Abbildungen der Seite

Orders for these trees will be received would recommend to the notice of the at Fleet-street, or by letter (postage meeting what had taken place at Lincoln paid). I suggest the utility of sending last week. That county had set the in the orders as quickly as convenient; example; she was closely followed by because, if long delayed, the variety is Norfolk; and he trusted that the whole diminished, and the executing of the country would pursue the same course. orders is not so well attended to. Gen- (Applause.) If it did, he had no doubt tlemen will be pleased to give very plain that they would be able to attain the directions, not only with regard to the object that they sought for, and that place whither the trees are to be sent, the ministers would be compelled to but also with regard to the mode of con- pay attention to the generally-expressed veyance, and the particular inn or opinion of the country. wharf where the packages are to be delivered.

N. B. The Locusts are all either gone or ordered.


(Continued from page 256.)

No! let them petition again and again; but not only for the repeal of the malt tax (a voice in the crowd, " Why what is the meeting for but that?"), for that would be virtually saying that that was all that they required for the return of prosperity and the revival of trade (hear, hear); and with what face could they go twelve months hence to ask for the repeal of something else? (Applause.) They ought, in fairness to themselves and to the Parliament, to state what was the distress of the country, and what were the means of relief that presented themselves. (Bravo!) As he had already stated, he did not intend to oppose Mr. Wodehouse's amendment; but if that was rejected, he saved to himself the right of proposing the resolutions which he had in his pocket. (Applause.)

Mr. Tock said, that the meeting should recollect that the only object which they had met to discuss was the repeal of the malt tax. That that repeal was much required by the country there could be no doubt, for as the trade now stood, it was impossible for the poor man to brew his own beer, and hardly to obtain it; and he looked upon it that the same Providence that had given wine as a luxury for the rich, had intended beer as the luxury of the poor. If he might be allowed to allude to what had taken place in another county, he

Lord CHARLES TOWNSEND hoped, that the system of petitioning would be steadily pursued in all directions; for he had not that confidence in the Ministry to believe that they would yield the point unless they were compelled to do it. (Appplause.)

Mr. COKE then presented himself to the meeting, and was received with loud and general cheering. He said that he had never attended a county meeting with more stisfactory feelings, for it had nothing to do with a difference in political or party spirit. (Applause.) Neither had they to canvass the horrors of a revolutionary war, which, in his opinion, had been the primary cause of all the distress and bankruptcy which had taken place since, and of the present impending danger to the country. (Applause.) In looking around him he saw men who had pledged their lives and fortunes in that cause; they were, however, alive and at this meeting, and he was glad to see them; he wished to God, however, that they had seen their error before they had plunged so madly into a war, which had ended in almost the ruin of the country. (Applause.) To the mover of the resolutions he offered his congratulations, on his now, for the first time, stepping forward to take a public part in the affairs of the county; and he was sure that they ought all to be obliged to him and his seconder, for the able manner in which they had introduced the resolutions to their notice: with respect to the latter of those gentlemen, though he agreed with him in many of the points which he had urged on the meeting, there were some in which he was obliged to disagree with him; he might also, perhaps, agree with

