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gain to the revenue, and the value of Year. No. of ships. Finished landing. property preserved to individuals by these means, amount annually to several hundred thousand pounds.

The report claims, as belonging to the establishment, credit for whatever benefits have resulted to the West India trade from the warehousing system; the adoption of which, it is well known, had been long contemplated by a great statesman, and only suspended until suitable accommodaItions for security of the revenue were di provided, and that when these objections were removed by the company, the measure was immediately resorted to by the legislature.

It is also remarked, that the charges on the import trade which the comfpany receive, and to which they are limited by law, during the extent of the charter, are taken exactly at the existing standard of those charges at the time of passing the act, although these rates had been previously almost annually advancing, and collaterally, with other expences of trade, would probably have still further advanced; consequently, that positive and considerable advantages were by this speculation alone secured to the public.

To demonstrate the increase of the West India trade, and that the company's means and resources have kept pace with that progress, several statements taken from the books are presented; and the report appeals to facts as the most incontrovertible evidence, and the only sure test by which the company's conduct in performance of its engagements with the public ought to be judged. The first statement shews the comparative number of West India ships, and the dispatch given at the docks for the last six years, viz :—


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14th Jan. 1804.


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29th Dec. 1804.


22d Jan. 1806.


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2d Feb. 1807.



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24th Dec. 1807.

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593 finish. Dec. 3. 1808. Exclusive of smaller vessels and craft.

From these returns it will be seen, that within the last year the company have unloaded 65 ships more than in the preceding season, and 174 ships more than the average number of the five previous years. It is also stated, that, notwithstanding the embarrassments which the well-known stagnation of export trade caused in the last season, by producing an extraordinary accumulation of goods in the warehouses, and consequent scarcity of stowage-room, the company actually unloaded, in the space of five months, from the beginning of July to the beginning of November, upwards of 460 ships, besides smaller vessels, &c., with cargoes comprising upwards of

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[blocks in formation]

That the warehouse-room for sugar at the free quays, previous to the existence of the docks, according to the best computation that could be made, was not capable of containing one third of the quantity of that article actually lodged at one time in the company's warehouses; and that some inference might thus be drawn as to the advantages resulting to the trade from the completion of the company's works, and also what must have been its present situation, increased as it is, without the interposition of this, or some similar institution.

Having submitted these and other details, to shew the competency of the company's accommodations to the extended state of the West India trade, and to prove the fulfilment of their public engagements, the report concludes thus:

The principles by which the Court of Directors have uniformly governed their conduct, have been those of sound discretion in the application of the funds of the company, a liberal construction and performance of its engagements with the public, and a scrupulous impartiality in the administration of business. How far these objects have been faithfully pursued, and successfully accomplished, may best be evinced, as to the first, by the prosperous state of your

finances; as to the second, by th details furnished by, and the fact connected with this report; and a to the last, it may fairly be demande whether one single instance can b produced.

7th. LONDON.-A naval and mili tary ball has been announced, for th benefit of the Spanish patriots, b Mr Wilson. This is certainly a ver laudable undertaking, and deserve the highest encouragement; not tha any great sum can be expected to ac crue from the profits of a ball; bu such a glorious example, if followe by the proprietors of all public place of amusement, would ensure a sur that would do credit to the list o subscriptions in the aid of the glo rious cause.

Letters were received yesterday from the frontiers of Catalonia, da ted the 24th November. They state that Barcelona was completely invest ed, and that the bombardment of th citadel was carried on with grea spirit.

The brave corps of English caval ry which disembarked at Coruna, and which, from its splendid and military appearance, was the admiration of al who beheld it, has, under the orders of Lord Paget, covered itself with glory.

On the 20th instant, 400 British attacked, at Sahagan, 900 French cavalry, part of a corps of from 12 to 13,000 men which is at Saldana. The English fought with such valour, that they put the enemy to flight, making 260 prisoners, besides 30 killed, and several wounded.

(Lisbon Gazette, Dec. 16th.)

