And Justice from her heavenly bowr 12 The Lord will also then bestow Then * will he come, and not be slow 50 * Heb. He will set his steps to the way. PSAL. LXXXVI. I THY gracious ear, O Lord, encline, For I am poor, and almost pine With need, and sad decay. 2 Preserve my soul, for † I have trod + Heb. I am good, Thy waies, and love the just, Save thou thy servant O my God Who still in thee doth trust. 3 Pitty me Lord for daily thee 5 For thou art good, thou Lord art prone loving, a doer of good and holy things. 10 20 Of all that other Gods have done 9 The Nations all whom thou hast made 10 For great thou art, and wonders great By thy strong hand are done, Thou in thy everlasting Seat II Teach me O Lord thy way most right, To fear thy name my heart unite 12 Thee will I praise O Lord my God With my whole heart, and blaze abroad 13 For great thy mercy is toward me, To seek my life, and in their eyes 15 But thou Lord art the God most mild Readiest thy grace to shew, 30 40 50 60 PSAL. LXXXVII. I AMONG the holy Mountains high There Seated in his Sanctuary, 2 Sions fair Gates the Lord loves more 3 City of God, most glorious things Philistia full of scorn, And Tyre with Ethiops utmost ends, 5 But twise that praise shall in our ear This and this man was born in her, 6 The Lord shall write it in a Scrowle 7 Both they who sing, and they who dance With sacred Songs are there, In thee fresh brooks, and soft streams glance 10 20 PSAL. LXXXVIII. I LORD God that dost me save and keep, And all night long, before thee weep Before thee prostrate lie. 2 Into thy presence let my praier And to my cries, that ceaseless are, 3 For cloy'd with woes and trouble store Surcharg'd my Soul doth lie, My life at death's uncherful dore Unto the grave draws nigh. 4 Reck'n'd I am with them that pass Down to the dismal pit * I am a man, but weak alas And for that name unfit. * Heb. A man 5 From life discharg'd and parted quite Among the dead to sleep, 6 Thou in the lowest pit profound 7 Thy wrath from which no shelter saves without manly strength. 20 30 bears both. * The Heb. 8 Thou dost my friends from me estrange, Me to them odious, for they change, 9 Through sorrow, and affliction great And praise thee from their loathsom bed 40 Or they who in perdition dwell 12 In darkness can thy mighty hand Thy justice in the gloomy land 13 But I to thee O Lord do cry And up to thee my praier doth hie 14 Why wilt thou Lord my soul forsake, And hide thy face from me, 15 That am already bruis'd, and † shake + Heb. Prae Com With terror sent from thee; Bruz'd, and afflicted and so low As ready to expire, While I thy terrors undergo 16 Thy fierce wrath over me doth flow cussione. Finis. 50 60 70 |