicle of poetical imagery, has hitherto been little used for prose composition.

"The College Council and the Asiatic Society, who formerly resolved to support Mr Carey and his assistants

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in a translation of The Ramayan, have since determined to extend a similar support to the publication, by the same persons, of the text-books of one of the systems of Hindoo philosophy, entitled Sanc'hya. This will constitute a further step towards the attainment of the interesting object of making known, by means of literal versions, those works in the ancient language of India which are held in the greatest estimation by the Hindoos themselves.

"A dictionary of the Mahrata language, compiled by Mr Carey, and printed by him in the Mahratta character, has been some time in the press. It is a work which has been long wanted; and the publication of this, with the grammar before prepared by Mr Carey, furnishing the means of acquiring a very useful language, will be found of essential benefit by the junior servants of the company, on the establishments of Fort St George and Bombay.

"We are indebted to Mr H. P. Forster for two works of great labour, learning, and utility, in Sanscrit philology.

"The first, of which about 400 pages are already printed, contains ; 1. An essay on Sanscrit grammar, with tables of inflections.-2. A dissertation upon Sanscrit roots.-3. A translation of the Mugdabodha, a celebrated treatise on Sanscrit grammar, in which the enigmatical expressions of the original are fully illustrated, and the rules exemplified.

"Mr Forster's second work, which is nearly ready for the press, consists of a dictionary in the Sanscrit and Bengalee languages. The words are arranged alphabetically, with a translation into English. The etymologies are pointed out, and, where ne

cessary, confirmed and illustrated by examples.

"Mr Francis Gladwin has contributed to the stock of Indian philology a dictionary of Persian, Hindoostanee, and English, in three parts, composing three octavo volumes.The first part contains words in familiar use, including Synonima: The second, Arabic and Persian words that chiefly occur in books; compound and metaphorical allusions: The third supplies indexes to the different languages.

"In this enumeration I must not omit a work of Mirza Kaziur Ali Juan, entitled An Historical Account of the Bahamini Dynasty of the Dekhan;' being nearly a trans laton into Hindoostance of that portion of Fereehta's Persic History."

His lordship then dwelt at considerable length on the progress of the Malay and Affghan languages; after which he proceeded as follows:

"If I have not passed beyond the legitimate bounds of this discourse, in ranging to the extremity of those countries, and to the farthest island of that vast archipelago in which the Malay language prevails, I shall scarcely seem to transgress them, by the short and easy transition thence, to the language of China. I am, in truth, strongly inclined, whether regularly or not, to deal one encoura ging word to the meritorious, and I hope not unsuccessful effort, making, I may say, at the door of our college, though not admitted to its portico, to force that hitherto-impregnable fortress, the Chinese language. The means, we all know, that, in the present circumstances, can be employed in that difficult undertaking, are very inconsiderable. The honour is so much the greater to those whose en

terprise seems already to have opened at least a prospect of success. Three young men, I ought, indeed, to say boys, have not only acquired a ready use of the Chinese language, for the purpose of oral communication, which, I understand, is neither difficult nor rare amongst Europeans connected with China; but they have achieved, in a degree worthy of admiration, that which has been deemed scarcely within the reach of European faculties or industry; I mean a very extensive and correct acquaintance with the written language of China. I will not detail the particulars of the examination which took place on the 10th of this month at Serampore, in the Chinese language; the report of which, however, I have read with great interest, and recommend to the liberal notice of those whom I have the honour to address. It is enough for my present purpose to say, that these young pupils read Chinese books and translate them; and they write compositions of their own in the Chinese language and cha racter. A Chinese press too is established, and in actual use. In a word, if the founders and supporters of this little college have not yet dispelled, they have at least rent and admitted a dawn of day through that thick, impenetrable cloud; they have passed that oceanum dissociabilem, which, for so many ages, has insulated that vast empire from the rest of mankind. Let us entertain at least the hope that a perseverance in this, or similar attempts, may let in at length upon these multitudes the contraband and long-forbidden blessings of human intercourse and social improvement."

