as...appeased?] Distended as...appeas'd, Ed. 1. Distended, as...appeased? Todd. brow] bow Fenton conj. appeased?] appeas'd? Fenton. appeas'd, Ed. I. 886. late repenting] late, repenting Fenton. 899. Seed time] Seed-time Tickell. 901. Heaven and Earth, wherein] Heav'ns, and Earth whereon Bentley conj. XII. 1-5. As one...resumes] Added in Ed. 2. Keightley. 35. claiming] 1688. claming Ed. 1. Heav'n-tow'rs Fenton. Heav'ns Tow'rs Tickell. Bentley conj. I. bates] baits 52. Heaven towers] 53. spirit] specch 59. was] is Bentley conj. 60. And] All Bentley conj. 210. chariot wheels] chariot-wheels Fenton. 229. trumpet's] Fenton 238. what they besought] 263. mid them thir desire Ed. 1. 373. been] 1688. bin Ed. 1. Proclaming Ed. 1. 410. To save] Do 424. Thy] The 1711. 445. the] their Bentley conj. 451. he shall shall he 1705. 459. this] the 1711. 477. good will] good-will Fenton. 482. truth?] 1688. truth; Ed. 1. 497. persecutors] 1695. Persecutours 1688. persecuters Ed. 526. Liberty?] Fenton. anothers: Ed. 1. pretense Ed. 1. other's?] Fenton. 539. weight] 1688. waight Ed. 1. 1. 520. pretence] 1705. Libertie; Ed. 1. 528. an534. Will Ed. 1. Well Ed. 2. 555. fix'd!] fixed! Keightley. fix'd? Fenton. fixt: Ed. 1. 562. And love] To love Keightley conj. 568. worldly strong] worldly-strong Keightley. worldly wise] worldly-wise Keightley. 569. simply meek] simply-meek Keightley. 590. see!] Fenton. see Ed. 1. 601. (For...Seed)]-For by the Woman's SeedKeightley. For] Come Bentley conj. 604. With cause] (With cause!) 617. unwilling] unwillingly 1711. 635. vapour] vapours 645. soon ;] soon. Anon. conj. (Peck). 648. They] Then Fenton. 1711. Anon. conj. (Peck), arranging the last four lines thus: 648, 649, 646, 647. 648-9. They...way] Bentley ventured to propose Then hand in hand with social steps their way Through Eden took, with heav'nly comfort cheer'd. PARADISE REGAINED. I. 9. field] field, Tickell. (Newton). Calton conj. came, as 1705. Put in a parenthesis by Fenton. parenthesis by Dunster. being, Tickell. Tickell. 14. summ'd] plum'd Anon. conj. 21. To all baptized] Baptizing all or And all baptiz'd 24. To the flood Jordan, came as] To the flood Jordan 37. a while] a-while Fenton. 45-7. For...habitation] 60-3. At least...Air] Put in a 62. being] Ed. 1 (Errata). being. Ed. 1. 84. heard] Ed. 1. hear Ed. 2. 85. am] I'm 97. Not...snares] Put in a parenthesis by Dunster. wellcouch'd...well-woven] Hyphened by Tickell. 122. men, attested] men attested Fenton (1727). 133. message late,] message, late Fenton (1727). 137. Then] Thou Keightley conj. 144. subtlety] Newton. subtilty Ed. 1. 159-160. foes, By...sufferance:] Ed. 1. foes. By...sufferance Keightley. 171. hand] harp Calton conj. withdrawn. 182. and vigils] in vigils Sympson conj. 189. leading,] Newton. leading; Ed. 1. leading Keightley. 193. enter'd] entred Ed. 1. 195. meditations] meditation 1688. 225. unware] unaware 1688. 226. subdue] destroy Ed. 1, corrected in Errata. 241. should] Ed. 1. shall Ed. 2. 249. before, in heaven] before in heaven, Fenton (1727). 253. new-graven] Hyphened by Todd. 259. straight] Ed. 2. strait Ed. I. Ed. I. out Ed. 2. Masson. 254. thee King] the King Ed. 2. 271. knew] Ed. 1. new Ed. 2. 295. side] side, Fenton (1727). 294. our] 297-8. The way...difficult] The way he came, not having marked return, Was difficult 304-5. hill Sometimes, anon] hill, Sometimes anon Fenton 307. one] some Jortin conj. (1727). Put in a parenthesis by Fenton (1727). Caravan ?...droughth. Tickell. Caravan,...droughth? Ed. 1. 331. dwell 315-8.] 323-5. caravan?...drouth.] 333. aught] Keightley. ought Ed. 1. 350-1. God, who...manna?] Newton Ed. I. dwelt Ed. 2. 339. stubs] shrubs Thyer conj. 378. of] to Rouse. (Calton conj.). God; who...manna; Ed. I. God; who...Mannal Tickell. God? who...manna; Fenton. Ed. I. 400. Nearer] Never Ed. 1, corrected in Errata. Jortin conj. Landor conj. won? Ed. 1. 