In battel, what our power is, or our right. With speed what force is left, and all employ 730 This our high place, our sanctuary, our hill. To whom the Son with calm aspect and clear Light'ning divine, ineffable, serene, Made answer. Mighty Father, thou thy foes 735 Justly hast in derision, and secure Laugh'st at their vain designs and tumults vain, Matter to me of glory, whom their hate Illustrates, when they see all regal power Given me to quell their pride, and in event Know whether I be dextrous to subdue Thy rebels, or be found the worst in heaven. So spake the Son: but Satan with his powers Far was advanc'd on winged speed, an host Innumerable as the stars of night, 740 745 Or stars of morning, dewdrops, which the sun Regions they pass'd, the mighty regencies 750 Than what this garden is to all the earth, And all the sea, from one entire globose 746 stars of morning] Casimir Sarb. Carm. ii. 4. 1. calls the dews, 'Stellulæ noctis decedentis.' 747 Impearls] Sylv. Du Bartas, p. 70. Impearled with tears, which sweet Aurora sheds.' Todd. Stretch'd into longitude; which having pass'd, At length into the limits of the north 755 They came, and Satan to his royal seat High on a hill, far blazing, as a mount Rais'd on a mount, with pyramids and tow'rs From diamond quarries hewn, and rocks of gold, The palace of great Lucifer; so call 760 That structure in the dialect of men 765 770 [powers, Thrones, dominations, princedoms, virtues, 775 780 But what if better counsels might erect 788 knee] Shakesp. Richard II. act i. scene iv. 785 790 795 'And had the tribute of his supple knee.' Todd. 799 much less] This passage is considered as one of the most difficult in Milton. Bentley, Pearce, Richardson, Greenwood, Warburton, and Newton, have given their different interpretations. I differ from them, as they carry back the force of 'much less' to what has past. I consider one argument concluded at 'err not,' and that 'much less,' beginning a new one, looks forward; and I thus explain it: Much less reason has he to be called our Lord, and consequently to look for adoration from us, when it must be at the expense, or abuse of those imperial titles which in themselves assert our own sovereignty, and our consequent immunity from servitude.' He alludes to the titles given the angels. 'Thrones, dominations, princedoms, &c. this argument Abdiel answers, v. 831. I trust that this explanation will be considered as satisfactory. 799 for this] for. This. Iste. Bentl. MS. VOL. II. 3 And look for adoration to th' abuse Thus far his bold discourse without control 800 Had audience, when among the seraphim O argument blasphemous, false, and proud! That to his only Son, by right endu'd With regal scepter, every soul in heaven Shall bend the knee, and in that honour due And equal over equals to let reign, One over all with unsucceeded power. 810 815 820 Thee what thou art, and form'd the pow'rs of heaven Such as he pleas'd, and circumscrib'd their being? Yet by experience taught we know how good, And of our good, and of our dignity How provident he is, how far from thought To make us less, bent rather to exalt All things, ev'n thee, and all the spirits of heaven By him created in their bright degrees, 841 Crown'd them with glory, and to their glory nam'd So spake the fervent angel; but his zeal 846 850 That we were form'd then say'st thou? and the Of secondary hands, by task transferr'd [work From Father to his Son? strange point and new! Doctrine which we would know whence learn'd : who saw When this creation was? remember'st thou |