The following interesting account is given of the destruction of a royal tyger, by one of the officers of the 2d battalion of the 7th regiment N. I.,

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June, some of the officers of the corps formed a party to visit the celebrated # ruins of Mahmoodabad. On approaching them, they were alarmed by a sound like the roar of a royal tyger. They did not, however, immediately see the animal, and proceeded towards the ruins; but, on advancing a little farther, he suddenly burst upon their view in all his terrors, and a sprung at them with indescribable ferocity. A precipitate retreat was the natural consequence; and one of the gentlemen, who was but indifferently mounted, perceiving that he could not depend on his horse, with the promptitude of a vigorous and decisive mind, directed his course to a tree, which he immediately ascended, with his fowling-piece in his hand. His victim thus singled, the tyger gave over the pursuit of the others, and bounded on the horse, who stood paralysed with fear at the foot of the tree. At this crisis the gentleman in the tree took a cool and steady aim at the savage, and wounded him, though not mortally. The tyger feeling his wound, retreated to some distance, but almost immediately returned, with increased fury. In the mean time the officer had re-loaded, and taking aim at him again, while venting his rage on the miserable horse, wounded him mortally. On the first attack of the tyger, the retreat of the party was too precipitate and general to admit of individual attentions. Each person trusted to the speed of his horse, and our hero was undesignedly left behind. But when, on rallying in a neighbouring village, his comrades perceived that he was missing, they instantly armed themselves, and returned with a large concourse of the natives to the spot. They came in sight of the tree just

as the tyger had received his mortal wound. He again retreated, and was traced into a jungle, where they found him writhing in agony. On their approach, he collected his remaining strength into one final effort, and prepared to spring, but the spear of a native prevented him, and put an end to his struggles. On measuring him, he was found to extend ten feet eight inches from the nose to the tip of the tail. The poor horse was so mangled, that he was immediately put to death."

COVENT GARDEN THEATRE.On Saturday, 31st ult., the first stone of the new edifice was laid by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Preparatory to the ceremony, an extensive range of temporary accommodations, consisting of a covered gallery with seats, was prepared within the area of the building, for the reception of a very numerous assemblage of spectators of both sexes, who were admitted only by tickets issued by the managers and renters to their


The managers had, at an early hour, obtained the attendance of strong parties of the foot guards at all the avenues and entrances. The grenadier companies of the three regiments were drawn up, with their colours and music within the area; and two troops of the life guards patroled the streets in the vicinity, to preserve order.

At the north-east angle, the stone, about a ton weight, was suspended by a cable and windlass over its probed; adjacent was the tent for his Royal Highness and suite.


The grand lodge was opened at Freemason's Hall, Great Queen street, at 12 o'clock, and was attended by a deputation from all the minor lodges of the metropolis, the whole in their

proper paraphernalia. At half past 12 they set out in procession, and passed down Long-acre, Bow street, and entered by the door next to Broad-court, and proceeded to the place appointed for their reception on the left of the tent; the rear being brought up by the Life Guards Lodge, who lined the railed passage, to receive his Royal Highness; the bands playing the masonic air, "Come let us prepare." Immediately afterwards, the illustrious grand master made his entrance. He was received at the door by a deputation from the grand lodge, with the chief proprietors. The bands struck up "God save the king," and some pieces of artillery within the area fired a royal salute of 21 guns. His Royal Highness was attended by the Dukes of Sussex and Gloucester, the Earl of Moira, Colonels Bloomfield and Hulse, and several other masons of distinction; and being arrived at his tent, shortly afterwards proceeded to the ceremonial. A plan of the building was presented to his Royal Highness by Mr Smirke, the architect, and a gilt silver trowel by Mr Copeland, the builder of the edifice. The cement was then laid by the workmen, and adjusted by the grand master; the stone was lowered to its bed. The plumb, the level, and the square were then successively presented to his Royal Highness by the junior and senior wardens, and deputy grand master, with which having tried the stone, and found its position correct, his Royal Highness laid it, by giving it three strokes with a mallet.

A brass box was then delivered to

his Royal Highness, which contained a bronze medal, with a Latin inscription," that the stone was laid by George, Prince of Wales, with his own hand;" and on the reverse, a

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