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" This is the month, and this the happy morn Wherein the Son of Heaven's Eternal King Of wedded maid and virgin mother born, Our great redemption from above did bring; For so the holy sages once did sing That he our deadly forfeit should release, And with... "
The Poetical Works of John Milton - Seite 5
von John Milton - 1903 - 607 Seiten
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The poetical works of John Milton, with the life of the author by ..., Bände 3-4

John Milton - 1807 - 434 Seiten
...this the happy mom, Whetein the Son of Heav'n's eternal King, Of wedded Maid, and Virgin mother bom, Our great redemption from above did bring; For so...release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. It. That glorious form, that light unsuffcrable, And that far-beaming blaze of maiesty, Wherewith he...
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Paradise regained. An account of Cowper's writings, relating to Milton. A ...

William Hayley - 1810 - 418 Seiten
...month, and this the happy morn, Wherein the Son of Heaven's Eternal King, Of wedded Maid and Virgin Mary born, Our great redemption from above did bring; For...release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. II. That glorious form, that light unsufferable, And that far-beaming blaze of majesty, Wherewith he...
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Cowper's Milton [the poetical works, with life, notes and tr. by W ..., Band 4

John Milton - 1810 - 540 Seiten
...month, and this the happy morn, Wherein the Son of Heaven's Eternal King, Of wedded Maid and Virgin Mary born, Our great redemption from above did bring; For...release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. II. That glorious form, that light unsufFerable, And that far-beaming blaze of majesty, Wherewith he...
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The Works of the British Poets: With Lives of the Authors, Band 7

Ezekiel Sanford - 1819 - 366 Seiten
...their marriage. Milton kad now been long totally hlhid. ODES. MOBJWJVG OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY.* 1629. THIS is the month, and this the happy morn Wherein...release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. That glorious form, that light unsufferable, And that far-beaming blaze of majesty, Wherewith he wont...
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The British Poets: Including Translations ...

British poets - 1822 - 272 Seiten
...marriage. Milton had now been for some time totally blind. ODES. ON THE MORNING OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY. THIS is the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein...release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. That glorious form, that light unsufferable, And that far-beaming blaze of majesty, Wherewith he wont...
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New elegant extracts; a selection from the most eminent British ..., Band 1

New elegant extracts - 1827 - 404 Seiten
...Reader. n. AD ELEGANT EXTRACTS. PART I. Bcbottonal ani> i'Hovai. HYMN TO THE NATIVITY. INTRODUCTION. THIS is the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein...release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. That glorious form, that light unsufferable, And that far beaming blaze of majesty, Wherewith he wont...
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The Sacred Lyre: Comprising Poems, Devotional, Moral and Preceptive ...

1828 - 398 Seiten
...worlds survey, That ushers in the glad serene Of everlasting day ! ON THE MORNING OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY. THIS is the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein...bring ; For so the holy sages once did sing, That be our deadly forfeit should release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. That glorious...
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Sacred Poetry: Consisting of Selections from the Works of the Most Admired ...

Henry Stebbing - 1832 - 378 Seiten
...CHRIST'S NATIVITY. [MILTON.] THIS is the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein the Son of HeavVs eternal King, Of wedded Maid, and Virgin Mother born,...release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. That glorious form, that light unsuffcrable, And that far-beaming blaze of majesty, Wherewith he wont...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton, Band 2

John Milton - 1834 - 500 Seiten
...MORNING OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY. I. THIS is the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein the Son of heav'n's eternal king, Of wedded Maid, and Virgin Mother born,...release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. n. That glorious form, that light unsufferable, And that far beaming blaze of majesty, Wherewith he...
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The Christian's Book of Gems: A Selection of Sacred Poetry

Christian - 1840 - 312 Seiten Saviour's school of grace, Have learn'd to be content. ODE ON THE MORNING OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY. THIS is the month, and this the happy morn, Wherein...release, And with his Father work us a perpetual peace. That glorious form, that light unsufferable, And that far-beaming blaze of majesty, Wherewith he wont...
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