MADRID, Nov. 29th.-Our gazette of this day contains the following letter from the viceroy of Mexico, Don Jose d'Iturrigarai, to the

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governor of Cadiz, Don Thomas Morla; the substance of which is as follows:

Mexico, August 24th, 1808.-I a wish you the most perfect health, and that you may proceed in the important affairs which you have unfr dertaken, with the utmost diligence and success. All this kingdom is animated with the best sentiments, and will continue so till our monarchs ot: are restored to Spain, and we have the satisfaction we so much desire, of being under their orders. I have determined to send this ship to give information of every thing to the juntas, and assure them of our paternity and good disposition to assist them with pecuniary supplies, if we cannot do it with troops; not that we are in want of them, for we have both cavalry and infantry in very good condition. I have many things to communicate to you, but little time to write, having much to do, that we may be prepared for every event.

Jose D'Irturigarai. Letters from Valencia state the following trait of the most heroic valour on the part of a boy, 14 years of age, which deserves to be ranked in the military annals of this country. During the last inlistment at Saragossa, the said boy was rejected, as unfit for service; but animated by the most fervent patriotism, and anxious to share in the glory of the gallant defenders of the country, he continued to mix with the troops who attacked the French, and behaved with so much intrepidity and valour, that he took a stand of colours, which, in the sight of the army, he carried to the church of Pilor, placed them on the high altar, and rejoined the troops, who were still closely engaged with the enemy.— Corunna Diary, Dec. 30th.

From the London Gazette.

Admiralty-Office, Jan. 7, 1809. Copy of a letter from Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood, commander-inchief of his Majesty's ships and vessels in the Mediterranean, to the Hon. W. W. Pole, dated on board the Ocean, off Toulon, the 19th of October, 1808.

SIR-I inclose a letter which I have just received from the Right Hon. Lord Cochrane, captain of the Imperieuse, stating the services which he has been employed in on the coast of Languedoc. Nothing can exceed the activity and zeal with which his lordship pursues the enemy. The success which attends his enterprizes clearly indicates with what skill and ability they are conducted. Besides keeping the coast in constant alarm, causing a total suspension of the trade, and harassing a body of troops employed in opposing him, he has probably prevented those troops which were intended for Figueras from advancing into Spain, by giving them employment in the defence of their own coast. On the coast towards Genoa, the enemy have been equally annoyed by the Kent and Wizard. Those ships have had that station some time, to prevent the French ships sailing from Genoa, and have almost entirely stopped the only trade the enemy had, which is in very small vessels. During their cruize there, they have taken and destroyed 23 coasters. I inclose the letter of Captain Rogers, giving an account of the attack made at Noli, and the capture of the vessels in the road. I have the honour to be, &c. COLLINGWOOD. Imperieuse, Gulf of Lyons, Sept. 28, 1808. MY LORD With varying opposition, but with unvaried success, the

after killed, by three grape shot he received in his body. I still ordered the fire to be kept up, until I found his Majesty's brig in a sinking condition, and struck.

Whether from the confusion of the enemy, or from the situation she was then in, they, shortly after taking possession of his Majesty's brig, ran her on shore, and left her an entire wreck. She is the French national vessel Le Sards, mounting 22 guns and 1 swivel. On her main deck, 16 32 pound carronades, and 4 long twelvepounder guns; on her quarter-deck, 2 nine-pounders.

I am sorry to add the loss on board his Majesty's brig Maria was James Bennett, commander; Robert O'Donnell, midshipman; and four seamen killed, and nine wounded, now in Point a Petre hospital, in a fair way of recovery. It would have given pleasure to both officers and seamen to have captured her. From her superiority in force was compelled to strike. I have, &c.

(Signed) JOSEPH DYASON, Master. To the Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane,

K. B. &c.

9th.-BARBADOES, Oct. 22. This day, at noon, his Majesty's ship Pompee, 80 guns, Captain Cockburn, 42 days from Plymouth, arrived in Carlisle Bay, and brought in with her the French imperial brig of war Pylades, of 18 guns and 105 men, captured eight days after her having left Martinique, on a cruise to wind. ward of this island.

The French prize the schooner La Polly, from Martinique bound to Bourdeaux, with a valuable cargo of coffee, clayed sugars, cloves, tortoiseshell, &c., was captured on the 13th inst., to windward of Dominica, by his Majesty's brig Superior, Captam Ferrie. La Polly is a remarkably

fine vessel, pierced for 18 guns, but had only four mounted, and commanded by M. Dessee.