Sir Thomas Beevor in his wish for ra- greatest breweries in England? (Yes, dical reform. (A laugh and applause.) yes! and applause.) He would tell them This, and other points, might be in why he gave the preference to the reunison with his sentiments, but he must peal of the malt tax over that of beer. be allowed to say, that at all events It was because he was old enough to they were foreign to the objects of the remember when all the poor of the meeting. (Hear, hear.) For the exer-kingdom were able to brew their own tions that were now making for the re- beer. Up to the year 1750, when the peal of this tax, he was bound to return population of England and Wales was his thanks to the yeomanry of England, no more than 6,476,000, there was as and to the county of Norfolk in par- much malt as now, when the popula ticular. He knew that it was thought tion amounted to thirteen millions. by some that the repeal of the beer tax (Hear, hear.) Surely this was sufficient would still be more beneficial to the evidence that the beer did not contain poor than that of the malt tax. To hope the malt that it ought. (Applause.) They for the repeal of both duties, was too were told by interested persons, that if much, for, altogether, they amount to a the beer tax was taken off, they would large sum; and the question therefore, supply it to the poor for a penny a pot was, whether they would not be more less; but did they tell them that they likely to obtain the repeal of one than would make it better, and promise not of both? In order to obtain that, he to use the skill of the chemist in its believed that it was only necessary for composition? (A laugh and applause.) them and the yeomanry of England In his opinion, the removal of the beer generally to resolve to have a long pull, tax would only be a premium for bad a strong pull, and a pull all together. beer. Now, let them consider the malt (Cheers.) The other counties had but tax. He could remember the time when to follow the example of Lincolnshire every poor man brewed his own beer; and Norfolk, and then he should like to nor was it only his beer that he thus see the Minister who would dare refuse procured; in addition to that, there what was the joint request of the pride were the grains, with which he could of England. (Åpplause.) In the removal fatten a pig, or which enabled his wife of all grievances, however, there must to rear a few fowls; besides this, there be a beginning, and he therefore gave was a little yeast with which he was the preference to the malt tax over the able to make his own bread; for all beer. Mr. T. Salmon (and he trusted which reasons he thought the repeal of that that gentlemen was present to hear the malt tax preferable to that of beer. him) had attacked the agriculturists of (Applause.) Perhaps it might be conEngland as a selfish body; and as he tended that this repeal would not give considered himself as a member of that rise to all these operations in favour of body, he was sorry to hear it stigmatised the poor; but he was sure that it would, in such a way; for he trusted that the for if they could not do these things agriculturists of England had never been singly, at all events they would be able actuated by any other feeling than the by clubbing together to the number of good of the community at large. Mr. fifteen or twenty. (Hear, hear.) It was Salmon, however, had told them that a balm and cordial to any man's conit was their selfishness which made them pray for the repeal of the malt tax, when that of the beer tax would be so much more beneficial to the poor. But, being thus attacked for selfishness, let them for a moment inquire who Mr. Salmon was. That he was a very respectable person he had no reason to doubt; but the question was, whether he was not connected with one of the

science to think that he had not been accessary to the evils out of which the distress of the country had grown. He had already lived to a great age, and had long had the honour of representing that county in Parliament; but he could conscientiously say, that in all that time he had never given a vote that had pressed upon the country. (Applause.) It was in that proud situation

crying causes of the distress of the country? (from Mr. Palmer, "No, no!") He contended that it was, and he had never heard the contrary proved. Let them now, for instance, take only one article, that of gloves; how many thousand pairs of these were annually imported into this country, to the infinite detriment of the glove trade of England, though the manufacturers here pro duced better articles than those abroad. (Hear, hear.) But he did not think that there was any necessity to go into a lengthened argument to prove to them the evils of the free-trade system.

that he stood, and no commoner of Eng-ceive money, or else, how was he to land could stand in a prouder; and as spend any? (Applause.) With respect to long as he had the honour of represent-free trade, too, was not that one of the ing that county in Parliament, he should pursue the same course. (Cheers.) Mr. WODEHOUSE wished to explain the grounds upon which his resolutions went. It was true that the produce of the malt tax was only 4 millions, but there was no doubt that its repeal would go to affect twenty millions more of the taxes under the heads of the beer tax, the spirit tax, the sugar tax, and the tea tax. As this was the case, it would surely be better to go to the main evil at once, instead of standing only on the threshold. (Applause.) The only way in which they could escape the dangers which threatened the social system of England; the only way in which they could avoid circumstances as dreadful in their origin as they were desolating in their consequences, was by adopting some measure which should keep up the prices at home, at the same time that it lowered them with foreigners.

(To be concluded.)

COLES'S PATENT TRUSS, 3, CharingCross, (late of London-bridge). You will find per advertisement in Lodge's Illustrious Por traits for November, in Boyle's Court Guide and Royal Blue Book Directory for 1830, in No. 82, Quarterly Review, and No. 99, Edinburgh Review, the names of twenty Surgeons who have acknowledged COLES'S PATENT TRUSS to be more beneficial to the wearer, than any other Truss in use. important information on the subject of Reducible Hernia, than any other publication. To be had of all newsvenders; price two-pence.