353. Elijah] 1705. Eliah 395. portents] prophets Calton conj. 402. man's] one's 415. or] and 404. less?] Tickell. less Ed. 1. 426. inflictions? but his patience won.] Fenton. inflictions, but his patienc 460. living] loving 1688. Ed. 2. rested Ed. 1. 463. an] Ed. 1. and 477. scape escape 1695. II. 6-8. I mean.. n.....named] Put in a parenthesis by Fenton (1727). 27.] Put in a parenthesis by Tickell. from that 1688. Masson. 30. from what] Ed. 1. 35-6. Now...restored] Marked as a quotation by 40. rapt] wrapt Newton. 51. pointed at] pointed out 60. But to his] But O! his Calton conj. 62. Jordan,] Ed. 1. Jordan Masson. 68. Hail] Tickell. Hale Ed. 1. 123. call'd,] call'd Fenton (1727). 115. preface] purpose Sympson conj. Masson. trouble; Ed. 1. 127. who] whom Ed. 2. 136. If he...least,] Ed. 1. 126. trouble!] 128. than] om. If he be man by 177. but taken] taken but Sympson conj. titled] False titled Ed. 1. 183. lurk'st] lurk'dst 1705. Meadowcourt conj. Calisto Ed. 1. 189. lay'st] lay'dst 1705. ...tell] Put in a parenthesis by Dunster. parenthesis by Tickell. 175. doat'st] 179. False186. Callisto] 214-5. as 215. so fables tell] Put in a 227. worth, of] worth; with Meadowcourt conj. 228. Rocks...wreck'd] Put in a parenthesis by Masson. oftest] often 1688. 232. wide] wild Ed. 2. 309. here] 1705. he Ed. 1. Errata. Thisbe Keightley conj. Sympson conj. not 1705. 278. Or as] Or was Sympson conj. 313. Thebez] Thebes Ed. 1, corrected in 319. How hast thou] Dost thou not 323. refusal?] Tickell. refusal, Ed. 1. 341. piled] pill'd Ed. 1, corrected in Errata. built pastry-built 1695. 326. nor] 343. pastry 352. rich clad] Ed. 1. rich-clad Keightley. 359. faery] Dunster. Fairy Ed. 1. pipes and winds Ed. 1. 371. knowledge works, at] knowledge, works 388. find?] Tickell. 357. seem'd] seem'd, Calton conj. Keightley conj. 486. oftest] often Landor conj. III. 18. Of] And Meadowcourt conj. 368. What find, Ed. 1. 405. with... 420. the dizzy] 445. of] 448. those] these 21-3. hide? Affecting... wilderness,] Ed. 1. hide, Affecting...wilderness? Tickell. 26. attempts attempts, the flame 1705. the flame] Ed. 1. praise, Ed. 1. remote? Fenton. 51. praise?] Tickell. 56. dispraised] despis'd 1705. 76. remote,] Ed. 1. 78. conquerors,] conquerors? Keightley. 83. sacri fice?] Todd. Sacrifice; Ed. 1. 87. reward.] Ed. 1. reward? Tickell. 96-7. memorable?) By...doing,] Ed. 1. 130. that,] what 1688. 134. glory, 136. shame?] shame- Masson. 151. the seeking] Ed. 1. their seeking Ed. 2. thy seeking Newton conj. withdrawn. 164. by] in Masson. 199-200. kingdom? why...Solicitous?] Todd. Kingdom, 213. My crime; whatever] Ed. 1. Aly why...Sollicitous, Ed. 1. crime whatever; Sympson conj. My crime whatever, Meadowcourt conj. 217. From] For Keightley conj. 224-6. best,...King?] best?...King! Keightley. 227. linger'st] Ed. 1. lingrest Ed. 2. 260. pastures] pasture Masson. 287. hundred] Ed. 2. hunderd Ed. 1. 293-5. now...empire] Put in a 1747. in sight Ed. 1. Ninevee Ed. 1. 238. insight] 275. Nineveh] 292. Ciesi 316. Candaor] Ed. 1. Gandaor Ed. 2. corrected in Errata. 309. half-moons] Ed. 2. half moons Ed. 1. 324. showers] shower Ed. 1. 329. indorsed] endorst Ed. 1. phon] Fenton. Tesiphon Ed. 1. parenthesis by Dunster. 330. Of 350. shown] archers] Or archers Keightley conj. pioners] Pioneers 1688. Ed. I. show Masson, who in his note gives 'shew' as the reading of the first edition. In some copies the last letter has not taken the ink. 359. Jew] Jews Fenton. 367. Hyrcanus bound] Ed. 1. Hyrcanus, 377. Ten] Eight Dunster conj. bound Fenton (1727). need] need not or need nought Keightley conj. zeal, where Ed. 1. 416. the] and Fenton. 385. not 407. zeal? where] Tickell. 