Oct. 23. His Majesty's brig Maria, the capture of which we formerly mentioned, encountered a corvette ship of 16 32-pound carronades, four long 12's, and two long 9's, and had on board 405 men; and notwithstanding such superiority, the Maria mounting only 14 6's, and 67 men, she held the unequal contest for one hour and a quarter; but at last, being driven on the rocks near Bay Mahaut, was completely lost. Lieut. Bennett, commander of the Maria, and Mr O'Donnel, midshipman, and four seamen were killed, and nine wounded. The master, surgeon, and three inferior officers arrived at Dominica on the 18th inst., from Guadaloupe, where the remainder of the crew were carried prisoners.

By accounts from Dominica, from whence we received the above particulars, we also learn that the enemy at Guadaloupe, still indignant at our capture of Mariegalante, is forming a black corps, for the purpose of avenging himself on the defenceless island of Montserrat.

Lord Gardner, who was justly considered as one of the ornaments of the British navy, died at Bath on Sunday, 1st inst. He was born at Uttoxeter, in Staffordshire, and was in his 66th year. His father was a lieutenantcolonel in the 11th regiment of dragoon guards, and a native of Coleraine, in the north of Ireland. Lord Gardner commenced his naval career on the 1st of May, 1755, on board the Medway, of 60 guns, commanded by Captain Peter Dennis. He was in that ship in 1757, when, in company with the Eagle, they took the Duc d'Aquitaine, of 60 guns. On the 7th of March, 1760, he was advanced to


a lieutenant, and appointed to the Bellona, of 74 guns. He was after wards in nine glorious actions, in all of which he displayed courage, skill, and magnanimity. He married, in the year 1769, Miss Hyde, of Jamaica, and has left, by her ladyship, who survives him, a very numerous family, including two sons in the navy.

The following accident happened at Downham market, on Thursday se'nnight-As Mr Poll was attending his mill with his brother, a sudden squall of wind caused it to separate, and it fell to pieces in an instant. One of them was in the upper floor, in the act of putting wheat into the hopper; the other attending a different department. The stones, wheels, and about two score of wheat fell in confusion. Mr Poll had the presence of mind to leap from the upper stair, (it being a post wind-mill,) and escaped with a slight bruise on the hand his brother was precipitated to the ground in the midst of the ruins, with

upwards of 29 sacks of wheat around him, one of which fell upon him; but wonderful to relate, he received not the least injury.

On Friday last, as three keelmen were proceeding in a foy-boat to some ships off Sunderland harbour, the boat was upset by the violence of the surf, and we are sorry to add, that the whole were drowned. The bodies were all found, and interred on Sunday.

BOXERS.-A hard-pitched battle was fought on Monday, at Hensley Common, near Shaftesbury, for a subscription-purse of 50 guineas, between Wood, Captain Hardy's coachman, who lost a great provincial battle a month since, and James Ellis, from Kingsland, which place has produced Crib, and other boxers. The combatants contended for the purse 40 minutes, when Wood was declared the victor. He was the favourite throughout, but the fight was obstinately maintained to the last.*

* In order to render our work a faithful mirror of the times, we have thought it our duty to insert in the text the paragraph respecting the pugilistic art, from which some idea will be formed of its popularity among the mobility, and, we are ashamed to add, some of the nobility in England. On the same account we may have occasion to record some of the bloody conflicts by which its professors and their admirers so frequently display their skill. That pugilism may innocently be taught as an art, and may be useful for the purposes of self-defence, it is readily admitted. But this certainly can form no apology for the battles fought in cold blood-fought in presence of multitudes, whose hearts are rendered more brutal than before, by this brutal spectacle ;-battles which, having their origin in avarice, often terminate in death. If the law would consider those as madmen or murderers who should fight with swords or with pistols, for amusement or for gain, in what other light ought it to regard the civilized savages who fight with their fists for the same purpose, or those who patronize and encourage them? Crimes are in general spoken of as crimes; and yet in such instances as those we have referred to, the most respectable London papers do not hesitate to enter into the subject as amateurs, and to debate upon it as if it were a harmless recreation. The admirers of Mr Windham may defend the practice, by telling us that such practices are necessary to keep alive the national courage. But we will not pay to Englishmen so poor a compliment, as to suppose that their courage requires such a stimulus, or that it is necessary to degrade them into brutes for the purpose of rendering them heroes. We do confess, however, that there is something less ferocious in this odious custom than in the practice of bull-baiting, which the wit and eloquence of the same statesman were employed too successfully to de

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