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THE LANCET, No. 337, in reference to the Gazette of Health, says, "There will be no by and by." lack of knowledge amongst ruptured people



Small-pox, &c.

Colonel HARVEY thought that they were bound to do the best they could to relieve the condition of the poor, when they considered the oppressive circumstances under which they were labouring; if the malt tax were removed, he had no doubt that it would greatly tend to that effect. (Applause.) The great fault, and one of the principal causes of the distress of the country, was, that the legislature, in what they No. 339, published this day, at 210, Strand, had done of late years for the supposed Three Lectures by Mr. Lawrence, on Rheurelief of the country, had proceeded on matism, Gout, Syphilis, use of Mercury, &c. a wrong principle. If they did but con-Clinical Lectures by Dr. Alison, on Fever, template what had been done, both with respect to the corn laws and free trade, they would perceive how ruinous the system must be. As to the corn laws, as they now stood, they were entirely absurd; and indeed they must be so, for they knew the result. The bubble, that cheap corn was a comfort to the people, was burst; and they now began to know that what they wanted was,to get back to the former prices that cheap corn, to a certain extent was advantageous, he did not intend to deny; but in order that the country should enjoy a state of prosperity, it was necessary that the farmer should re

Lithotrity-Stone in the Bladder treated by
Baron Heurteloup.

Strangulated Hernia at the Derby Infirmary.
Meeting of Chemists and Druggists.
Anniversary Dinner of the Aldersgate-street
Meeting of the College of Physicians.
Representation of the Medical Profession in



trations of Medicine.

Review of Dr. Shirley Palmer's Popular Illus-
Reports from the London, Country, and Fo-
reign Hospitals.
Meeting of Medical Societies.
Medical Dinner.
Letters, Cases, &c. &c. &c.

Printed by William Cobbett, Johnson's court; and
published by him, as 183, Flegt-s tregt,

VOL. 69.-No. 10.]


[Price 7d.


Barn-Elm Farm, 26th February, 1830. MY LORD, I have rend in the report of your speech of last night, the following passage, relative to the treatment of the unemployed labourers, who apply for "The law chargeth no man with default parish relief. The words of this passage, where the act is compulsory and not volun- as I find it in the Morning Herald, are tary, and where there is not consent and these:-" In that part of the country to "election; and therefore, if either there be" which he belonged, able-bodied men "an impossibility for a man to do otherwise," were employed on the roads, for they "or so great a perturbation of the judgment had no other work, at 4d., and even " and reason, as in presumption of law man's "nature cannot overcome, such necessity "some of them at 3d. a day. This, "carrieth a privilege in itself. Necessity is" however, was not the case in Sussex "of three sorts: necessity of conservation of" only. It was the same in Wiltshire, "life; necessity of obedience; and necessity" Dorset, and many other counties. " of the act of God or of a stranger. First, of "conservation of life; if a man steal viands" This could not be attributable to the "(victuals) to satisfy his present hunger, this " is no felony nor larceny."-LORD BACON LAW TRACTS, p. 55.

"farmer, because he was nearly crushed, "not only with taxation, but with poor"rates and county rates, daily increasing "by distress, while at the same time "there was not a people more loyal to Of Men applying for Parish Relief." laws. They did not pretend to dictate "their King or more obedient to the