428. as to] unto Mitford conj. 430. would follow] would fall off or would fall, bow Sympson Between lines 429 and 430 Calton would insert: "Their fathers in their old iniquities.' conj. IV. 12. salve] Ed. 1. save Ed. 2. parenthesis by Dunster. God Newton. 21. Vain battery!] Put in a 74. Chersonese] Fenton (1727). 32. of whose] off whose Masson. 56. gads] Chersoness Ed. 1. 102. A victor people] A victor, people Ed. 1, corrected in Errata. A victor-people Masson. yoke!] Dunster. yoke? Ed. 1. 108. be] Ed. 1. he Ed. 2. 115. or] and Keightley conj. Atlantic stone] Atlantick, stor'd Mitford conj. 137. By] But 1713. 157. the difficult the difficult Jortin and Sympson conj. 164. For...please] Put in a parenthesis by Dunster. Tickell continued the parenthesis to trifle. 179-181. accurst, now...blasphemous?] Ed. 1. accursed? now...blasphemous; Keightley. 182. given!] Masson. giv'n? Fenton. giv'n, Ed. 1. given,- Keightley. 190. God,] Ed. 1. God? Dunster. God- Masson. 201. Earth] earth, Todd. 208. nought] Todd. naught Ed. 1. 217. wast] Tickell. was Ed. I. 224. comprehend:] 1705. comprehend, Ed. 1. 230. mean'st;] Tickell. mean'st, Ed. 1. 238. Egean] Ægian 1713. 244. olive grove] Hyphened by Keightley. 283. These] Their Calton conj. things, or...not; Ed. 1. 303. Equal] Equals Newton. 279. Surnamed] Sirnam'd Ed. 1. 286-7. things; or...not,] Keightley. 288. ought] Tickell. aught Ed. I. 325. seek?)] Tickell. seek) Ed. 1. 328-9. toys...worth] toys, And for choice matters, trifles worth Anon. conj. 336. harps in Babylon,] 337. victors'] Dunster. victor's Ed. 1. harps, in Babylon Dunster. Masson. Victors Ed. 1. 347-350. to all...from thee] In a parenthesis, Mitford conj. 350. Such...thee] Put in a parenthesis by Dunster. 351-2. Unless...lost] Transposed by Dunster to follow line 345. 353. those] though Calton conj. 410. thunder, and both ends 387. Attends] Ed. 1. Attend Dunster. of heaven; the clouds] thunder, and both ends of Heav'n, the clouds Ed. 1. thunder, and both ends of Heav'n the Clouds 1688. thunder; at both ends of Heav'n the clouds Sympson conj. thunder, and both Ends of Heav'n: the clouds Meadowcourt conj. beheld Newton conj. Dunster. times Ed. 1. 435. behold] 443. they all were spent] Put in a parenthesis by 452. wrack] Newton. quotes an anonymous alteration in a copy in the British Museum: Did I not tell thee, soon thou shalt have cause To wish thou never hadst rejected thus The perfect season offered, with my aid To win thy destin'd seat, prolonging still All to the push of Fate? pursue thy way, &c. 470. fate,] Fate? Tickell. fate?... Keightley. 472. For...told] Put in a parenthesis by Tickell. told?] Dunster. told, Ed. 1. 475. means:] 497-8. thou...vain] Put in a parenthesis by Tickell. 510. whither] means? Masson. 502. have] had Dunster. heard] heard, Keightley. Ed. I. whether Ed. 2. 511. Flock'd] Flock Newton. 512. Though ...baptized] Put in a parenthesis by Dunster. 537. again] agen Ed. 1. 554-5. best. Now] best, Now Ed. 1. best To Meadowcourt conj. 558. uplift] Fenton. up lift Ed. 1. in a parenthesis by Dunster. 578. Joyless...success] Put 585. blithe] lithe Sympson conj. Divine, Ambrosial, Fruits Ed. 1. 592. hunger had] Ed. 1. hunger, 596. Father, whether] Tickell. Father whether Ed. 1. 615. re-install;] Keightley. re-install. 588-9. divine Ambrosial fruits,] Dunster. 608. hast] hath 1688. Ed. I. re-install, Tickell. re-instal 1705. 622. yet...wound] Put in a 622-3. wound, By] Tickell. wound By parenthesis by Dunster. Ed. I. SAMSON AGONISTES. 1. Samson, [Attendant leading him.] Todd. 1695. 9-11. amends, The breath...born;] amends. The breath...born, 28. and] as Sympson conj. Keightley conj. 2. further] farther 41. Eyeless...mill] 45. default,] Ed. 1. 54. wisdom?] Tickell. wisdom, Ed. 1. default! Keightley. default? Masson. 46. myself?] my self; Tickell. 51. tears.] tears? Tickell. |