"to the Government, they only asked THIS has, with me, been a subject" for inquiry; and they had a right to of observation, complaint, and remon- "ask it on the principles of the constistrance, for more than ten years. I" tution. Who could not feel for the always, from the time of passing "distresses of the people, when they STURGES'S (the fellow is now called" learned the fact which had been pubSturges BOURNE) BILL, I clearly saw" lished in the newspapers, that British where this treatment would end. More" subjects were harnessed to wagons, of that matter by-and-by. The subject, " and degraded to the state of the brute at the end of ten years, is spoken of in" creation? Is this the way in which the the House of Lords, above all places in" once happy peasantry of England the world! The following letter from" were to be treated? And this occurred me to the Duke of RICHMOND, which" not only in Sussex, but in the county was on Monday published in the MORN-" of which the noble Duke was the ING HERALD, will open the subject very "Lord Lieutenant." Upon the same well. Then other things will follow; occasion, Earl STANHOPE is reported (in for it is now time (and no time to the Herald) to have said that, "Their lose) for us to have the whole of this" lordships were already acquainted with subject before us. The poor-rates will," the deplorable state of the labourers if this system go on, soon bring all the" in more than one district of the counfarmers and tradesmen in the agricul- try. Their lordships must have seen tural parts, completely down. Then that they had been degraded to the rates will take away all rents and profits: "level of beasts of burden, and that and a dreadful struggle will ensue. Let" they had been yoked like cattle to the us, therefore, understand the whole" wain, to draw loads from one place to "another. Was that a situation to which L


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"their lordships wished to see labourers | least, answer this question. The noble "reduced in England; in that country Earl said that he himself "was ac"which boasted of its free constitution, quainted with a parish in Sussex, in " and which looked down with an eye "which the whole proceeds of the land "of compassion on the condition of its" were insufficient to maintain its poor; "neighbours?" "and the inhabitants had for some


Now, my Lord, the wonder is not," time been compelled to apply to the that observations like these, that such" neighbouring parishes for assistance shame and such indignation should" and support. Looking at statements have been, relative to this matter, ex- "like these, and knowing the number pressed by English noblemen; the" of agricultural districts in which the wonder is, that they should never have" same description of distress could be been, by English noblemen, expressed found, he confessed he thought we before. For more than ten years I have" were fast on the road to, if we had been complaining and remonstrating on "not quite arrived at, that state of disthis subject; and for about three years," tress in which the landed proprietors many of the editors of newspapers have" held their properties, not for the purbeen doing the same. I, with my own pose of supporting or enriching their eyes have, with burning cheeks and" possessors, but merely in order to act boiling blood, seen it going on, from" as trustees for the paupers who reLancashire, inclusive, to the south of "sided on their estates. The next stage Sussex. Strange that it should never "to this was, he feared, not far distant; have, until now, excited the sympathy" that stage in which the unhappy and indignation of your Grace and of "persons thus scantily and wretchedly the noble Earl; or at least, not suffi-"supported, would relieve themselves ciently to induce you to speak of it in" from their miserable condition; and Parliament! In the year 1821 (3d De." finding they could neither obtain a cember) there was a meeting held at "livelihood by the exercise of honest Lewes, at which Lord Egremont pre- "industry, nor support from the estate sided, at which the younger JOHN" on which they were placed, would at ELLMAN said that " he had seen the" once endeavour to put an end to a state แ poor employed in drawing beach-" of things so intolerable, and enforce, gravel; and that the leader worked" through the power of their numbers, "with A BELL ABOUT HIS NECK." This "a division of the land." you may find fully recorded in the REGISTER, Dec. 22, 1821. Upon the sight of it, I, who was in Norfolk at the time, expressed my hope to see these cruel farmers broken up. About two years afterwards, at a public dinner at Lewes, an attempt was made to vote me out of the room; but this failed, and the man who made it was a bankrupt in a few weeks afterwards.

Now, your Grace must have heard something of all this; and, in short, where can you have lived in that county not to know that this shameful abuse of power, and, I say, violation of law, has been there going on, for nearly ten years, in numerous parishes? And how comes it, that now, for the first time, we hear of your indignation at the practice? Perhaps another part of EARL STANHOPE'S speech may, in part at

Never were wiser words uttered by mortal man; and, unless effectual measures of prevention be adopted, and in time too, this will assuredly be the end; and this I foresaw and foretold many years ago. Every day that is suffered to pass over without the adoption of such measures, makes the adoption more difficult. It is real madness; it is not error, but real madness, to imagine that the thing will mend itself; and it is madness just as complete to ascribe the distress to any but the one cause.

That cause is, an attempt to collect nearly sixty millions in taxes annually in money of full weight and fineness; and if this attempt be continued to be made for any length of time, Lord STANHOPE's last stage will certainly arrive. Yet, the currency cannot be changed in value without more

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